September 5, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 5, 1963 |
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PACE 2 gIIELTON MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Ohristmastown, U.KA.", ghelton, Washington Thursday,
Itigh LoW Preeip.
Aug. 2g ............. 80 53 -
Aug. 29 ........... 87 49
Aug. 30 ............ 70 56
Aug. 31 ............... 67 57 --
Sept. .......... 70 58 .05
Sept 2 ............. 77 56
Sept 3 ........... 86 50 --
Ra yonier Inc.
Economy is half tile battle of
life: it is not so tlard to earn mo-
ey, as to spend it well.
-Charles H. Spurgeon
Silhouettes of your children
done photographically by Dean...
Sept. 12 - 13 - 14. Watch next
Journal for details. (pd. =dv.)
Menus for Shelton Elementary
Schools and Shelton Senior
High School:
Week: Sept. 9 - 13
Monday Spaghetti with meat,
sugar peas. hot buttered French
bread, applesauce, milk.
Tuesday--Chili con carne, car-
rot and celery sticks, peanut
butter' sandwiches or bread and
butter, fruit cobbler, milk.
Wednesday -- Creamed turkey
or mashed potatoes, whole ker-
nel corn, bread and butter, fruit,
Thursday Spanish noodles
with sausage, tossed green sal-
ad, hot buttered biscuits, fruit
and milk.
Friday -- Clam chowder, veg-
etable wedges, cheese sandwich-
es or bread and butter, hot cin-
(Continued rronl pa'e 1)
his ear, Owen Carter', Olympia,
both suffered cuts and bruises on
their foreheads. Damage to the
lVIcGivern vehicle was $150 and to
the Clements vehicle $750.
A California woman was charg-
ed with negligent driving as the
result of an accident between Al-
lyn and Belfair Friday.
Mrs. Amy West. Lament, Calif.
was traveling northwest on High-
way 14A when she crossed th(
comer line of the road, the left
front end of her car hitting the
left rear of a vehicle driven by
Benny .Rusten, Seattle. Damage to
the vehlclee; was about $150 each.
the State PMr,fl aid.
MRS. WEST was charged with
negliBent drivt-.g a.s tb,. result o*
the accident. She forfeited hail in
Mason County Justice Court. Her
husband was charged with being
drunk in public and o's.3 forteite(
bail, with the total for both $120.
The dr'iver of a pickup, appar-
ently stolen, which left the road
at thK ifftgrSectfon of ttYe Cole
Road and the Cooke Plant Farm
Road was not found by officers
qnvestigating the accident.
The State Patrol Said the vehi-
cle apparently came oil the Cooke
Plant Farm Pmad onto the Cole
Road without stopping and in ex-
cess of safe speed, went across
Cole Road and into the ditch. Dam-
age t0 the vehicle was between
The driver probably suffered a
head injury, the State Patrol aid,
but, was not located.
The vehicle belong( to James
Bariekman, Shelton.
The accidents on the Project
15 Road, Highway i4A and the
Cole Road were all investigated
by State Trooper Start Sushak.
FLYING SAUCER--Bill Russell of Route 1. is
shown piloting his "Bartlette's Flying Saucer" af-
ter its initial launching last Thursday in Island
Lake. Powered by a 3HP lawn mower engine, the
craft moves along water or land hovering about
Guy F. Kneeland
Funeral Friday
Death, claimed Guy Franklin
Kneeland, 78, Tuesday at Shelton
Manor Nursing Home. He was
born Mtrch & 1885 in Shelton and
lived here all his life,
Funeral services will be held
Friday at 11 a.m. in Batstone
Funeral Home, Interment-will be
in Shelton Memorial Park.
Survivors include his wife, Ed-
na, Lilliwaup; two daughters, Mrs.
Helen K. Hanson, Shelton anti
Mrs. Carol K. Pierce, Portland; one
brother, Roy Kneeland, Tacoma;
five grandchildren and 1 great
namon rolls and milk. This rider and his horse in the grandchild,
Supplement your child's diet horse show at the fair take a
with Plenamins from sharp turn around one of the Rip All
barrels in the barrel race which en Passes
Prepp's Rexall was ,art 0f the show
- ---=-- In Vancouver
.R. phone 426-4642 ,, .-----,..-- --
133 • use Wahl AdS Robert A. (Rip) Allen passed
away on Tuesday of last week in
Vancouver, Wn. He was a veteran
of World War II and had been a
resident of Ma,,on -, County all his
-life. He was born July 1, 1906.
Funeral services were conducted
by Batstone Funeral Home on Sat-
urday, August 31. at 10 a.m. Iri:
ferment was in Holy Crees= Cem-
etery. Rev. lVtark Wiechmann offi-
Survivors include a brother
Phillip Allen, Seattle: four sis-
ters. Catherine Kafferlin, Ellens-
burg; Margaret Biery, Lakewood
Calif.: Bernice Slater, San Jose,
Calif.: and Dorothy Cardinal, Shel-
There is no gain so certain as
that which arises from sparing
what you have. --Publius Syrus
our representative
looks like this . ..
Give him
a Call before
you buy any
other insurance
LES JOSLIN -- 426-6373
of the Shelton Mason County
Journal are one big happy "sur-
prise party" for those looking to
buy, sell, trade, rent or whatev-
er. You'll be amazed and de-
lighted at how often you'll find
exactly what you're seeking...
in anything from a new home to
a new job! A classified ad of
your own, too, will often work very small cost.
For surprising RESULTS . . .
read and use the classified ad
columns in the
14 inches above the surface on a cushion of pro-
pellet generated air trapped by the plastic skirt.
The "flying machine" will operate with a 200 pound
load and is designed for 15 to 20 mph speed. Rus-
sell built the saucer from magazine plans.
Good Weekend Weather Brings
Visitors To Lake Nahwatzd Homes
by Joann Tupper I Spending Saturday and Sunday
LAKE NAHWATZEL -- With with Mr. and Mrs. Roe Franklin
fishing season closed at Lake Nah-, was Mr. Franklin's brother ana
watzel as of last Monday and hunt- family, M'r. and Mrs. Harley
ing season soon here. Rainey Lap- Franklin of Spanaway. Sunday
son of Hoquiam caught a nice 17 they all enjoyed visiting with Mr.
inch trout which will interest all and Mrs. Ernest Zimmerman and
children, coming from Tacoma anct
Mr. and Mrs. John Patten ana
children of the Lake.
and sons of Bremerton visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit
last Sunday.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Hickson last Sunday was Mr. Hick-
son's aunt and uncle, Mr. an(i
Mrs. Bill Kirk of Hoodsport.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence motored
to Issaquah to the home of Mrs.
Hansen's sister and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Papworth.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Barbour last Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Sellers of Bra-
dy. Monday the Barbours were
visited by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Rothrock and children of Elma.
The Barbours have now moved to
the Lake. They have sold their
house Ln Shelton, and will live
here permanently. We wish to
welcome them to the Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuck o."
Shelton have purchased property
on the Lake. They are busy clear-
fishermen that fishing will be even ing the lot getting ready to build
a summer home. Mr. Stuck is era-
better next season.
The long Labor Day week-end ployed at the Shelton-Mason Coun-
started out a little cloudy, but ty Journal, and Mrs. Stuck works
at Simpson Olympic Plywood
cleared up to a beautiful day on Plant.
Monday and it brought out friends THE LAKE NAIIWATZEL Vol-
and relatives to residences arouna untecr Fire Department is having
the Lake. their annual meeting next Sunday,
Weekend guests at the home ot September 8th at Tuppers Resort.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford were if weather is permissible, if it is
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Reed. Steve raining, the meeting will be held at
Crape, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Booth Matlock Hall. All members are
and sons, all of Seattle and Mr. urged to attend.
and Mrs. Dale Taylor of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. WML Chappell at Dayton.
Sunday evening the Kelleys were
visited by Mr, Albert Kuhnle and
Mrs. MeCullum of Seattle.
Mrs. Frank Cooper leaves aboard
Pan-American Airlines for Europe
on Oct. 2. She was presented with
a "bonvoyage" gift from her fel-
low employees at Penneys in Shel-
Mrs. Cooper was dinner guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. B.
McClanahan of Shelton last Sun-
day. Wednesday she visited with
Mrs. Dale McClanahan. Shelton.
Overnight guests of Eddie Daw-
son last Saturday were Steve Arts-
try and lV£ike Byrd, both of Shel-
Last Thursday evening Mr. and
Mrs, Dick Tupper and daughter,
Susan visited at the summer home
on the Lake of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Snell. Aberdeen. Also visiting with
the Snells were Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Ferris and 'sons of Aberdeen.
Attending the wedding reception
of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hall at
Dayton Hall on Saturday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Art Palmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle, Mr. an(i
Mrs. Lee Dawson and daughter,
Mrs. Leroy Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Tupper and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Tup-
per. Mr. Hall is the son of Mr.
and iV£rs. William Hall of Kamil-
ce Point.
To Late To Glassily
WANTED -- Registered Nurse and
Licensed Practical Nurse fat- 3-11
shift and relief in large nursing
borne. Attractive wages, living quar-
ters available if necessary, Route 1.
Box 69. Sumner. Wash.. phone
UNiversity 3-4371. K 9/5-26
1960 GREAT- '-LAKEobile - home-[
10'x50', 2 bedrooms. Will trade eq-
uity for boat, camper or $750 cash.
Phone 426-8433 or Union 898-2388
after 6 P.m. T 9/5-19
5--ACRES ON--HIGHWAY-7-----Stx - mile.-s
out. Two oversized bedrooms, extra
large living,room wilh nice Axmin-
ster rug. Immaculate kitchen and
dining area. Sale includes: gas-wood
range, Butane tank, washer and dry-
er. Separate small guest house. Three
acres in trimmed Christmas Trees:
incorlle (tan pay your taxes insur-
ance. An excellent buy for enly
$6,250. Will consider terms with mi-
nimum $1,000 down. Call Jolm Dev-
creux 426-46B6. LsBissoniere Agency
]19 S. 4th. Shlton Wash. 9/5
room home. large living, dining and
kitchen area. Electric heat. Almost
one acre. terms. 426-8742. W 9/5 tfn
FO]=--SALE- -- 1958 Pontiac Station
Wagon. Automatic tansm|ssioh. A-1
condition, sf,000. Call after 6 p.m.
426-6088. :B 9/5-12
Property Owners
Allowed To Join
Permit Suit
A group of property owners were
granted the right to present testi-
mony in court action over a build-
ing permit which was denied :y
the Mason County Commission.
Judge Raymond Clifford in Super-
ior Coltrt l'i'iday gcanted a -no,.,on
for intervention by Glenn Correa.
attorney tot tle group.
W. A. Norris. Shelton. is seek-
ing a writ of mandate to force the
coimty commission to reverse its
decision not to Rrant him a build-
ing permit to construct a building
l(w stor:ge and sale of used auto
parls at the intersection of High-
way 101 and Mill Creek Road.
IN ltIS ACYIGN, Norris claims
the COtl?Ly COllllnissiol has no
power llndel' its buildii]g permit
ordinance [o deny him the pemnit.
Jolin Ragan. attorney for Nor-
ris. opposed the granting of the
motion to intervene in court Fri-
day. Raaan said that the q'de,:t on
was whethel' or no[ tile COtUlty
commi:siolers had acted icgally
in refusing tile permit and that
the objections of the adjoining
propert;y owners did not have a
bearing on the ssue.
Correa, speak' in favor of his
motion, said the property owners
had the rig'bt to intervene as they
will be affected by the ruling of
the court. In of'der for th'e court
to {rove all the facts in the ease.
the testimony of the property
owners should be allowed, Correa
told the court.
JI]I)GE CLIFFORD, in grant-
ins the motT0n Said that it Would
be up to tim cour to determine
not only if the commission action
was legal, but, also if itwas a{'bi-
trary and capricious and that to
do that, the court would need all
the information on the issue.
He instructed attorneys to stip-
ulate as much information as pos-
sible and to eondenee witness' tes-
timony as much as possible to
reduce the amount of time nceded
to hear" the case.
public auctm,
each day.
to judge, Wet
ficials were re
estimate of the
they expect
ere parking
area and a 11
facilities frmn
seems certain
as serious
simply from
A c, aterirtg
contracted to
crowd with
mohil kitcten.
,il h'ouettes
done photO.(
Sept. 12 -
Journal for
"SPUDDING IN" for the third
well at the Washington Correc-
tions Center near Shelton last
week were John Armstrong
(l'eft) and Jack Harrison of the
L. R, Gaudio Well Drilling Com-
pany, Tacoma. It is hoped that
this well with a 16-inch casing
will produce 300-gallon-per-min-
Are yo
What's Doing
' ' h3
Among Our do00ri00 r'9 to _
............................. : ] phon
__ --- --_.
infantry training at Fort Polk, La. QUALITY USED
Sept, 27. D.uring the course Mc-
Auley is receiving instruction in '
escape and evasion and map, read-
ing in addition to working with
light and heavy infantry weapons.
The 18-year-old soldier entered
the Army in May of this year' and
completed basic training at Fort
Ord, Calif.
Richard P. Hanson, hospitalman
second class. USN, son of Otto R.
Hanson, Shelton. is serving aboard
the icebreaker USS Staten Island
which recently spent five days at
Kodiak, Alaska before beginning
a month's patrol to Point Barrow,
Gerald B. Thompson, stationed
aboard the USS St. Paul, home
ported at San Diego, Calif.. arrived
home Aug. 16 for a two-week leave
with his wife, the former Linda
Hickam. A son. Johnny Eugene,
was born to the couple Aug. 22.
Mrs. Thompson and the infant will
join her husband in San Diego
in October.
Chester A. Leeberg: quartermas-
third class, USN, son of Mr. ana
Mrs. Frank G. Leeberg of Shelton,
is serving aboard the destroyer es-
cort USS Charles Berry Which re-
cently visited Sacramento, Calif.
in honor of the opening of the new
"Sacramento Deep Water Chan-
This $55,000,000 channel makes
the California capital city acces-
sible to seagoing ships for the first
time in history and climaxes a 50-
year program to bring ocean-go-
ing ships to Sacramento.
€, * :
Leon K. Avery, fireman, USN,
son of Mr. and iVrs. Jerome Brke,
Shelton, recently reported for duty
at the Naval Air Station, Agana,
Guam, a key U.S. Navy facility in
the Far East.
Seventy per cent of American
youths complete high school these
days. Half of them go to college,
and most graduate. No other na-
tion on earth has ever pursued
education so successfully.
'61 Sunbeam Alpine Roadster •
4 Speed Transmission :t'O' p
'59 Pontiac Star Chief 4 Door Hstr.o
Radio- Heater - Automatic - power 011
'58 Plymouth Custom 4 Door Wag.
Radio - Heater- Automatic- power Steer=n0
'56 Desoto 4 Door Sedan
Radio - Heater Automatic
'62 IH C-100 Ton Pickup
6 Cylinder - 3 Speed - Sharp
'62 Ford F-100 ½ Ton Pickup
6 Cylinder - 3 Speed - Long BoX
'60 Willys 3/ Ton Pickup
4 Wheel Drive - Worn Hubs
'52 IH - L-112 ½ Ton Pickup
3 Speed Heater
'52 Studebaker ½ Ton PickUp
'51 GMC ½ Ton Pickup - 4 speed s
'50 Studebaker 1 Ton Cab & Cha,-':
'47 Ford 3/4 Ton Pickup
'46 Chevrolet ½ Ton PickUP
healthy, happy, strong and alert with
Darigold Milk. They need at least 3 glasses
every day!