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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 10 SHELTON--MA0N COUNTY FF0URNAL Published in "Christmastown, U.g.AY, Shelton, Washington Thursday, Republican Women Of Third District Schedule Meeting Members of the Mason Cm,nty "Women's Republican Cinb will at- tend a Workshop Mecling of the Third Congressional District to be held at l hq St, IIelens Hotel, Che- Italia, Wash.. on Sept. 7 from 10 n.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mrs. George Shacldeford. presi- dent of the Mason County Repub- lican club, urges all members to send in their l[meheon reservations to Mrs. Bess Crocker, St. Helens Hotel. Chehalis. by September 4th Luncheon speaker will be Mr'. Bill Valters. Republican State Chairman. Mrs. J. Van Gord(m Kirk, president of the Washington Federation of Republican Women, will conduct one session, Mrs. H. C. Stirling of Belfair will preside at the meeting of campaign chair- alert. Dirt Dobber's Cancel Sept. IOth Meeting The regular meeting of the Dirt Dobber Garden Club will not be held on September 10. A potluck luncheon and meeting with instal- lation of new officers is scheduled for September 24 at the PUD buil- ding. Starting time is 10 a.m. Installing:he new officers will be Mrs. Jesse :Baxter. Parliamentary Workshop Planned At College On Saturday, a Parliamentary Law Workshop will be held in the Little Theater on Olympic College campus at Bremerton. The workshop is sponsored by District 17 PTA. The session will be conducted by ]WrS. M. D. Wilkinson, a past pres- ident of the National Parliamen- tarians Association. Meeting" time will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. l"  ""-:,:-, , ,p This week we promised a few words on the Pierce Arrow and it can be said without fear o contradiction that, at one time, the Pierce meant about the same to Americans as the Rolls- Royce did to the English . . . Sorry that space and the avail- ability of color makes it im- practical to l)ring you a picture of the 1.916 "Idol of The Road". The 1916 Model-66 Raceabout, despite its aristrocratic breed- ing, is a formidable piece of ra- cing equipment with its 824-cu- bic inch engine makng a top speed of 85-mph serenely possi- ble . . . Steering of this auto- mobile was fingertip, shifting was easy if a little slow and. please believe me. any man who surveyed the expanse of hood from his bucket seat and controlled the giant throbbings of 5-inch pistons making 7- inch strokes knew he was one of the "Kings of the Road" . . . True there were other fine cars on the road but norm sur- passed the Pierce Arrow for quiet elegance and good man- nets . . . QUALITY SERVICE at a FAIR PRICE , . , For all your TIRE NEEDS . . . PASSENGER, TRUCK or TRACTOR ... NEW or USED tires available at MERV'S TIRECAP . . . 1st & COTA . . . 426-8104. Copr. 1960 Std. Features of Wn. Marie Tiekamp Becomes Bride Of Willard Kessei In Saint Louise Gatholic Geremony At Bellevue PLEDGE VOWSWillard E. Kessel. Jr. recently Claimed as his bride Miss Mariie Ann Tiekamp of Issaquah. After a wedding trip to Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Kessel ape at home in Olympia, where Mr. Kesse! is a student of St. Martin's College and in the employ of Thurston County Title Company. A double ring, evening ceremony, united Marie Ann Tiekamp, daugh- ter of :Mr. and 1V[rs. Arthur H. Tie- kamp of Issaquah,and Willard E, KeNNel. Jr., son of Mrs. Mary Ser- vidio of Shelton, August 3, Saint Louise Catholic Church, Bellevue Washington, the ceremony being preformed by Rev. George Mc Lean of Issaquah. The bride, wearing a floor length gown of white chiffon over taffeta. with finger tip veil, and carrying a bouquet of one large white or- chid, accented by white rosebuds, was escorted up the aisle by her father'. Her fine veil was caught neatly by a crown of pearls. iS Sharon .Tiernan wa. the /fft[ of honor, Brides maids were Marilyn Smith. Mary Louise Smith, and Vicki Isaacson, all ,wearing WCTU To Choose New Leaders At Convention Friday Shelton Woman s Christian Tem- perance Union will tmld its annual county convention Friday, in the Methodist Church beginning at 11 o'clock. Officers for the coming year will be elected and state president Mrs. Charles A. Budde of Seattle will be the speaker in the afterhoon, She has just returned from the ggth annual convention held in Colnmbns. Ohio ap(d will explain the new projects fbr the year. One of the projects m a prog- ram for intensive alcohol educa- tion for school teachers and pro- vides scholarships for teachers to attend WCTU cbndueted education courses on alcohol lavender satin sheaths with lav- endar lace over-skirts, small mat- ching veil hats, long white gloves, and carrying bouquets of white and lavendar carnations. Steven Kain was candle lighter. Curtis Long served as ring-bearer. Thomas J. Harn, Jr., served as best man. Ushers were David Tie- kamp, Richard Tiekamp, both bro- thers of the bride, and Ron Lep- rich. The bride's mother chose a dress of pink with pink accessories. Her corsage consisted of pink rose- buds. A dress of blue linen was chosen by the mother of the groom and a corsage of pink rosebuds. A reception was held i the church's reception hall follow_ the ceremony. The three-tie1' Cake was accented with lavendar tinged roses and topped with the tradi- tional bride and groom, under a spray of pale lavendar orchids and lilly of the valley. Assistants were Miss Diane Kit- chli. Miss Judy Elsoe, Miss Janet Isaacson, Mrs. I[elen Lindroth, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. Irene epic, grandmother of the bride. After a wedJing trip to Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. KeNNel make their home in Olympia. where Mr. KeN- Nel is a student of Saint Martin's College, and in the employ of Thurston County Title Company. Amaranth Schedules School Of Instructions Laurel Court No. 26, Order of Amaranth Inc. urges all officers to attend the School of Instruc- tions Sept. 8. It is scheduled to be held at the Shelton Masonic Temple beginning at 10 a.m. All members are cordially invited to attend. A hmcheon will be served. PLYMOUTH-VALIANT DEALER'S GENUINE YEAR-END SALE! This is the real thing... not just an excuse for a sale! PAA Make your move to the car on the move... Get the best all-around compact yet... PLYMOUTH] It's the real McC0y...all 1963 VALIANT! Cross our hearts,..we're selling Plymouths must go to make way for the1964's I low to make room for the 1964 models! So And that means honest-to,goodness dealsl right now is the time to own a Valiant!  Your Authorized Plymouth.Valiant Dealei's Warranty against defects tn material and workmanship on 1963 cars has been expanded to include parts replacement or repair, without charge for required parts or labor, for 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, on the engine block, head and internal partss transmission case and internal parts (excluding manual clutch); torque converter, drive shaft, .universal joints (excluding dust covers), rear axle and differential, and rear wheel bearings, provided the vehicle has been serviced at reasonable intervals according to the Plymouth-Valiant Certified Car Care schedules. HURRY IN! SALE ENDS SOON! gimbei Hotors Inc. ,0, s.. First St. /o:I;]:'/LZ7 ....... .. 5 ..................... :ZZZZL.L/.:'LZ:::: ..... :_:.:_ .L::--__. ............. : ........................ Mary Langdon Is Bride Elect Of Richard Anderson Mr. and Mrs. 'Photons C. Lang- don o Sealtle announce the en- gagement of their daughter, IVIary Ellen. to Mr. Richar'i L. Anderson, on of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Anderson. Shelton. Miss Langdon attended Olympic College and ,the University of Washington Her fiance, attended Washington State University and the University of Washington. At present he is in the school of Ar- chitecture. The engaged couple plans a No- vember 9 wedding in Seattle. Golden Age Club Sets Noon Potluck Golden Age club will meet next Friday, Sept. 12 at the Memorial Hall. A noon poth;elc and birth- day dinner is being planned, Approximately 75 members were in attendance at the last meeting. Out-of-town guests were from Cal- ifornia. Olympia. and Vancouver. Music was furnished by the Tune Toppers. Mrs Rose Jackson yeas honored with a gift. First Fall Meet Of WSCS Set The £irst fall meeting of the Methodist Women's Society of Christian Service Service will be Wednesday, Sept. 11. A meeting of the executive board will be at 10:30 a.m. until noon. The regular luncheon, sin-cud by the Mary Cir- dle, will follow the execntive board meeting. Mrs. Clive Troy will con- duct the program scheduled for 1 p.m. Foresters Group To Mee! In Raymond The Southwest Washington Chapter of the Society of Ameri- can Foresters will hold its first regular fall meeting Sept. 6, at Bridges Inn in Raymond. The program will consist of a panel discussion of the Hemlock looper control project carrier on last July in Southwest Washing- ton. The panel will consist of Al Nell, of the Washington Pollution Control Commission; Norm John- son, of the Weyerhaeuser Comp- any; Benton Howard. of the U.S. Forest Service in Portland; an0 Gene Little, of the Washington State Department of Natural Re- sources who was the looper con- trol project forester. State legislators are invited to attend the meeting as special guests. Social Even ts - ii I Society Editor . Jenny Knautz , Phone 426-4412 , Miss Emsley Weds Dick Huddleston In Double Ring Rite A double ring wedding in South side Grange Hall on Saturday, August 24, united in marriage Miss Marjorie Irene Emsley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E Emslcy and Richard Huddleston. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huddleston o[ Lebanon, Ore. Rev. Horace Mounts officiated at the rite and Mrs. John Stein- berg provided the music. The Hall was decorated with baskets of mixed gladioli dahlias and huckle- berry greens. White pom poms and satin ribbons provided the aisle decor. Given in mariage by her father, the bride wm'e a gown of white satin fashioned with a sweetheart eckline and elbow length sleeves. Her finger tip veil was caught to a white satin rose. She carried on a white prayer book, shattered pink and white carnations. Maid of honor, Miss Judy Eby wore a pink floral sateen dress and carried a bouquet of white carnations. Miss Carol Emsley, sister of the bride and Miss Shiela Huddleston. sister of the groom were candle lighters dressed in matching red sheaths. Fritz Adams stowed as best man. William Neal and Donald Likes, cousins of the bride were ushers. The bride's mother wore a yel- low linen sheath dress with white hat and matching accessories. Her corsage was of gellow and white carnations. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue and white dress with navy accessories and pink and white carnation corsage. A reception was held in the Hall immediately following the cere- mony. Sezwing tim gnmsts were Mrs. Carl Alfredson, Mrs. Lloyd Oatway, Mrs. Carl Emsley, and Mrs. John Miller, aunts of the bride. Mrs. Bernice Likes, cousin of the bride was incharge of the uest book. The bride's nephew, Brian Avery, served the grooms cake. For her wedding trip to the Ore- gon coast and Bethesia. Maryland; the bride wore a navy blue knit suit with red accessories and white carnation corsage. The bride, a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school was employed at Hartons Nursing Home in Bre- merton, The bridegroom is with the Medical Corp of the Navy studying to be a doctor. The couple nlans to live in Bethesia. Mary- land. S A V E By The IOtA Savings. made by Sept. I0 will earn mlerest from Sept. I SAVE AND SERVE YOURSELF i T ii YOUR SAVINGS at current annual rates EARN DIVIDENDS AT 4%% compounded four times annually Shelton Branch Thurston County Federal Savings l Loan Association Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L.I.C. 9 A.M. -- 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays Home Office Branch Office Branch Office 5th & Capitol Way 313 Railroad Ave. Market Square Olympia, Wash. Shelton, Wash Lacey, Wash. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES , Private, Confidential, Economical :!::::...:'.:.:. , /..::... S AV !!iiNiiii,}': L. 0 A N . VFW Rummage Sale Scheduled Tomorrow A rummage sale. sponsored by the VFW auxiliary, will be held at the Memorial Hall Friday. The regular business meeting ot the auxiliary will be Friday even- ing at 8 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Fifth district meeting of the VFW Post and its anxiliary will be held Saturday, Sept. 14 in Ray- mond LOW COST HOME L NEW CONSTRUCTION PURCItASE 6 % On Reducing Balances -- Charges Mason Gounty Savings & Loan TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON ...:.... 't Won Be Long Yes, winter is just around the corner, so think back. If last winter you found that your heat cost more and you were enjoying it lss, better change to LOW COST OIL HEAT... the savings are like MONEY IN THE BANK. You've heard a lot of talk about CLEANLI- NESS... and that's important, sure. But PLENTY OF HEAT AND COM- FORT COME FIRST, and you get MORE OF BOTH FOR YOUR OIL HEAT DOLLAR THAN ANY OTHER FUEL. Of course, it is CLEN, too-- just ask hundreds of Maso County home owners who use it--enjoy it. OIL HEAT COSTS LES There's no molmpoly on Oil Heat. You have freedom of ¢ plier. And, the cost is kept low by competition. MORAL: OIL HEAT IS STILL BEST, AND CHEAPEST! Besides being cheaper, Oil Heat offers you these extraS." • Safety • Your Choice Of • Cleanliness Suppliers . • Healthful, Fresh, Warm Air • No Minimum Monthly Even Temperatures • No Annoying Odors or • Easy Budget Terms Dangerous Fumes '10t • Your First Gallon Costs No • No Worries About F More Than The Last One. Failures Or Leaks • No Pressure Drop GET THE FACTS... Ask your lee al oil dealer or write Institute, 433 N.E. 22nd Ave., Portland, for the NEER STUDY and prove it to yourself the FACT that oil less. SHELTON OIL HEAT DON SPERLING, RICHFIELD OiL WESTERN FARHERS ASSN. EVERGREEN FUEL COHPAHY B & R OIL COHPAHY C. C'. COLE & SONS FRISKEH OIL COHPAHY GOTT OIL ¢OHPAHY