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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rvice ant 3r William of Mr. and lelton, wits sd:ly, Sept. orial Park. August 31, encral Hos- 1962. trents he is ter, Robert. er, Avilene )inc. ( "¢ • ues. man ts held at 3 nber 4 for S who pass- ptember 2, eneral Ht s- :s officiated helton Me- Thursday, S To hc :ngry is to faults of others ape hi Mt. Moria .... Stated SATURDAY Richard Holland&apos;il Gerald SampleS,  "LOYAL Shelton Gerry Phone 3rn Novem- Russ fl, Washing- Phone at Box 816, MEETINGS years. Ler husband, nd nd m; 1 daugh- of the rater, Santa 6,1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.B.A." Shelton, Washin ARRIVALS (V/ Shclhtn (h,ncral llospital Mr. and Mrs. George Durkin, Star Rt. 2 Box 189, a boy, Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G Allen, S',htr Rt. :l Box 133, twins, a boy and a girl, Aug. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Ctlarles Murray, Rt. 3 Box 318. a boy, Aug. 31. M'. and Mrs. Jerry Morris, 41.8 Arcadia St., a boy, Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Martinell, Rt. 2 Box 993, a boy, Sept. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCord, Star Rt. 2 Box 189, a girl, Sept. 3. Clinic Hospital Mr. and Mrs. William Iverson, Box 44, Lilliwaup, a boy, Sept. 4. Salty Sashayers To Have Regular Dance " Tile Salty Sashayers Square -k Dance Club of Shelton will hold So cial Even ts Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 I JANET HINTON, FRANK BOWER UNITED IN AUGUST CEREMONY qtsADste Gity of Hope. To, ,y, TlLuaday, Se,, , Members Invited To Navy Mothers Club. 8 p.m., Me- morial Hall. Shelton Yacht. Club, 8 p.m., PUD Building. Pioneer PTO, 8 p.m., at the school. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Shclton Hotel. 40 & 8 VoItuL'e 135 dinner 7 p.m. Shelton Hotel, Sept. Prom 8 p m. Vets Club. Frida.y, Sept. 7 .... WCTU, 1 p.m. luncheon, home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. VFW Auxiliary: 8 pjn., Memor- ial Hail. Saturday, Sept. 8 Mt. Moriah Masonic Lodge stat- ed communication, 8 p.m., Shel- ton Masonic Temple. Salty Sa.hayers, 8:30 p.m., Me- morial Hail• State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., city police station. Sunday, Sept. 9 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, Sept. I0 Welcome Chapter No. 40 OES 1 brother, 8 p.m. Records "k its regular dance at 8:30 p.m. Social Club, noon luncheon, home . J_ ountyRecor& l tiILS Saturday at tlle Memorml of Mrs. William C. Batchelor. " " . to °  -Jr [ Hail. Tilere will be a pothLek County conlmissioners weekly l.l]re re, as ... ]lunch. o meeting, I0 a.m., county court- IIIIIPlR IIlIII R IIIIIf All visiting square dancers and house. [lll n Ulillm Ili 1 • spectators are we|come at all club, Sept. 11 il"l| I I1 L. llrII ..... - 41 • O - dances. Clint Renney will do the , Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, 10 Kiwanis ChLb luncimon, noon, OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS2amlmmi Memorial Hall. is Alps have nothing on the b YIU i.l(")|llrJ IL'Id"UII City commissioners weekly lea;:yoGu0nty 's newes} qualyfd ---- ................... ---- meeting, 2 p.m., SeptemberCity hall. ===+ w+,.y THE LIARS ,+,..,,,= .,,,-- C-NT WILL OUR State patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., city '. il police staLion. j] LIFE INSURANCE IN THESE Thurs(lay, Sel,k 13 MODERN TIMES IS NOT A Golden Age Club, :[2 noon pot- luck, Memorial hall. Shel ton__Hot.__el: ...... I • Rotary Club luncheon, noon,  N/W" / NATIONA 1-'' ,,  ........ National Guard To " s6.813-"-- IMIw Ineutdli'll roe ROO]Y[ OPEN7DAYS A. W]*" :f: .... MR. AND MRS. FRANK H. BOWER following their wedding Resume..,jWeem- ceremony at the Methodist church on August 18. She is the for- lING AFTER 10"00 P.g' i mer Janet Hinton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinton, Shelton. IIIIIllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bower, Lacey. The newly- Drills Next Monday Battery B, Ist Howitzer Bat- Re.Elect Willis E. A FEW LEFT 1962 BURNETT [OUTHS- VAt for RAMBLERS Mason County lassie 2 Door Sedan ASSESSOR r- Undercoat- Back-up Lights ing Seats- White Walls ILAR $2337.15 CLOSEOUT PRICE Belvedere "6" 4 :(!>: ?:: i)/i!i Democrat (Paid Political Adv.) Heater--Wheel Covers Wall Tires JLAR $2745.45 Antique gold rings were ex- changed by Miss Janet Lee Hinton and Mr. Frank H. Bower at a candlelight ceremony held at 8 Aug. 18 in the First Metho- dist church. Rev. Robert Rings performed the ceremony that un- ited the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinton, She!ton, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bower, Lacey. Yellow gladioli with white stock and whit2 candelabra graced the alter with white candles lining the aisles. About 200 guests attended Ihe affair. Mr. Hinton gave his daughter m marriage. Her gown was of white silk organza with a chapel train. It had three-quarter length sleeves. The neck was edged with lace. Her fingertip veil was drawn vp in a pearl crown. She carried white orchids and stephanotis with ,.vy intertwined. Matron of lmnor for the bride was Mrs. Gall Wolf. She wore a yellow floral print covered with yellow chiffon aud had maLchlng vhoes and gloves. Her yellow fiat had circular scalloped vcling. She carried a Colonial bouquet of 3ellow rosebuds and carnations. The bridesmaids, Misses Sharon Lee and Kay Lentz and Mrs. Joy McCue, were attired to match the n.atron of honor. They carried Colonial bouquets of yellow car- nations. Dennis Hinton, brother of the bride, Rok)ert Stickiin and James VVarren acted as ushers. The first two lit the candles for the cere- mony. The bridegroonfs brother, Gar- ry Bower, was his best man. lPa. Harvey Hillnlan acted as organ- ist witll Miss Barbara Bower, cou- sin of tile groom as soloist. She :ang words made up by herself ed the bridegroom's grandmoth- er, Mrs. Henry Bower. to the tune lalion, 248th Artdlery, Washing- ton State National Guard, will ::tart holding its regular weekly meetings starting Monday, Sept. i0, at 7:15 P-m. at the Shelton Armory, M/Sgt. Ken Rose, unit vdministrator and supply techni- cian, announced yesterday.- The unit meets at Shelton Arm- cry each Monday at 7:15 pan. There are several openings avail- able in he battery at this time and interested young men are in- vited to pay a visit to the Armory or to phone 426-6202 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. any day. l;t I!: :l: One local Guardsman. Pvt. Bob Brewer, recently left for Fort Oral Calif.. to start his six months basic training. Pvt. Brewer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brewer of Route 1, Shelton. M/Sgt. Rose also announced en- listment of Dennis D. Demmon, 940 Cascade Street. Pvt. Dora- men will be leaving in mid-Octo- ber' for Fort Ord to start his six Page 3 Grays Harbor Event Charle, R. Savage, President of the Mason County Chapter of City of Hope announced to tile Journal "Ve(lnesday that the Grays Harbor Chapter is inviting all menlbcrs +f lhe Mason County Chapter to at- tend tile Harbor's Third Anniver- ,':ary dinner in Aherdecn Elks Temple beginning at 7 p.m. Sept. ]5. While several Shelton members have indicated they will attend 'the dinner, Savage said, we can- not all be as fortunate as Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper and Hans who have been invited to be tie spec- ial guests of one of the leading couples in this work in Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs. Donovik. Mrs. Nathan Schwartz, of Port- land, volunteer Northwest coordl- nator for City of Hope, will be he guest speaker for the anni- versary dinner, Savage said, and 'the will conchLde the meeting writ the installation of tie new offi- cers of the Harbor Chapter. TO QUICKEN YOUR CHICKEN Gome Oul and Try BROASTED CHICKF It's the World's Newest Way to Cook. IF YOU LIKE GHIOKEN You'll love golden brown, tender, delicious chicken cooked in pure vegetable oils, with all the natural juices and goodness scaled in Many a man who thinks to fomd a home discovers that he has mere- ly opened a tavern for him friends. . --Norman Douglas EAT IT HERE OR TAKE IT WITH YOUI y-V I +.o00o It's cooked from raw through to the bone IN JUST 7 MINUTES FOe nENTI SEA FOODS ALSO FEATUIKED Oon't Miss the Fun and , Millo's Diner Entertainment of Television I TAYLOR RADIO '1 On.ood Oanoar ,otlatch--opposito aco..a Light Powerhouse on Highway 101 ELECTRIC I Phone rloo+por, TR 7-9488 4th &Cota 426-6602 I KN00' YOUR CANDI+DATE I I IIIII 'I :: ......... rllll ........ ,. - RI ,l - I II, - BART 00OmNS Bart Robbins. Republican candidate for the State Legislature, wLshes YOUR support in this year's elections .... both primary and final. A careful study of both party platforms re- veals tile need for a change of power in our Legislature. Tile Democratic platform straws, throttgh- out, the reliance of the party on all-powerful STATE Representative 24th District ol dictatorship or ]),tttrnalism '" Bnrt Robbins wishes 1o snt.)po]'t ti)cse H.c- publican principh, s in your Legi'lam'c. He ts seeking the opl+t()rtunily to take a, active part in our State governllenl beCiII.,SC hc feal's that the practice o£ the politicians in power, of leg- islating benefits whi('h use y<,m • tx m(mey Lit g;+lll supporL for t:hemsclve.q, will not only lend CLOSEOUT PRICE ,._ ot Bless This House.  Government and the r.ule of man over •  I I lifo Mrs. Hinton chose a beige suit months of basic training, man. to ruinous taxation, but. by apl)caliag to tl(, ................................. The Republican platform recognizes the baser instincts eL gree and self-iterest, will ...... , la,m I )  WIlInIIJI I with matctling accessories and ItE'rUIIN FROM VISIT "God-given dignity of the individual". It. moral and spiritual streugth n i HiD i Jl II IIII171 • • • Leige flowered iat for imr daugh- st, weaken our ZOO 4 uoor Soda Cl ,+ : " Mr. al;d Mrs Elmer C Swan- stresses "The individual's right and capacity that our nation will not long endure in this L(r s wedding. Mrs. Bower wore ' ' ' en imvc etmned f0Ln a w to goven himself w,thout the estt mts at%--.Radio--.Heater-7,.,4, ' |nr tha dth ni_¢trtei ,; green s,ut w,th beLge access- ": ,'+ ' ' ' t o- +' ... " " ". "," "" present world conflict. week visit in Wisconsin with his (Paid Political Advertisement) U Li hes Wasners u,, - mvu amuuv ua•= =vw, i=u P g --  _. ories. Both mothers had gL'een or- ILAR $2651.10 2:  N i I I  ebid corsages. + sister, Mrs. Otto Kurschner. nt ......  .......... L ........ Jt • __... CLOSEOUT PRICE ....... • . Tile reception foliowed tic scr- i ................... --i  .................. -i i I|II | Allr I I1 rA rL| ,,'ice in Lira chm'ch parlor. A boa- "  'Jr quet of yoll0Won ca,nat]OnSrccephon and PPER ,'ther I BUY TI'[E LICEN+ ..... Models and , Body .___+I 'JL +<,I .-, I'/I rr---n  I1 i J"IIP" L , ilyU i Ilnll i. i i i ,iP o &l IC r"" v v I P P i three-tiered  laec whie ", enow cloth stock , ' osebuds s. cake centcCred the " with dccoratcd . +++ ,+e++ +° + +++++ SHO s+OCK a+ ,age +avm;-" + IX%l/ 111111 L. II o.+ yellow rosebuds on tile top lay- , ; + |;P IAL + I IIIII nlAil A, EI III ......... Scr,,ing were {l'S. Harry Carloll NI:I:U UI:.U uAno ,  IAII/ rf'lklklrO [] and Miss Lind, Wik+on,' era'fee; a  rUUJlL tnlllllh IIMiss Roberta Schwarck punch; .-IA i --nv --v IIIM,.s. Bill Busack and Miss Julie + r Irl RIIA,Y/tlflil Illi+ i i Olander, cake. Grooms cake ,,,aM FI lll/lll'_, lllV L '  •  I . .41 II ,rl I li passed by Miss Susan Busaci. , ,,,v.v,.v, -,i: n=+  uo-elec, All Inree" mnMiss Ruth Baker wal+ in charge + ..- .... ,--,,-- _.. v' " "- '" + "" " m I of the guest book anii Miss 'Sitar- . .-,...+:' ...... <: <'' ,.. >',+ ...... " +- IUILIIYLULJIIrl + gL)i;b_ , ............ I Ion Price attended the gift table. ': ..... " ........ :  "NCED ... CAPABLE . . . PROVEN.. • JOMUUIA'/'; I I oJ;, ::: T...+l+;i::f0+ 1] behalf of Representatives CONNER, McFADDEN and RITNER, has bcen I i¢o'; ...... c. '`., . " +e . |: + llU*- + >, - "r " , .,.., Al+,.ur aL t;ne l+ranKlln I lerce 1-" :,l ,,uy a host of friends in orgamzed labor who recognize the regent need to I] .................... ' taei • l tare zour J,l++£ ClIUU1 an(1 /le IS con'lpLCLlng . r experience and enlightened leaderslup in the state Legis a • I I ++ -,: ............ " '" " * i -J'/I " ll r ' ' • • • . m l btlt;J.: -Ul" JLJ JtclielOf oI Science ,.'+ respectfully solicited. Odell Rzchey, cnan'man, I degree in Mfith at the University ,0S+ ....... 7 ! SAVAGE'S )er0000e+00ehu00a003 n)erate the Mason ! THAT HF 00AN'T: ' RUN. ON IT -¥ ! 's ttie population  --....-- ..i--.... -- / [ PTHEWASTE DID YOU KNOW 0, SAVAGE'S ABSENTEE RECORD IS ONE OF THE WORST. YOUR T./nn[]v 1943 ABSENT 34 TIMES 1955 ABSENT 76 TIMES : 1953 ABSENT 10 TIMES 1957 ABSENT 55 TIMES HE WAS ABSENT ON IMPORTANT ISSUES SUCH AS; A Sheriff Who ' RIGHTS OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING FOR CITY EMPLOYEES AMENDING THE INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE CODE • IL, SUPPORT FOR ABANDONED WIVES AND CHILDREN .a -,1 I1} ' AMENDING THE WASHINGTON FISHERIES CO?cE I _l.._t V .... h.llnrll i. /.,, EXEMPT|NG BLIND VETERANS FROM AUTO L CENSE TAX ps "'Y 0T I HE HOUSE JOURNALS FROM WHICH THIS INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED BIII lOllr II ' ,h HERS AS RECORDED N T " " . ......... UU I.+,. .... s" our life and -ropertY tll+'s.S+vage ,,'as on during these years he repI'esentep, you only 20 ,,,ere l,assed -- 15 y v t,, ]uy cbanged the election laws -- none Oltl you any real good. . ave public relationS, ii 5il s .... -o-d--oi: .... 1..  prom)sod by Savage none were fo g our county and district. " r o+t. "l%t ,, ". ",  ----- .--7----7-7. -- .... :,- ' :" " , ,s for aZl good governm , Orate ior the 3rd Congressional District defeated Savage after only oim term in Con- ' t , ' ;, lh,.) ' vn uuion defeated him last week as their business agent in spite of the Mason SHERIFF' ';!' I?  tbOr (JOuilci| elldOrsement' IIAVE A .REPRESENTATIVE THAT DOES: NOTHING? SUPPORT A MAN THAT OHANGE dE FOR A his ree will be ettte GETS THINGS DONE! RIGHT VOTERiTHER VOTE DEMOcRATIC ,tisement) 5 PIECE BRONZE DINETTE • Table mocha wahlut finish with one 8" ltf • Four comfortable (;lmirs, beige cover Reg'+ .... ++49 °°+ 99 NOW $I.00 down and $5 lmr inontli Automatic  I' ComFretely automotic--lutn Itself on and oO 1+ O+ Cin:ulelllt one4hied morl heoted air thon ordima/y h4H|lrt blewer or fan I I Sovt fuol--limi))¢ll#l ov¢- hloltng erie room Io gl, I heal Into aaoflIIr, Exclusive Automatic "A|R FEED" (.£,} |nto hoal! ui)pl+(,:, ttll*r(,(,1 mtn,)utll of ;{il h) bt*r)h1: t'('i'},c3 -h,l'L luel to-| SMALL DEPOSI' IMPROVED DESIGN! SUPER DELUXE Flush-to-Wall Oil Heater Equipped With Autorrmti¢ Aipireed end Automutk Fered Air Fen TtR ONLY HOME H[ATER WITH A 3-WAY MONEY BACK GUARAHYEE I. SAVE S0% ON FLOOR SPACE or YOUR MONEY BACR! |'xclu,ive Quak<+r ,AL+'I T.CO()I. cabinpl oral- t+trut-tl()u allowm heala,r to he plm"Pd wall S+trty Approved by UIl(Jer+rltera [,ah. 2, HEAT YOUR HOME ON 25++ IO 33*,i% LE3S FUEL than any ardinary heat•r . . . or YOUR MONEY BACKI 3, MORE COMFORT in every room an LESS FUEL tim. any ordlnmT heoler or YOUR MONEY SACKI I HOLDS - EASIEST THMS Oisen Furniture Co. 328 Cota St. Phone 426-4702