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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i ¸ mber 5, 1963 SHELTeR--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chrtmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington M PAGE II UMPHENOUR WEDS THRONSON Square Dancers Install Officers New officers for the coming year were installed at, the last dance of the Salty Sashayer Square Dance Club. Servirig as new president is Clarence and Carol Grunert: vice president, Bob and Hazel Leman; secretary-treasurer, Arehie and Leona Vaughn. Bert and Geneva Deyette will serve on the board. Bill and Jacque \\;Vhite will rep- resent the club at the Rainier Council meetings. Bennie Berndson has announced he will start a class in beginners square dance lessons on Tuesday, Sept. 10. he lessons will be held at Bordeaux School and continue each Tuesday evening for approxi- mately 20 weeks. They will begin at 8 p.m. and last until 10 p.m. Anyone wishing more information may contact Clarence Grunert. District Meeting For Local Nurses Washington State Nurses Dis- triet No. 22 will meet at the home of Mrs. Thelma Adams on Tries- day evening, Sept. 10. Star0ng time is 8 p.m. A discussion will e conducted on future workshops in September. The membership drive will be the main topic. All members and iegistered nurses in Mason Coun- ty are cordially invited to attend. Dinner-Dance For Golfers Is Slated An annual dinner-dance of the Shelton Golf Club is scheduled to be held Saturday, Sept. 21. The event will be held in the club- house at 7 p.m. Members may pick up tickets at Jim McComb's Business Service or Pantorium Cleaners. Reserva- i.Nl lions arc to be made by Sept. 10. v 0, GROOM--Georgia Umphenour and Wayne Thronson - - - ,0,atUrday, August 24 in the Methodist Church. The ID /][,-,-;, ;+1 h ¢ at home in Clarkston, Washington where the bride ltl YT ±TlqffAl,Lllig IitMo"°Ol and Mr. Thronson will attend the University of 11€ fIL .... .] :,, scow. UilLtt2 Ullilligg lNtg -" * * * * Shelton Business and Profession- ltl ra Clarkston, Wn. l U.mPhen. our " selected a turquoise al Women's Club canceled their ./.,eddi, ffaync Thron-] silk su. with beige accessories, first fall meeting which was sched- ?lrlt0,, -; was August i vtrs Tnronson morner oi the sled to be 7reid -,esterda , The : .S 1  . . . . . . . . . • .y. :i" zrst - Methodmtl groom, wore a binge silk suit with new dato for tile meetin is Sept .les T I brown accessories. Both wore co.r- 18. It will be held at the ' home of iiNl,-, " Hatten of Ta-I sages of yellow roses and wlute Miss Mary Dobson. :.,aill n..the 8 p.m. eere-t chrysanthenmms. Dessert will be served at 7:30 t, :t.z}ted Georgia Kay/ The bride chose a cranberry p.m. to be followed with the first :,. 5Uter of Mr.-anal knit suit with velveteen hat and fall business meeting. :?%'Th mphenour anal black patent accessories for the Plans will be" formulated for the s-; ronson, son ot / wedding trip to Oregon Heart Forum to be held in October : 'Wallace A Thronson / . •  .- :"-- -- with local and county doctors par • "m, • ,1 A reception onowea tne weoa- I  Wa .... {ing at the Colonial House. Mrs. £ielpati!}g. Th!sis an annuaI pub- ; brn_  "anaed witnA William Mallows erved the cake dc meeting with dmls anti tams on  e ',e mums Yellow" "'  the heart problems : hr,,s .- " /and pourers were Mrs. Jay Ump- =zl ri.'mtlemums with/henour aunt of the bride" Mrs. A. - ....... .li, le bOns Outhned" theOL. Roh'er, ' ATTENDS WORKSHOP .%: Seattle; and Mrs. Ken- i).arri   ] neth Crawford, Bremerton. Miss Ronald Lee, Shelton, was one ot (. w0p e sc oy her father,| Ruth Thomas was in charge of the 600 delegates attending tllc 16th !lgl t ,. princess gown| gift table annual Leadersi]ip Training" Work- II nflal satin wth t''-ttel &, " " | The bride graduated from Irene shop of tile Sigma Chi Frater- lled . teneon lace. lt| o:  h €oh ,,m and W¢hino mty held on the campus of the :',a. T  a sweeping| ................... h University of Tennessee in Knox- :l'll ,: U, "t,.;- ..... l LOll blare umverslty. ne ]s teas - . ...... i" was , ' lengm n-{ h,o" tho fhird rrrndo in the Clark viue Aug. z;J-ab. ' tacned to a lace "-' .......... ' ....... - H " ltt | ston Grade School at Clarkston, _ e.lsa Junior at University or" (I,j!  lri ........ | Wn The bridegroom is a senior .v'ug'el; bounD, ano a mem)er ot YlN¢ld - vv o wasnou-/ . 5 ...... " ..... - -^.. the Sigma Chi Chapter there, ot :j  t I: hn, -* ;,^- l al; Lrle university o xuatu lno, jur- _ ....... '' . • ai-,2,r  ,uL. .Driuu-{ in in h¢i]lo s WhiCh ne is pledge [ralner. s?) ,. • Jon Laro- go / -'o .......... :lld _ Wyllis Warwick,[  !yne Neme-|| MASON COUNTY S | 11. :: al' " ere attiredl i i ' 'inlan chiffon over UIDE I ,, ;ionCarned all uunemnu'mhnn ' m;;',. ' rose withl I  I We -r EAT OUT OFTEN re ,s r/I -- -- / me groom.[ llJbi.A) ) llll IPI on 3B[tghway 101 Ss Joy Lynn I . LUNCH- DINNER ue. Organist,] u,r,o-- . accompanied[ -- Our Specmlty -- nes Reeder. l BROASTED CHICKEN (finger-licken' good) • .g- the-br.idc-/ • We feature SEAFOOD, too! ':r°v n" use I Phone 877-9488 -- Take-Out Orders! a.; %nh*'i*E I da ' / .=r)y rrir 221 North 1st St, Weddi .... r -I  ly/ltX % WJ JP.J£N tn Shelton / . [  Recognized as THE place for thick SHAKES lll# [ L|J and smooth SUNDAES, and NOW from {{| l  DAIRY QUEEN'S kitohen -- HAMBURGERS _ [  and FRIES. Phone 426-8091 Mde| R ia) _ Tho[ THE GROVE tJAv' so ,, rt Will receive[ LUNCHES =--; DINNERS y57OOOboard I STEAKS -- SEAFOOD -- CHICKEN DINNERS , ae l)epart- 11 A M '•SOurces thi;l OPEN . . TO 12 MIDNIGHT es, Land Com-[ . Phone 877-5571 -- Fred Williams, Prop. announced. | led appraised] atelv 29. nerl m.,n,n nr:rIal I.I'FTT;FIb' 3 miles West of tlelfatr alanrai¢ .£,:l l'ltU UJI.IJ-* XLVkX on Hood Canal as" ......... "1 , $566,878 501 .... ed bids thrall:l We 'raKe tride in Our 12 ....... [ HOMEBAKED BREAD and PASTRIES lallam Cow-[ • Complete Variety of DINNERS ,% Mason, Ste-[ • SEAFOODS ' 00T+:l i[ 5 miles South of Shelton Sbelton Dt GATEWAY CAFE o tho oy, apio mhw, Were the o y ids. Both un Y DOuglas fir. I BREAKFAST  LUNCH -- DINNER ' ?yk loca°ted ap'[ • Prime Rib and Steak • Seafood ues north of[ • Homemade Pies $1';,vg7800'000"'- - DI Dinner Parties Invited Open daily 6 am. to 10 p.m. a ' .50. . timber froml h orth 'dstorm made ., d fe t 1934 Olympic Hig way N e s-, et of thee[ MAMIE S GRILL o mo=ti= viow ;;WAso.ia {" ST- LUNCH  D,NNER )$ of Astoria,{ Special Dinners Dai{  Fried Clams  O stets ),730000 boardl " Bu " " - y" ..... Y ''h"  • cKwneat HoIcaKes Anytime • lt.e fir and O. 0 raes Park N.I VE 1VIAkL OUI% OWN PIES. Cated approx- I rth of Castle I -, I r olU I'Izlllrlb I.T 1729 Olymp|c tlighwaY N, t $305,124 for I L¥IIIIUllI, a w ,, LeJ.VJII'JLL'I onMt. View "' aPPrtsed all "COME AS YOU A-e,---W--i-'S'E-RVE IN YOUR CAR",, 7'--- ' " [  • FOOD a.d DRINK ORDERS TO GO t il ' " BIN -, , ,,:, ,,.,. x.t [,. WALT .... S RO HOOD LODGE of u,ro,, oil t,* C.,ml " I AN ENCHANTING ATMOSPHERE • ' FEATURING .1 \\; :. / ME MAo--, - --- ] • HO ES AND PASTRIES ' [ • QUALITY FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES Golf Club Women Meeting Monday Mrs. Gene Harmon will hosl;css the first fall meeting of the Bay- shore Golf Club, "Women's Divi- sion on Monday evening, Sept. 9. Mrs. Larry Scheel promises a short business meetink, lx new work projects will be started. TIc occa- sion will be for socializing. All that is worth reckoning is what we do, and the best of every- thing is not too good, but is econ- omy and riches. ---Mary B. Eddy FOR Don't Miss the Fun and Entertainment of Television i Law is close by TAYLOR RADIO ELEGTRIG 4th & Cola 426-6602 ............ ._ .=. ......... -_=_____+. ___v  11 { NEW IN COMMUNITYAmong Shelton's new- est residents are the H. J. Van DeRiet family who moved into a home at 720 S. Eighth St. last week. Left to right are Jennie, 6, Van DeRiet, Mrs. Van DeRiet and Shirley, 11. Jeanie is enrolled in the first grade and Shirley in the sixth grade at Evergreen School. Van DeRiet will become Ma- son County Agent Oct. 1 when Charles K. Peck transfers to Spokane. Van DeRiet will begin work in the Mason County Extension Office Sept. 16. Both he and his wife, Ruth, re natives of Kan- sas. Van DeRiet has a bachelor degree from the University of Michigan and a Masters Degree from the Washington State University. Mrs. Van DeRiet has a bachelors degree in Home Economics from Kansas State University and a masters degree from the University of Michigan. Payment Problems??? + / • SAvg voxms.Lr- further hardship and worry over hard-to-manage home mortgage payments. Check in- Pioneer School , __ _ ' _  V-  .... a xr ..... to our budget-fitted home loan refinancing service. nmA r - nn o,L n - --- : : : -- =-=---_==-=.--= ........ tent-hke monthly payments take you steadily, sure- ylU lS lOnln e [ GLINT WILLOUR !y to free and clear ownershzp. Stop in for a talk today. Pioneer School PTO w'll me tll  LIFE INSURANCE'S THE ON- tonight at 8 p.m. in the school I " i:!_ LY CERTAIN MEANS WHERE- J . building. Residents of the schooill  BY THE MODERN WORKING-  i .... MAN CAN PROVIDE FOR HIS - d strict are cordially invited toll INI ............. l- "- [ I t 11 I=i ,. ,. attend this meet/:,g. I1 : EaViLal 6aniOn. ')ONNIE J, GUILD {I IN;/ TAKE HIS FAMILY IF HE -'p-:,- .... "r-----I'l----]IT .......... Donuie J. Orthopedic Guild willl[  DIES. ][F]PH AND W WANHINC-TI%N meet Wednesday, Sept. 11 at t he I i "- --j' ---- " - M IIAI LI AIqPl A l// , -- v home of Mrs. Ed Bac. CohostessI| ......... _ IA| RIMIAIt HOME OFFICE -- OLYMPIA IN gHL'rn .. willbeMrs. VirgilManke. Startingfl Pn. wl)'U]; ",L/'PlIBOII, dPO,tA,@IONpIIII,II LOAM'COUNSELOR KURT MANN -- MAJ'II-FI'EXL ESTAT'E Lime is set at 8 p.m. , , I  Jnll _ i i _ " " : " : ' " RIGHT TO LIMIT. 3 BIG-BIG DAYS! SEPTEHBER 5-6-7 . RIR 00TI:SK , RQ, • .++++ .. RIB ROAST " 79' _,, (Small End lb. 89¢) Ib • €.,,,,^ D.k. " r FreM, Light A€ :: + ,,,,pgau00 nu00nua '+ #11ti00 H 's V " 6/69 1 rozen € aley eal Cutlets -I_-" . ,,,,..... + " AA I Ulr-|o 12-16 lb. aver, lb. 3 00PEANUT BUTTER ICHtil II;E!F00,o.00 [00CHUNK TUNA 4/+11 P E BEET SUGAR UR , ' ' I C, ackers ABC 16 oz 25¢ TOMATO SOUP. , -'- JELLY 6LASSES KERR $ 105 Time to Can- Peak of the Season- Wash. Fruit 1 '  8" O Z ..... Doz' Elbertas 98 , .... 6-OZ. € =,, . oo.,,+ +o, '1 atom+ | GERTO PEIITIN,+o,T,E ...................... 35 III  [] 26 Lb. Lug m e i 6-oz. € B#IB?PktP Ha,es " €,,,=.. • li CANNING WAX ,,KG ............... 2 5 1 Ir_ il I 1 ll I!__ 'li Fancy Quality *1  I 7 OPEN  Ill mV141ilil NVtlI 26 L Lug I ' ' • "  SUNDAS [ + ..... IP1 I u AIlllRlllA Washington Grown - The llmJll¢ I! j£LaW i;ueuuu-. Pick of the Crop {}wp O ] CEirnv ::::'" L  n + A : ' I  ' ' ' s=i iill li Stalks ............................................... Each imllv ; i ! ' , ¢ rl4n 11/411 ullr./4U , , , , +Wi SEEDLESS G00APES ............. Lb; 2/35 P ! C+IDU H ] FANG'Y+ AA EGGS.....,, 49c Local Plump Eat'+ ' ' lrllt | HEINZ  " • ..... $  /¢ 14-0Z. BOTTLES 17 ' ................. Nalle ' Each .a0/  TANG oo y s oo ,.o . - ¢ , s..., o,-so, o ................. o.. 5