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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;2 ",f',i :Ji!: i';:: .... Page 4 SHELTON--MABON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in '¢hrstmastown, U.S.A.'" heiton, Washington Thurda.y, ber 6, 1962 . F|ve rresto:d -.nv ....... ' ......... ""' ........ : "°"" " JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS Buddm' ' g Permds" ' .A T,e ..,,,,, ,,,., T,.,,.r o] ,.e{  ,,,, " ' 4ii y: *e dcT j i 7 ,tioH \\;viH rm'ot :,, , D.m tD-lanl V6,,'V for Ll!£i ll__. :lg¢iygi'flhe w°z'd ] 0el Ooun ty Approval Sheriff s Office .......... ' ' .... ................................................................................. ; .................................................. -- .  i-ht th" suhool. hdus 41e S{i)  ] were .$o,8,  DWight D ' • • ||I| qPI  am Building permits were approved Five l}ersons were arrested by ITroy. - UIIhMI |hJl JPMIJIN illfdOI by the Mason CouotyConmlission- lhe Mason Coonty Sheriff's of ................ .---'--'7-;------- "j'[lll-,____ f |IlIGIG IlK; MU INIG = • = ;.s Monday. f;ce this week. ' Legal Publw:tmIs U II. g u¥1TTiff They included Bady L Dlum They ele John Bhner, minor | lond, stlmmeP residence, $765; constunin; Dom)ld L. Velasquez, NOTH'I,: OF VATI,'.I R(;IIT 'IA,:AN. u,,,nf,)riabl(', * Buying school % clothes at Darryl G. Gooley, wood cabin, 500; J. M. Carr, wood residence, $3,500; Russell C. Vig'er, wood re- ;!dence, $7,000; Paul Jemison, roof and patio repair, $400; Hen- ry C. Thomas, wood residence, $1,000, and C. M. Jackson, en- close porch, $200; Joseph G. Glas- e, garage, $300; Lawrence W. I-Iunt, residence, $425; Clem Sarg- ent, wood residence, $3,000. AI}IILI('ATi()% N(). I': 159 F'YATt'; ()b' \\;VA,IIIN(I'I'{)N. IH,T'I("]'] ()]i" -I.'lqdi-',VIH{}t] I}i," WATI'II, 1:]': SOt'l!t'l'];:,. {}l\\;'nq,:;i. ']".\\; !':. I;: N{ )'1'1{71! : 'Ph:t \\;VIC'qI.I,;Y ]q. .,\\;!,I'}I,]I-L'--k)N id rp[{q HIID. \\;lp!;H illF IIl]l (ll :\\;ll! I IF-[ J(. I.{52. lih'd :}l}]}li,':!li,l In' I},''Hti{ h} (l!%uiq Ill,' IHIhIIP V,'stPl'.- {d' :Ill III1- IHHIH'{[ Bi}I'iI]!. JFi!}lil:ll'\\; ,l ffl,,.] (':IH;li. ilt {]1'' :l]ll{}/ll]l (}l' I)fl)] 8{ '{',=ll{[ I'",1, HH]iP{' |{) { Xi:¢liIl )'i;;lll!':, Ut}l/]illlh}.l: ; ]," ({[('h %',';[I t{}1 tilt' 1}lll't!}:u {4 (ll}- lincH1 i€ ' .;lII})ll V Ill:l| ]]B' ;iIDI'oYiIIIZH {' l}(ilit I}l' (li' {'Psi{ OI i I,.'M,'d \\;',' il ]1 i II BWII 8Wl= {11' 8D('t it,ll 2!1, rl'+,\\;Vtl: ]li 1} 22 N.. l.a;l:zd' 3 \\;V., \\;V. M., ill Ma::,,e] ( ",HII|)'. :\\;1))" *d} i 'I'tiH|IS II'DJ I),  Ht'{'(*llq);i]]- i{'(I Ii\\; r 'I iv/<* +{]Ml:tr t$2.0+1) t'(.t',*l]ill'5 ]{ and t'ih.d ,:,'ith thP :qhih' [I])('I'- "IN}}' ][' \\;}';llt'l' I(u{}/H'('PS '.VItHIII IhlFIy (:!{I} I:13':'; ] I',lll B,'t}I* H!].Pi' I", ] }l{;k'. \\;\'i|I]*'::; ItU,' h'tlld :]ltJ tH'Ih'iHf S*:/l Ibis :}Slh d:ly {d" AIIFIlsI, IgIP. M. ( L W \\; 1,I'.21,:1,. B[:I{ P * [1}10 F\\;' J.'I }F I}[' \\;Va I Or' I(,sour(''s. 9/ - ] 2t Mr. & Mrs. Shop IIII 11 IIIII Illll I I I II I I I .o operator's license; Julian D. Goodwin, drunk in pt]blic; Mich- el W. Smith, r;econd degree bur- glary; Irvin McArthur, forestry code violation. I am persuaded that every time a man smiles -- but much more so when he laughs ...... it adds some- thing to this fragment of life. .... Lawrence Stern NOTICE BY COUNTY AUDITOR OF PRIHARY ELECTION FOR STATE AND COUNTY OFFICES AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS FOR DISTRICT PROPOSITIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a PRIMARY ELECTION to nominate candidates to be voted for at the General Election to be held on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in No- vember, A. D., 1962, will be held in Mason County, State of Washington, 6n the second Tuesday of September, 1962, at which Primary Election the polls will be and remain op.en from 8:00 o'clock in the morning until 8:00 o'clock in the evening of .said day, .(except that in the case there are any voters in the Polling Places at the hour of closing who have not voted, the Polls will remain open, after the hour, to enable them to do so). Said Primary Election shall be held at the Polling Places in each Precinct in said County as hereinafter set out. The names and addresses and Party designation (except for those who file on non-partisan ticket) of all Candidates for whom Nomination papers have been filed, so far as the same affects the electors of said County are as follows: PRIMARY ELECTION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER II, 1962 FEDERAL UNITED STATES SENATOR Ben Larson, Odessa ................................................................. Republican YOchard G. Christensen, 9827 - 227tB Place S.W., Edmonds .................................... Republican John "ttugo Frye" Patric, 301 Ave. "D", Snohomish ...... Democrat Wamen (2]. Maffmson, (t00 Seneca Street, Seattle ............ Democrat REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS THIRD CONGRESSIO,NAL DISTRICT Julia Butler Hanson, Catiflamet ............................................ =. Democrat Edwin J. Alexander, 62l So. Plymouth, Olympia ............. Republican I,es J. Peterson, 7204 N.W. Ovcrlook Drive, Vancouver....Republican 1 II I STATE JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT (NON-PARTISAN) POSITION NO. I (6 Year Term) Vote for One R,)bert C. Finlcy, 717 North Street, Olympia POSITION NO. 2 (6 Year Term) Vote for One Charles T. "Carl" Donworth, 2227 So. water, Olympia Robert T. Kennedy, 1825 Federal East, Seattle POSITION NO. 3 {6 Year Term) Vote for One Harry El]sworth Foster, 91,'1 Carlyon Ave., Olympia POSITION NO. 4 (Unexpired Term) Vote for One William C. Goodloe. 4742 - 17th N.E., Seattle Orris L. Hamilton. RF'D No. 3. Olympm I I I STATE REPRESENTATIVE (Dist. 24) Vote for Three Charles R. Savage, 2011 King Street. Shelton .................. Democrat Roy R. Ritner. 919 North 7th. Shelton ................................ Democrat James L. McFadden. 1217 E. 2nd St., Port Angeles ........ Democrat Bart Robhins. Lilliwaup ........................................................ Republican Arthur Munson. Route 2, Box 7, Beaver. ........................ Republican Clayton Fo×, Route 3, Box 237F. Port Angeles .............. Republican Paul Conner. Route 1, Box 60. Port Angeles .................... Dcmocrat A. S. "Steve" Vigor, 822 Cola Street. Shelton ................ Republican I I I II II I I I COUNTY COUNTY ASSESSOR Vqte for One Willis E., Route 3, Box 324, Shelton .................. :. Democrat IJawrence Gosser, Route 2. Box 111., Shelton .................. Republican COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for One U. Nolan Mason, 529 West Harvard, She]ton .................... Republican Katherine H. "Kitty" Johnson, 528 Cote Street, Shelton.:..Democrat COUNTY CLERK Vote for One [,n.'a M. "Mrs. George" Wagener, 828 Pine Street, Shelton ...................................... Republican Edward H. Fautmrt, 321 Alder. Shelton .......................... Republican Gwen H. Sutherland. 912 May Street, Shelton .................. Democrat PROSECUTI NG ATTORN EY Vote for One Byron E. M'cClanahan. 419 Euclid, Shelton ........................ Democrat COUNTY SHERIFF Vote for One Win. A. Potter, Rotlte 3, Box 291, Shelton ........................ Democrat D. S. "Sam" Clark. 428 Henry, Shelton ................................ Democrat COUNTY TREASURER Vote for One John B. Cote 1102 East Ellinor. Sheltoa .............................. Democrat COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Dist, NO. 3) Vote for one John E. Bariekman, Route 3, Box 573, Shelton ................ Democrat Oscar R. Levin, 1700 Stewart, Shelton ............................. Republican I, I ,I mul [ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ( NOlO-PARTISAN SHELTON Vote for One Rolla W. Halbert, 521 West Pine, Shelton BELFAIR NO. 2 Vote for One William DeMiero, Sr., P.O. Box 175, Belfair I I I I I I I I II I SPECIAL ELECTION Mason County Fire Protection District No. 2 Belfair, Washington SPECIAL LEVY The following' Proposition will appear on a Special Ballot, to be voted upon in concert with the State Primary Election, to be held on Tuesday, September 11, 1962, and said Proposition may be voted upon by all qualified voters residing within the boundaries of the said District, and within the Precinct wholly or partially con- rained within said District. PROPOSITION Tax Levy for new Fire Truck and new Fire Station Shall a Tax Levy of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), or approximately 10 mills in excess of the Tax Levy provided by law, be made on the assessed valuation of the Mason County Fire Protection J:)istrict No. 2 and the proceeds thereof used to pay the cost of purchasing one (1) new Fire Truck, fully equipped, to be based on the South shore of Hood Canal, and one (11 new metal Fire Station, to be based at Bear Creek. all a more specifically provided in Resolution No. 10, unanimously adopted by the Fire Protection Diatrict Commission, on July 24, 1962. TAX LEVY, YES .................................................... [] TAX LEVY, NO .................................................... [] I Mary II I I I IIII II I SPECIAL ELECTION M. Knight Consolidated School District No. 311 Mason County, Washington BOND ELECTION The following Proposition will appear on a Special Ballot, to be voted upon in concert with the State Primary Election, to be held on Tuesday, September 11, 1962, and said Proposition may be voted upon by all qualified voters residing within the boundaries of the said District, and within the Precincts wholly or partially contained within said District. PROPOSITION School Distriot Improvement Bonds Shall Mary M. Knight School District No. 311, Mason County, Washington, issue its general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $130,000 or so much thereof as may be issued and sold under the laws governing the limitation of indebtedness of school dis- tricts, such bonds to be payable both principal and interest out of annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount to bear interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% per annum and to mature in from two to twenty years from date of .issue for the purpose of providing funds to pay pat% or all of the cost of con- structiig and equipping a new combination high school and grade sch0ol to replace the present school at the present school site, all as more specifically provided in a resolution of the Board of Di- rectors adopted on the 16th day of July, 1962. BONDS, YES 2 ...... " ......... " ............................................ [] BONDS, NO .............................................................. [] ...... ... II I I DATED this 4th day of September, 1962. C. NOLAN MASON, Auditor of Mason County, Washington, an(l Supervisor of Elections. POLLING PLACES PRECINCT ADDRESS POLLING PLACE Airport ................ Old Navy Barracks ................................ Moose Hall Allyn ............................................................................ Allyn Grade School Arcadia ......................................................................... Southside School Hel£air No. 1 ........ Navy Yard Highway .......................... Grade School Belfah" No. 2 ............................................................... Belfair Fire Hall Belfair No. 3 ........ Belfair-Tahuya Road .................. Old Grade School Capitol Hill ......... 12/8 East Aider. ........................... City Center Motel Cloqualhnn .......... Buck Prairie ............................. Cloqualhnn Grange Dayton ............................................................. Dayton Community Hall Eells ..................................................... Middle Skokomish School House Grapeview ............................................................ Grapeview Fire Hall l:l arstine ........................................................................ Community Hall Hoodsport ................................................................... Hoodsport School Isabella .................. Beverly Heights .................. Dave Dick Residence Lamilchc Progrcss Grange Hall milche N[ :2[".-.[iJ/.']"['..T.iJ]].['i',iitieSkookum Community Hall Lilliwaup ................................................. IAlliwaup Community Hall Matlock ................................................................... Matlock Grange Mill.Creek .......... Arcadi Road ................... Southmde Grange Hall Miller . ..................................................................... Agate Grange Hall /d:t. View ........... 2335 Olympic Hwy. North ....... Carlson 'rile Shop Northside ........................................................................... Pioneer School POLLING PLACES PRECINCT ADDRESS POLLING PLACE Pickering .............. Harstine Ferry Road ................ Community Hall Potlatch ............................................ Hood Canal Women's Club House Satsop .................................................... Robert Trenckmann Residence Skokomish .................................................... Lower SkoRomish School Tahuya ............................................................................ Community Hall Union .............................................................................. Community Hall Westside .............................................................. Shelton Valley Grange Shelton No. 1 ....... 2nd & Franklin .......................................... City Hall Shelton No. 2 ...... 4th & Alder ............................................ Court House Shelton No. 3..:..8th & Pine .................................... Evergreen School Shelton No. 4 ...... Hiflcrest ...................... Mr. Olive Lutheran Church Shelton No. 5 ...... 10th & Turner ........ Zopolis Residence (Basement) Shelton No. 6 ...... 6th & Railroad ............................ Welfare Building Shelton No. 7 ..... 212 Wyandotte ..................... Henderson Residence Shelton No. 8 ...... 707 South First St ....... Kimbel Motors Showroom Shelton No. 9 ...... 870 East Fairmont ................ Rayonier Incinerator Shelton No. 10 ..................................... ., Capitol Hill Community Hall Shelton No. 11....1723 Olympic Hwy. North ................ Rex Building Shelton No. 12....3rd & Cota ............................ ,P.U,D. No. 3 Building Shelton No. 13....Five Cornet's (Hillcrest) ............ Borde.uX School Shelton No. 14....East "K" Street ................ Mmmtain View School COUNTY SKETCHESDavid Barclay, living in Middle Skoko- mlsh Valley with his wife Ethel and their baby son, writes and. illustrates stories for children's magazines and is interested in depicting scenes and wildlife on the Olympic Peninsula. He studied art at Chouinard Art Institute In Los Angeles and Burnley School in Seattle. The Journal Will print some of the Barclay sketches of Mason County scenes from time-to-time in the future. The sketch shown here is, of the Dalby cabins near Union on Hood Canal. Among Your Merchants 25-YEAR PLAQUE GIVEN CREDIT UNION A quarter century of contin- uous seiwice with the Cuna Mut- q,.al Insurance Society of Madison, Wisc., was recognized with the presentation of a plaque to the ason County Credit Union at the monthly meeting of the Evergreen Credit Union Chapter last Thurs- oay at the Colonial House. Managcr Bob Sargent accepted the plaque on behalf of the Cred- it Union when Harry Carlon, or- iginal manager, was unable to at- tend the ceremony. Carlon was r.aanager when the credit union was first organized as the Rayon- icr Employees Federal Credit Un- ion, the first in Oregon and VVash- ';ngtoh to be organized under fed- eral charter. It was later broad- {ied to include the efftire count and opened to public membership lollowing the closure of the Ray- onier production plant here. The Evergreen Credit Unlon chapter includes credit unions in Mason, Thurston, Kitsap, Grays Harbor and Pierce counties, t $ * ]i¢ DEALERS EE PREVIEW OF 1963 MOI)EL CARS Clwysler and Plymouth dealers throughout, the Portland sales re- gion will see the new 1963 Ply- mouth, Valiant, Chrysler and Im- perial cars for the first time in Portland Thursday, Sept. 13. Among the dealers invited to tho remicre Showing of the 1963 cars is Jack Kimbel of Kembel Motors. Lasg Tuesday Kimbel and ]Jud Pauley, of Pauley Motors, attend- ed a showing at Hyatt House, :ear Seattle, where the new Plym- outh Fury with its revolutionary I husband, Donald (Beanie) who has also passed the state exanas, is working part-time in real estate. Also at the Angle Agency Dick Angle has passed exams qualify- ing him as a real estate broker snd will be associate broker with his father, Herb. There is no night but in God's frown; there is no day but in His smile. ---Mary Baker Eddy wil}lo/H UIJS {)1' 'il' V. W:tl't', :tI' ) ']l(I,'tl in hw wd wiIll't' 1':1[!>. ]VIlli 12{;- I ]2{}. \\; ANq?I']I) T() ]i;[1Y I Ml,, *', A  C:HI ;155.5, I),r!l.,, (h,(tw I N(: )51 i,: i'I¢( hitl: :;1]{| !;1H:dl ;ill f,q" $7,!1;i0. his 15 years ex- :1 l.,H'nl i:d I.'P n,,nlh. (MII helton City Clerk \\;VnlPrfl,/H l,.:dtY and his long -P-';- :',77. tn responsi- AN'P|t)I'I,', S{)l,[l) activi- I".i-21i},q. [llqtlirP }nvtnced Ed Fau- qualified and W.\\;,"P 'P(} P,u\\;" g Candidate to I I/3 h,,m,.. SS0r as Mason Dmnl. .t2 -; I i. I urge all Use Journal ,on CountYFaubertVOt-in Sep- HARTY LUHD (recently of Palm Springs) at the Lowrey Organ Friday & Saturday in the Shelton Hotel It's Just Smart B,siness Sense To Protct Your I,vestment... 2 Years State Senator ttlrbo enffine was shown. ' HHE00 RE ELECT Democrat State PAUL CO PASz S:nT::haBOpAIasd he,-real m Representat,ve 1 estate board examinations and is (Paid Political Advertisement) now working as a full-time sales- woman for the Angle Agency, Her ! BETTER U, Fairlalle6-2,il Convertible .... Impala STATE REPRESENTATIVE Fairlane V-8, st: V-8 .................... PAUL CONNER , Six .................. l; TR ,s vo,o00 o, , UCl Thc Itiffh, way Comm.ittec . Highway Appropriations //ig[l  -tou ................ 0 Interim Fact-Fi'ndiLq Committee o}r   "  ½-to. ................ ways, SD'ect,' and Bridges (7ow' : ',,menl'.'. .... Trans}otation, , , Committee. p oi'! v:t 3/4,t011 ............ Also chairman of Licenses Committee, vice,chaiHr;ti  ![t)Panel ............... ... Public Utilities Committee, and member of I^ I{N,' Fisheries, and State Institutions and Youth C onu mittees, il O 4 Years State Representative S Available Even For The Energy .They'll Need Back At School Give Them Nourishing TIRES BY ARI/ JIH PAULE t:-  5th & Cota ldlp  5th & Railroad DARIGOLD DAIRY PRODUC # M],LK BETTER BUT?ER BECAUSE IT'S ' ICE CREAM FRESHER • • COTTAGE 1,0M0eEN,ZE00 I CHEESE SHEI00BETS BUTTERMII K FRESHER BECAUSE IT'S LOCAL i =u i Quality products of Phoim 426-4473 KITSAP - MASON DAIRY Your Farnter Neighbors Shelton Plant at 3rd & Grove Sts. 'T$1 MORGAN, i