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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos; l:. '¸ :i f Pa e6 -- "  SHELTON MASON COUNTY i fl, thatTTI'- .... . 1(I fnhlt wilh a finally /','bel. G] Dedkation Saturday [ VUlC,"nvr HuMInOIn00nuul00'l' mH00lu¢,une°ltl£ IIIO[IJlU IItlMIIIl[q Public participation is invited l I ! m" I ._L_ . '2 I OUTDOORS [ I] BtUE 0[ • ..v in the dedication of the new Sha-] 1 _1, _Af __ _  F'J41 1 • "Less°ns - properu ," . nananng on'°""*'*'""*°''' ',,o "" , SLAUGHTER ON HIGHWA o... ,: Grou. trail rides .. , | L_,srldJfll Idl/--l- ! @ IN MASON COUNTY ] , !.; rS 6q5 il '} s  , Last year an estimated 15,000 pe0P  'LETI] SHOW [I .'i Theg: ,s !ii% f:t '--------tt;LT-=. - ...... .u..,.,--....,;. killed by drinking drivers. We can do our; ,  CLAN [/""', O I a . [the rese,lvation st,u'ting at o:30  _. ][---- ,.==. . .... .,,,,,,,,, , :,, -,..u.m.,=, the twenty-fourth district by not electing: |  1 I] 't'}, irr'rll QB'nnlWIlU Io',',oek ,,tth th dedication pro- aellm"-= -_-. ---,-= - - :..'][| M...-.- .nvuU,,, Ig,'m fouowmgm t new cm'.,, dllli;Ikll$$a&lB-|]Jllll ' GROUSE SE*SON nOODSPO,,T nOT SCOT who has repeatedly wanted the Liquor! i aAUdllU I Shakcrchurch leaders from 11 -1- -- OPENS SATURDAY ]'OR SALMON Board abohshed. We aremterestedm [ -[ [/,., • , • , , .... , : . . . • .... haVJ ..; s, nitrous i],.,.,. of the Northwest are ex- .. _ ......... a . . . oBoUO e r][fd a. F{}o_ Ca r{ .,v ,a'v_ 000 fewer funerals next year. esd  .'Jl [I ,v' Phone 426 8435 [ pected to narticipate i and attend ,,,,=noes ± oy ran . ngm ' - -g- g' ...... turda-' ormen in the Hoodsport area, re- , _____:.L. Itile de]ietion pro, gram. -----SO--: NO8., PublL%hers 1:on tbtate nuntel's tnls a . .... Sent 8 ports from Hoodsporc Marina m- The Washi.gte- .tate Patrolestimat., ] ,] ]],,,i' l - 1 Mailing Addre,es: Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412 *" " ' - son mcated is three, with six bh'ds allowed in At one po,,j.t Sunday Ms,and ell drlvllqg .CCOU.P.t.S _-For 49(;b of all hlghW'.:W 'j i I m c " Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday. Bag limit of grouse this sea " . . " ..... ,, •  q'-  wi I EXPFRIENCED possession. Hunting hours are one-n:anager ten aaroer counten x,2 • • • eD  lldl qv.- },,, Entered as Second-Class/atter at the Postofflce, Shelton, Waahinon half hour befm'e .unri,ae to sunset,, bgatg e nitthe aareasev?Sh eeni dents. The drunken dmwng rate m on th .,' t>li vc I ,, wide : Game biologists report that  " " " '" ' R,tner wants drinking estabhshments . ..i ]_]l-.--r.. I i.,,. I1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year In Mason County, tn advanCe;outside Mason County, $5.00 wgrl°:tsel2°PU:tti°nseareod°pnr°¢mo t.h.ver 300Pi:unPg;Ulde'!aSpalyttetd?' on Sunday, thereby increasing" " hxghw" ay.slau,'i .p......_.__ -\\;l I I "!t,,, 1 |. nh,,,'-**, ..,,.h, ,,.,,,.,,,,..,,t Member of National mitorial Association the above average numbers last 41-4!*n):ventMtgadero .ugman Ritner has consistently worked fortla.e  !; i lU [Iglllllll UUUlIil UlfgIIIIIIIU Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association year. Due to the cold, wet condi- o ' ' . • . . . . C 11 . t. "::VgP-.: tions which vrevailed during most Catches late last Wednesday lzatmn of our State hquor laws. As !/ }:': :," I ....... EDITOR AND PUBLISHER  William M. Dtckie of the nesting season, overal! went to Harold Coghn, 6-0; Norm, • UI,EIIT PLANT SUPERINTENDENT  Jim Shrum grouse populations in the coastal ]-h,fisingh, 7-8; A10koneK t-u an the House Liquor Control Committee he w/ te::l  ' I ||k IbL-,V| OFFICE MANAGER- Lodema Johnson m,d peninsula counties are lower S-0; Ed Osterberg 5-8 and 7-14; dent supporter of taverns and drink:ng es  : : " • • 1  I • | NEWS EDITOR -- Alan Ford Hunting for ruffed grouse will 4-0. merits profiting on Sunday liquor sa ,-- • ,Jhn LI IOlllll,ltflln ADVERTISING MANGEEt--BarbazaNeIon generally be confined to the lOW- Cat,'he. Thursday: Curley Don- RE YOU '::' • i|,,, .L-II L],||I,|,|,|| SOCIETY. EDITOR-- Jenny Knautz land w..,., ov. 00; s.c, THINK BEF0 ! . PRINTERS -- Russ Stuek, George Myers, DaveThacher, AsaPearson, located in the higher logged-off 3-8; Okonek 5-0; Mrs. Qu{ns 4-8; , 1:' ', W 'n' (Political advertmement paxd by Washington S t ^ , ,% .:;. ,k ., 1 Kelth Ross .... regions. Some spots which have Les Graham 13-0 and 21-12; Par- . . : .... to'St 0 } '/'. u] ' • • : • • produced well in previous years ker 5-8 and 2-0; Bill Smith 17-14. For Highway Safety, Kenneth E. Rose, S..,, ! ;.,,. | 00mm.,.0ner Dmln©! 3 DISPLAY ADVERTISINCGOPTuDesYa Lnloo n and are expected to be good again Friday uueeesses: Ray Lewis $$ mBm=w*\\;,': .... this year are the Forks region 36-8; Connie Parker 3-10; S.L. m ------' - k ha WANT ADS  Wednesday 10 a.m. around the upper Sol Due_. the Yagle 25-8; Ray Parr 3-0; Bud ,,. .......... - -w go, • 'Pi Politioal Advertisement PICTURES AND NEWS- Tuesday 5 p.m. Clearwater region, upper Loughran 5-0; Mutt Van Lannon 0} k I3u = ......... SOCIETY NEWS ---Tuesday noon oU{leP, :nPdPeta Skokomlsh, Cap,tel 5-8; Gloria Van Lannon 14-8.  RURAL CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES -- Monday 10 a,m. , e Clemens tree zarm Fish 00o.o ,. ONE, UNION MEMBER'S *'" region. [i-0; Parker 9-II; W. E. Smith T! • * * 11-6; Ida Sharron 30-8; Harvey ADVIOE -- FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH HAR, STINE MAR1-NA Greenwood 5-8 and 5-0; Whitey On On the theory that many voters welcome guidance in OPEN WEEKENDS Pittinger 6-0 and 8-0. Gerald's Marina on Harstine Is- Fish Sun,lay: Jim Shun]ate 5-0 Endorsemenls of Polili©al Oa Eled Gwen areas in which they have limited, and usually no, means of land will be open only on week- and 4-0; Parker 9-12; L. E. • " the information they need for a wise decision, The ends during the month of Septem- Sehmitt 3-8; Larry Fitz 22-8; E. her. The Marina was open every W. Shafer 12-8; Shirley Huisingh SUTHERLAND offers this suggestion in one area of the ballot for day during the summer, until af-5-0 and 3-0; Doug Schilling 16-0 I am at some loss to know why T delegates t°' next Tuesday's primary election, tar Labor Day. tnd 4-0; Essie Gibler three to 4-0; James Derirnoner 2-8; Paul Scha- tral Labor body should endorse a candidate th : ...... Two positions on the state's supreme court are contested laf 2-8; Art Baskin 4-0; Cisco and because of the non-partisan nature of the judicial posi- Womon Bowlers m,thHicks Boysen6"0; Mattl_12.Van Lannon 7-0; rise that labor is for that particular candidate" tions they will be settled in the primary, not the general Urgently Needed Mon,,y T,,esd,y .nd Wed.,,s- QUALIF .,.y: Herb Fugman 43-4; L. E. Aren't we all labor? lED election. Scnmitt u-s and is-0; R. H. Is- We suggest that voters return the two incumbent To Fill Leagues .o. 13-8; Bob Fuller 2-I; FO judges  Justices Charles T. Donworth and Orris L. Attention f e m a I e s! Women v, onEllens-14;Greenwo°djoe McKiel3"0; Dick11.0; NeI-Mc. , ,I have worked i helton for the ast bowlers are urgently needed by Kiel 3-0.  nioz m6mbr of IntrnatioaZ A886 Hamilton. all leagues. . . . COUNTY Their opponents are lawyers, like them, but without Four leagues offer bowling for ists, paid all dues and assessments to the )revious judicial experience. The fact that the Washington women only while there arc four CASCADF, DEER HUNT OPENS SATURDAY wnd am its immediate past president for 7 more mixed loops. The women's The High Cascade buck deer Bar Association gave Justice Donworth a 1748 to 138 groups include the City League at :;eases opens this Saturday and can not go alony with such an wzdorsv6t$" CLER'K vote of confidence over his opponent, Robert T. Kennedy Shelton RecreaUon and Commm'c- ,ill conUnue until Sept. 23. Hunt- ial League at the Timber Bow1 ers are reminded that they should (who is not the president's brother and U. S. Attorney den- Tuesdays; Recreation League at prepare properly for this hunt. Respectfully, eral) and Justice Hamilton a 1350 to 574 margin over Wil- Shetton Recreation, Wednesdays; The open areas inchlde high • Simpson Leaga,e at the Timber mountain regions of Okanogan, DEMOCRAT liam C. Goodloe should carry heavy influence with thinking Bow] Thursdays. Whatcom. Skagit, Chelan, Snoho- PAUL A. voters as it indicates the high regard lawyers of the state Available mixed leagues are the p,,ish, King and Kittitas Count, ics, Grange League and the Rayonicr as outlined in the 1962 hunting i think of the incumbent justices. League at the Timber Bowl Men- pamphlet available at local hunt- days; and two mixed leagues at rag" and fishing license dealers. (Political Advertisement Paid for by Labor for the Timber Bowl Sunday. Rain, dm possiblity of early Committee, Wayne Burnett, chairman) VOTE EXPERIENCE A RARE -- AND WISE AOTION Anyone interested ]nay call. chow, rugged terrain and the lack Pauline Archer, City Women's of roads in these remote mountain League Association Secretary, at areas make it necessary for the Property owners within the Shelton school district re- 426-6689. htmter to be well prepared. " calved an unusual bonus last week -- a 25% refund on men- * :,* * , • ,, o gj WRITE L(;r:NSE BELIEVE ¢ 7 years office manager ey that had been earmarked from taxes that had been ap- Merchan|s Be n INFORIIATION DOVN ..... " 5 years in business proved on their property, gli ighl o State Game Department re- IT OR NOT For that unexpected windfall they have the Shelton Ke ng Ton minds sportsmen that it may save ' a lot of time and trouble if you IT IS Post Office clerk school board to thank. The board, in effect, handed back Men's Merchant Bowling" League jot down the number of your hunt- l-IO competition begins tonight a,t the ing license, the name and town TRUE • Experienced legal secretary having ;50,000 to district property owners by voting to sell only Timber Bow]. A meeting is slated of the license vendor who sok it  close association with county ;50,000 of the $100,000 left from the original $200,000 bond at 7:30 p.m. with bowling fol- to you, the date of purchase, and THAT offices ssue approved by district voters two years ago, mainly for ]owing at 9 p.m. toreThisthewininfornaaUonbe a great athelphOme.if you L 1 alan to build or bu3 financing the addition to the Grant C. Angle school, now us- lose your license and need a dup- is all it costs to operate your why dofl't : er construction. Simpson Men Begin licate to continue hunting or fish- AJOR HOME APPLiAN ES V 0 T E igh! ing the rest of the season. This M 'G ]et US he] l, you fi: a 00to,,t o/ Bowling Ton oo, moo, will speed up the dup- i for its action. It is rare in these days el astronomical simpson Men's Bowling League licate process. Ranges  Laundry EquipaePt t SUTHERIAND financesandsoaring taxesthata governmentalagency SleltonC°mpetiti°nRecreation.begms tonight at -  Water Heters gives any money back to the public. The normal course The schedule for the first HE MAI; V40KH0P,)   Spce ]tetlll i , _ A DEMOGRATIG r OLERK iStakestO get everycentpossibleandspendsome contriving to find places to spenditall'it.even if it vs.nigllt'SshopsRaih'OadataCtion6,,45andPUtSp,m,;Milltheat9No.EngineerSp.m.1 vs.its k'xt HOULO LET US 5T'TE - "-)IALWAYS/ / OUR REGORDS REFLEGT !iii00b00t" | - We commend the Shelton school board for reversing this the Loaders vs. T.B.P. and the '_ .,.t oat00ln0 ' "::o, °°''' ',,"1: "". ,.o eo procedure by spending only what it actually needed rather Loggers vs. Mill No. 2. I tlmt the ave I  1 g (Paid Political Advertisement) than wha it had. This policy will reap rich dividends in fu- RAYONIER RESEARCll hours each ag,ctl a£So°r rr  ture years through greater public confidence in the board's w ], '. 7r " miscellaneous small appliances atone. .',t Maintenance ........................ 4 0 "t CONSEQUENTLY, all major appliances ' . | Olympia, Was judgment. Wood B,rds .......................... 3' ;', J ca"  se" BUSINESS DIRECTORY .raterBoys .......................... 31  MODE..,Z,! COSt of only 1€ per kilowatt, llour. "' ! HOME OFF'ICE -- Acetate Aces ...................... 2 2 THE KITCHEN Dusty honle electrical ell€ " IN SELToN SEE LeA WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Silva Foxes .......................... 2 2 OUR SURVEY of Iason C,. Rayonettes .......................... 1 3 hows the following average costs on i Four Fowlers ...................... I 3 ELECTRICAL APPLIANC]S a KURT MA TV Service-- Floor Coverings -- This fall there will be two important elections at which Pin Curlers .......................... 0 4 • lidio - TV • Linoleum men will be chosen to govern at county, state and national High games--Colleen Ripley .' "ANN REAL Phonographs • Ti)e levels. There will also be several measures on the ballot 174. Jess Tobler and Do Woods,  Average 1 $. 1st St. Ph , . each 187. -- : CB 2-way radio • Carpeting LEROY'S TV SERVICE • Pormica which will require intelligent assessment. High series--Colleen Ripley 431, APPLIANCE Ave. Watts Don Woods 508. 15 Mt. View Ph, 426-3172 REX FLOOR COVERING Many voters, particularly those in upper income brack- Blanket ................................................ 190 1 Mt, View h. 42-229 ets, talk glibly about the necessity of making changes in our Cock .................................................... 2 t i i t elected officials, but do precious little about effecting such Coffee Maker. ....................................... 400 6 Joh Dishwasher ........................................ 1200 9 Ttlt00 I00rvice aliator llmir '" changes. Yet these are the people who have the money and n S 0 n eng |neerin g Dryer .................................................... 4600 t ' • New- O(deh I i Bomng out often the time to assume the responsibility of electing better ..... ...................... ...... Fan (Kitchen) .................................. 250 Rcapplng I [ ! Soldering men to offioe. ," " Fry Pan 1150 9 : Ud New core .............................................. 4 BOON'8 PLUMBING This fall we will be voting on the o]fice of United lCryer (Deep Pat) ............................ 1650 51 , OK RUBBER WEL'DER8 HEATING, SHEET METAL States senator, as well as lor congressmen from each Heater,Freezer Portable ................................................ ................................ 1320300 160 '* WE [ Mr. View Ph. 426-4832 ] 623 S l=t Ph. 426-3483 district. Before wring for any of the candidates, it Heating Pad 65 ' '' "" ' J - " ..................................... 1 ,,' would seem wise to listen to them talk, look at their n.on ...................................................... 000  -TTiME-] |$r|ca| ....... i lorist record., a, get tO k.,oJ a. l[.uc  ]/o,b,e abo,  ......... --"° II'on.r . ................................. . ............... '.t500 1 | • FairbankMorse Pump 1 . ' Mixer .................................................... 150 )ported by ( | • Electric tteatlng • P]at them. This is not too dilficu, lt, and at the next session i--,,.,::,:,_=-----', r':$:m:< 00 | • Westinghouse Appliances for all oceaeiorm Of Congress their votes will af]ect many facets of your $,"":-':ii oi urno. .......................................... 5oo  ounties. • owers lilt. !i.:...,:.. I111}  Radio, Console .................................. 75 t io, Tae ........................................ 0 0 ' ECOND TIM] 4 na,ad . 426-6Ze3 EVEnEN WOmSTa The samc holds true for those we elect to our own legis- Range t'nny o ,l) ........................ 4 3rted by Organ] 8HELTON ELECTRIG CO. ' 4th & Biroh 8 to 8 426-8479 lature. Go to candidates' meetings, view them as you Refrigerator 200 , ............................................ 0 ai " what L would prospective employees. Are they worthy of your con- ., ........................ Refrigerator-Freeezer . ..................... 250 40 Drugs' I AutoGlass [ fidence, and are they capable of performing their duties in Roaster. ............................................... 132045 Compensat • Helena Rubinsteln cos- [ . Expert servioel Rotisserie ........................................... 00  LONGER can 0 metJc f Installation office? These things you must know. Sewing Machine ................................ 100 ,15 • PrescrlpUom To too many voters, elections and getting elected are zoo after his repeate • Hypo-Allergic cometlcs t JIM PAULEY, ING. Television ............................................  legislation that NELL'S PHARMACY i 5th & Railroad Ph. 428.8231 still a mystery. They think there is something strange and :tb0 Govey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 different about politics tahat requires a special kind of knowl- Our 0utb0ara mechanics Toaster.vacuum Cleaner, ............................................... Tank .................... 600 ,16 " • ' ' edge. Nothing could be further from the truth, are factory trained. Best w,.,,un, o,o..o,, ................ , Used Furniture " Bike Shop Success in polities rcqtdrcs thv same ingredients as Wat'flc ,o. ........................................ 0o  bES SAVAG] • ,&ppllaneee " 8ales and Repair ,'¢,/,6',,(,88 in othcr l{nos of cncleavor. Those are inteEi- Service in Town[ w..],.,,w..o,., Auto,,,atco,,ve,,uo,,at ........................... ...................... 250200 6oo ,me a can • Futmiture • Locksmith  Keys Made genre, hard work and money, mostly the la, tcr two. 'To keep your Sea-Horse run- Water Heater tFzunily of ,1) ........... [ • Bed & M)attresse . Hobbles If you are really interested in better government, why nlng at peak efficiency, bring ' ' C € KELLY'S FURNITURE VO1 1st & Mill PI. 426-2411 8LEYsTER'S BIKE 8HOP not start to work THIS YEAR. Your party needs money it "home" for service. Our LIVE BETTER ELECTRI , Roy Cliaton 223 Cots St. desperately, and the candidate or candidates of your choice mechanics know outboard ..... motors, inside and out. Service will welcome your offcr to work for him. :Don't wait for isfast, costs arc reasonable, and MASON PUD HO IWA[ Printing Draperies someone to call you, volunteer, your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not willing to make such an effort, no one COUNTY = • • E .oo.,,,,w.., ''-"°" Motor Shop off'.€ estimates else is going to worry about what happens to 0 u, your mon- 00ae"er of All Kinds • ork guarant0ed ey, or your freedoffl of choice, ED TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE DAN ( THE JOURNAL J.C. PENNEY CO, What are you going to do? Phone 426-4602 227 Cota Phone 426-4412 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 from the Seattle.) Oli Hillcrest .... , ......... ,i 1