September 5, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Founded 1886 by Grant C• Angle
Mailing Addre: Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every 2"hursday.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington
SUBSCRIPTION RATES$4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance;
Outside Mason County, $5.00
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
SOCIETY NEWS -- Tuesday noon
PICTURES AND NEWS Tuesday 5 p.m.
WANT ADS Wednesday 10 a.m.
OFFICE MANAGER -- Lodema Johnson
NEWS EDITOR -- Alan Ford
ItINTERS -- Russ Stuck, Dave Thacher, Asa Pearson, Jerry Stiller,
Charles Schwarz.
If traffic improvement and safety was the idea moti-
vating the recent street change at First and Alder streets in
Sheton, then the State Highway Department has made pro-
gress in reverse.
This is no improvement/
There wasn't too much wrong with former gradual
curve arrangement. It was not confusing to northbound
traffic, and that you cannot say of the new arrangement.
Under the new traffic pattern, which compels a 90-
degree left turn for northbound vehicles, it is proving 5::f-
initely confusing to drivers going over the route for tl.e'
first time. Many continue on First street without realizing
their error until they've started up Moore Hill past Birch
This writer had to assist one Canadian mortorist who
had driven clear to the Island Lake road via North Cliff and
was thoroughly lost because he missed that sharp left turn at
Alder. Under the former arrangement this wouldn't have
The 90-degree left turn onto a one-lane path
also compels an exaggerated slowdown of t,'af/ic
and is particularly difficult for large trucks and
trailers, which have not been left enough turning
The old pattern was much better. The sooner the State
Highway Department realizes its mi'stake and returns the
First and Alder street arrangement to its former gradual
curve arrangement for northbound traffic the more "im-
proved" will be this particular segment of the highway
Shelton has had more than its share of "firsts" for a
small community. The "first" it will record next week, how-
ever, is one it would have preferred not to happen.
Under the auctioneer's gavel next Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday the remaining physical assets of Rayonier's
big pulp manufacturing plant, once the producer of tim
world's highest quality hemlock pulp, will be sold at auction.
And under that gavel dies the last hope that this plant will
ever again play a part in the economic life of this communi-
It is a sad and nostalgic occasiob while be-
in the first of its kind in history.
When the mill was closed just six years ago, there was
hope it might be utilized in some manner again to provide
jobs and payrolls for Mason County residents. Numerous
prospective buyers inspected the plant in the intervening
years and these hopes .flourished, only to wilt again as one
after another prospect faded.
Now, after six years, with every effort to find a pur-
• chaser ending in failure, Rayonier directors decided early
this year the only way left was liquidation of the physical
So ends an era which began in the middle 1920 and
caused the greatest boom in our community's history, the
fastest economic growth it ever enjoyed in
anF similar a new and rapid pros-
perity which md:¢ Shelton the envy of the Northwest and
which greatly minimized the effects of the depression which
followed in the 1930s.
With very few shutdowns in its 30-year pro-
duction history, the Rayonier manufacturing plant
was a strongly stabilizing influence on Mason
County's economy.
There will be many heavy hearts, fortunately some--
what softened by the affects of six years of waiting, among
the hundreds who worked in and benefitted from the day.
of the mill's useful life as all of us watch another historical
first being written in Shelton next week.
Today is an anniversmw date worthy of attention by all
Mason County rcsidents, because just 30 years ago today
death came to a man whose influence on this community
is still being felt in a most substantial way.
The man was Mark E. Reed.
It i doubtful if any single individual had a more im-
portant place in the development of Shelton than did Mark
Reed. His accomplishments are far too numerous to at-
tempt to review here (we shall do that elsewhere at a latcr
date), but suffice it to say that Mark Reed was the man
who first visualized the necessity of forest preservation
throngh retention and re-seeding cutover timberlands and
who espoused the theory of sustained yield practices.
Today this community of ours is living because
ot his vision. Today this would b another lumber
; "g]mst town" but for lark E. Recd.
SHELTONMASON COUNTY 30URNAE--Published in "Christmastown, U.g.A.", She/ton, Washington
Charges Of i :I:
Burglary Filed i
Against Three
Warrants were signed and bai
set in Mason County Superio
Court Friday for three 18-yea;
old Shelton youths charged wit[
second degree burglarly in connec
tion with break-ins.
Judge Raymond Clifford signe,
the warrants and set bail for Wi]
lard Moffatt at $2,500 and fo
Gerald Wagner and Ray Nielson a
$1,000 each.
Wagner and Nielson are charg
ed with breaking into Mt. Viex
School• Moffatt is charged will
several other break-ins, but. wa
not involved in the Mt. Viev
The three youths, along witl
five juveniles, admitted a numbe:
of breakins in the city and coun
ty during the past several months
during an investigation by the
Shelton Police Department.
Juvenile Probation Officer LIar-
vin Christensen said that one ol
the juveniles. Richard Roberts. 17
would be remanded to Superiol
Court also.
The other four are being handlec
by the juvenile court, Chris:onset
said. One of the four has been sen:
to Cascadia, a diagnostic reception
center in Tacoma.
Christensen and Sgt. Vincent J.
Santamaria, who has been con-
ducting the investigation for th.
abel:on Police Department, are
working now on recovering some
of the items stolen in the breakins.
The investigation is continung,
Christenson said, with authorities
talking to some youths who have
been involved in one or two of the
(ountF Gets
$94,89! In
Forest Money
Mason County will receive
94.891.34 as its share of the Fed-
eral Forest money it was announc-
ed by the U.S. Forest Service this
The money comes from the 25
per cent of the receipts from the
national forest which is alloted to
the counties in which the national
forest land is located.
The funds are designated for
roads and schools and in Mason
County are divided equally be-
tween the two.
The state of Washington receiv-
ed $5,119,217.66 with 27 counties
receiving a share of the money,
varying in amounts from the lar-
gest to Skamania County, $1,297,-
346.11 to the smallest to Douglas
County 37 cents•
Rayonier To
Reopen Closed
Canadian Plant
VANCOUVER B.C. --- Rayonier
Canada t B.C/ limited announced
today it plans to re-open its
woodfibre pulp mill on about Sep-
tember 21. almost three months
ahead of schedule.
Operations at woodfibre, on
Home Sound; were shut down Aug.
18 following an explosion in the
recovery boiler which killed seven
W. E. Brcitenbach. president,
said today that repairs to the
boiler will still take three to four
months, but a novel plan has been
evolved to reactivate the mill and
provide work for its crew of 350.
The plan involves th'e use of a
recovery boiler operated by Ray-
onier's American affiliate at Ho-
quiam, some 300 miles from Wood-
Black liquor, which is burned
in the recovery boiler to produce
necessary chemicals for pulp, will
be shipped in tank barges to Ho-
quiam and will be processed there.
.The chemicals recovered will also
be transported back to Woodfihre
by tank barge.
Breitenbach said that six tank
barges will be used on a Contin-
uous shuttle service between the
two mills. They will be hauled by
the powerful seagoing tugs "Bud-
bury" and "Island Monarch".
The tugs and barges will make
the round trip in three and one-
half days.
Breitenbach said a humber of
technical problems will have to be
overcome in this unique project,
but these will be ironed out By the
:line the barges and pumping fa-
cilities are ready for opera£ton.
/ayonier's engineering, operating
aad research gtaffs at Woodfibre,
loqniam. Shelton and Vancouver
have been working continuously
on {is project since the accident.
Swedish Lumbermen
To Visil Simpson
A party of 31 Swedish lumber-
men visiting the U.S. and Camda
visited Simpon redwood opera-
tions in Cdlifoia Wednesday and
will inspect Sheton Working Cir-
cle forest oper,xtions and mills
The group inch:des mill man-
ager and owners and technical peo-
ple. They will visit a number of
other west coast companies in ad-
dition to Simpson and hi Shelton
will leave a special opport0nity to
visit with vice president Hal Mc-
Clary and other members of the
Simpson International staff.
The Swedes are among the lar-
ger wood suppliers of Europe and
have been exchanging information
with AmeriCan mills for many
years, but this is the largest party
to come to the Shelton Working
bers of Company B, 1st Battalion, 303rd Armor
in Shelton prepare to camouflage their M-48 tank
as part of their two weeks summer field training
with the Washington National Guard unit at the
PURSUING THE PIG--The pig, ,barely visable in
the tall grass in front of the boy on the far left,
was the object of this rush in the pig scramble
Director Urges
Shelter Program
"Man has survived and achieved
primacy over the animals," said
Civil Defense Director Ralph Hor-
ton, "because, amohg other things,
he has understood the threats fac-
ing him and has taken approlriate
protections measures. If nuclear
war ever passes from the state
of ominous threat to stark reality,
mankind will suffer a staggering
blow and the shattered remnants
of the race will survive only if
adequate protective shelter exist.
To fail to prepare for this awful
possibility is to accept extinction
with the docile, uncomprehending
stupidity of the most lowly of the
"A blast and fallout shelter pro-
gram, is human psychology. Those
who, in the present confrontation
of antegonistie nuclear nations, de-
ny the need for shelters are the
'moles' crawling blindly in the to-
tal darkness of their ignorance
of modern technology.
"Civil Defense must not be de-
layed by finely-wrought psychol-
ogical arguments ann delicately
phrased assumptions which care
fully ignore the realities of mod-
ern weapons and society. Any
shelter program even moderately
appropriate to the needs of the
times will require years to bring
to any reasonable level of ade-
quacy. And time may be running
out on us swiftly,' said Director
The Mason County Director con-
tinued; "By January we hope, un-
less someone upsets the apple cart,
to have adequate shelter for every
man, woman and child in the city
of Shelton. These shelters will be
equipped or stocked with emerg-
ency rations, water and Fil'st Aid
drugs. The situation out in the
country is one which worries me,"
Horton said.
"Last fall, booldets prepared by
govermnent experts were sent to
every box holder in the county.
From" them. we heard absolutely
nothing. It seems strange that
farmers who have tractors do.not
take a little time to buih! a shel-
ter for their family, and also for
their livestock. The cost would
be negliable. People and animals
left out in the open exposed to the
atomic rays and fall-out will sure-
ly die, a slow and agonizing death.
Those hulnans who come in con-
tact to a lesser degree will pro-
produce an offspring that is defec-
tive, maybe a hideous freak of
some kind. What kind of grand-
children do yuu want Lo perpet-
uaLc ,/OUL" llIIAllt."
Yakima Firing Center. The three Guardsmen
starting to unroll the camouflage netting are. left
to right: SP4 John Arnold, SP4 Richard Andrews
and SP5 Stan Morken. (Nationa Guard Photo by
SP5 Terry Schick)
at the Mason County Fair Sunday. This troup of
boys were in the 12 and under group. Randy
Churchill got the pig to take home.
VEGETABLES ON DISPLAYThis table of vegetables was one
on several displayed by Mason County 4-H members and exhibitors
in the open classes at the fair last weekend,
New Law Eases Lumber I
Export Reslridi0ns ]
American steamship companies
need no longer file cargo freight
rates in advance on lumber intend-
ed for sale in foreign countries.
In a law signed late Thursday
by President Kennedy, the hard-
pressed domestic lumber industry
got relief from a restrictive law
which made it very difficult to
compete with Canadians /'or a
.share of the world lumber busi-
Now American lumbermen can
bargain with shipping firms the
same as their Canadian eompeti-
tion for frieight rates to auy part
of the world. Under terms of a
Iaw passed Jan. 1, 1962. frieight
rates available to U.S. shippers
were rigid and could not be chang-
ed quickly enough to enable U.S.
mills to realistically keep pace
with changing world shipping rat-
Northwest Congressional lead-
ers steered the legislation through
Congress. Senator Warren 'Magnu-
,;on and Congressmen Hansen. Tol-
lefson and Horan. all of 'Washing-
ton took the lead in securing its
Computed for Hood Canal
Oakland Bay tidea are 1 hr. and
50 min. later and plus .0 It.
Friday, Sept. 6
Low .............. 1:25 a.m. 2.7 ft.
High .............. 7:13 a.m. 11.0 ft.
Low .............. 1:28 p.m. 1.5 ft.
High .............. 7:46 p.m. 12.2 ft.
Sat, rday, Sept. 7
Low .............. 2:10 a.m. 1.8 ft.
High .............. 8:1(] a.m. - 10.8 ft.
Low .............. 2:14 p.m. 2.7 ft.
High .............. 8:21 p.m. 12.0 ft.
Sunday, Sept. 8
Low _ ............. 2:59 a.m. 1.1 ft.
High .............. 9:16 a.m. 10.4 ft.
Low .............. 3:04 p.m. 4.0 ft.
High .............. 8:59 p.m. 11.7 ft.
Monday, Sept. 9
Low .............. 3:5,1 a.m. 0.7 ft.
Itigh .............. 10:32 a m. 10.1 ft.
Low .............. 4:03 p.m. 5.4 ft.
High .............. 9:42 p.m. 11.2 ft.
Tuesday, Sept. l(I
Low .............. 4:55 a.m.
High .............. 11 .o a.n.
Low . ............ 5:13 p.m.
• o
tfig'h .............. 10.o4 p.m.
ednesday, Nel)t. II
Edgctt said this would enable Low .............. 6:02 a.m.
west coast sawmills o better mee High ............. 1:28 p.m.
Canadian competition, which often Low .............. 6:37 p.m.
l in the past amounted to as much High .............. 11:39 p.m.
as $11 more freight per thousand
board feet on American lumber Thursdty, Sept, 12
than on Canadian lumber shipped Low .............. 7:10 a.m.
In the same ship. High 2:44 p.m.
Low .............. 8:02 p.m.
The high Cascade buck deer
season opens Saturday, Sept. 7
and continues through Sept. 22.
Open areas include the high
country in Okanogan. Whatcom.
Skagit, Chelan. Skokomish, King
and Kittitas counties.
Hunters are reminded by the
Game Department to be aware
that one might run into rain or
early snow in the mountains. Cold
nights, rugged terrain and a lack
of roads make it necessary for the
hunter to prepare well before he
ventures into the high Cascades.
Along with the high Cascade
deer hunt. grouse season through-
out the state opens Saturday also.
An early chukar and Hungarian
partridge season opens Sept. 14 in
the southeastern corner of the
Next big opening for Washing-
ton hunters is Oct. 12 when the
general deer, waterfowl and up-
land game bird season starts.
Opening weekend of pigeon and
dove season was mild with pigeon
hunters finding average hunting
in western Washington• Pigeons
were more scattered than usual
but bands of .up to a thousand
81 Junior Hi[h
Footballers At
First Practice
birds were seen
areas. Yakima
good dove
Deadline is
apply for
ing in more
is no provision
permits for anY
have enough
"lotted permits.
cants will be
drawings held ill,
Shelton R=
open by the
city use over
end. Fishing in
the Skokomish
fair. Salvage o
full swing
All roads are
All trails are
dillon. Fishing
all areas.
the rivers. The
to begin• ThOSe
trail scooters and
place any
happen to
has been
a trail for
takes a lot of
repair the
stances, will
yond repair.
a crawl this
few kings
they are ready
to spawn, very
an 22-2 king
topped all
Other kings
Wallace Mood:
18-0. Lee
Van Laanen 1
nes 13-6 all oU
Silvers were t
berg 6-0. Ruth
Lyon 4-8. RoY
in two outinl
4-0. Mary
only r
humpy, 4-0
Eighty-one Shelton junior high
footballers, many bedeckedin grid
toggs for the first time• trooped
out onto the practice field as open-
lag Blazer workouts began Tues-
Head coach Bill Brickerr and
assistants Walt Clayton and Jack
Mallinger greeted 46 freshmen and
35 eighth-graders at the first turn:
boys are young don't think they
are all small. Exhibit A--237-1b.
freshman letterman tackle Dave
Gunter. Of course there are those
on the other end of the weight
scale too. Exhibit B---78-1b. eighth
grader Lane Dorcy.
Parents don't think for one min-
ute that these two football play-
ers will ever have to face each
other in 3unior high school ball,
unless I)orcy would happen to
make the freshman team this year.
Ninth-graders as well as those
eighth-graders over 140 pounds
are forced by a school ruling to
play on the varsity freshman
squad. Eighth-graders 140 pounds
and under will play on Mallinger's
eighth grade team unless they
make the varsity.
Briekert has two other letter-
men returning in 145 pound fnll-
hack Skip Pm'vis and 154 pound
quarterback Chief Clayton, both
The junior high gridders were
run thr,,k,ugh a light workout Tues-
day, consisting mostly of running
a few plays, blocking, tackling
and stance drills.
"We have more non-letterman
expermnce this year", Brickert
The Blazer's tied for the jun-
ior high league championship last
fall with Miller of Aberdeen and
Hoquiam with a 4-2 season win-
loss nlal'l{
TIlE FRESIIIIAN team has a
six-game schedule slate with three
home and three away games. MaN
linger has tour games tentative-
ly on the docket for his eighth
graders in a new" Olympia league
made up of Washington, Jeffer-
son. Tumwater and Centralia jun-
ior highs.
The freshmen swing into action
at Hoquiam either Sept. 19 or 20.
Both eighth and ninth-grade sche-
dules are tentative referring to
fo dates because of possible high
school or other activities clash-
ing on the same dates. The rest
of the varsity schedule lists Hop-
kin here Sept. 26 or 27: Shelton
at Centralia Oct, 3 or 4; Jeffer-
son here Oct. 10 or 11 (night) Shel-
ton at Miller Oct. 17 or 18; Bye
Oct. 24 and Washington here Oct.
or _Nov:
Building Permit
Reje©ti0n Backed
The Shelton Chamber of Com-
merce, in a letter to the lVfason
County Commission, voiced its sup-
port for the commission's action
in rejecting a building permit to
W. A. Norris to establish an Auto
wrecking yard at the intersection
of Mill Creek Road and Highway
The comm|ssion also received' a
letter from Clive Troy, county fair
manager, expressing appreciation
for the support the commission
has given the fair•
(Con,hlucd from pag'* l)
home from the back porch of the
Smith home was obscured stone-
what by a tree at tile end of the Also on
porch, although iL was possible to Court Tu
see the garden by looking through
Ihe branches of the tree and that
0.5 ft. a short distance from the porch,
10.0 ft. the view was almost unobstructed.
6.4 ft, Authorities said the shot which
10.6 ft. killed Mrs. Fruiclantie was fired
from the back porch of the Smith
-0.6 ft. home while a member of the Smith Hartline,
10.3 ft. family was shooting at the Fruich-
70 ft. antis dog which had come over on-
1.1 ft. %o the Smith property.
Members of fle eoronor's jury vin
hearing the case were John Ragan, and consU
-0.6 ft. Jim Pauley, Ken Latham, L. A.
10.7 ft. Carlson, Ken Fredson and Richard
7.0 £t: Angle.
pertinent has
time table for
dove and band"
son Sept. 1-31
day with
the dove bag
with a posse
half hour
This table
ma. The
3 4:
4 5:
5 57
6 5:
7 57
8 57
9 57
10 5:
Ii 5:
12 5
13 5:
14 5:
15 5:
18 5:
19 5:
20 5:
21 5:
24 5:
28 5:
29 5:
30 5:
CO., were
lice cburt
The city
cars, alld,
had been
v¢onld be
determine '
a used car
used for
sold tbc
have been