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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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...... .r iptember 6, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Ohristmastown, U  A " Shelton, Washinu-ton pat,= Q Tnurs(la , e tem  ......... i, ; ' " ,  ---.,... Y P 7"V_ ........... - ....... , .... 000000eYacht Club Groups Vtstt Grapeview Area Over The Weekend Atr Force F,Ims i ! • • nn • • ' ul own : EW . After a rather Sunday evening for cards and re- :Eg summer, weather- ':|er Nature came through Colors on Labor Day, .tt this season ::1 aS'craft provided div- rctivity on our local we- IIiIilIIlliIIIlIIililImlilIHINHIHIliIiiIIIIIIHlmlfllIIIINIIII|IIIIlIIHIIIMUMI: ss Stew 69' ound Beef 39' d Chips 0.o 59' r NACK BAR 45' ps 5¢ per cup Sl00 Cans Tyee Yacht Bay Yacht ch)sc this the area and, start due to the ;d in Grapeview rday to tour the ry.  Six of the the night in In- 'stine Island and so enjoyable that 0 stay'there an- 0uis Meyers were lay group aboard :ht Secure out estin ly enough, Lboarc this beau- craft. They stay- aternoon freshments. Those nresent offer- ing their congratulations were Mr. and Mrs. Don Pennebera, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Uhly, Mrs. Clara Sore- and Mrs. Retzman's sister, Mrs. Becki Shook. On this their last weekend of the season, the Don Johnstons of ,Bellevue royally entertained at dim:er Saturday evening friends and neighbors. From Seattle came Mr. and Mrs. Dave Freeman, son Clayton and daughter Marsha and local neighbors, the Walter Clay- tons, Sr. and Jr. and family. Piece de resistance was the huge salmon which the Johnstons roasted whole over charcoal hi a most ingenious manner. Having recently added to their l:ossessio,ls a cute" little 1961 Aus- tin Healy convertible, Art and Judy (Johnson.) Barrett gave it u tryout Saturday evening by at- tending a lovely wedding recep- tion in Bremerton. Although Ju- dy's cousin and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kline, were wed Aug. 18 the reception was postponed un- of their loca-  . I local friends and' til Sept. 1. Orapevlewites attend- ing the reception were the bride's i yva,, delighted holiday week- and family, Mr. and daugl- Bob Clark. friends, Mr. and daughter Nancy but the cur- was the un- of Mrs. Bush's Mr. and Tacoma, and most of the guests slept bags both nights. new bouncing zsed all Lhe ex- house- morning. At the little fel- and brother of his 3 a.m. ssible, grand- immediately them at their Saturday to Week. Great and Augusta to greet grandchild, before great rthday ! the Eck- noteworthy oc- -arly, gathered residence uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Era- melt Johnson. The Art Zehe family was most happy to welcome Sunday their good friends and former Spokanp neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Beel- sect and son Larry of Bremerton and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Therow and son Gary, still of Spokane. Also most happy to be welcomed by the Zehes, just past dusk Sun- day evening were the Howard So- merses and the Walt Claytons, who, while at the mercy of a re- calcitrant outboard motor, were adrift with a one-paddle "engine". Hot coffee and a phone call nome soon had things on their way tel being righted and by morning the l offending motor was back in run-i ning condition, mucll to the relief of all involved. Two of our young Grapeview men left Thursday to return to duty. Jack Wells left Thursday l morning to rejoin his shipmates l aboard the S: S. Braine in San Diego. Laurie Somers left Thurs- ]day evening to rejoin his class- !mates at the Coast Guard Aca- demy in New London, Conn., (eai'- ly enough for football turnoutD. After seeing Laurie off at the Seattle Intezational airport, Howard Murial and children spent the night with Mrs. Charles Se- iners in Seattle and the next day "did" Century 21 MRS, HOWARD Retzman was = $100 Is "' ' 35' WRIGHTS Pkg. fro Leaf KYLARK 1S-oz. 35¢ rNhly Baked toaf $17 9 26-1b. Box | 26-,b, $199 Box 49' Basket "ASTI N (5 ELAST! C: LiFl 0k! Elastic circlets under the cup to ,, Sad hold a rounded, youthful line. I , Stlc front band for stay-put fit with ' ety of freedom It's Formfit Laughter', Yh 576 in easy-care cotton, sizes A321 8. Bag Becki Shook of Los Angeles, who jeets while at home this waek,,z arrived Sunday a week ago from The Ted Rauscherts tnoroughly Seat Lie where :he was visiting enjoyed their vacation this year. with another sister. The first week Taking highway 99 Lo San Fran- of her three week slay trips were eisco they found such interesting made to \\;VestporL and Schafer activities as a cruise of the bay Park. Vreduesday of that week area on the Harbor Queen, taking Mrs. Retzman hostessed a delight- in such sights as Alcatraz Island, ] ful lunchee)n which served, not on- and the beautiful bridges in the I ly to welcome sister Becki but area. They also took a tour of I also to bid farewell to Mrs. Einar San Fra{cisco, breakfasting at I Pettersen. Those ladies present Fist:ermen's Wharf and dining in I were Miss Jasmine Britton, Mrs. Chinatown. They began their l Madge Pennebera, Mrs. Damy homeward trip via the Sacramento Bush, Mrs. Mary Uhly and Mrs. Valley with its beautiful truck Augusta Eckert. Plans were made farms. They paused in Central Or- this week to tour the Olympic cgon where they indulged in a lit- Peninsula and enjoy its natural tie "rock hounding". Crossing the wonders, a trip well worth mak- Colorado River at. the Da!les they ing. returned to Grapeview by way of We are sorry to learn that our Yakima well satisfied with the communityis temporarily (two to success of their outing. three years) losing two charm- ing residents, Mr. and Mrs. Einar Also on vacation for the past two weeks have been the Dean T. Pettersen. Pettersen, who re- Cooks. The first week they drove tired from Cargill, Inc., last Feb- up I:o Forks for  visit with Pat' ruary, has re-entered the field of world-wide grain trade and is the dad and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards. While Dean helped with president of the Trtdax "Internac- Mr. Edwards' fishing endeavors tonal, South America, which is Pat and the boys "helped" iVlrs. based in Panama City, Republic of Edwards at the restaurant. This Panama. It was necessary for him past week Dean and Pat spent Lo leave by direct' flight Wednes. frofii Thursday until Monday day in order to arrive for Thurs- day business appointments. Mrs. Pettersen plans to leave Friday but will visit in Minneapolis first and join Mr.' Pettersen later via Miami Air Lnes. The Robert Nolls of Shelton are tuking immediate possession of the Pettersen resi- dence and plan to stay on until their return. Virginia Hicks pulled a fast one cn hubby "Jubie" last Friday eve- ning when she welcomed friends Bill and Judy Staudt and Fred and Phyllis Lutz, the occasion be- ing the Hicks' 12th wedding anni- versary {much to Jubic's surprise) However, Jubic took it all in very good nature, grateful for good triends. SATURDAY, the licks and Polka welcomed brother Bill and family, auntie Lucille Wiggins, who had brought Grandma Vine LaCasse down from Port Angeles with her, and Wilfred Polk and family who overnighLed with friends in Shelton to alleviate the housing situation. Sunday the en- tire family gathered together at a luscious turkey dinner, cele- brating Bill's birthday (Sunday) and Wilfred's (Sept. 11). Everyonc thorougily enjoyed the family get- together and the extra willing Lands helped Jubie on his current projects. Jubie plans to get quite Many 1.6 mm Movie Fihns are available, free of charge, for ed- ucational institutions, civic groups and church organizations from the local Air Force recruiting office. The films cover such varied sub- jects as Teaching, First Aid, Tra- vel, Weather, Survival, Geogra- phy, History, Navigation and Photography, said Staff Sergeant Fred Knight, local Air Force re- cruiter. Each recruiting office has a film catalog which lists over 500 such films that may be or- dered. Some of these fihns are: "Tall Man Five Five", the story of B-58 training and the sonic boom; "On Target", the Atlas ICBM; and, "The Air Force Missile Mission", vhowing Lhe current Air Force Missile concept and narrated by actor James Stewart. The many iilms cover almost every phase of Air Force Activity. Sergeant Knight said hc will help in fihn selection, order the fiirn and in most cases supply the screen, projectionist and projector. Further details may be obtained by visited his office at 205 East 4th avenue in Olympia, or by cal- ling FLectwood 2-9362. camping ot on Harstine Island. Saturday evening they were Joined by friends Don and Sally Anaer- son, Bob and Carole Battles and Tyrone and Jackie Rauschert for a friendly get-together. Sunday Bob and Carole Battles bade a fond farewell to BoWs mo- ther. Mrs. Bernice Battles, and his nece Libra Duoso, who had been visiting with them for a week. So impressed were the grandmother and grandchild, that they took many pleasant memories back to San Pedro, Calif., with them. Try A Journal Want Ad i l °'" :::°=:=:::" I ti KIMBEL MOTORS I [ • Chrysler-Plymouth Ca I 11 International Tru=k, J tlF : " Where The Boys Are... Buying school ' ..... clothes at  Mr. & Mrs. Shop V 0 T ! E B o i R | [ m mm m m m mmm ,m. m = - COUNTY CLERK PRIMABY SEPTEMBER [ ELECTION 11 i • Charter member, Mason County Orthopedic Association, and its treasurer. • Prsident many years of Mayme B. Taylor • Member P.T.A. 16 years, held numerous of- | | • Member Parent-Teacher-Student Organi- * Presently employed as a clerk; previously Lion. receptionist at Boston Children's Hospital in Boston, Mass., azxd clerk with Albert • Zonta Club Bros. Milling Co. • Ma:on County Heart Association. * Education -- 2 years at Central Washing- • Member of Grange many yeax. ton College of Education, 6 months busi- ness college, 2 terms post-graduate night  irl Scout treasurer many years. "" mm school. • Cub Scout den mother. _ * Recent physical check-up accepted by strict life insurance company reveals excellent • Mcmber and past-president of Reviewers health. Club. * Will devote full time to position if elected. • Red Cross worker. B,.. :" ', m (Political Advertisement Paid by Wagoner for Clerk ConnnitLcc. Vivian Halbert, chmn.) iM|` This is really the cat's meow.., our new Top Cat pullover sweater from Jantzen has a modified turtle neck trimmed with a golden cat pin. Perfectly harmonized to our i Shadowbox plaid pleated skirt of all wool. PULLOVER, 38 - 40, $11.98; SKIRT, 8-16, $17.98 JUSt wear a smile and 00J00antzen Boy's JACKETS Sizes 2 to 7 From $398 J:o Friday- Salurday Only SEAMLESS NYLON HOSE 3 '199 ACCESSORIES & LINGERIE DEPARTMENT We also carry Ihose wonderful , .Wi:ATI:D¢ OV DA,:L:N vmm=-.rmnm,.lllO U/ AND KORET PENDLETON AND TAMI SKIRTS BY ight ONLY Till. 8:30 RAINCOATS Classic water repellent poplin coat has deep orlon pile zip-out lining. Sizes 14- to 20. '149s Sizes 8 to 12 Without Pile Liner CInderell00 adds SCotchga'd to plaid ,....for that spotless looc ! '10ss sizes 3 to 6x $4.95 to $7.95 sizes 7 to 14, $5.95 to $8.95 Beautiful fashions in the crisp freshness of plaid, They $ay looking fresh and beautiful, too,..thanks to the marvelous $cotchgard e finish that repels stains before they start! Carefree cottons that need litt] or no ironing. Friday -- Salurday Only Special MORGANjoNES BED SPREADS MOONBEAM $99s ENGORE $598 reg. $10.98 reg. $6.98 Twins and Double -- 8 Coloz s DRY GOODS DEPARTMEN i MERCANTILE