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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;VF'WG part C S + A A G ,  , • , rou ends onvenUonh cattle OURN L OLA$SIFIED ,S ET ESULTS '& number of local Foreign v-ars and bei' attdnded the ' !,.W, Convention' last e. Delegates from :a is Post 5372 were ' nd Post Commander rade. Also attending rgcst convention were and Carl G Nichols. aryans and Mrs Phil- ere the official dele- NUel Curtis Auxili- e Distmgms ue r and local Auxiliary ID iar aohnson also convention as did 'SChida, Emil Gaet- k 01k, Sue Schlange, in, and C, G. Nichols. rs were housed and 1 s at the Olympic i: Auxiliary members ' ael"t at the Opera House. Benjamin Franklin t representatives' to the ,e  el rgvespecially pleas- {uon of Mrs. Lora , tle to the line of- il0:nal GUard. Mrs. Wa- ll t i'°.wn to Nuel Curtis e ia rata Seattle which bers as a member 07 uiiiary post here V.F.%V. Auxili- been busy on of these was 21-24. as membel:s at Club during trials held on on the Old Mr. attd Mrs. g in wedding last m the Belfair Church. Rev. erformed the 6:3b Which joined Mrs. and Albert !ddy, of yellow dahlias, and The new Mrs. suit en- ing and car- with a red ribbons m conformation and quitation and blue in fitting and ,howiLg and trail horc classes. he also received three blue rib- )ons and three reds for her 15 retries in sewmg and child care. THE TWANOH GRANGE is the )ride not only of Belfair but of dl Mason County as they procee ,/ith plans for their booth at the .Vestern Washington Fair at Puy- fllup Sept. 14-22. The North Ma- on group placed first in the six- %range competition at the Ma- on County Fair, and will repre- ;ent Mason County when they ap- pear +at the State Fair. Heading the committee for the exhibit are Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lopriore. assist- d by.Mr, and Mrs. Leroy Dishon md Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Yoshi- hats. As well es the Grange award. :he members returned from the county fair with many individual blue ribbons and various of the U & I sugar awards. Mrs. Jimmy foshihara won first place in the eking division, as well as being active on the fair committee. Twa- aoh Grange entries accounted for about one-third of last year's fair retries, and this year they entered even lhore, averaging 50 entries apiece in sewing, fancy wOrk, food _)reparation, food preservation, ag- igulture, fresh vegetables and fruit, livestock, eggs and horti- culture divisions. More awards went to local gard- criers who entered in the Kitsap County Fair. Mrs. Claude Ik{c- iZnight b:'oug+ht home n bh,- v+h- ban and a white one for her gla- dioli, and Mrs. Lowell Gunselman won three blue ribbons for her glads. Mrs. Marion Newkirk re- ceived a red ribbon for her entry of a fuschia corsage. A set of driftwood pieces won a blue rib- bon award for Stan Freelin. IT'S tOT UNUSlYaa. for a Bcl- fairite or two to spend a few days in the hospital, but last week found Harrison Memorial Hospital with a remarkable number of Bel- fair residents on the out-of-com- mission list there. Hospitalized in Bremerton at once were Ronnie Johnson, Jackie Johnson. Mrs. E. F. Riedle, Elmer Slagle, Ml,s. Geo. Oaklund, Mrs. Merle Niles. and Mrs. Maxine Ori. All are now at home. Mrs. Hattie Brooks and Miss Valley Willey were feted last wek at a double birthday party in their honor. Their friends gathered on Tuesday to celebrate the day. Hos- tess at her home for the event was Mrs. DelRue Thompson. Mrs. Marie Rolie enjoyed a week's stay here with the"L. A Mongrains. She is a resident of Los Angeles, and is he Mongrains' son's mother-in-law. Mrs. Rollie has been in Atlanta, Ga., where t she has been staying with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mongrain. PROUD MOTHERS--Friend, the cat, and Mid- night, the dog, each gave birth to a litter of babies on the same day last week for the second time in two years. Owners of the cats and dogs are neighbors Mary Sewell, 13, and Jackie Leighton, 15. respectively, of Beverly Heights. Seated from left to right are Mary's sister, Barbara, 11, Mary and Jackie. The girls said that their pets first accomplished the fete last August. Friend had four kittens and Midnight eight puppies. Hydrafoil Attracts Lots Of Attention Runnin00 On Hood Canal By Virghti Allison LILLIrAUP In the summer )f 1962 we caught fascinating ,lampses of a hydrofoil, its driver ¢earing a life jacket as he made runs past Triton Head; but never learned any details about the man r his boat. We knew only that in mid-channel he travelled at breathtaking speeds and that the Hydrofoil is strictly a racing boat. This summer a jet boat has Susan are having the last week at Tigard high school, swam ac-, of vacation together before :Nan- ross Hood Canal from Mike s cy returns to the University of Washington for her senior year. Among social event Mrs. Lloyd Reve of Triton Cove gave a lunch- eon for the Wednesday Bridge Club in honor of three guests: Mrs. Georgia Oliver. Mrs. Irene Banner and Mrs. Betty Donnelly. Others present were Mr. F'+-. Martin, :Mrs. Edn Jessup, :MrZ. Beach Io Holly, a distance of ap- proximately two and one-half miles. Lani swam the crawl and Colleen the breast stroke, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. O'Callagh- n m an outboard who clocked their timc at one hour and 15 min- utes. For non-professional swinl- mers this was a feat to be proud of, especially so in the choppy foundation is but a nunor example of the skills possessed by the An- derson's of Carroll's Point, south. A BELLOVS beside the fire place was designed+and carved ela- boratel, y by Mrs. Anderson. an lletrloonl item for some futurc An- derson generation. From a log of yellow 6edar Mr. Anderson car- ved out a pair of Indian river paddles. This was a collaboration as Mrs. Anderson then desigzmd shown Sept. 5 (today) at 1:30 p+m. when the Garden Club meets at the clubhouse in Potlatch. Th business meeting, Mrs. Lois Pierce, president of the club announces, will be held at 11 a.m. as usual and hmcheon at 12:30 p.m., prep ceeding the showing of the pic- tures in the early afternoon. PENN , i EY S} Always 1st Quality CHARGE IT SAVE! PRINTED NATION-WIDE  PILLOW CASES SAVE] 4-OZ. KNITTING OOL SKEINS 7 ea For big savings and a, pretty Shop early for these fine. vir- change -- choose these dainty gin wool yarns for socks, =wen- prints on long-wearing Nation- ters, so many uses! Top colors. Wide@ cotton muslin! :Moth-resistant! 1)ITI00BURGH SUN PROOF" d )een creating a sensation along BiI1 Everett, Mrs. Virginia Alli- water these girls encountered, the art work for each paddle; the were aorthern Hood Canal. owned by son and Mrs. Rose tiambaugn. Attracted by the lifelike mould- major motif of one a whale, of the the bride's Howard Lee of Bellevue. and Mesa, They admired and were a bit en- ed salmon (we judged to be an other a stylized thunderbird. The Allen. The eou-%riz., whowith Mrs. Lee has been vious of the new patio with its 18 pounder)bearin K the family third stage of the work was Mr. HOUSE PAINT r. and Mrs. spending the summer at Warfield's reflection pool, medial, flowers name at the entrance to their res- Anderson's transferral of the de- t and Mr. *.esort. It is docked at the Hoods- and rock-studded walks, all with- idcnce we discovered that Mr. and signs and his painstaking, meticu- °f the S°uth )°rt' Mar inS'will return in the  r i vary of its split stake hrs. E rail Anderson enjoy s wire-lous coloring of the m la r gely in W' tta - " mink with visiting grandsons Kgnt pastels, followed by watcr-proof- A jet boat, or turbojet, has nci- fence.  1 ,vaeklh, ram the National +her propellor not" rudder. It sticks N[r. and Mrs. AI Raymond of nnd Kirk Cobb from Ellensburg. ing. Beautiful work and lovely to • NO primer needed for :tLM, ovement Con- P water by means of a triple tur- Longwood Beach were hosts to 39 The sahnon made from a mix of look upon. most repaint work ! ag t ake, Wis. Karen fine at the rate of 3,000 gallons a people, sons. daughters, grandchil- cement, vermiculite sand and paw- The Emil Lauber flower and when sudo¢e is sound. -' • Dries in lust 30 min- I lllt;econferenee with minute; its speed idleing to 35 dren and great grandchildren on dered asbestos upon a wire mesh garden slides in color will be % | hg Se:°ra'"27ttle" Bellingham,The young le.ct the jet for steering, who remained as house guests are • ;:nts_.Ovejdd::sPhoSU tC. for the trip east. It is a safe boat, not endanger- residents of California --Mr. and . • -mritinerar. ng swimmers who come near. It is Mrs. A. J. Raymond of Petahma " 1 Ill r,. 'fief i Park, the Black highly maneuverable and will turn with foul" children and Mr. arid On lay p [fl • 'ational Park. and practically within its own axis. Mrs. Robert Rayntond of Delano,  ""O """ ]i I + J ' OOng::° ++ t,+++ ++ ++,, ++ +el + Rhododendron stop within three lengttts of it- men busily fished for Kings, Sil- stay bright et elf. and stop gently without jost- vers and Humpies. The +;:.nnen + the Na-day ling the passengers around, canned all surplus. Fr°m the lit-il lllKt+ rumr@ Ill .su..P,oo+ t=,,, Irsday when This b°at' the Buehler Tub°- tlest t° the biggcst the Raymm]d]l +_ = ... 1/I   "2*'" 7 elan arc an exceptionally healthy, Sale hour service "- flowers craft jet made in Indiana, is the sturdy and happy fami@ s and 24 " - J:"_ - ', .... Paint resists blisters. Mrs 3nly b°at+thahas run the C°l°- " II ',, Rmsell Drillin[ Co:o,, Ill MORGAN, EACRETT LUMBE, Del Rue :ado river from Lake Mead to Mrs. Pat O Clallaghan of Tual- + Burcham, Lees Ferry, a distance of 300 atin, Ore., phoned to say that Sun- Udean were niles, uphill against the wild cur- day, Sept. 1, daughters Lani, 20, Who partici- ?ent of the rapids. If you would a student at the University of I Russc 26 .............. : .... ..... ' like to read about that adventure Oregon, and Colleen, 16, a stndet The Rhodo- and see the turbojet in action, get have also down the National Geographic for decorations in April, 1962 and read the story "Jet Boats Climb the Colorado during the River". GUESTS AT THE IIOME of Mr. *--'i youngs- and Mrs. Henry BrinkworLh, wish- " the Chuck ing to make a phone call are am-  Club as they azed by the antiquity of the instru- < at merit confronting them, a genuine Fair. Long oak wall phone complete with ................................. etiee, and plain long necked mouth piece, arm re- it in view ceiver and crank. They are told that a button beyond the crank it's great day for us and her horse must be pushed before the crank ., m c°n" will make the proper connection.  tp were and show- Then fol]ows "the second surprise, a • •  and blue Instead of hearing a voice saying "number please", comes an en- Chirp received tertaimnent program or music as and trail horse the crank dials in on various ra- n fitting and dip stations. Dougalso Mr. Brinkworth who "thought ' just unpacked our first and a up" this novel conversation piece 1 FLORSHEIM eXhibit, was associated for 38 years with received red the Tacoma Telephone Company conformation, during which time he acquired the trailhorse antique wall phone. He removed ' . ] equitation, the telephone mechanism, repine- Radar won ink it with a radio set lm himself conformation constructed to fit the box. His for fitting wall radio never fails to startle rail horse. A and delight Brinkworth friends. care pro- Guests for a cook-out at "Wind and a 'n Tide", the Wes Johnson home, Projects were the last Smda.y in Aumt were list. Mr. snd Mrs. Jay Rocky with their red ribbons three children, Rocky, who was and public relations nmnager for the arid white rib- Seattle World's Fair, is in charge and trail horse of public relations service for A1- derbrook Inn. The three Johnson Shiny won daughters Nancy, Virginia }and PAULEY DODGE USED CARS BELVEDERE '1095 ran=. V-8 Power Steering - Sharp STA. WGN ............. *795 Trans. 4-DR ......................... $595 transmission. Glean. .STA. WGN .: ...................... =445 Cyl. Std. Trans. 4-Dr ............ ............... $545 ic . Sharp 4-Dr, ......... : ........................ =295 tie Glean Car TH CLUB COUPE ........ s245 TILL HAVE A NICE ASSORTMENT OF 63's LEY MOTORS Iroad Ave. Phone 426-8183 % HANDLE BAR $9.99 ,,. A Subsidiary of P. N, Hirsch & Go. SHOE DEPT. Operated and Managed by CHRISTENSEN'S For Shoes, Bremerton We can't be too enthusiastic about o new Florsheim Shoos. Nothing can match their famotm quality. For fit and comfort, for finer style and longer +wear-- just try a pair of We think you'11 be as enthusiastic about them as we ar