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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1963
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PAGE 12 i SItELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Pubtished in "Christmaslown, U.S.A.", Shelton. Washington See Our New OK UflE A quaii|y tire at a price you can afford, RAUSCHER'S Man is Subject Of Scientist Text Mankind's dependence on the Ten Commandments will be em- phasized at the Shelton First Church of Chirst, ,’cientist this Sunday. Subject of the Bible Lesson is "Man", with the following Golden Text: "Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord. that delighteth 'greatly in his e)mmandnmnts" t Psalm 112:1/. Related readings from tile de- nominational textbook will include this: "Dost thou 'love the Lord thy Clod with all thv heart, and with all thy soul. and with all thy mind' ? This command includes much. even the surrender of all merely material sensation, affec- tion. and worship" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 9). perry, Duys00 YOUR NAME will be inscribed on any zipper binder or lunch box pur- chased at Nell's .. absolutely FREE! ZIPPERED RING or Brief Cases $12? BINDERS . _ - --_ _ FILLER PAPER Simpson's wide or college rule 500 package reg. $1.29 89 c Multiple Vitamin / 100 Capsules reg. values $2.96 NELL'S PHARHACY Govey Bldg• 4,6-3327 1Summer Reading Club At Library Nearing Close The 269 boys and girls who have been taking "part in the Summer Reading Club ac Shelton Public Library have been very busy. Many of them have already fin- ished reading 18 books which will win them a blue ribbon, and many have gone far beyond this number. Many others /nave completed 12 books for a red ribbon. The Club wilt elose Sept. 7. There is plenty of time ]eft for members who have not yet fin- ished their requirements to read a few more books and join those whose ribbons will be awarded at school this fall. The theme of the club is "Man's Conquest of Space". The stickers which have been added to the members' space charts as each book was read tell the story of the stages by which our present knowledge of space was reached. and look forward to future events. The real value of the Club lies in the discoverms the members make in the books they read. So many of them have gone on read- ink beyond the number of books they need for awards, that they must have found independent de- light in what they read. Members will have a chance Lo pass on to their friends suggest- ions for books they oo might like Lo read. A poster on the Library wall has space for any member who ,fishes to write his name. along with the name of a book he thinks his friends might enjoy. Look at it on your next visit! Pharmacy Phacts From Nell Evander Do you remember the phrase "Arsenal for Freedom" that was applied to our country so often during World War II ? Well, right here in our store sits a different arsenal for your defense - the de- fense of your health - and I'm talking about our prescription d e- partment We're filled with wea- pons for your defense, and they are our life-saving and healing drugs. We are trained to fill your doctor's prescription. We carry over three thousand (3,000!) dif-q ferent "weapons" against ill health. When illness strikes you or your family you can depend on our being ready to serve you with the specific drug called for by your doctor. Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:00 Nell's Pharmacy 4th & Railroad 426-3327 Grapeviewites Take To The Water GRAPEVIEW - Sunny skies our western coastal states. Mrs. with just enough clouds to make it interesting made the Labor' Day holiday a heyday for many boat- ers.'skiers, swimmers and picnick- ers in the Banana Belt area. One of the most interesting and unique craft on our waters this holiday was the steamboat Crest. The Crest. a 26 foot former whale boat boasts a two cylinder earn- pound oil-fired steam engine, puts forth about six or seven honest horsepower ,as contrasted o a 30 horsepower gas engine), has a rteat little galley, can bunk as many as five or six persons and is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Giles of Olympia. Prior to their visit to the Ted Middletons here in Grapeview. the Giles had j.nst completed a 350 mile cruise of the San Juan Islands along with sev- eral other steam enthusiasts. That beautiful 55 fool yacht, the Revel. moored down by the Al Winterhouse's is the property of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ev- erett Landon of Tacoma. The Win- terhouse's "Summer Shack" must have elastic qualities for all i.ts expansiveness! Not only did the I.,andons bring guests along but the weekend guest list also in- eluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs. Charles CArney, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henderson and Mrs. Alice O'Rourke with daughters Maureen and Kathy as well as the Winterhouse boys Bruce. Larry and Larry's Theta Chi Fraternity brother Ken Martinson. all of Ta- coma Los Altos. Calif. visitors to our general area this past week or so have been Mr. and Mrs. Gall Rog- ers and their five children. Denny, Dave. Bob. :Douglas and little miss Gailyn Although they are stay- ing at one of the Bayshore eat- takes, the Rogers family has been spending some most pleasant hours here in Grapeview. Gall being a Lineoln High school (Seattle] classmate of Howard Somers. A friendly outdoor buffet dinner en- joyed at the Howard Somers' res- idence Friday evening gave them a chance to refresh 'old memories and become acquainted with each other's family. Of special delight to the Rogers boys have been the water sports, with a definite emphasis on skiing and truly the older boys have quickly graduated from the neo- phyte stage as only enthusiastic hays can. OUR G RAPEVIEV 4-H Barna- cles had a wonderful time Thurs- day afternoon at a pot Inck picnic hosted by Donald Somers at his borne. Those able to attend were Art and Kim Nieklaus. Bonnie Benson, Sue Pogreba. Buck and Cathy Query, Jody Engen, Joel Zehe. Leslie Okonek. Clifford. Al, ice. Kathy and David Hicks as well as leader Mrs. Jubie Hicks. The (lay was made to order for swnn- min K , boating, skiing and feasting much to the delight of all. r Mrs. AI Richards was very hap- py to welcome her friend and for- met' beauty shop partner. Mrs. C. E. Reed of Minor, N.D. for an overnight visit last Monday. Hav- ing been on an extended tour of LOW NATURAL GAS RATES Are Now Effective In Sheton HEAT FOR LESS Clean - Safe- Efficient. Con venient NATURAL GAS 34 MILLION IS THE FIRST CHOICE OF AMERICAN HOME OWNERS On Sunny Labor Day Weekend this 12.000 mile trip was one  orn- The Fair Harbor Grange wishes Reed inserted this visit with her long-time friends a.s a must before bet' return home. State of Hawaii visitors lo the St Charles Winery Satm'day af- ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. John Kaseburg and son /rack. The Kaae- burgs were brought out bv Mr. K's brother and host Gilbert ICase.- burg and cute little grandson Ken- e.eth of Bremerton and were wel- comed by Mrs. Charles Somers who had not seen these members of the family tree for some time. Prior to their deibarture, the Kase- burgs also enjoyed brief visits with the Bill and Howard Somers fam- ilies. Guests of honor at the Bill So- mers this weekend was sweet lit- tle granddaughter Lori Dee Sam- ors. Also home for an overnight visit with the folks was doughier nd husband. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Riehattls. The family group was joined on the holiday by Gordon's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rich- ards and much of the afternoon was spent on the beach and water. either "speetating" or participat- ing in the boating, swimmmg and skiing going on there. Tuesday morning brought Ed and Louise Okonek back Lo ye old grindstone after two delightful weeks of vacation. Their outings took them to Forks for a visit to frien4s Harry and Madge Edwards. to the San Juans for a fruitful try at rabbit hunting, to Aberdeen where they visited with the Floyd Callahans and Ralph ttatehes and to Indian Cove on Harstine Island for an overnight eampout. Ed ev- en managed to sandwich in (just by chance) a little fishing in lo- cal waters which netted him a nice mess of rock cod A pleasan! weekend back home and a beauti- ful Labor Day should really send Ed back Lo work full of vim and 'vigah !' THE RALPH GREENS drove out from Seattle to their beach home here over the weekend. Big- gest exertion of the weekend for them '.was the harvesting of their wonderful vegetable garden here. They and the Orin Buckinghams had a lovely quiet weekend visit- ing together, with the ladies' only chore being the canning of beans. friendly chatter dispelling any lit- eral meaning of the words. "La- bor Day". Portland friends. Mr. and Mrs Lew Crews and daughter Peggy Lee arrived Saturday to spend the holiday weekend with the Orin Scales and thou' granddaughters Gayle and Judy. Throughout the weekend, be it rain or sunshine the water skiing went on to the girl's heart's content Their de- parture was planned for Tuesday with Gyle and Judy accompany- ing them as passengers. A pleasant get-together was held at "Eke" and Ann Eacrett's beach home aturday with Can- asta and eongenial conversation keeping the following guests eon- tent: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Uhly, Miss Margaret Johnson. Mrs. Chas. Somers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ee- kerL and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Retzman. Sunday "Eke" and Ann were "chauffeured." by water, to a love- ly pot luck held at the home of Bob and Gerry Stratford at Vaughn. Good old faithfd con- tests such as pitching horseshoes and croquet were varied by the introduction of an insidious new game ca'led "Whang" a table top version of miniature pol! Sounds dangerous ! THE RAY" UHLY'S were de- lightfully surprised Sunday after- noon to welcome Mrs. Uhly's cou- sin, Mrs. Lee Abbey, daughter of Miss Delora Abbey of Everett and their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Carl I;Iern of Vancouver. B.C. The conversational spotlight wau held by Mrs. and Miss Abbey's color- ful account of their just-completed three month long automobile tour eastward across Canada to Cape Breton. Nova Scotia and back again Remarkably enough the on- ly car trouble encountered on For full information about lhe many advanlages of Nalural out tire. Visiting with her grandehihlren was Mrs. Daisy Bush's pleaqure this weekend. From Ridg(field, came granddaughter Lenore I(en- nedy with her daughter Beverly Ann and from Coos Bay came graudson Darrell Bush. Gand- (laughter Carol Hagman and ke'rr tciend Carolyn Vernon brought along Seattle friends Denny Mc- Donald and Bill Cobek. all of whom arived Saturday and stayed uutil Monday. grateful to a benevolent weather man for Monday's good waer siding and boating weather. While Mrs. Bush's daughter and t)usband. Betty and Joe Hagman arrived Saturday with Seattle friends. George and Betty De Ban. they departed for home Snnday after a get-together with Mason Lake friends. Mrs. Don Anderson was a very lucky and quick-witted lady last Friday when the brakes on her cat' failed as she was driving down the Treasure Island approach to tim bridge, with the four Anderson children..Rather than risk hitting the nearby buildings or bridge, or taking to the water, Sally "rode the ditch" to a safe stop. Some damage was done to the eat" but fortunately, none to her or the children. This weekend, the Dick Sehnei- ders. under the experienced hand of the master eonnoisseur. Les Scale. lealned the gentle art of smoking sahnon and picking oy- sters. Needless to say that fruitful afternoon will be fondly remem- bered when these "'goodies" are consumed this fall and winter. IIOME ]IALE and hearty from two weeks of Naval Reserve boot camp at Treasure Island. San Francisco is Kenneth Peters. Ken- ny can not only boast a becoming weight gain but also some very commendable scores in his spec- ialized aptitude tests. He plans to enlist for a tout" of duty some- time in the next few months. Home Lo Benson Lake again is Kenneth Staudt who spent an ex- tended visit with relatives and frienls in Seattle and Olympia. While visiting his cousin Mrs. George Watkins in Seattle, Ken was impressed into duty for also "visiting" Mrs. Watkins was her daughter and five week old twin granddaugbters, Dawn and Donna. A few days of rest aud relaxation with the A] Congors in Olympia s:ent Kenny home m good shape tar returning Lo school. Checking up on the progress of sonic of Otlr more industrious veighbors, we find that the Geo. Lewis' basemen g floor was poured this past week and---what a-beau- tiful finish! This eo:y home. al- though not yet completed, prom- ises to be very attractive with its carefully planned use of space. Saturday evening the Art Ze- hes held a firelighting ceremony to mark the completion of t,eir fireplace. Joining them for this event were next door neighbors, rvlr. and Mrs. Maury Meyers. The upper level of the Zehe house is fast nearing completion and the windows will soon be installed. Floyd London, former Grape- view resident, returned here for a visit after an absence of 26 years. He and his son, who had never been in our community be- fore. have been guests of Mrs. Ruth Inman. The "Seabaes", Boeing boating club nf Seattle. 'isited the St. Charles Winery Saturday during their cruise to Gerald's Cove. Oth- er yachtsmen cruising local wa- ters included the Viking Yacht Club who. with over 40 members from Tacoma. visited the winery on Monday. Paying a little farewell call on brother Dean and family Monday was Miss/Mary Jane Cook and friend Doug Spencer of Oakley, Karts. Mary Jane. who has been working in Bremerton as a dental assi.Lant is moving back 'to To- peka Kansas while Doug will be restarting his law studies at To- peka's Washburn University. COMING! THE GRAND OLD FAIR! ' FAIR TIME I$ FUN TIME! Gas (soon to arrive) we suggesl you contact our Shelton 2 GRAHDSTAND SHOWS ilAID 0ffice at 122 S0ulh 3rd St, or . 00and 7:00 P.M. phone 426 I],33 I GRANDSTAND SHOW • Reserve Your Grandstand Seats i I BIG Howl i Reserved seats foe the afternoon and evening Grandstand Show will be re. | | served for you if you fill out €oupon and mail, with check or money order, to: | WeSnRN WASH|HeroN el ^SSOCIIO,... eUA,Ue, WSH. i= | Reserve ..... tlckets at $2.00 each (inc|. tax) | l Reserve--_, .,icketsat$1.Oeach (lncl. tax) 1 | For Sept .......................... 1963 For Afternoon Show [] For Evening Show I"1 | | (Sept. 14 lhru 22)' {Fill in date and check proper square) | I Name2. 1 ;::de2;’k Or mo;ey "m2d;7;(t:WE'STr'l'lN" /I'Hi'I?TON ,AIR A$SN• i CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORPORATION Use Joz to invite all persons who are in- terested to attend tonight's (Thursday) Booster Night. This meeting, "open to the public, will be held at 8:00 p.m. at the Grape- view Grade School and is intend- ed to interest anyone desirous of joining the Grange. GoingAway Party Is Held For Hoodsport Couple HOODSPORT -- Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ray Peterson were given a going away party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. \\;V. Goodpaster Fri- day evening. Many guests arrived to wish Peterson's the best of luck. The Peterson family is mov- ing to Tacoma, where Mr. Peterson is taking a' new job for the City having an open house Sept. 6 from very much by the community and everyone wishes them lots of luck. :Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Webb are having anopen house Sept. 6 from 2 to 5 p.m. in their home on the Hamma Hamma River. They will be celebrating the 96th birthday of Mrs. Allie Ahl. They request no gifts. Mr. and Mrs: C. E. tanning and family traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah for a visit, Walt Carpenter, Norm Gray, Mr. and Mrs. B. Miles and Mr. Joe Kubias went to Neah Bay for the weekend on a fishing trip. The Mile's returned by car, and the rest of the party came back in Walt's boat. Visiting :Mr. and Mrs. A1 John- son were Mr. and Mrs. Jim John- son from Tuson. Ariz, Mrs. Gloria Van Laanen gave a combination birthday party for Yvonne and going away party for Jeanne Peterson Friday evenig in her home. The guests included Vickie Hall, Donna Reed, and Dar- leen Gray. The girls will all miss Jeanne. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Minty travel- ed to Sequim for the weekend to visit Minty's mother. Mrs. Bessie Hale and Linda, Mrs. Gina Hostetter and Jo Ann Dick- inson traveled Lo Sun Lakes for 3 days last week. The weather was quite warm and they all enjoyed their stay. Mike Kirk and Miss Mary I2Ies- ser were married Friday in the Catholic Church in ShelLon. They will make their home in Hooas- port. JUST TouCH' • Light mower • Quietest Oversize noise. • Safest Exceeds • Highe,' smoother • Easiest Vacuum clipping In Sho= LAWN-BOY i'= mower o1 Priced On H BUSINESS Ambulance • Radio Dispatched . Oxygen Equipped • 24 hr. service Torsak Ambulance 2119 Adams St. 426-8254 Animal Haven • You bring them • We board them • Anything from mouse to elephant MEL-RU ANIMAL HAVEN Dayton - St. Rt. 2, Box 100 Phone 426-2387 or 426-8546 Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Floor • LtnoleUn • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR Mt. View Heati • Safety • Clean • Minor STARKE Sales 514 Ellinor Hos • bedS, orsak Am 2119 Adams Barber • Appointments . Wednesday & Thurs. 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PHONE 426-2072 BERNIE'S BARBER SHOP Draperies • custom made • free estimates • work guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 )rugs , I • Helena Rubinstein cos- | metics I • Prescriptions . Hypo-Allergic cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY Covey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 Electrical • House wiring & rewiring • Electric Heating • Trouble Shooting • Licensed & Bonded Contractor JIM EINARSSON ELEC• Star Rte. 2, Box 37, 426-6520 Electrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Florist for all occasions | • Flowers ] EVERGREEN FLORISTS I 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479  • DiS: • Life Mutual Duane • LaWns, shrUbS • Top • Free Herbert Masonl Rt. 3, BoX Sewing • Sales • All sing 117 5th Tire • :NeW oK Mt. View TV SerV • Radi