September 5, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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5, 1963 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3
Brand new, the model
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Easy load regular or
See it Now!
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1 mile off highway on Cole Road
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New Family Moves Into Home In
The Dayton Area Last Week
By Mabel Kid(I
DAYTON -- It is a pleasme to
welcome to our community Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Pearson and
three children from Tacoma who
have purchased the home former-
ly occupied by the John Young
Sheri Chappell celebrated her
ninth birthday Friday afternoon, her birthday was Sunday.
Guests enjoying games and re-
freshments were Pennie Lee
Moore, Penny Jo McQuilkin, Ca-
thy, Terry and Billy Hanna, Glen-
da Young, Patsy Chappell, Terry
Diggle. A cold drink was served
along with individual cakes baked
in ice cream cones. Each child
decorated his own cake complete
with candle.
Saturday evening Mrs. Imre Hor-
vath of Seattle entertained at a
surprise birthday party for her
husband in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce McQuilkin. Guests
were the McQuilkin family, Fred
Reives, Mr. and :Mrs. E. C. Fur-
ister, Laura Swett, Evelyn Far-
lcll, Rhoda Barnett and Roy. Lew-
is Wysong. This was the first
birthday party Imre had ever had
so he especially enjoyed it.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman
were pleasantly surprised on Mon-
day afternoon when Mr. and Mrs.
Rocky Kilborn and three month
old don, Lawrence of Milwaukie,
Ore., dropped in to visit. Aleta
Kilborn and June Chapman were
college roommates.
A RrECEPTION was held on
Saturday evening in Dayton Hall
for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Hall (Linda Hensel). Dale,
of Kamilche Point, is well known
in Dayton Community and his
bride is a resident of Shelton.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Blair Thompson of Montesano vis-
ited at *.he Walter Chappell home
bringin with them a birthday
cake for Sheri, to go along with
the birthday dinner. :Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Kelley of Matlock dropped
ir later to enjoy cake and cof-
Houseguests of :Mrs. F,ed Phil-
lips over Sunday and :Monday were
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lemietx and
children of Seattle. Monday after-
noon, Mrs. Phillips accompanied
the Lemieux family to their Ma-
,'on Lake sPmmer place where the
children had a good time swim-
:Mrs. 3. VV. Stoner took her
';isLer, Mrs. Mary Davis to Pauls-
bo Tuesday to slay with a bro-
ther, Earl King. Mrs. Davis had
spent a couple weeks with the
Sunday overnight guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Delmer Sehur were Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Schur and fam-
ily of Seattle.
M6nday visltprs in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Itarry Kidd were
Mrs. Mildred Lowe Cowan of Eu-
reka, Calif., a former Dayton res-
f.dent and her friend, Mrs. Flora
Bratton of Olympia, and Mr. and
D's. Roy Lamont of Shclton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. r. Rayson and
Dave visited Raymond Rayson at
MukilLeo during' a vacation trip
last week. Mrs. Rayson is now
spending a few da);s in Seattle
with Mr. and Mrs. IJawrence Bail-
/Wrs. Gertrude Scott aceompan-
led her son, Leon on a trip last
week to Quilcene Lo visit Mrs.
Johnny Gerdy and to Port Angeles
to see" rCr. and Mrs. George liar-
graves, a sister.
MRS. LULU OIEN of Monte-
sano x,,isited on Sunday with Mrs.
Fred Phillips.
The Bruce McQuilkin family, her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Furls-
ter of Shclton and :Mr. and Mrs.
Imre Horvath of Seattle enjoyed
Art Point Invitations
can help make your im-
portant event a wonderful
success! Invitations that will
add quality and social correctness
to your wedding.
Reasonably priced, too! $14.95 for
100 and up, double envelopes. Reception or At Home footnotes
on the wedding, no extra charge.
Virginia Courtenay's etiquette booklet "Now that you are
to be Married" contains many helpfifl suggestions and inti-
mate chit-chat on important social customs before aad aiier
file wedding. Each bride-to-be may have a copy; Call for yours.
..... . J
61r ,
a family picnic at Panhandle Lake
on Sunday.
Labor Day dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Dell Adams were Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children of
Chehalis and Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Adams and children of Tacoma.
The John Anderson family spent
Sunday night with :Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Chapin of Lilliwanp.
Sharon Moffatt. Shelton. stayed
overnight Sunday with Doris
Mrs. Larry Goldsby of ShclLon
was a Sunday caller m the Walter
Chappell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Chapman
and children visited Sunday with
his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. I.
C. Chapman and Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Chapman in the Isabella
Lake home of Mr. and Mrs, Ivyl
Chapman. Present also were Mr.
and :Mrs. Chester Chapman ot
Agate and Lee Chapman, She lion.
Mr. and Mrs Richard Roberts,
ShelLon, were Monday evening din-
r, er guests of his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Roberts.
Sunday overnight and Monday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Rumpff were Clarence Faulkner
and son of Shelton. Monday Mrs.
Charles Baird of Allyn and :Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Chapin. Lilliwaup
were visitors.
:Mrs. Rumpff was delighted on
Labor Day with a long distance
call from her sister. Mrs. Floyd
Reynolds of Roc]esLer, N.Y., who
called to wish her a happy birth-
O1Ul ItEARTFELT sympathies
are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
ald Needham and family in the
loss of her brother Robert Vylas-
ek of Havre. Mont., who passed
away Aug. 29 in the Great Falls
Hospital. His death was caused by
a swimming accident. He was a
veteran of World War II. having
served in the U.S. Marine Corps
from 1943 Lo 1946 in Saipan. Mar-
ianas Islands, Okinawa. Ryukyu
Island, Interment was in the CaN
vary Cemetery after a military
funeral Mr. Vylasek was well
known in the Shelton area and
around Harstine Island.
:Mrs. Gerald Needham and sis-
ters, Mrs. Elzy Clelland and Mrs.
C. A. Nelson attended the funeral
of their brother last week leav-
ing Thursday and returning Sun-
day. During Mrs. Needham's ab-
sence from the Dayton Peak Look-
out her daughter, Mrs. Norman
Bnnko who was visiting from Las
Vegas took over. Mrs. Bunko is
leaving today for her home.
Steve Needham arrayed home
Thursday afternoon after flying
by jet from Pelican. Alaska where
he had worked for five weeks on
a fishing boat.
The A. E. Lemkes had dinner
Monday evening in the Lake Nah-
watzel summer home of children
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ¥olden.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemkc dined
on Sunday evening in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Killough.
Sunday, Mason Lake was the
seene of a Tibbits family reunion
picnic. The family is fornerly from
Arkansas. It had been as" much
as 27 years since some members
bad seen each other. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. TibbTLs and
children. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tib-
bits and son, the Leonard Coch-
ran family, and Willis Tibbits fa-
mily of Lost Lake road, Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Marshall and Mr. and
Mrs. Lindsey TibbiLs of Eagle
Point, Ore., the J. C. Tibbits of
Chehalis, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Coots and children, Mr. and 3)irs.
Frank Tibbits and Mr. and Mrs.
Ennan Tibbits, Shelton. Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Tibbits and daughter
of Ehna, Mr. and Mrs. William
Carlson and son, Olympia. The
Kennct?l McBride family of Olym-
pia and Mr. and Mrs. RuDe Cuz-
irk of Lost Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Run Moore and
Run Jr., spent the weekend at
Elbow Lake near Yclm. Pennie
stayed the weekend with Mardclla
MI¢. AND MRS. JOE C. Brown
attended the wedding Saturday ev-
ening of his niece, Carmen Ehlers,
Olympia, Lo Karl Nukala of Los
Angeles at the St. Michaeis church
in OIympia.
The Pete Bloomfield family and
the Floyd Watters family enjoyed
a picnic aL Kamilche Point on
Labor Day.
Susan Bloomfield spent Friday
overnight With Sharon Watters.
The Brown children did real well
in winning prizes aL the fair this
year. Chuck won a blue ribbon for
rope halter and garden vegetables.
Beverelt received a blue on a
sewing entry and in clothing judg-
ing, Barbara. blues in canning and
sewing, and Joe Jr.. blue in gard-
ening and beef and championship
ribbons for gardening and live-
stock and a blue in garden judging.
Congratulations to these hard-
workiug boys and gir'ls.
The Robert Lemke family has
left their Lake Nahwatzel home
for Seattle home in order for the
children to return Lo school.
Among Vouri
Merchants i
Bernie Bailey, of Bernie's Bar-
)er Shop, Olympic Highway SoutlL
this week announced that he will
lake hair cutting appointments on
Wednesdays and Thursdays, effec-
tive Sept. 11. Appointment hours
are scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to
5:30 for both days.
Elaine Pctzold reopened Elainc's
Ieauty Salon last week on ler
return from the 32nd Merle Nor-
man international convention in
tle Hawaiian Islands.
The convention was headquar-
tered at Hilton Hawaiian Village.
From there Elaine toured Hawaii
and Kuaui, returning Lo Honolulu
for an additional 6 day.
More Than 200 Attend Labor Day Dance At Harstine Community Hail
By Donette Ghlser and Otto GoldschmidL. Guests o£ weekend. Grandma Dugdale had Dan and Pare and NIr. and Mrs.
HARSTINE The big Labor the Allisca]s were Mr. and Mrs.
Day dance sponsored by the Har-
stine Island Social Club. and held
at the Community Hall Saturday
night was a huge success. Over
200 persons attended.
This was the first Line m sev-
eral years that we had "Live"
music and the band, the Four
Sharps of Elma, were just won-
derful to dance to. Suppe,' was
served at midnight, and the dance
continued after the intermission.
George Waite. chairman of the
dance committee, on behalf of the
officers and members, wish to
offer their wholei]earLed apprecia-
tion to all those who donated food.
Special Thanks Lo :Mae Tierney,
Maxine WaKe. Helen Johnson,
Thora Seward, Hilton %Vingert for
so generously giving their time
and effort in preparing food and
helping out in so many ways to
organize and serve. A very special
"thanks" too. to Dot Smith. Flo-
rence Christensen and Helen Le-
mers. who pitched in and helped
in the kitchen.
The transistor radio was award-
ed to :Mrs. Bill Anderson of Ro-
chester, (she is Mrs. Ted Hesse's
sister). ...............
Title LARRY Jerrells had as
their gamsts this weekend Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Bingham and sons Dan
and Bill of Seattle.
Last Monday there was a yard
clean-up party at the school. The
WaRes. Meeks. Glasers and Ken
Deroschers worked on the yard
while our teacher. Mrs. Green,
checked school supplies and Mrs.
Mocks. our custodian this year,
attended to the cleaning of the
school room. Sunday Bud Glaser
and Sid Baunsgard tended to burn-
ing rubJish.
Then Saeger accompanied by
her younger brother Jan and sister
Lorna. attended the wedding Sat-
urday of their cousin Sharon Rob-
orison at our Saviors' Lutheran
church in Aberdeen. Their sister
and brother-in-law. Mr. arid Mrs.
Chuck Bridges and children of Ho-
quiam brought them home Sunday.
Then will return the end of the
month to the University of Wash-
ington where she is a senior. She
is majoring in political scAenee,
and also taking a course in Ped-
iatrics and preparation of a ca-
reer in Social "Work and plans
on taking the Peace Corps exam
this year. Also e are very proud
to Peport Then made the Dean's
list the spring quarter with a 3.5
grade average, Congratulations.
Then. from everyone on Harstine.
Just so no one would feel let
down after the big dance aL the
hall August 31 the Wihnont Rags-
dales and Charles Allisons spon-
sored s scavenger P, unt and Indian
clam bake at "The Maples" Sept.
1. Those atten4ing were from
Point Wilson and their gaests.
Prizes were won by Cindy WaKe
John Dunlap, Miss Pezmy Hump-
fry and Charles M. Allison. all of
GreL and Gordon Simmons have
had their two grandchildren Sil
and Suzie Arata of Portland vis-
iting them for the past two weeks.
Saturday they journeyed to Long
Beach where they met daughter
Dixie and son-in-law Sil and they
spent the day visiting and enjoy-
ing the lovely ocean beach. Son
Jim has returned to Spokane
where he teaches music and choir.
Recent guests of the Simmons
were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haskell.
who was Grets school clerk when
she taught at Garden City and Mr.
and Mrs. Johnny Peterson of Pic-
kering Passage. Grct also reports
that she and Gordon attended thb
"Old Timers" picnic at Brooklyn.
NAOMA AND JIM Lohrer had
house guests over the long" Labor
]Day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Sam*,nons and their three children
of Portland and :Mr. and Mrs. VErn
Engwall of Vancouver chartered
, boat in Seattle and enjoyed a
wonderful trip to Point Wilson
joining them were Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Binger of Olympia.
The Stan YaLEs have teir
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Freshour and Gary as their
gamsts this week.
Mr. Mike :Meeks is enjoying a
trip "back home" to California.
He is the guest of his eousins. Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Langland and
is also visiting his grandmother
and friends in the Los Angeles
Residents at the Southeast end
of HarsLine report that the Squa-
xin Island State Park looked just
like a city Satnrday night and
Sunday nfght as more than 50
large yachts and more than 30
outboards took advantage of the
State Saltwater Park. Harstine's
Garolds' Cove State Park had
more than 70 boats in over Sat-
urday and Sunday night and many
more came just for a day Mon-
day night there were still boats
tied up.
The Irvin \\;Vingerts and Tom
Tierneys visited the Jim Walkers
one day this week.
gert and Mr. and Mrs. Phil "tog-
ers spent Wednesday visiting the
Glen Harrimans at Vaughn. lso
Clair and daughter Ruth spent
Thursday visiting Mrs. Lillie Ow-
ens and Phyllis at their home on
the South end
Mrs. Robert Barnett and chil-
dren Philip, David and Nancy and
grandmother Mrs. Walton spent
several days visi1ing Dorothy's
brother Harry Vaid in Belling-
The Rolland Shews. Merrio Ma-
ketto. Carl Eschelmans, Marshall
Olsons. and the Brunks. all were
at their summer homes over the
her gTanddaughter and fzdendstJoc Glaser, Pal:, :Mar'jie and Ann
with her. The Eachelmans' daugh- I spent tte weekend with the H. A.
ter and her husband the recenLly
married Michael Hichcocks also
spent the holidays here.
his seventh birthday Friday. His
grandma Glaser made him a won-
dcrful birthday cake and his aunt
Francis brought him OnE too when
she came Friday from North Bend
Saturday his grandmother Oda and
Papa fr;)m Hoquiam arrived and
there was birthday all over again.
Lucky nmnber 7. Two parties.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Franich, Mr.
and Mrs. Lauren Simmons and
Glasers. All of the Glaser's child-
ren who live in Washington were
Don't forget the ferry is off run
the 5th Ltoday and tomorrow.
Foot traffic only. In case of emer-
gency call the Mason County
Sheriff's office and they will get
an emergency craft in the bay.
Harstine Island Womens club
meets today at 12:30 at the Jim
Lohrer home on Point Wilson.
Luncheon will be served by the
Try A Journal Want Ad
Fri., Sat.; Sun., Sept. 6-9
Starring Elvis Presley
Billy Rose's JUMBO
Doris Day, Stephen Boyde,
Jimmy Durante and
Martha Raye
Buck Night Every Night
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Paul Newman, Melvyn Dougaa
Natalie Wood, Ros Russel
That's the new Beltone Nova eyeglass hearing
aid. 23% lighter than any previous Beltone.
Ilearing is believing! Let your own ears tell
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and you can judge for yourself. Come to see
us at:
Friday, Sept. 6, :[963
Between 10 A.M. and 12 noon
Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist
Serving Mason County since 1950
106 E 4th Avenue, Olympia 357-3521
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