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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy | Request Content Removal | About / FAQ | Get Acrobat Reader¢ 2 .... I l i I Where The Boys Are... Buying school Graveside Service For Allen Infant Gravesidc selvice for William Ponl Allele. infant son of Mr and Mrs t:obevl Allen Shelton was leld at 1 p m \\;Veehlesduy, Sept Thursday, S To be ngry is tO faults of others Mt. Moriah clothes a \\;  , --Mr. &amp; Mrs. Shop :?::OL:!i::ii:D;b GOLFS u d set icy e for your car I We have emploYed .... I GAlL STEENSEN I I I I MECHANICAL • Brake Repairs I SERVICES ,. Muffle r lp.alrs I Available Daily, i:ludtng Sundays, e×eept Saturdays. I ONE stop here will keep you safely on the GO] I COLE'S MOBILGAS SERVICE Ii as yoor COUNTY AUDITOR : : :::%  • :: : ::! i / :i; :::: (: ;/! : Y .J(Y !ii'!ii!!i:i!ii:ii!! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ EQUALITY n I tried to be impartial to my constituents and to my fellow I officials I I believe I have served you well the past our years and I Deserve your Support for Re Election l THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION I c. NOLAN MASON, I I Auditor, Mson County I (Paid Political Advertisement.) ' " I I II , H ' i ii i t , i i Shelton's Radi 0 6,1962  F. ,. at the Sllelt(m Memorial t ark. A The infant was born August 31  NO 1962 at lhe ShelL0n General Hos- /N,/x -- = "    ,., .   l:ital He died SopL. 1, 1962. " qi((;: lIi : " ' [ U t'" In addition, to his parents he is Stated ?.ommU , . ,, .:?a Allen. Jr.. and a sister. Avilene SATU DAY, $ . , , . Allen, at the family home. " ' ..... " li':' ' l  ': .... ' "ues. I Gerald Sampl e'f Schools°re On t'le ( nt u, ett's'c l l " l ll,r Alhzn Wam.. l a __ ..... ..  .......... , Service Held 3: I 1 :! .....  '  1''< .... " r' Graveside service was held at: 3 =,:i  I ' ....  l  y ] " t I  ' I [ ' ] = () l]' T]O'' '[ = I']] ' ' p'] =S" I I ni I [ l.. 1[£' < l .... , ii  ed qWay Sup, day September 2 VLVVW z E   .....  .......... , 3962 at the Shelton General H s- _ ....... [ ': "' l .... I : >  ........... / pital Rev R R Rings officiated nelt0n LO0g 2; ......  ...... ,<: at the service m the Shelton Me . ,. "1 l ' ' It: 'ft" ; ; " ' ': ; I ' ' ' 1  l ' ' :[ I moriat Park -. =u-: ' :' ' " ' l "['1  ' "l l  ';*'''' l' :'' l ,:1 ber 15 1883 m Garfield Washing ""Ph'o%e 42 ' : [ : '' :' l ....... : l:l':l':  *" ' " : l " ' : :' :: ton She had resided at Box 816 MEETINGS HE :" :' l ' "' '' " ...... ""' ......... :l ' : .............. l'll " ' ......... :: : ' l" l ' " : .... ''J] .................................................. ] Allyn, for the past 12 years , l =!1 1 PROPOSED S CHOOL Th s s an art st s corlce It on of the new __  -- Im_ I  he i [1 'vive d bY e 'l h ba n d , n an  , ,, - •  in the M r • Frank H Thomas, Allyn; 1 daugh- of the M@ I h :. corobtnat,on grade and htgh oohool for wh,oh voters a y . .... , 1 : M " Knight school district at Matlock are being asked to approve nnmr .00hllt.00 I,,, Mrs. E ul'.ene Atwate,: Sa.nta  . m_  ....... * . ..umer ar0 a $130.000 bond issue in the pl'im.ry e/ection Tuesday. Ray...._._ ..... -- ,arla,:a,.uauornla; .t m'olncr, vt" ....... .7 ¢oun:"R:::rd . h v .............................. I arl l-lOfllDrOOK, Allyn. •  Y " ' ' 1 " ' ' I ' IIII Serve You os Ihll Intrnduad .wn onuYceT¢ I THREE CHARGED Rpepnreh Man I]llllllllllll,lll,llllll,ll,lll,lllllllllllllllllll i/Ill mllLlUUUvu /llU uunmLomos inlil@'l'ilv llVVVlllVUU 1111114111 I; RIIIIP l|AIIrll 'll'llr lllll,r!  I SUES wu/Irl runr.oun/ = I l -- TWO BOND IS I .... Y_IPL_I.. I- UIR£ UV£1[ Ifl£ ilRl! ! CODE VIOLATIONS /U 011UILUII NOR MIC PLENDOR O AKEI --  _ In u0n_ress ,. PRIMARY I I'- "" . ' N THE P  A S l    l  -- 1 .......... lF ........ ='' " ....... , .. I .... (C(,nt[gu,,d r,'(,m )a,'e 1) "'ae-, HOQUIAM --- The transfer ofI = MAN AND THE OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS .,Im -- WA"J.I'I/UFN, l.)U -- ..Un" (C(ntnled l'[l )}l] I)aFe J) .. Ilel: them pile lip as ue'p as lz b Pentti To) all Technical De alt /---- " :a** ::- : resswoman Julia Butler Hansen cincls and in two secti(l s in tle wnted to" he said ' . ..[P ". ": . P .[' "/ The Swiss Alps have nothinfl on the bl- _ =.i1-] Y[ has introduced a bill to give U.S. Tahuya precinct will vote on the I =,,d ,,o o.o,o00 ment. ,lpe,, tne/ setting of Mason County's newest quallty,; _._. __ hlmbor exporters the same oppof bpecial levy. . I tc make restitutiorl and ha, d had yn)pc ^l;esea.l'eL1 ylYl^Sion " a|, fa¢[l[tl., can rel_ax...with, y,o.u_r f''  I I 14,1 tlmiLy to negotiate, a favorable Voters in the ary M Knignt no whrning t vtt, char,esg would **""' VU[[U L ' [ it t[V [ [ Y[ ' [l [I eU]'- -- C00Ktall In "'TEi LIA DEN", an0 uln v']l] w ....... L L I I'M/ hiuping rate as is true with corn- school distract will decMc on a[ be filed Edward I,. Button to fill the up 1 ]= QUALITY CHAR-BROILED STEAKS ano "ii] -- - pe{illg Canadian lumbermen. $130,000 bomt issue to const.'uet I "HE AII)he was now under inte:dexP°siti°la,snnlsIc,[= CIOUS SEAFOOD DINNERS. _. i i ccord and equip a new (onminaion ,ms)ension and (n ld possibly ,:,ay , .... ?'  .............  ..... |---- If'|t IFll|nna. f,nm e@ a ghld'Iiit L FE P The proposed leglslat on, a - ' [ . " l ' 1 . , .. , .... t . . ' • vana el' oi tea onier's tra s I ][[ [ [ [[*[[  Ilagza '  in to Mrs. Hansen, wotfld amend glade and ]ngh sehool at. the sit(. i 1,'se ll,s job pe.l'nlanen/ly and have r.r,,.hLg, r;,,,,,,, y . Y/- " I III lll--IIIZi II mm','lA!] MODERI tge Shinuin Act of 1916 to ex- of the present sehooJ. | to leave tim C()YIIIIILIn/Ly. " ................. |---- 1 llllE lll|lUlllll llir'llll0i:/ el,,d ca-:owhich is lumber from Voters in the Matlock and Sat- [ "I've tried t6 b . a good citizen Toppari has worked for the]= LMir bu.nmlam lll'l}Vll LUXUR ..... • ° " €O 1 eclnc' [ S] tnd ortions of the. | . ? • , . , ,  IN NNNI VIFmNNINN NN! nllillv q Conferen,. agreemenLs and flora  P P .... , 1 *, P " ,, ,. ,.'. of thel community_ . %%hlle I have Grays.. Harbor Dvmmn 31 years,l-_ • "ltl certain tariff filin re uirements Dayton and Cloqualhnn pcc)n(.s [ been here" ne said "and have starting as a pulp and paper/-- Haodsport, Washington Phone TR i ..,.o. g q • 'i '- ' -- ' ,nd.r the. Act These tariff filinff in thc Mary £vL Kmgm. dsu ct done all I could to help the corn- tester He graduated from Wash-[ =" .................. llSafli /W lumber producerl can contini'e to '  ; ' 1 [ ' = "/ J011as IN. talnes astic honor societies. Toppari had/= DANCING AFTER 10:00 . 'I::II: d(;"!:l:ii:i!!l)ilvlli  !:;i!Y:°iil!!°t!Pl2::S:atl]!ii:l, Called B.vD ea thasse =; :,-: hich requ" "e "'" " ' dales" fm - the," offm'" ' they (io not Jonas N G' '" P'' " ' ' ] " |1-- " . o : ' . , ' " . "  :,' '. and a half years of serv,ce he re ..... , Umted States to.mffer thedelays .......  in the mimav but onl '''away Fmday Aug ol 1962at the : ....... ;'. ' "  I ' ' "  a" "  ' " I'' ' "Y C " ' ' " ' Itll'l*leG I:O [ne tloqulam l-lanL as u i of f,hng rates ................. ,1 ^leeti(;n ballot | 2helto, GenerM Hospital Mr I = , ......... II  un tte't t: ....  • it. Supervlsol' tsnenllsl; anu snoruy ' , ," "The law must be changed to Till, ='rATE SIlPI, EME o,,rtl.a,'_'es"=:" bo::, .,,,:,,h .:,:-.l==1.1 lhereafLer worked a year at tt';li U rrw LI' permit prompt action on rate 3udge contests, on l.he other hand,] ]Cl'[ (]( ] ] ]   I (' ] ( Y : ]  [} ] ] ] ] ] '  1 (1 "e O a  [ Shelton Research facilities on|l .. = 1,.. ----. . , re w zd as well as doxn 92 llLllOt(1 AX( ]ol Lne past chang s up a . '" are virtually decided in the pri| , ] [ '  " ' ] ' ' '; [:Hlping, bleaching and paper mak]] ¢4 ward, the same freedom on l:ate mary. Fotn' positilms are lip for[ o ycar;. , . . .,, ling He was nmde Assistant inll lO  ad ustments that Canaaa permits -'--;:i-,P this ,,eal and in two / The lunerai ,,rvwe was ncq¢ .,'. ...... " . . . J • .- . ' u,. ...... a , , /. + :1 ,) m Tuesd't., 't the Bat vou and uecmncal ueparmen I sne aaaeo, there are two candidates. ' " ' .... A ." ' ; - Superintendent in 1955 i . " ThcConferencelinesthemselves, Jude'e Oh=los . Donwer,h isltone i,',,ne=,l ,,,,l,,,,, :.lh "'v.I ,: .......... , ............ :], ..... ,._,1 according to Mrs. Hanscn, have onnosZd in his bid for re-,,i,ction/ ,".son Yo,,,,gh,n,, offiemting. ,,,:|.,.',:''::' =:.::'::':Z,p:'Z'_' II [LI I|IUU I no  adwsed Lhat they do not see llow tv Roberl T I(ennedv and Judge/ i:'*mcnt %'' n  ,t  . ] ........ : ...................  __[I {:i • • :  * • d " ' * . . ) ) JILUt$[* IlL ]]t ('* J[|(|LLI ULII1 tIl(l 2 ::i::f?:i:i: Amelman lumbelmen can compte Orris Han'ulton by ¥flham C.| 1 1¢.. ......... I lleachin ¢, reseaPch ,roram at ttle II L '_ _  with the oreign shippers with this Goodloe. " / , nrv1v°l'S<l!l(}l!l(fe ills wue, 1,!o.-[ Shelton ,ab'oratories " " I I iii necessity for filin o" rates. The candidate in each of these] ;m G:.un, ,.mu.,u; (hi(" !o.L w-[  'o"--aci and his wife Ann re [[ ii Senator Warren G Magnuson conteLs gelling the highe,t num-[ ti'un C C laplin \\;,am wahl; (am / *i(t PP* °1 ..... lr-- ',e: 511 DAUIll lid :!iii has introdu(2ed ',n identical bill in ...... '= ..,:, .. :,, (.: .: .... ., (.nel} r(.lher I,'ranl¢ G tnes Fort i " e L O . l '.C L '€ U m II IiiIllUIII! UI¢IO01 . UUUI 11 lltlllll (:ii! ..... , ....... t = Hoqumm and will move later to ts " ] '  S ' ]' a' t *' ' [ 0'' P P  * [" O 11  ] ]  =  ]'  1' t 1 " [ ' " t' [] ]' t " ": [" ] '' .'=" "° " 1, 'l ,] ] "1 ': h ]' '1 ] 1 [She,ton II  :! .................................  ' ] ] () [: ' ' i  I ' S [) [ C  P 1" (I) V i ' ' ([ 1" O ] ' ] m';] [' ]  [ ' ' ] d ( "  2 ' [ ]' ' [: ' ] ] ' ' ] '  [ ] • I Ed,vatd (Ned) Button was hi,ed ]1 Rt-- Wite Wa.s _i Tr00l00i]00iiiii0000i00!:! Journal Want Ad write-in candidates. Unopposedl 00l'l00n 00illJl00* :i"!ii * ii'l PLYMOUi2i]00f0000002!i], -:- for their partes ]]O';'i'l'ti()]] :''i  () ])']  I[!/ . ': .' ".= tl - -  '.= .......... : i ] Connly Assessor Willis Btrnett, I The l),l)a,qnle,lt of N tur'l Re-] .('ucv ,, .lpsnon. il REGULAR $   [ 1 1 ] ] [ : 1 1 ] • ' , 15Lntorl s[a]'te( %%'i[111%ayomcr as a 4  Democrat and Lawrence Gosser,] rources answere, wllh a ptuup] ,':,:;b,. A ..... ". -'. II CLOSEOUT PRICE -" :t ..._ ' '  ' ' 1 *'*tt* L .aten3.1s[ [tno rt(1vt%nceo 0 " " F[ Repubhean County Auditor C I |tuck and two pie-l|i),; Hoodsport ] .............. • ...... II Wnh. T i - ' ' " m. ' a SS*SEtlIL le, cllnlcal epartmen[ "+ t; Nolan Mason, Repubhcan and Ka-I l,,|'e Departnlent., as well as a] , .. ,, ...... ,.. li I:'II- I ,sm I , , 1Jpp1 inlet Ildenl in ±aa : dlerine H Johnson Democrat and I lanup truck from i he City of Ta ] .... l i VALIANT Vodan xl "" i lgiH!! i County Commissioner John E. Ba.-' coma helped to hrino' tile blaze] __ " ............... il ........................ , - ...... riekman Democrat and Oscar Le ,ruder (.mlrol by 3::f0 p m ']  ] Nnnt=r nf=tv l.nnre= II ,oo,l : ,in, Republiean. : .i,y of ',',,e.,.a" tr,,,',, sto,,d b' • I I -./51 [' Unopposed i]] clther Lhe [)},'iTary[,.e|'%v,.,]'ds ill C|Se (' a fiae-[|p, ;Tn R,, R=I 19. I A II REGULAR $2651,10 $?]  Y ! -- ;it cr the general election arc Treas- The De[v,u'tnmn, of Natural Re n. I, ..11. I - I=V li CLOSEOUT PRICE "d['- !  urer John Cole. and Prosecuting ,:ourees is 1] (  ([ 11 ( , : ] d  1 ] g that people The Mason County Sheriff's of-ll  -= Eiil Attorney T] ) , I ' (} ] ] ] (: C ] 1 ]] [[ ]  [ 1] , [ O t h ] ] (} ] ('] [} ' l' { } ] l bu]'niY],o." Jl] hlz[[l'd()[|s ]'ice will sponsor a hunter safety]] lTW. RlrTV ., t,sE I IXI :t Democrats. On the non-political reas Inlli| conditions ave more course fronl 7-9 p.m. Sept. 12,1i vtsuI lt lt)£o- | : : : .... 1 n¢l 1 !i ballot Rolla Halberl: and flham iavor ble   4 in the ourt house, l i ,.,, | ......... ::::':: :: .... This ' J'" iil DeMmro Sr., are unopposed for . .......................................... w i I l be the only coursoll od. rj'yj- I --* r--'--s usUce of the peace from the  1 Pli Eiven before htuting season and][ =ev'r:i! : I " F Shelton and Belfan ]{as cspe( young n mtzs who need a safety Ill '" ' : ", "'- l:NIInTg iliiV . ,s o " • II in tOCl a Huge avm;-" I i .......... :' :[  .................... l tivel-y. ,,ll| L TM va, -, um course. • :ca|'d to ..... -et " license must II "" I WE NEED USED OFFENDERS DON T WOI00P.H Hnld Mee! =,00ooo, =. [--  1 The she, ff, s office asked tl, at CARS ' ............ -- .............................. course register before the first l i , _ i IJ An, lnl', UUME UAUK TU M<.mbe,.= of thc Board of the esslon..' so ..... mst, ucto, s• can be hned" li  • ilil[.l, ...............  " vfth the addition of count wi|hm her disi'icl in the fail eieC-  tran.,portation and tools the (;()st lion campaigns  *l '=, of tile program has increased a She. was accompanied by Mrs. • _   • ! ---:----7=-- Station ii :/I I WHAT I00l] • .. . .. .,, ,lte, ";:" , ' ....  n I _ _ c.f the Mason County Womens qP&ll 11111 iillJ.qr: I I I ' do¢ICl'' hf| " lepublican CInb due to the resig- NIIIP /HI" Wi]-II: I. M w,, ,%.. i,.11%. n':d:ion oi" Mrs. Arthur Kraus, V/V/ /llll IlnV/ .TA -- Hoodsport. She ;tnnounced plans '-- 1280 ON YOUR DIAL ,ON T:HE AIR 6:00 a.m. Mon., Sept. 10 Pending Final FO I Approval if Reoeived by Saturday 1 for a dessert tea at thc new East- wood Room at Alderbrook Inn Scpt. 19 :tt which tram "Ellie", the Republican baby elephant hand puppet will be introduced. Jourai-Wani-hs Pay NOTIOE TO UY AOTiVE B E IR s I do not condone personal abuse in political cam- paigning and ask that all those who are campaigning in my behalf resist any temptation to use statements that might belittle the personal intcgrity or charactcr of my opponent or those supporting him, or any of their families. Let's stick to the basic issues o[ who will and can do the best job of operating the Mason County sheriff's office Democratic candidate for sheriff (Paid Political Advertisement) OF YOUR TAXES Elect A Sheriff Who Will Protect Yourp!o!lars :( as well as your life and and who will strive to improve public relationS. An honest, sound program is the basis for all good government' ' FOR D. S. "SAM" VOTE ClA.00.K. FOIl SHERIFF Democrai IT'S TIME FOR: A CHANGE Be sure to vote next Tuesday -- This race will be settled in the Primary Election. (Paid Poliical Advertisement) 1943 ABSEN 1953 ABSEN HE W RIGHTS 0 AMENDIN SUPPORT I ' AMENDIN lb- EXEMPTIr ly OTHERS AS REC( /bills %: Savage w:,t Il" Uly changeu rl lSils prol)ose d by ':%torate for the 3 he, h,  OWn union dcf lq[bV ¢ tbor Council € " HAVE A REPR RICH1