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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'1 Veterans Sept. 12 %Orld War I, Ma- and its Auxiliary first fall meeting in the Memorial tSions will begin at h time plans will the fall and winter two groups. There and refresl- by [he ladies following the 1 War I Veterans and Urged to atteud. •Takes Cruise Yacht Club, headed I Ray Hash, Itoods- at Gig Harbor for a Labor Day were Mr. Comm. and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Will- and Mrs. Bill nd Mrs. Leo Han- Kenneth Chap- Lloyd Good- McCuiston, Ulenn Whitcomb, and Margaret discovered rarity. "what e down," for us Sualty s new is taw: if your ord goes uum cost us for Ormation. Agency Angle Bldg. 426-8272 COMPANy .... I Seattle Recognizes HESSER-KIRK WEDDING VOWS $ o ¢ i a / E v e n t S Gelde.i}f LadiesAnmversaryAuxiliary SOLEMNIZED IN AUGUST RITE The Auxiliary's 50 years of ser- vice to \\;'(,tc:':m and lhoir families tli ,,as empha,dzed during lhc Gold- Hi0h S ! Sp on An'.iver;arv Nathmal Conven- Veh, r;ms of Voreig'n Wars Aug. 25- VERNON JOHNSON started his senior year Tuesday at Irene S. Reed high school. After graduation he is interested in at- tending Washington State College to study either Chemistry or cut for track and intramurals and plans to do so again this year. Vern has been employed at Wes- tern Parts and Machine this sum- mer and will continue working part time during the school year. Water skiing, eamping, hiking and flying have captured his sum- mer attention. Playing basketball is about his favorite pastime, next to drinking blackberry milkshakes. Vern's futm'e educational plans are utmertain, right now. He is considering Washington State Col- lege and would like to study phar- macy or chemistry. pharmacy. Moving into his senior year at Irene S. Reed high school is Ver- non Johnson, 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson. Vern is second to the oldest of his five brothers, who range in age from 9 to 19. Last year he was yell king on the school pep staff and found it an excellent way to get acquainted with students from other schools. • During his junior year, Vern was a member of honor society and in the junior class play. Since en- tering high school he has turned Son Of Matlock Couple Completes Basic Training With Marine Corps By Dora Hearing MATLOCK --- Gene Brehmeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Breh- meyer St. graduated from Marine Corps Base at San Diego, Calif, and went to Pendleton, Calif., for i further training. He hopes to be ' home on leave by October. The Matlock Ladies, Club held its meeting last week Wednesday with Mrs. I. C. Ford as hostess. Mrs. Watson Ross' birthday was celebrated. Mr. and Ivh's. Alfred Anderson and sons of Port Orchard were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bariekman of Kamilche. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Provo and their six children of Seattle spent the weekend with their folks. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson of Se- attle were weekeno guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. MILS. AUGUSTA Portmah. Carl Portman and Mr. and Mrs. El- LEOTRI¢ITY MET vin Hearing, and Mr. and Mrs. ER GAN'T MEASURE L D. Portrnan and Marie McKay picnicked at Sehaf(,r State Pari on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Trimble and Tile family of Simpson Salmon Hatch- True ery [{re enjoying relatives from Valu{ Kansas City, {o., the past week. Mrs. A. D. Hunter and Mrs. of Ed Provo and family called at the E1vin Hearing home Saturday. We are happy to report Mrs. Dave DeFoer is home again after spending a few days at the Clinic Hospital last week. Mr nnd Mrs. Duane Lovette en- jn:. ed friends from Vancouver over the weekend. They were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thordson and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier enjoyed Stinday dinner at the Ar- thur Sharp home in Olympia. They spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family spent Sunday at the Lud Rossmaier home Sunday eve- ning Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley called. MR. AND MRS. EDWARD Val- ley spent Sunday evening with the Rodger Spalding family and sun- day evening David and LeRoy Val- ley went to a teenage party m honor of Gerald Creamer at Scha- fer State Park. Gerald leaves this wek for the Air" Force. Mrs. J. D. Simpson of Brem- erton spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Singleton. Mr. William Mitchell and dough- The electric meter, as accurate and pre- cise as man can make, measures the amount of electricity you use each month. But even this accu- rat8 instrument can't measure the real val- ue of electricity--the family Ifleasure fi:Om TV, radio, record play- er . . . the work-sav- Ing electric washer & dryer . . . the kitchen clean-up team of elec- Lric dishwasher and waste disposal . . . the convenience of the [pod freezer and re- 30 in F, ealtlc. Amono lhe speakers were Mrs. Carl Marcy of the United States 7zfm'mation Agency. Lady Carew, vice mesident of the Ladies See- ,ion ot the British Legion and Commander Bess Bryant. USN. Nearly $30.000 in Cancer grants for re:-enrch was given during con- vcnti(m sessions. Recipients of $1000fi grants were the Tumor Intih,le of Swedish Hospital, Se- attle and the Roscoe B. Jackson a,emorial Laboratory. Bar Barbor Maine. Another $8.925.98 was div- ided among four States (Calif- ornia. Nebraska. Oklahoma and Arizona, for research grants to institmions within these States. ] More than $13.000 has been sent by loom and Deparlment Auxiliar- !es to the American-Korean Foun- dation for Courage Cottages, a special project of the National President. Mrs. Morton Tice of Mitchell South Dakota. The funds are being used to build more than 130 homes in Korea. A 17-year-old Louisiana girl, laequelyn Watts. daughter of Mr. and lVh's. Homer Watts. Raceland was announced the winner of the $1.000 top award in the Auxiliary's 28th annual national high school writing contest on the topic, "What I can do for my Country". William C. Steidman 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steidman, x, Vauwatosa. Wis., was named win- ner of the Dr. James E. West $500 award given by the Auxiliary to a Boy Scout. National officers for 1963-64 are: President, Mrs. William Campbell, Neenah "Wis. ; Senior vice president, Mrs. Arthur Klug- ow. Tracy, Calif.; Junior vice pre- sident. Mrs. Sam Goldstein. Chi- cago, Ill.; Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Alex Miller. Des Moines. In.: Chaplain, Mrs. Glenn White. South Bend. ind.; Conductress. Mrs. Wal- ter Bogacz, Meriden. Conn.; and Guard. Mrs. Lora Waters of Se- attle. Among the events of the Con- vention week were a tour of the Seattle VA Hospital. during which gifts from the national President were given to each patient; a Dis- tinguished Guests Banquet; a four hour parade of VFV and Auxiliary members, with bands and floats through downtown Seattle; and the colorful Pageant of Drums. at which $10.000 in cash awards went to winning drill teams. ARE MARRIEDMr. and Mrs. Michael Erin Kirk (Mary Eloise Hesser) who were married Friday morning at 11 a.m, in St. Edwards Catholic Church, will make their new home in Hoods- port. Following the ceremony, the couple left for an extended tour of the Olympic Peninsula. The wedding vows of Mary I Eloise Hesser and Michael Erin l Kirk were solemnized at St. Ed- ward's Catholic Church on Fri- day morning, Aug. 30. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilligoss and Mr. Kirk is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Erin M. Kirk, all of Hoods- port. Rev. Mark Wiechmann perform- ed the 11 a.m ceremony in a set- ting of pink and white gladiola. Attired in a bouffant white dot- ted swiss gown, tize bride wore a crown of stephanotis and shattered carnations with a short illusion MARSHA SMI'IH, ROBERT GEIST EXCHANGE MARRIAGE VOWS ...... EXCHANGE VOWSMiss Marsha Sriith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer p. Smith repeated rriarriige vows with Robert Giest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Giest, Friday evenihg. The double ring ceremony was held at St, Edward's Catholic Church. veil. Forming her bridal bouquet were shattered carnations with stephanotis and baby pink rose- buds. Miss Martha Anne Hesser, sister cf the bride, was maid of honor. ghe wore a pink Peau de Sole dress xdth white accessories, and carried a bouquet of pink-tipped white carnations. Mr. Nell Sim- mons served as best man. For her honeymoon tour of the Olympic Peninsula. the bride chose a navy blue suit with navy and white accessories. The couple is now at home in Hoodsport. Both are graduates of Irene S. Reed high School. Mrs. Kirk is employed at Rayonier Inc. Marine Lab and Mr. Kirk is in the employ of City of Tacoma at Potlatch. Sunday School Rally Set At Assembly Of God A back to Sunday School Rally will be held in the Assembly ot God Church this Sunday with spe- cial guests taking part. The Ral- ly will have classes competing as a group to win a prize for their room. Special guests will be Rev. Dale Carpenter. District Youth and Sun- day School Director from Seattle. Rev. Carpenter is an outstanding Bible Story Teller, and will be pre- senting a story in the Sunday School hour. Also, Mark Lundberg, Washington State High School wrestling: champion will appeared, before the ,oung people and give Iris testimony of God's saving grace. The Rally is designed to bring together all the vacationers ana others who have been missing from Sunday School for various reasons through the summer months. Young and old alike are invited to come back to Sunday School Sun- day morning- 9:45 a.m. - Shelton Assembly of God. 0akes I$ Drill Team Pmsideni Gary Cakes wa elected presi- dent of the Mason County Junior Drill Team at the club's secona meeting last week Cakes' executive officers are Art Tozier. vice president, ann Shayne Larson, secretary-treasur- er. White shirts, tan pants and a royM blue tie were chosen as the club's outfit colors by the 19 mem- bers in attendance. Advisers for the club are Joan Hunter. Mrs. Pete Roberts mm Dr. rDoug barson. Nxt meeting is scheduled Tues- day. For more details or interest It's A Date Promenade, dinner 7:00 at Cottage Cafe, Prom 8:00 at Vets Club. Autumn Fashion Tea, 12:30 p.m. Shelton Bayshore Golf Club. Pioneer School PTO, 8 p.m., Pi- oneer School. Rotary Club hmcheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Frhlay, Sept. 6 VFVV Auxiliary, 8 p.m.. Memor- ial Hall. WCTU County. Convention. 11 a. m.. Methodist Church. Saturday,' Sept. 7 Drivers' license examiner, 10 a. m. to 5 p.m., police station. %unday, Sept. 8 Shelton churches invite you to attend the chm'ch of your choice. Monday, S(!pt. 9 ., Bayshore Golf Club. Women's Division. 8 p.m.. at the home of Mrs. Gene Hanson, Coflnty Commission's meeting, 10 a.m.. courthouse. Tuesday, Sept. l0 4-H Leaders Council meeting, 8 p.m.. Extension office. Washington State Nm'ses Dis- trict meeting, 8 p.m.. at the home of Mrs. Harvey Adams. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon Memorial Hall. City commission's meeting, 2 p.m., City Hall. Wednesday, Sept. 31 Donnie J. OrLhopedic Guild. 8 p.m.. at the home of Mrs. Ed Bac. Methodist WSCS, noon. Metho- dist Church. Drivers' license exmniner. I0 a. m. to 5 p.m., police station. Thursday, Sept. 12 Golden Age Club, noon. Memor- ial Hall. luby Rebekah Lodge de,ee practice, 7:30 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall. Rotary Club hmcheon, noon. rvling Tree Cafe. Marriage Licenses Applying for marziage licenses in the Mason County auditor's off- ice this past week were: Francis L. Twiddy, 23, Shelton and Kathleen Waters, 17, Potlatch. Robert Hagara, 26, Olympia and Corn Swor, 34. Spokane. Frank P. Belleci Jr., 23, Tacoma and Carole Biggs, 28, Shelton. Albert Cozza, 46. Shelton and Elizabeth Dudley, 42, She]ton. Michael Longan, 19. Shelton ann Susan Gunert, 17, Shelton. Rolland E. Parrish. Jr. 24, Fres- no, Calif. and Arlene M. Becket, 30, Shelton. lvIS h ealt n G:: e rt/bill,s P iDt.a 'Cun" ningham. 1331 Turuer, a girl, Sep- tember 2. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper, Star Rt. 1, Box 143, a boy, Septem- ber 3. Clinic Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coenig, P.O. Box 203. Hoodsport: a boy, September 2. Mr. and Mrs. VVilliam H. Uttm', 2009 Patterson, a boy, September 3. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker. 2945 So, Quince, Olympm; a boy, September 4. Play-School Will Register Sept. 16 Registration for Play School will be Sept. 16 at 8 p.m. in Evergreen School. This play school is for chil- dren between the ages of 3 and 5. A fee will be charged to cover ex- penses. For further information, contact Mrs. Calvin Cole. 426-8658 and Mrs. Albert Luhm 426-6105. A survey conducted by the Chamber of Commerce of the Un- ited States this year found that of 2.700 local chambers of com- merce only 3 per cent favored fed- eral subsidies for mass transit pro- grams. in Person! Sat. Nite - Sept. 14 at the TROPIGS (South Olympia Hwy.) Bonnie Guitar plus Buck (B. Butterball) Ritchey and Joe & gita Bashful Bobby & his Band Show & Dance 9:30 Until 2 A.M. Beauty begins with TEN.0.SIX LOTION > frigerator . .- . the  ter Cassie of Chicago are guests * * * * in joining the club contact Gary marvels of electric air  at the Andrew McGarvie home for In a ceremony performed by were Ann Pettijonn and Chris at 426-4879. Conditioning and e!ec- a week. Rev. Mark Wieehmann on Friday, -. ........... 10n Knutzen. Kay Giest and Carrie Ten -fix cleanS your skin w00th heahng medzcat tric heat. Mr. and Mrs. John McGarvie Miss Marsha Smith became the Cross passed the groom's cake. spent Labor Day in YaMma. bride of Robert Grist. Nothing you buy does more to bring Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitcheil and The bride i ,,+" ....... The newly married Mr. and Mrs, J, .... g[E P 10.0.6 Lotion cleanses immaculately, deeply. It clears - = augner oz ar Gi " one mo z comfort,and better convenienceliving than DayfamilYweekend°f Tacomaat the spentAndrewLabOrMe, bridegroomand Mrs Elmei a [i'-t"ne sonmlm'ot arand anatne" Victoria'est spentand theWare nowh atY home°nr min  _l'_J--W Nvf,lIW H B I I1 U/U I1" " '""" "'-" your skin with healing medication, soothes with emol- Y o U r electric service, Garvie home. Mrs Lea ........... "-. Shelton. Both are graduated f o jfl((." ^ ..... lients. The 10.0i6 formula duplicates nature s normal • ,utt t.ielsl:, all ot nelton a bargain you'll de-  The Earl Walker family spent  . . " Irene S. Reed high school. Mr.  (',1|| pend on every day of I[]IP2' Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. ,,ff.t'.]^2*'ar. s Catholic Churcll Giest is employed at the Plywood " " .... _ _ skin balance-to reduce oiliness or relieve dryness. ,? yuraeo With baskets of as- Plant .... Protects for hours against blemish-causing bacteria. sortea gladmh ,- .. == Mr. L. F. Cook of Montesano The brkle wore a street-length 10 '0"6 Lotion is the one cosmetic that helos the year.  Frank Hollatz. ' " and fern. " UJl=11=llgl|h,llll==ll|gll:_ spent Labor Day with the Kenneth I ". your skin white b to COde dress Her crown ] __ l @" Howard family, headpmce. " was caught to a should-I ........... - - i to complete natural beauty. Remember 1() 0 6, twice daily. ". er mngth veil. White carnations[ , Pomona Have Mee|lng nge SundaY a To Cross Sister attended of the as bride,matron MrS.ofCOlleen honor ,t wearing a ." ' • yellow suit with white[ '.':'l Charles Savage, Master of M - ":'" the wedding ,as 'Iim Cross. / ::::".:. son County Pomona Grang an- A reception following in he t nounced that the Pomona Grange Colonial House feted the young I will meet next Sunday, Sept. 8 couple. The three tiered wedding at Ii a.m. in the }loquallum cali was c-e0EY J O MASON ies Grange will serve Hall. The lnnchCl°quallum at noon. lad" °" eand groom, i o, I' rg _ reen ilV= t]1 COUNTY There will be at, interesting Lee- Cutting the cake ,-re Mrs. I @ Squaxe tm'er's Program and Savage stud BRgG CENTER Chuck Manke and Mrs. Ed Bac. president; TOM WEBB, vice president; Pomona will be lowered to the 4th Mrs. Virgil Manke, Miss Coralee[  426 3456 etary JERRY SAMPL?, manager Degree and all Grangers are in- A2dderson, h's. Jerry Bloomfield l an , ETTER ELECTRICAL Y riled to attend. This is our first II n IVlSS LyIne St&nS p0hred. Ill .... u,,M,.v € .o, HIt=TN 1 meetings s{nce June, he said, and a Ja ec Tenrple was in charge of the t good turnout is expected, guest book. In char e of the fits} g g