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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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5, 1963 SItELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.KA.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 15 BUY -- YOU Will fall in love waterfront home see it. Just a few extras in this nearly +include 95&apos; of low year-route yard, Inside you fireplace, hard- of storage and features. You er buy at $14,350, for =m appoint- WE 3-bedroom home for only $6,750. neat and clean and a large double lot and school, There Ized kitchen with lots Ius a large utility garage and carport. RICE _ letter buy. We have to reduce the price rOomy one-L, edrcom town town area, Ex- )Ores plus a large real storage. Easy See this excellent LIVING __ Park area, Spotless adjacent to sev- of public beach. COUple. Large at- small stream ano Ctras. Just $5,600. large barn, other 1300 ft. of river about 10 miles good county is all cleared Production. This at $16,500. th of town. Ten th a good drilled and an almost home. There are features about tt make it a per- e active family. 17,500. Call Kurt formation. droom home has • remodeled inside n perfect con- inspect this agree it is a ing has been ing new paint ew roof, car- drapes and sy terms at ESTATE Legal Publications CAUSE :NO. 8441 NOTICE OF Nil ERIIFIF'S AI,E OF REAL I,;STATE Under General Execution TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY TH U RSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff vs, SILAS R. VAN BUSK1RK and VIOLA E. VAN IUSKIRK. hus- band and wife. Defendant. Under and by virtue of a general execution issued out o[ and under the seal of tile Superior Court of the Stale of Washington. in and for said C(auily. on lhe 91h day of August, 1963. Legal Publications DERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSO- CIATION. and against SILAS R, VAN BUSKIRK nud V1OLA E VAN BUS- KIRK. hushnnd nndwife, judgment debtors fro" the sum of Nine Thou- sand Six Hundred thirly and 26/100 Dollars. togelhel' %villi athn'ney's foes. interest, eosls and increased costs, and to lne directed aud dili- vered. I did ou' tile 9ih day of August. 1963. 1o','3" upon all the right, title and interest of said judgment in and lo tile following des- cribed properly to satiN'y said judg- ment. lo-wil: That part of the northeast quarter EXGEPTIONAL VALUES WHY PAY RENT--BUY THIS Very low down payment and small monthly payments will get you into this excellent home, Two bedrooms and a possible third. Just recently remodeled and very little left to do. Brand new living room with large stone fireplace-- all paneled. Kitchen has ceramic tiled counters, stainless steel sinks, lots of cupboards, Partially fur- nished for only $6800. LOCATION DOWNTOWN-- DANDY NEIGHBORHOOD This family home has three bed- rooms. 2 down and one up. Large living room with dining area. Com- pact kitchen with step saving ease. Utility room off kitchen. Fenced back yard. Separate ga- rage. A real buy for only $8500. EXCELLENT FARM--ONLY FEW MINUTES FROM TOWN This trim farm has three good size bedrooms, one down and 2 up. Living room. Kitchen has lots ot cupboards. Utility porch. Sepa- rate garage, Excellent well. One acre. All this for $6500. MT. VIEW LOCATION-- ACROSS FROM SCHOOL This excellent buy has three bedrooms. _Living room with fire- place. All plastered. Kitchen is de- signed for easy work. birch cabi- nets, built in oven and table top stove. 'Extra large lot. $14,500• SPACI O U S--ROOMY--BU I LT FOR A REAL FAMILY Three bedrooms with built in closets• Bath and a half. Fireplace in large living room. Family ,room• Full basement with fireplace• Patio. Deck all around. Large yard. Shown by appointment only. ACREAGE FOR SALE 100 acres. Some merchantable timber. 40 acres under tree farm program. All fenced. Roads on property. BUILT FOR THE HAPPY FAMILY This trim and neat home has 3 large bedrooms. Lots of storage space. Tiled and extra large bath- room.. Living room designed with wall space for easy furniture ar- ranging. King size utility room. Sunny and bright kitchen with lots of cupboards. Garbage dilpo- sal. Located on Mt, View for $14,- 200. - " FOR SALE OR LEASE Located on Arcadia 5 minutes from town, Little under one acre. Three bedrooms plus sewing room. Nice size living room with sepa- rate dining room. New electric range. Lots of room in this yard. Large workshop. Carport. Halt basement. All this for $8500. FOR RENT Three bedrooms. Living room with fireplace, carpeted. Dish- washer. Patio. Nice yard. $90.00 per month. Small apartment• All furnished. Garage. $35.00 per month• Three bedroom summer home. Fireplace. Private beach and dock. $80.00 per month. ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate -- Insurance HERB -- Phone 426-8272 -- SUE DANIEL8 DONALD (Bean) DANIELS 426-3434 Walter George-- Manaler, broker PHONE 426-6642 -- HOME PHONE 426-3530 ,:' I0V • - Ritner, Herb Rotter Associates, Inc. Accounting &. Bookkeeping H 2 HOUSES--3 acres cleared. One six room, water system. Close to town. $7500. HOUSE, garage and two lots - $4000. 0UE, carport, 75 x 100 foot lot - $11,200. 4 acres, 3 rooni house, garage with upstair, s - $14,750. E, garage, close to shopping center, $4500 payment $1,000, $50 per month. HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 120' basement, furnace, $ireplace, corner lot, just 500. fireplace, carport, large utility room and $11,200. IUSE, three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat 60 ft. of waterfront, close to town, $12,000 dining room, fireplace, garage and car- $18,500. OLD, 4-bedroom house. One acre of land, spring OUble garage, workshop  $9,500. HOME, corner lot, hot water heat, fireplace, i, on Angles[de -- $10,500. farm home, 9 acres, 250 ft. waterfront LaBISSONIERE ,$tar Values. * ARCADIA 60' BEACH No bank, private cove. De- lightful 2 bedroom quality home. Fog-free view windows. Fireplace. Garden spot, 10 mi- nutes to town. $17.500 and worth a lot more. -k 20 ACRE RANCH Seven miles northeast. Large 3 bedroom farm home. Half cultivated, fenced. Barn. etc. Fine creek. Full price $9.900. Terms arranged. 35 ACRE RANCH. CREEK Abundant spring water. Six- room farm home• plus log house, barn. etc. Fruits. Seven miles Southeast• Califorma owner orders sale at big sam-i- rice; full price $7.000. Pay $2,- 000 down, $50 monthly. ,k 10 ACRES. SUBURBAN Four bedroom home, one le- vel, two baths, two fireplaces. Snacious living room. Patio. Tinted pumice block tronble free construction Two car pert. acre clear, rest in alder. $15,- 500 on terms. * 3 BEDROOMS, DOWNTOWN ' Corner location and cloe to schools. Lovely living room 14' x 24': firenlace. Washer. drv er included for $7,950. 5 ROOMS EDGE OF TOWN Neat " bedroom home. Large living room. Lawn. garden. An exceptional buy for $3,950. $3b0 oown and $40 monthly. * 1960, 3-BEDROOM HOME View location, iec. room makes an extra bedroom. 1) baths. S,mcious living room. at- tractive fireplace. Excellent kitchen, charming dining. 2-car garage attached. Must be sold at once Owners elsewhere. Save $2.500, Full price $17550. Call for your appointmeut, * 125' HOOD CANAL Finest South Shore water- front, bulkhead. 3 bedrooms. plus extra room. Spacious liv- ing and dining rooms. Garage, boat shop. Well landscaped, 105 ft. level land. Priced $5,000. be- low market to wind tip estate. $25,000 and immediate posses- sion. $5,500 down on bank in- suredmortgage; includes all COSTS. * RENTAL PURCHASE Fine 4 bedroom home Buy like rent. Full daylight base- ment. Economical furnace oper- ation. $100 down, then let yore" rent accumulate for full down payment. $7,950. Call us to- day. CHECK WITH US FIRST ON LARGE RANCHES: CALL 426-4666 LaBissoniere A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. Eves: John Devereux 426-8544 Legal "Ptiiilieations of the northeast quarler of Section 31. Townsllip 22 Nortl/, Range 1 West. ,V. M.. described as follows: Beginning at l]le Southwest coruer of said uorth- oasl quarIer of noFlheasl quaFler: rnn- lling till'liCe IIlSl (i(i0 feel north 650 feet. west 660 feel and south 650 feet to the Doint of beginning; EXCEPTING therefrom ptlbtic roads, if any. NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS ]qEREBY GIVEN That on Friday the 13th day of September. 1963, at 10 o'- clock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell tile shove descrihed property, or St) Inueh thereof as nlay be necessary to satisfy said judgment together with attorney's fees[ interest, costs and in- el'eased c</sls, ill all anlounting io the SACRIFICE PRICE ][ know yon can't go wrong on this one. Almost 250 feet of A-1 salt water frontage just 3 miles from downtown. There are many excellent homes in this area and values are high. There is a nice cottage, garage, well. The $13,500 price s well below market value, A once in a lifetime buy. .......... A. ROY DUNK ISLAND LAKE These are very good building sites with just enough slope, and a long gradnal beach. Some of the nicest property on the lake and priced at only $68.00 a front foot. Available in 50-75 or 100 ft. frontage. Better see these. A. ROY DUNK HOOD CANAL We now have 2 properties in ex- cellent location and at prices you can afford. One has 100 ft. fron- tage and small summer Cabin at $9,000, The other has a 4 bedroom rustic cottage, very good 55 ft. beach and dock - priced at $9.950. Both available on easy contract terms. A. ROY DUNK ...... FAMILY PARADISE Give your family a treat by racy- lug them into this ultra modern split entry home. You'll like this location high on a hill. Large liv- ing room with sandstone fireplace, 3 bedrooms. 21/,., baths, family room with fireplace, workshop, 2 cat" garage. Outstanding value at $19.750 FHA terms. IV£ake an ap- pointment to inspect today. A. ROY DUNN ......... CLOSE IN AND CHEAP IV[oney spent for a home is money saved. This one has been partly fixed up by the owner who now must leave it. His work will be your savings. It features 3 bed- rooms, half basement, large kit- chen utility and living room, It's going to need sonic more wori but the owner ts willing to talk turkey on price and terms. See this now. A. ROY DUNE--- MORE LAKE LOTS 62 ft. on Phillips Lake - good location - $2500 cash. 70 ft. Spencer Lake - contract terms at $1500 down - $25.00 month. 55 ft. Lost Lake - 175 ft. deep- lots on this lake are hard to find $2,500 on contract terms. A. ROY DUNN--- - DON'T DREAM TOO LONG Here's a lovely home in a top area on Mt. View. This one fea- tures large living- room with fire- place, nice natural wood kitchen two good sized bedrooms, attach- ed garage, patio, wellgroomed cor- ner lot. The price is $13,950, Ask to see this soon. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Eves Call: Mary Voss .................... 426-8074 A. Roy Dunn ................ 426=4601 PHONE 426-6363 126 Railroad i Preferred Properties by Waterfront Realty 317 Railroad Ave. Call 426-8277 EXCEPTIONAL VIEW! Panoramic sweep of mountains and water with acreage as well, yet only 2t/z miles from doWntown, Big 4-Bedroom family home, fireplace, full basement, FHA terms• JUST RIGHT! A 2-bedroom home that's mostly fnrnishedt Ideal for the family needing a start. Large living room; utility room; and attached garage. Very good terms and just $7500 complete, Call Dick Belling todayt ISLAND LAKE SPECIAL! Waterfront values are constantly rising. Buy this lovely property now with the assurance of growing values. 3-bed- rooms, partial daylight basement, very nicest of swimming beaches. All yours under minimum FHA or GI terms. Call us to- day for an inspection. MORE FOR THE MONEY! A most attractive 2-bedroom home! The features of a tiled bath; formica counters wall furnace; and many others, are us- ually found only in more expensive homes, Just $6950 and you can assume a G,I. 4½ percent loan! RENT BEATER! F ........... ciall neat and clean 1 bedroom home; Uily Iurnisneu ev Y .. large kitchen: living room; utlhty; garage. $3950 with owner contract, EARN AT LEAST $15,000 pER YEAR, An excellent business opportunity. Call Waterfront Realty to- day and ask for Mr. Stroud. END OF SEASON SPECIAL' A family-size waterfront lot with .65' of excellent beach and tidelands; close in. Enjoy it all Fall and have it ready for next summer's fun! $3900 on termS! -- Evenings Call -- Marden Stroud .................... 426-4000 Dick Boiling ........................ 426-8162 Legal Publications pltP, XlS-dll)Inl [ 'OtIP.SntllILI no.'[, ]O IlUlS 161100" ($10.(1.d)6.16) Do}lars. Phls put)ti- cation and sheriff's fees. Snid sale will lake place at the Easi door of the Court House at 4th & Pine iu said Connly and State and will be at pnblic auet}on, for cash in hand /o tlle highesi and iest bidder. Daled al Shelton. Wash., this 12th day of August. 1963. 1). S. CLARK Sheriff of said Comity ]=ly THORA BASSETT Deputy. 8/15-22-29-9/5-12 5 t Allyn Couple Return From Trip Through Europe By Judy Von Os|on ALLYN -- Several children in the Allyn area entered in the Ma- son County fair and won ribbons for 4-H class and 6pen class. Chef ie Peterson won seven ribbons, the Sharer boys hrought home several ribbons and tile Harding children did very well and Shelin Shelby also won everal ribbons. The Leonard Petersons and Ru- by Morgan drove down Lo The Ingebrights of tended Vahatla Farm with several other frienis, Monday Lois atten- ded a birthday luncheon for a friend of many years, Mrs. Gor- don. Later Monday evening the Terrells went to Earl's sise'r and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scott and their daughter Terry and hus- band for dinner and to spend the evening. Marilyn and Sandra MeKeen Seattle. They at- pired. Dr. and Mrs. Fred McFeeley, children Lynn and Bnzz h'we re turned from a business and pleas- ure trip of Sonthcrl CnlifoFnia beaehcs. Don A]lvn of ROCky Point has returned ait(t will Leach at Vaughn School. Jeff and Buzz Reynolds. sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Heynolds began classes this week at St. (!AUSE NO. 8113 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TltE Dalles, Ore.. to pick up Gloria STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Crawford. wile is Mrs. V[orgon's MASON COUNTY MYR'I-LE KELLY. Plaintiff VS. JACK KELLY. Dofendanf Also knowu as ERNEST E. KELLY Jr. Notice is hereby given that the above entitled cause will he called up for bearing on Friday, the 13th day ot September. 1963. at tie hour ot n):t}o A.M. in tbe above entitled court at the Court House ill Shclton. VCashing- toll. and that order of default and judgment of divorce oil the grounds of desertion and non-suDPort as prayed for in tbe conlplaint, will be entered on said day. Signed -- Trena Belsito Wort)ington Attorney for Plaintiff 205 Thm'ston Savings Bidg'. Olympia, Washington 8,'29 9/5 # ACCEPTS APPOINTMENT Jom'nal editor Bill Dickie has bee appointed to the advertising committee of the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association by WNPA president Earl Clark of Edmonds, he was notified this week. The \\;VNPA advertising committee also serves as the board of directors for WNPA Ser- vices. Inc.. the advertising divi- sion of WNPA. Dickie is also a member of the boartt of directors of the parent organization. The water of the Ohio River is used and reused by communities and industries almost, four times as it flows from Pennsylvania to the Mississippi. Repeated reuse of water has become the rule in this country. Real Estate DOWNTOWN LOCATION Two bdrms, separate utility "room and shower. Includes electric range and oil heaer. Cement foun- dation. Only 3V2 blocks to Trade- well. $5900 3 dwn. plus closing. MOUNTAIN VIEW . . . Two bed- rooms, newly repainted, new sid- ing. Ineludes 'oil heater & some furniture. 2 blocks to stores. $6,000 Terms. DOWNTOWN . . . Three bedrooms 2-sto,y home with dining rm. Fire- place. Lrg. kitchen & breakfast nook. $7,000 terms. MOUNTAIN VIEW . . . Two bed- rooms. Hwy. property. 2 lots 12 more for sale) Patio with fire- place. Insulated fruit room. Fenced yard. $8500 10% own. HILLCREST.. , Two bdrms. Wall- wall carpet. Oil furnace. Patio with fireplace. Double garage. 2 blocks to stores. Only $8750. 10% down. ANGLESIDE . . . Three bdrms. 14 years old. Radiant heat 2 in- door fireplaces, 1 on patio. $2,000 dwn. $82.50 too. DOWNTOWN , . . Two bdrms. Dining room. Hwd, floors• Plas- tered. Fruit trees & berries. 1 block to hospitals. $13,000. BILL PEARSON REAL ESTATE 125 No. 5th Dial 426-3132 ANYTIME Evenings Call Sylvia Carey 426-6556 i "11 daughter and Mrs. Peterson's sis- ter. Gloria attd her husband Ken- ny have just returned from tour- mg Europe for several months. and their car broke down in Ore- gon. Ruby and Bill Morgon, Pete and Franie Peterson Gloria and Ken- ny Crawfm'd and Shirley and Earl Anderson had a get-together Mon- day to hear all about the Euro- pean trip. We hope at out" next writing Gloria will have written a summary of their trip. MR. AND MRS. EARL Terrell spent last weekend with the 5ohn Legal Publications , NO. 8085 NOTICE OF SIIERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under General Execution IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ARNOLD REX and BERNICE REX, husband and wife. dba REX FLOOR COVERING. Plaintiff vs. IDA A BO- QUIST aka IDA BOQUIST, indic[d- ually and as %rustee for her nfinor children Defendant. Under and by virtue of a general execution issued out of and under the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Washington. in and for said County, on the 2nd day of August• 1963. upon a judgment rendered in said Court on the 30tb day of November. 1961 in favor of ARNOLD REX and EERNICE REX. husband and wife. dba REX FLOOR COVERING. and against IDA A. BOQUIST aka IDA BOQUIST indi- viduMly and as trustee [or her minor children judgnlent debtor for the sum of Four hundred forty-one and 15/100 Dollars. together with attorney's fees, interest, cost and increased costs, and to nle directed and delivered. I did on the 2nd day of August• :1963, levy upm all the right, title and in- terest of said judgment debtor in and to the "following described property to satisfy said judgment to-wit: A tract of land in Govt. Lot 1. Sec. 28, Twp 22 N, R 1 West, W.M.. Mason County, Washington particularly des- cribed as follows: Beg at a point on the East line sd Govt, Lot I wbich is 411.86 feet South of NE cot thereof: ht South alg sd Easi line 50 feet to a car axle marking the NE cot of a tract of lafid owned by Wilbur L. Mil- liron and wife: running th alg the North line thereof West 600 feet and Sotlth 82+30 ' West 2£,6.70 feet to a car a}le marking the NW cot of sd Milliron tract lo'cated on the meander line : then- ce North 9¢45 ' West alg sd meander line 50 feet to the SW cor of a tract of land heretofore sold on contract by the granters herein to Cortland W, Johnsen and wife; run tb alg the South line of sd Johnsen tract North 82°30 ' Easi 300 ft. more or less. to a pt wllich is 70 ft south of the North line thereof: th East 580 feet. nlore or less. to the POB. subject to pipeline casetoent as contained ill deed fr01n F. M, Sisson & Clara E. Sisson to Fred B. Sisson. dated Feb. 20, 1923. filed for record Marcll 5. 1923 as Audi- tor's fee No. 40039. and recorded in :Book 41 of Deeds on page 374, records of Mason Cmmly, Washington, EX- CEPT THAT portion of same lying easterly of State Highway No. 14TL NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS tIEREBY GIVEN, That on Friday tbc 6th day of Septenlber, 1963. at 10 o'clock in the Forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described pro- perry, or so Ulljeh thereof as lnay be necessary to satisfy said judgment, to- get]let with attorney's fees, interest, costs and increased costs, ill all-amoun- ting to the sun] of Six hundred five and 95/:100 ,605.95) Dollars. Said sale will take place at the East door of the Court House at 4th and Pine in said County and State. and will be at public auction, for cash i hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton, Wash. this 2nd day of August :1963. D. S. CLARK Sheriff of said County. lily THORA BASSETT Deputy 8/8-15-22-29-9/5 5t HOOD GANAL WEST SIDE 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, beautiful Canal home. 200' beach access. Club house, dock, and float $27,000. SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom home, fireplace, full basement plus 100' building lot on low bak, fine gravel beach. $25,000. Executive type home. Guest house, cabin, dock, and float, $60,000. IN HOODSPORT ON THE BEACH 3 bedroom and guest house with fireplaces, $27,000. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, fine grav- el beach, wonderful view, $16,- 500 (now leased) Off the Beach New 3 bedroom home, fireplace large family room, creek, land- scaped. $15,000. 175 ft. lot, 2 creeks, large family home ($14,000). 3 comfortable 2 bedroom homes to choose from (Hoodsport) $5,500 and up. 2 bedroom, garage, storeroom, landscaped, creek, 148 ft. beadh $18,500 Trailer lots $2000 & up No bank beach lots $200 dn. Skokomish Valley 4 bedroom home, approximately 3 acres on creek $11,750. Business Property with 3 bedroom home, 2 baths and garage, Will take small Shelton home as part payment. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evenings r, ,''OTICE'-OF SALE OF YALUABLE IIATER1AL ON STATE LAND STATE OF VASilINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCICS Bert L. Cole, Conlmissioncr el Pablic Lands NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Tuesday, the 241h day of Septem- ber 1963. eonnncncing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Sheb ton District Headquarters, located at Shelton. County of Mason. State of Washington by the District Adminis- trator of said District. the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to-wit : Application No. 28989 Fosens Lake No. 1 located approxi- nmtely 25 miles north of Shelton. The sale is composed of all timber within nmrked sale area boundary and proper- ty lines on part Lot 1, }gW% NW, S% NW of Section 9, Township 23 North. Range 3 West, W.M.. contain- ill 140 acres, ulore or less, comprising approximately 150.000 bd. ft. of Doug- las fir; 15,000 l)d. ft. of hemlock; and 10.000 bd. ft. of pine, or a total of 175.000 bd. ft. Minimuln acceptable bid: $2,750.00 Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Timher must be removed prior Lo Decenlbcr 31 1964. On or before September 24, 1963. at 10:00 a.m.. each bidder must make a mininmn] deposit of $275•00 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee or a total of $,80.00 in tte form })f cash. money order or certified check. Said deposit sltall constithte an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale. the rest)ective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The purchaser must pay the balance between ttm bid deposit and the full lid prlee on the day of sale, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the thne of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees. to equal 25 per cent o the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that sach deposit shall not be less than $2,000.00. This balance may be paid by personal ciieck. Purchaser must also furnish, within 30 days of date of sale, a sarety bond of $1.0"00.00 to guarantee compli- ance witb all terms of tbe bill of sale. All checks, money m'ders, etc. are to be made lmyable to tbe Conlntissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: Via public road. Complete contract and specifications may be exanlined at Sheltx)n District tteadquarters, County Auditor's office. and el'lice of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold a Shelton District Head- quarters, ou Tuesday, Septelnbcr 24, ],063. at l0 o'eleck a.m. Any sale wbich has been offered, and fro- which no bids are received shall not be reoffered unti! it has been read- vertiscd, If all sales cannot be offere0 within the specified tinlo on the ad- vertised dale. the sale shall continue oil the following day between the hours (if tell o'clock a.ln. and four o'clock p,ln, Said tinlher on said hnld will he sold for not less than the appraised wdue as appraised by the Comnlissioner of Public Lands ill the manner provided by law. a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, and District Administrator of said district. Terms of sale are: cash or install. ment plan basis. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public :Lands have been spending the last couplc of weeks at Long Beach with their father Harris McKeen. Mr. ;td Mrs. Sam Clements and grandson. John. went to Dosewal- lips fishing Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Keels of South Colby spent Thursday vis- iting friends along the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boyce and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Terrelt picnick- ed and fished on the Dosewallips" river on Wednesday. The nm of sahnon was really a sight to see going up the river. Earl and Steve also went up again on Friday. JOE MeCONNELL and friend Claire of Tacoma were visitors of the Steve Boyces Friday. Mrs. Boyce and Mr. McConnell are sis- ter and brother. Mrs. Verne Birch and children are out for a week at their smn- mer place near Allyn, Mr. an Mrs: Jewel Yon Os- ten, Mr. and :Mrs. Carl Hirsch and Marilyn, a friend from Hawaii all went to the 'Top of Ocean" in Tacoma to celebrate both Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yon Osten birthdays. A lovely evening of dining and dancing was had by all. Newly installed officers of Vic- tor Improvement club are: pres- ident. William Stock; vice presi- dent. OroviUe Weeks; Secretary, 1Vfrs. Stanley Bradley; Treasurer, Mrs. Dick Rasmussen: board of directors: Robert Andrews, replac- ing Clay Jones. whose term ex- Marins College at Lacey. Mrs. Emil Gaetana spent two days in Seattle attending- the Na- tional VF\\;V convention held at, the Opera House. All of Victor are mighty proud of our own Helen Yoshahara, who won sweepstakes award at the Mason County fair for her en- tries in tile breads and roils divi- sion, Also she took blue ribbons for her canned foods and ht}r jel- lies and jams. Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.ln. C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m. EVening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pro. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn £,, ..................... - ..... , J =_. MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... ]1:00 a.m, A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m, Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Robert S. Wick, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHUICH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, SEPT 8 9:30 a.m.--BIBLE STUDY FOR AL.L AGES 11:00 a.m.--Worship Service (Broadcast KMAS, 1280) "COMMUNION WITH CHRIST" 6:00 p.m.--YOUTH AND ADULT PROGRAMS 7:00 p.m.-- "THE CHURCH OF GOD" "ITS UNITY AND HARMONY" WED., SEPT. 11 7:00 p.m. GROUP BIBLE STUDY =m. RSHEIlMEN'S CLUB 10:00 a.m;--Bible Study : " i t j / £ ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.--Church School & Adult BibleClass 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship. TILe Church is always open for meditation and prayer FIRST GHURGH OF GHRIST, SGIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m, Reding room located in clmrch. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Men. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45, 'Back To Sunday School Rally 9ay Featured guests: DALE CARPENTER, district Youth & Sun- day School Director with a living story for young and old alike. MARK LUNDBERG, Washington State High School Wrestling Champion with a challenge to teenagers. Coming Sept. 8th - 9:45 A.M. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURGH East Pine Street i SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street Mason Younglund, pastel' l= •l =iw i u= ll•lllll=i==l••===l =l=llllml Sunday School .......................................................................... 9:45 A.I, Morning Worship ..................................................................... 11:00 P,:M, Christ's Ambassadors .............................................................. 6:00 P,M:. Evangelistic Service ................................................................ 7:00 P.L Wednesday ................................................................................ 7:00 P,M. ' ., i uu FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated With American Lutheran Church i i i i .,, i iii i i , =---- THE METHODIST GHURGH North 4th and Pine Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a,m. Worship Services 9:45 alto, Church School for at1 ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowsihp FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lae Boulevard Charles 0. Wigton Bible School ...... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m+ Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. hild Care Service Available at 11:00 Service I r  I i MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy. So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School ......................................... 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45. a.m, Morning Worship ........................................ 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a,rr/. 8/29-9/5-12-19 4 t ...... , ........