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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Percy  Pio 6017 S.E. 86th Ave Portland, Ore nier Equipment Auction is First Of Its Kind In History A Pulp Mill Goes On Auction Woman, Mrs. is dead and tier! 82, is ill critical' General Has- of a traffic of Eldon Tuesday internal injur- the State tilts said Wed- Condition was time he was taken to the died during the THE driver and In a ve- in an ac- by Sharon Miss Bur- southbound on State Patrol Was pass- pulled out Was ahead of Of the Col- bumper with of the Bur- Llins ear were ent on the East The Burehett turn, but re- a total loss. ear was was in- Troopers PL Furseth, Sheriff D. Wally two house trail- a two-vehicle f Shelton on suffer: m combined and son of the ears suffered as a car by Warren passing a by Val- Both ve- nd. The rear at the right Which went right side 29. suffer- and their cut lip. car was se trailer $200 Lee station the trailer WAS investi- Robert Deputy Tacoma, ra s cut at Shel- and released accident a'y, Kamilche, Her car sut- The car went iles south A Batch Ofotors Press Drive On Pulp Machine Anyone Need A Turbine? minor ill- on the Matlock • Sunday. [liam j. Me- Robert Cle- ad on while What is going to happen in Shel- ton next week has never happened anywhere in the world before. Fro" the first time in history, an entire pulp mill will be offered for sale at public auction when Ray- artier Incorporated puts up for bids the $20 million wm'th of mmdry equipment in its inoperative Shel- ton production plant. For three days running---Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday of next week--affd longer if neces- sary, hundreds of bidders from all parts of America. Canada and some from South America, Africa and Europe will flock into Shel- ton to make offers m this prece- dent-setting auction. The Milton J. ,Verslmw Com- pany, one at the world's foremost auction firms, will conduct the epochal event. Six auctlbneers, working alternately, will conduct the sale of over 3.000 lots. There Woman Is Killed In Accident Near Eldon Tues. Niclt " 77th YEAR--NO. 36 Ent,,.,,a as second class matter at the post office ,,t Shelton Washington 10 Cents per COpY under Act of March 8, 2879. Published weekly at 227 West tota. Thursday, September 5, 1963 -. Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washingtm 16 Pages  2 Sections Coroner's Jury Hears Evidence in Death Of Woman may be as many as .i00 itenls in some of the lots. THE FIRST DAY'S suction ac- tivity will start in the dock waro- h0tse area, the second day's in the boiler house, power plant and finishing room: One third day's in the liquor and acid plants, accord- ing to the tentative advance schedule. "Whether this slate can be carried out is a guess because of the considerable amount of moving around necessary in the more than a mile of walking en- tailed. Preparations for the auction have been under way since July 1 under the direction of Roy Frye and a crew of ten men catalog- ing and tagging the thousands of items, The Wershow company has offi- ces in Portland, Oakland and Lo. Timpani Family Welcomed To Area Angeles. Rayonier has maintained the Shelton plant on a standby basis ever Since it was shut down in August, 1957. Early this year the w00.,City Plans Improvemeni o, directors decided, after hearing evidence here Wednesday J unsuccessful efforts to find a buy- afternoo, n in the shooting incident] er for the plant in its entirety, to which took the life of Mrs. Evelyn dispose of it piece-by-piece on the Fruichantie, 41, Lost Lake, Aug. 6. auction block. Work On Three Streets MUCH OF THE mill's equip- The jury panel, called by Car- ment has already been shipped to 0nor Byron McClanaban. had heard three witnesses at Journal other Rayonier plants in the past THE TIMPANI FAMILY. This is the Ernest Timpani family, who moved into Dr. B. N, Coll- ier's house on Walker Point last week. Left to Among the newest newcomers in Mason County is the EYnest C. Timpani family, who movcd into Dr. B. . Collier's house near "WaN ker Park last week Tinlpani is superintendent of the new Washington Corrections Cen- ter here, and is now working in the Olympia office of tbe State Department of Institutions where he is in charge of coordinating plans for its opening. He said it is hoped the Corrections Center can be opened Oct. 1, 1964. He and his wife. Betty, and their c,t$'ht children come herS. froln Monroe, where lie was SUp- erintendent of the State Ref0rnla- tory until his appointment to head the new institution here last June. Natives of Michigan. botil Mr. and Mrs. Tinlpani said they like it in the Shelton area very mucll and are looking forward to meet- ing the people of the comnmnity. Seven of the eight children will right are Marilyn, 6; Mary JoAnn, 13; Mrs. Tim- pani holding Joe, six months; Tim, 7; Mike. 11; John, 5; Pat, 8 Timpani and Mark, 10. be attending school here. Mary JoAnn. 13. will attend Shelton Jun- ior High; Mike. 11: Mark 10; Pat, S; Tim. 7; and Marilyn, 6. will at- tend Southside School. and John. 5. will attend kindergarten in Shel- ton. Timpani said he is working out of tile Olympia office now. but, is at the site of the corrections center several tilnesa week alld will be working there more fre- quently as construction progresses. on the Salmon By The Thousands Returning To Hatchery By DENNY HINTON Fish, Fish, Fish. Just thousands of fish--and salmon at that. That was the picture in a nut shell last week at the Washington State Fisherie Hood Canal Hatch- ery at Hoodsport during the peak of a record lmmpback salmon re- hll to that station, - 1 the the c]eek pond became overloaded than a,000 pinks (hunlpies) "n I " " ' ' • hatchery holding area. at that time. ] The humpies make their trek " " d • Another two to three thousan back to the creek biannually on could still show" he said. the odd numbered years to spawn. "ALL OF TIIESE have to be]The fiyst Hood Canal "hartellcry am,Led by hand," Schwab said creatcu run" came back to Hood welrYs:OragO:;l d lfeasolthl, l;s sCt,laotnU;p95:d.two yeal aiter the Rudy Schwab, Hood Canal Hat- Passenger m chery supm:risor, estimated r last Page 2 Thursday that there we'e more [$ Open chery assistants had just sorted and transferred 1,000 fish from the hatchcry's Fch Creek holding pond to anothcr dirt holding pond bctwecn the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon. He and his crew expected to transfer another 1,000 before 3:30 p.m. that afternoon. It was the first day the cre,, had been forced to transfer some of the fish after THE TRANSFERRING rate for hunlpies as well as other species of salnlon is about three females to one male. In relation with this fignre about 400 males were killed by the hatchery men Thursday morning to maintain the ratio. The killed fish which were still good to eat are to be given to the De- partment of Public Assistance and (Continued on page 7) press time Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. ruitchantie was picking peas in the garden of the family home when she was killed by a 22 calibre bullet. AT THE TIME of the incident. the sheriff's ofce said tim bullet came from a gun fired by a 17- year-old neighbor girl Joe Fruiehantie. husband of the victim, testified he was working at putting shakes on a barn roof behind the house when he heard three shots and shortly thereafter his daughter, Mona, 15, called to hill from the house that lier mo- tir...tal been shot .... I&te.{titied tbat the "neighbors across the road from; theii? home are the Robert Smi}h fanflly and that on other occasions the Smith family had fired a gun around tbeir t the Smith) home and on one occasion had shot at the Fruichan- tie dog when he had gotten on the Snlith property. Fruichantie said he had had no trouble with the Smith family dur- ing the time they had been neigh- bors. Mona Fruichantie. 15, testified that she had been in her bedroom in the family home when she heard the.shots and had looked out and saw her mother in the garden. When she first saw her motiler, she said, she was still standing. SItEKIFF D. S. (Sam) Clark testified he had been called to tlm Fruiehantie home and had investi- gated the incident. He testified that the mew of the Fruichantie (Continued on t)agc 6) Boat Accident Injures Youth A 17-year-old Seattle youth, Forrest Batchelder, suffered a broken nose, broken jaw and head cuts as tile result of a boating ac- cident at Alderbrook Inn Saturday. The accident occurcd about 7:30 p.m. as Batchclder was operating a dingy being towed hy a rubber raft operated hy Eric Huntoo, 15. Edmonds. The dingy was struck by a 16-foot boat with 50 to 60 horse- power motor , being operated by Thonlas Shafer, 14, SeaLtle. The Stale Patrol said the Sha.. fer boat had its lights on in the dusk while the other two cratt were not lighted. Tile accident was investigated by State Trooper San Sushak. new teachers greeted the Students in when they returned to classes Tuesday. row are Mrs. Marion Ulmcr, junior high; S, Evergreen kindergarten; Ruth Koenig, yet, Bordeaux; Annalisa Lundsford, Mt, • Hughes, Bordeaux; in. the back row, 'gPeen; Byron Deffingbaugh, Bordeaux, and Not pictured is Tom Aaron who will in the high chool. Supt. of Schools R. W. tentative enrollment is about 100 higher ,440 in elementary and kindergarten; 735 in 0 Iligl and a5 at Rodgcra 8ohool. Loca| Youth Embarks on Europe Tour I Turn green in envy you will as You read on, but. draft stop now. Listen, instead, to the realization of a boy's dream. For the past year Rawlin Mc- Inelly, 20-year-old son of Mr. and h.h's. L. L. McInelly; has planned, Iworked and saved for a trip to Europe on which he and lwo Taco- ma friends embarked last Sunday. In a car which they arc driving to New York for another friend, the three youths left frmu Tacoma all their re'ass-country motor t, tp timed io catch a Sept. 12 sailing on a Norwegian liner which will disembark them in asia, Norway, about a week later. With their Eu]'orail travel tick- ets they titan will be entitled to use first class passage, if they wish, on any mode of transporta- tion in 13 Elll'Ol)ean countries. TIt11;Y PROBABLY won't nse first class too frequently, however, for, like their s'tcerage accommo- dations on the trmls-Allantic trip, they plan to use less expensive bieyeh,s and rented cars and sleep- ing bags whenever possible as tim.v pursue an unprepared, mseimdulea follow-their-whinls eourse about the continent. lqearcL apl)'oauh Loa chedulo they have is that thev want l:olmore tllal,, a year' ago. The three spend tile winter ...... ,, ,z ...... I • • ,.- ,,, ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,'v: u, I |)0ys have earned tile funds for a.uibition is to .a.. . . .. I uu u[lp ellblrel Oy t.nulnscl-es, ing even if it' )}( soule w.ater-sl-ihav e received 11o financial help ' " t )Ve8 a DI[ COStly lla " ill The three -(r ' " '," Iv" "tevcr frmu thclr fain us. Ev- comp'ul;ons a*teU'l; ,.lnen ,a\\;v,il: s/e:n to tlle expensive camel'a Raw- and James [:,ibeeL'91: t C],li!d ' s2,t lin purchased frora Ziegler's Cam- ) pl ae one way tick--- 2 " " -:. era Shop to keep a pictorial rec- mune oecause they didn't wish to I" Ttli)ni;''lt.eel'£;'t friend' be ( onflned tO • : .:' " t'ic three-month] ' = "  ' " " peri(m ]n which ret|irn-lrip tra,ls-I portaUon may be used. Thcy just don't know When they'll he back, six month *:/  T--I-;"I I. M.'  .,car,i! hmger. • " gVEN go to school in Munieii, Germany, if things work out right. And they may not come hack together. If one decides to stay longe!, than the .others that's how it Will go, so logely are tlmir plans drawn. They'll visit many friends, some rehttives. Rawlin has the addres- ses of ]llUllerous Sheltonians now serving in the American military forces in Europe, and other addres- ses of Shelton civilians and a few Of his oql relatives in various pl'ces throughout the continent and the British Isles. Tle trip had its origination when ] y Ra)'Iin and .Tim were roommates II,AVLIN McINEIII{ a ubunplc Cullc . " ,, • " ,go al .ircmta'un lie% Lo To (iad-almat Tbe Shclton City Commission approved plans for street improve- merit work on Pioneer Way, Fair- nlount Street and B Street and N. 13th Street when they nlet Tuesday. City Engineer Pat Byrne pre- scnted plans for the street work and asked tile conunission to ap- prove a request to the state to use part of the city's ',c gas tax nloney for the work. All of the streets are designated arterials in the city's street program, and, therefore eligible fl)r the funds. INCLUDIEID IS Pioneer Way from Univei:sity to Wyandotte Av- enues; Fairmont from Highway 101 to Puget Street, and B St, reeL to N. 13th Street and No. 13th SLreet from B to E Streets. Estimated costs of the projects are Fairmont, $9,700; Poneer Way, $14,000 and B and 13th Streets. $8.300. Under the state law for use of the /c gas tax money, the city pays 25 per cent of the cost and 75 per cent comes from the gas t ;LX 111Oll e y. The stste has to approve the projects where they are not up to a r tcrial street specifications, Byrne said. He said the city does not have enough gas tax money available for thework if the pro- jects were built to the state specif- ications. THE PRO0SED projects will take up mofitof the /c gas tax money the City has. available, Bynle sd. He said hewmfld like to adver- tize for bids for the work within six years and there is still a con- siderable amount of the chipper and the acid plant equipment de,- tined to go to Port Angeles, Ho- quiam and the southeastern mills at Jesup and Fernandin, aecoro- ing to Ed 'M:cGiII, Rayonier's chief remaining official in the produc- tion plant. NOTHYNG IN Rayonier's Olym- pic Research division in involved the next two weeks if possible, so I in the auction. the work can get underway, t Although the bulk of the equip- Also approyedby the comnl]s- ment is lleavy machinm-v and si0n was a Local Improvement Dis- ] equipment designed only for pulp trict for S0Uth::,Sixtt Street fr0mlmanufacturing, there are many GrandvieW' o :Seiittle and Seat t!e t things ,ttraetive to individual bid- from South-Seventh to .100 feetj ders such as tools lair, electric East of:South Sixth ..... . . and hand), metal lockers, fire ex- form, e iu t- tinguishers xirc nd cable, con- derThisithe;rstLIDa city 0i:dinahie pas e- 'du{t, f]ourescent lights and many • other srnsll items. cently setting a guaranteed assess- ment rate for street LIDs. SHERIFF'S Ol'I(E ARRESTS Booked at the-Mason County Sheriff's office during the past week were Glenn R. Bobb. Oak- ville, drunk in public; Delbert L Rcdd, Bremerton, no operator's li- cense and negligent driving; Lee Crawford, Breanerten, drunk in public; Floyd Baughman. Bremer- ton, driving while intoxicated. The Wershow Company has distributed all over the world 25,- 000 copies of a 16-page pamphlet listing the thousands of articles to be sold, ranging from the Four- drinier pulp maehine costing $780,- 000 to instarll (its replacement van ue today is over $1 millionS, to such evmy-day articles as ham- mers. wrenches and chisels. All will be sold to the "bet and highest'.' bidders at "absolute" (Continued on Page 2 Corrections Center Power or Anyth=ng CENTRAL POWER CENTER--One of nine cen- are five power centers located above ground and: tral power centers at the Washington Corrections four underground on the project. This centrat pow- Center is pictured in this Journal photo. From left er center, located near the coal bunker and steam to right is shown the primary switch, transform- heating plant, has the largest emergency power er,with radiators, normal power panel and the generator. important emergency power diesel generator. There By DENNY HINTON No matter ]mw many pecau- Lions architects, desigmers and buihlers arc taking at the Wash- ington Corrections Center near Shelton, there alw:ws seem to be more extra emergency measures to back them upand insure max- imum security at every turn, A first rate example of this is the electrical e'stenl to be utilized on the project. Most of the elec- tric work is mder contract to the Fectric !Construction Company, Taeoma. TIIE]I{E ARE NINE eentral power Centers on the site, four un- derground and five above ground. The five top-side ccnters will be inclosed in :ain link fences while the underground cenlers are "tam- per-proof", according to Bob Her- When and if voltage dips to 94 per cent in case of an emergency, a transfer switch will discontinue the normal source o power, tart the engine and contact the emerg- ency generator. The instant: the engine is up t0 speed it will prO, vide the needed pocr, Harrison said. ItILE STILL on the subject of utiiities, I visited the site of the third and final well drilling witll John Sells, chief inspector of the project. : All three wells are located out, ide the planned security fences just as tle steam power plant, water tower alld warehouse on the "THERE WILL BE a tilne lapse northwest corner of the project: of less than a mim]tc before tlie ContraCtor is the L. R. Gaudio emergency enerator takes over" "Well Drilling Company, Tacoma. ,al:rison saii : J AS we arrived at the. site, work:. ...... ' ---ss +"-'- v,'" '-" e- linen wine getting ready to "spud -" v *- - I " " -' -=*i 1 l n or (llg t 1 lnldal hole for well OtlgI1 pc 1, er to co itrm essent a ]. a .... " .: equipment mid provide sufficient/°: o: .w01;l2ml } hoped• to l ut } ';h*'-"  Ill ,"'i.,i- '-^' ,"t;-" l-e / .vater 13earlut stra.l:a al; a. cleplll said, / O[ ,U IeeL a,n(I conlanue t'lov, rll tO a,bout 45 feet, Sells said. A 16- "Upon the restoration of normal inch casing is to be driven. power, the emergency ellgine will "It is hoped t!la:t from previous automatically shut off and trans- tests made in this area that tbe- fer back to the normal power well will produce approximatel rison. Electric Construction super- sara're/' tlie superintendent com- intendent. I merited. Remember the power failure I Harrison said ttie emergency cn- problems during tbe big wind lgines could run as long as fuel storm of last October? An emer, lcan bc plovided for them. gcncy power diesel generator on Everything ¢ouid Colitinue to op- each of the central power centers crate normally with some ran.tail- will take care of such emergencies ]ments, except the kitchen facilit, as well as many other power fail- 1 ies under emergency power, he 300 gallons per minute", Sells ,said, Hc explained that the other two wells, both with 12,incll casins produce about 306 ;allons per mtR, ute between them. " Tlie approximately 600 gNion per, minute water output from the tlwee wells will supply el! the was Let needed for tle projeet the clzief ilhspetor id,