September 6, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 6, 1962 |
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6, 1962
,* af our sacrifice in
I,'ec,qpl.: from tile
land lCerry l'(w
Sept. l were $328
(Otllll y Ii]ll'iller 's
00'oo It.ale To
('iA"AN. (,lllllr()l'i;Iblo* i
I'tl( Illl I'll i.ii i.hl, d i'(
"Wil }l,)llI l'liS O1'
(,li|dl,d ill ill ',x,'
"V I I11 (q' 1":11 O>L
121;- 1120.
sil\\;'r. ,zldd. Call
:155.ri, ],l'll.( , (llilidW:
Ungry is the degree
of thc workl
I am ,v,'m(lering \\;vl]al type of
I(';l(lel's Iho yell tlg(,r pceneration
will I)e able l.o produce. They 'trc
required ,o grow and thrive in
":1 CI1V h'fii]llltull Cl't'Itl ed |)y ad-
IlllS. It1 tev0r.V field they enlel'
lherc will he poollle older 1o in-
l]tlenee tbcil' ideas l!lld aelion:L
tel us take \\;'oung politicians.
1)o Slll'l)l'i:4od lo filld there arc men
devoted 1() their fl'.:elldS alld to\\;VllS-
111CI1. Mgll who \\;tOllhl he good for
lhe ccmlm,<ufily. At the same time
l]ey r, lay I'id lh;tt lrhel'( ::l]'e inell
{lily wil.}l :J big' Docket book and
_mall ide is.
T helieve lhal if every qualified
voler WaS 1o lltdy lhe isslles ll.lld
I),:(?)ME :>I,'l It ,,','ill be easy for thcln to leai'll
' I" 1 ' I ' 4 II I1 ill D ,EL "OI)lt ti da dovl('. 's l (IF
; i ,l" ., .;' . I, 15 ........ it'" tecepl n o' the I n l-li(. [1 will
>,,so ,,! " " ,. li,iI r,' I' J ....... 'l' s' b { C "s "
i I ' " ' ,, e n Cit.. " .I. . e '3 e r t -i , i it ' 1 Iv( ( l'( I -
' • . '1' I1 Ill , t 1 )" U c/1% , ,,
• , w , • \\;V i,' ',, R,.alt,% "i and his Ion- (d G Slllltttlon ill \\;vhl(,h (!ll'l] r pol-
, [' ,W.i: till -I'*b-82":'. CI' irl r ...... ii ('.'4" i |'' (OFnlllI}ll '
"' 11 * ..... ANTIQI!E S()I,ID-{ 'p te,naCa%l/ " .' '
,. ) _ i'hi'sls ('hihl's tl'nl lV- " " Ill OII1' O%,11 cOn]lllllllliV \\;VO ('all
) i .... li ",,. iii-2,1il,9, lilt liirc 1 __,.. illeeu Ed Fau- see I '()ofl iJx'l 1)o {:1' "il I ft-
I:l,' Sup<', 52 ........... he!'llii,.[ st qualified arid .%hng'lllg" el' .}list pfliln old n;lnie-
' ;.ii. lerest in \\;vh{) will represent olir
' '::?UV VPP welfare in i:he Stale House of
ilnTV I IIMN i:,l Ull:ll=//e, llepresentatives or who will pro-
I1'11 /11111 :'!I$" lect US from crime as sheriff is
IIMlIt// IUIIiP ,75.Founty Clerk l',sed ell echoer, for more im-
,7t[ ilrs in office, portant thingsl for example who
M-lr rf Polm .nv4na ' l%lttiea 1 will win the World Series or wh it
-- ,'_ " is going on next door.
at the --
Lowrey Organ
& Saturday Nigh
• in the :ii{
t . i i(
ease To Prote00[00
_l,,,eta iv , ,v'"': :¥SLER ......... . .............. sacrifice $2995
IlL . , . Convertible. .................... ...[[-.-.- $1995
it CONNER ;:17777771[[::i171{iii{]700iii
bSixii ....... ..... ] .................................... $395
ay Com,mittee
zct-Fi'nding Committee o
tee, is and Bridges
t Transportation Committee
' Licenses Committee, vice-
;ommittee, and member
-ton ....................................... :. $1595
-ton ........................................ $1195
a/4-ton ...................................... $795
Panel ............... ....: ......................... $395
lhe can(lidales in the up-coming
prinlarv elgetion, l.hev weald be
/:hie It') ;t'locl th'. hi:st for ellcil
position alld l.ho best for ,)lir city,
COil71ty alld state.
The yoltngel' generation must be
Kiven t'he chance to rearrange and
(i\\;,en ci'eale ideas aild progress so
lhat they will be able to go on
living in a g'overnnwnL that is by
the I)eO)le. not a government rul;I
for {hi! people by 'llnqilalified per-
---Pran Clifton
There are too few biographers
of .the Indian women of the North-
west. Some white settlers, when
they moved into this area, mar-
ried the Indian women but seemed
to consider them inferior to white
women. Because of this attitude,
many. incidents of unusual kind-
ncss, braveness, and sacrifice
among these women have been lost
to written history.
One of the few Indian women
whose story is familiar to modern
readers is Princess Angeline,
daughter Of Chief Seattle. Ange-
line probably does not deserve this
bit .gf fame any more than many
other women of her people whose i
names havc been completely for-!
gotten. But Angeline was in the
fortunate position of being the fa-
vorite daughter of a famous old
chief. She was also a very attrac-
tive young woman and was a
sweet and likable person.
Tilere are stories zhich indicate
she nmy have been the one who
warned the early residents of Se-
attle of iae impending attack by
hostile Indians on January 25,
1856. But there are some sources
which refute this story. Whatever
the facts may be concerning this
episode, no one contradicts the
statement tim, Anegline was al-
ways a friend to the white people•
.Wheil she was a young woman
she supported her children by
washing, ironing and scrubbing in
the homes of the white settlers.
As she grew older she depended
upon others for her food, clothing
and small household needs, and she
was seldom refused.
She enjoyed talking about the
early days when Seattle was only
a few log' cabins. To the people of
the 1890's she represented a direct
link with the pioncer history of the
area. Souvenir spoons and photo-
graphs of her were eagerly bought
by tourists.
Although she enjoyed the fame,
she never sought it, but lived out
her life in a little shanty on the
i :(ii: ii
YOUNG COOKS--Showing their cooking skill pie. Their club is the Busy Bakers. Judges were
in a favorite food contest brought several 4-H Mrs. Duane Scott and Mrs. John Ragan. Plac-
members in for judging at the P.U.D. auditorium ings in the contest were Laura Vanderveer, blue;
in Shelton last Tuesdliy. Left is Wendy Bollin- Becky Jacksor, red; Wendy Bollinder, red; Su-
der of Hoodsport and Susan McDowell of Pot- san McDowell, red; Carol Evers, red; and Susan
latch who chose to show their skill with cherry Konigsfeld, red.
:,+00i0000lllli00fi tMititKii:. Trailblazers
0013P 'Gycle Field Heel
t Tad Kt/ The Trailblazers of Shelton
' -- walked away with ,four trophies
Yf ymCre one of the many begin- ' one or more of the following symp- at the Jolly Roger s Motorcycle
ning'fly-rod users or intend to be-toms: watery eyes, pus in inside Field meet on thc Teanaway riv-
come one next season, you should:corners of eyes (tape or Whip- er near Cle Elum over the Labor
learn as much as you can about worm indication) loose bowel Day weekend.
the tackle required in the different i movements, anemia • (hookworm in- Von Hogan received first plac'e,
methods of fly fishing, insists 53-] festa,ion), unthrifty coat, loss of Ed Johnston, second and Dixie
son Lucas, Angling Editor of lappetite. Aitken, third. Hogan also got a
Sports Afield Magazine. I A number of troubles may he in- second place in tim Poker Run.
In dry-fly fishing the line must dicated by different kinds and dc- Trophies were awaraeci accora-
always float• But the false casting grees of coughs AmonE these are ing to the number of points re-
necessary to dry the fly incident- asthma, upper*"respira£ory infec- ceived in the all of the events dur-
ally dries the line, too, so you do l tions distem,er (dry cou'h) ing the three-day competition.
not have to worry so much about Dousedorr disease (mr'in"couh) ' Next meeting for the Trailblaz-
getting a Iong-floating line, espe-eatin ass (a'incouh) sore ers will be at the Walt Holloway
cially for the usual short dry-flyl throai,tonsilfi'tipleum=ni and home, 1413 Ridge Road, at 7:30
casts. I hear,worm. If the dog cough s only p.m. Sept. 15.
In wet-fly fishing, only the lead- ; wtmn pulling against the leash --
er should sink. The line should and then infrequently, hearLworm IIOUSEWIVES LEAGUE ....
float not only for a clean pickup is most likely indica'ted. W L
Hood Canal Malma 4 0
but so that you can see the tiny ........... "" • ...........
........ • z a uog snakes ms nea zre- Team No 7 ' 4 0
changes m its movement wnicn mt uentl.. it is obvious that some ............................
you know that a trout has taken tin :s wren- which needs cor" Angle Agency ...................... 4 0
oui fl g t " Team No 5 ..................... 3 1
Y " " Y' ; rection. The trouble may be an ear E & R Oi1' " 1 3
To keep your line from sinking, canker ear mites, a torn flap, ..r .... e-'ii21i=;= ............... "
the application of dressing is all- i 'stick-tight parasites, lice, blood TaS,, " .................. n *
important If your line has become tumor or middle ear absce ,:. ."." .... ;Y.';:'${: ............ ]
• i • ' .neJT.Orl IVl tFc-tuw .... , t
thoroughly water-logged hang it= . .
u in lo" • ' IF A DOG RUNS at the nose he High game--V1 LaFond 176
p ose coils where the sun ....... •
can et at it C)ne i is rv }m, may e coming aown with dis- I-hgn senes--Vi LaFond 485.
plenty of dressngoni't pu{'itb'"a'et temper, pneumonia, housedog dis- Split. pick -Verna Johansen 2-
on the reel and let it soak up all
the dressing it can overnight. Be-
fore using it, wipe off the surplus.
Similar soaldng overnight (or
longer) is advisable the first time
you dress a new line or an old one
that hasn't been properly dressed
in a while.
To dress a line during the fish-
ing day, stretch the line, while fit-
ted to rod and reel, between two
trees or posts. Walking its length,
smear on a little dressing evenly
with thumb and fore}}ger. Wipe:
ease, have a nasal tumor or nasal
infection or be suffering from sal-
mon poisoning (not uncommon in
certain areas on the West Coast).
So if your dog seems off form,
develops any of these symptoms or
the many others that are possible,
do not depend on your own judg-
ment or that of your dog-experi-
enced neighbor, unless he is a w.'t-
erinarian. The wisest action is to
consult a competent veterinarian
before administering any
medicine, even if the symptoms
point directly .to the .trouble. Why
Gott's Oilerettes .................. 4 0
Richfield Oil ........................ 4 0
Ming Tree ............................ 3 1
Timber Bowl ...................... 2 2
Allyn Shell .......................... 2 2
Darigold ............................... 1 3
Pill's Shell .......................... 0 4
Eells & Valley . ..................... 0 4
High Game... Phil Ziegler 189.
High Series---Rea Brown 511,
water .front; She "died on Mav 31, off the surplus with a rag,or tis='
ite Institutions and Youth con 1896 and was buried, accorling [d sue. Be careful not to"leave too take a chance?
: her wishes, in the eometeryof her much dressing on the line, or it • • , GOLF CLUB
Ili00 - , friends, the pioneers of Seattle,
00;IIIIjI00E00IYI0000Ae t00i00il S 0000i)will stick t° the gtlides and callse Old hands at the delia'htful has" CtE'[}R
rice as rougll .stmoting as an undressed time of tou;qn, with "a nlel.-un
line; To. make dressing even faster, coach or traile" have lea:nett-.
you ll fred that only that length of multitude of worthwhile little
lille you normally cast needs dress- hints, says 3ohn Jobson camping
ing. Editor for Sports Afield Magazine. •
• . __,, ll' . I * * * lEach tip taken by itself probably
Home or amateur diagnosis of I isn't of world-shaking importance,
ailments afflicting dogs Is seldom I but the aggregate is enough sa
dependable and often dangerous, l that it can make or break a trip.
However, a dog owner should have I The best size of trailer for the
a general acquaintance with syrup- I sportsman, it is most generally
5th & Cota toms of the various disorders that I agreed, is somewhere between 15
I lI 1 l[ HIP_ 5th & Railroad Phone 426-8231 ,%,.-LJrlt ]his pet could contract. Henry P. land 19 feet in length; and the
I 'Ned , ;t ' " " i Davis' Sporting Dogs Editor of ] width should not be the legal max-
Sports Afield Magazine, advises all / imum allowmce, but rather- seven
, ,..,..,. 00111 I d°g0Wnerst°be°nthealertf°rlfeet °r under" Ab°ut 6 feet 7
"--" "[: .... the symptoms of various dog dis-/inches or 6 feet 8 inches is ideal.
orders in their preliminary ttages. / This is, of course, if you plan to
Nourishillg ' UR00H ® l For instanee, loss of appetitelspendmuchtimeoffhardtop.
i ,/iii ' may indicate any number of[ Wa =.c,T,_ . ,,. ,
| N PITTSB things'f°reignb°diesinthem°uthlc°acU-'Z ....... "" = "L''"
• " ....... " n, De. sure YoUr parucular
: > ......... Lilll/0 N/z' i or tnroat, insec stings, ,eaa pro- cho .... " ....
: sonlng, mouth imecnon, loose or the * -' " ' .......
i i, ....... me (rues no exena hack paso
• . / - trucics open tallgal:e l iS a
ICT ) badteeth't°ngue"urnea°rcut'i ' "
.... p ous idea to equip the rear wheels
tonsillitis, ulcers, tumors or sweu- ... ........ .
...... wztn arop-center trucic wneels
ing in the mouth, worms ana zever not ,h ............. , .... .u
I il li ii • i ,,: LE, I diseases ca ""LY ...... syL-- f zy,.,,.,-
N M U IS HOV i,/N I , YouH clog nee c Is tree,men, thi, ........
;.;' :-RE-- .- - = ......... n spnc --- ana It aoesn t hurt a
lg lz tne rear tires are elgnc-
for worms he will generally how ply rated. For the front
',',: OUT w m- , m-,- w I lle" v w -, ,, , six- oz' even four-ply are best. The
',: ,- f wll'h truck should have a good set of
¢" helper springs and, after the coach
' LATEX BALLOON DANCE is installed and loaded for the
highway, the whole outfit should
iN aoltN, t Sat., Sept. 8 be level. That is, it should sit
- level on level ground. If it
HOUSf PAINT Valuable Prizes have extra leaves added to the
• rear springs and/or install heav-
ier-duty shocks.
The most important pllltt DANCE IT IS A SNARE and a delusion
dls¢oVory In years| to to go by charts, for some coach
levov before anything l,le COUNTRY MUSIC dealers have an exceedingly op-
itl Pittaburgh p'eeted at timistic notion as to how little
their coaches actually weigh when
amazing new houee !aialt aft THE TROPICS loaded. While a couple of. hunt
I s t.OIG|IK ye's ofxearch and testing. Ttx Mltchel Band pounds or so among friends is not
It gives youso _many advan, too important; what is important
tag never iioe.hought Per EV ERY SATU R DAY is that your truck should ride level,
sible. Stop in and get all tl Olympia-Shelton Freeway and if the rear end needs beefing
detai, up, the best time to do it is before
you leave home•
• GOES' 'ON FAST , ,.
white or ready
body colors
You can depend on our "know how" to save
you treuble and money when it comes to glass
II replaoements. Beoause we know what we are
Anderson Gains Finals
A! Grand Nationals
Larry Anderson, 12-year-old
F.helton go-lcm't entimsiast, had
imthing but trouble" nt the
Grand National Go-Karl races at
Pueblo, Colo,, last: Smiday but still
/2chieved a sixteenth I)lace.
Larry, soil of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude lticlcerts, ShelLo/l, blew up
his engine in trying to qualify
Saturday, but replaced his MC 30,
the engine that has brought him
all of his recent success, with an
MC 6 which just wouldrl't hring
lhe seine, i'esii]ts,
However, Larry qualified witll
the Lop 20 karts qccording to
:'peed in the jllnior A Stlpor (:lass,
a, hieh earned binl the right to
gain tile finals. Tlere were 38
3unior A Super entries in all.
The other karts wifieh did not
make the top 20, raced in a con-
solation round. The first four fiu-
ishers in the consolation race in
turn were accepted into the nlain
Twenty-four karts ran in the
"big one" with Larry and his sub-
titute motor coining in 16th. The
final was a three-heat affair cov-
ering 18 miles,
On the way to the Grand Na-
tionals Larry's brother Ronnie, 15,
cntered a junior A super race at
Casper, Wyo., and got a first place
trophy In a regular three-heat
race. Thin was a fine consolation
for Ronnie, who didn't make it to
A wrong motive Involves defeat.
--M;ary Baker Eddy
The wise faffmer carries a.:fire
extinguisher and first aid kit on
tractors, trucks, nnd self-propelled
: * ' /['i
(2:.: ........ : ........ :. ............... -.....: ........................................
SAVINGS deposited in
your account by the
tenth of the month, earn
from the first of the
month. Add to your ac-
count now !
At Current Annual Rates £"..'h ,
compounded four times annually
- --
Shellon ' Branoh
Thurston County Federal
Savings& Loan Association
Home Offloe Branoh Office
5th & Capitol Way I 313 Railroad Ave.
Olympia, Wash. Shelton, Wash.
B&FE DEPOSIT BOXES • Private, Confidential, Eeonomiolil
Westinghouse @ Electric Water Heaters
II Gomplelely ilulomauo
assures a constant 150 de-
gree hot water supply and
requires no flues or vents,
• Quick Re©overy
six times faster than ordln-
ary water heaters . . . out.
performs heaters twice their
size at low operating cost.
Westinghouse Disposers Disposes of all food wastes in seconds.
Phone 426-4473
doing (and why) you can be sure we'll do it
:,:,::. :o .: s 4 9 9 s OTHERS AS LOW AS
,i "n'°'°v°'''' SHELT()N ELEI:TRiI: £0.
Real convenience in your kitehen.
419 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-6283
• I