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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Ohristmastown, U.S.A., SheKon, Washingtnn &apos;Private Eye For Taste' To Be Theme Of Lecture Tile Wome.ns Division of Shel- ton Cflf Club will present Isa- bela Charbneau Warren at 1:30 p.m. September 27, at the club- }IOIISe. MI'S, Warren is Cllrator of Charbnear's worh:l famous Minia- ture Museum, Wenatchee, Wash. Her lecture entitled "Pzvate Eye for Taste" inspires the listener" to develop a broader understanding for art and design in attractive home decorating. She will also show a part of her collection ot miniatures. Tea will be served following the lecture.  There , will be a drawing for outdoor prizes. Alsting the general chairman, Mr Frank Heuston, are Mes- dames Lawrence Sheel, Ivan :My- ens, Winston Scott, Max Schmidt Harold Nordeng, Peter Zopolis, Tony Nelson, Eber Angle and I_s Shelver. / Tickets are available at $1 from the ticket chairman, Mrs. Law- rence Sheel, 426-2131, or from the general chairman, Mrs. F r an k Heuston, 426-4374. They may also be purchased at the door, Play-School Plans Set For New Year tre.'hool PTA held a board meeting at the home of Mrs. Cal- vin Poe last Thursday. Play-school for 3-5 year olds will begin October 2. The sessions will be from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1-3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Anyone interested in further in- formation can call Mrs. Calvin Poe at 426-8658 or Mrs. Jerome Stein at 426-8078. Dislrid Meeting For VFW Auxiliary The next regular business meet- ing of tile Itdies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be held at 8 p.m. this Friddty evening in the Memorial building. Hostesses will be Edna Bearden, Alma White, Beulah Stewart and Colleen Gephart. Final plans fox' attendance at district meeting in Elms Septem- bee 15 will be made. Plans for Gold Star Parent's dinner September 21 will also be completed. Canal Amaranth To Have Potluck Lmmh Canal Court Order of Amaranth will hold a Social Club meeting at noon September 17 in the Union l)dge halt. A potluck hmcheon will be served. Officers practice will take place at 7:30 p.n). Scptimaber 24 in the L)dge hall. The next regular meeting will be held at 8 p,m. September 26. Dirt Dobber Garden Club Meeting Tuesday, Dirt Dobber Ga, rden Chlb will ml. at the PUD auditorimn Tues- day for IJle regtllar business lncet- inK; Members are asked to be present for the 10 a.m. meeting. Chlb dues will be collected at: this tinle. A sack lunch will follow. OES SOCIAL CLUB WILL MEET MONOAV Welcome Chapter No. 40 Order of Fm.tern Star Social Club will n!t for a noon luncheon next Monday at the William C. Batch- elor home, 4(10 No. 1st. Ayone having Betty Crocker coupons is asked to bring ttlem to the meeting. /w Goox,,6 ,, w,ost ,,,0m, /.Recipe Favorites of County Residents A FAMILIAR SUMMER DESSERT TREAT that finds eager acceptance any time of the year is featured this week from the versatile recipe file of Mrs. Gdne Sawyer, pictured above with her two boys, Jeff and Mike. The recipe i s for "Starlight Mint Sur- prise Cookies". With school just starting, a handy after-school snack becomes a necessity. A most delicious cooky to fill the jar is this week's recipe suggestion of Sllirley Saw- yer. Her rcefpe calls for choco- late mint wafers that youngsters will enjoy. Shirley and Gone have been married nine years and Ilatl_e their home on Mt. Vk;w. Jeff and Mike are their two young sons, ages 2 %, and 5. Gene iv an electrician at Simp- son Timber Co., and in his spare time does T.V. repair work. Shir- ley has worked part-time as book- keeper at a accounting office for several years. ;t]el,,nkl|lll)e.l:' C)l!( hobby is home- rnakJng. She also finds sewing a real enjoyment and likes to work with lhe flowers in her yard. The recipe she offers iv one her mother used when she was  gn'l 1 and it is now a favorite of ller tlusban(l an(l the boys. , [ I WCTI To Choose I New Leaders Friday I The Woman's Christian Temper- Shtrllght Mhlt Surprlo Cooldes Sift . . . 3'/; cups flour 1 te:Ls. (/dt { teas. salt Cream . . . . cup butter % cup shori.ening Add . . . 1 cup sugar % cup brown sugar, gradual- ly. Mix .thoroughly Add . . . 2 eggs, unbeaten 2 tablespoons water 1 teas. vanilla, beat well. Blend ill .... dry ingredients; mix thor- oughly. Dough may be chilled. Add . . . I pkg. (9-oz.) chocolate mint wafers Simpe . . . cookies by enclosing each wafm" in about 1 tablcspoon of dough 'Pop . . . each cooky with a walnut half Bake . . . in moderate oven (375 dog.) for 10 to 12 minutes. ance Union will meet this Friday Makes . . . :a.t tire home of MzS. Nena Robertxs, 4 dozen cookiem 720 North .lth street A business meeting will follow [ YACItT CLUB MEET  1 p.m. no-imsL hmcheon. Ncw I Shelton Yacht Chib members iofficers for the coming year will lwill meet tonight for the regular be elected. / business meeting. The business Members m:ld friends are urged lsession will begin at 8 p.m. in to attend. "- the, PUD A{zditorimn. Plans For New Season Made By Local Music Club at 10:30 a.m. August 28 at the home of Mrs. Lorna Eriekson. Ideas and plans were discussed for this year's activities and programs. Mrs. Ei'iekson served a delicious luncheon at noon. Attending were the Mesdames Donovan Pahner, Edna Webber, W. F. Roberts, James Barrom, Ralph Hoffman, B. T. Winiecki, Bernice Stewart and Lucille Tay- lor. The Shelton Music Club is affili- ated with the State and National Federation of Music Clubs. RETURN HOME Carol and Gary Kulmle (daugil- ter and non of Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert Kuhnle). have returned to their home in Sitka, Alaska after spending tile summer visiting their grandfather Albert Kuhnle, and grandmother Marth Depoe. They also visited the Henry Chap- pell, Sam Ogg, Bob Mendenhall, Larrr Case, Clyde Pearsall fam- ilies and their aunt Rosa Gish and District Meet Slated For Local Nurses Nuz'seS affiliated with tile Wa- sbingLon State Nurses Associa- tion, will hoht a district meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in tile ho[ne of tildna Lollghngto, 910 \\;¥est Birch Street. 'rho:e R.N.'s interested in join- ing the Wasllington State Asso- ciation are welcome to attend the District Meeting. Golden Age Slates Potluck Luncheon The Golden Age Club will meet at 12 noon next Thursday in the Memorial hall for a potluck lunch- eon. A business lneeting will follow with games and cards to be played later. Although many members were ill, there was a good crowd at the last meeting. Members are reminded to re- member the Rummage Sale each Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at So, 2nd and Cota st. family, ON HONOR ROLL C 1 .'; -- ...... , Arthur F Zehe, Grapeview, has arc ano i&ary atteuueu tile . ......... ;' "- *h- Unllnei  r World'- .. . • ......... ,ueua .a,.cu LU . c  ' qu - _ n rmr an s,te?. I tar honor roll at Eastern Washing- great. Auntgnazel meuuom an I ton State College. Zehe is a gradu- eatue, taro jouzlney.ea "o un.- I ate student majoring in education nysme zor a two xeeK stay wmla t EWSC Mr. and Mrs. Zane ZLzz and fa-I --" --- rally. ----. -- I . AT NAVY BASE NAVY MOTHERS CLUB I Charles D. Hicks, a Navy air- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. toy A. Navy Mothers Club of Shelton Hicks, Shelton, has reported for will meet tonight at the Memorial duty at the Naval Air Station, Hall. The regular business meet-Quonset Point, R.L ing will beg!n ag eight o'clock, FACTS TO REHEHBER When You Get Ready to VOTE FOR SHERIFF In Next Tuesday's Primary Election }} ! !:i: ¸¸::ii!i During my ten years in of- fice, there have been no scan- dais or adverse publicity con- nected with the Sheriff's De- partment. All men in the Department have completed Basic Law En- forcement School which is spon- sored by the Washington Sher- iff's Association and the Chiefs of Police. This school is con- ductcd by the F.B.I. The only exception to this is the last man appointed on August 1, 1962. My (2hicf Deputy is a gradu- ate of the F.B.I. National Acad- emy, which is the top school in the nation for law euftH'celrlellt. All cases o2 I:6:7:ic'.2 cccur-- ing in the past tea years have been solved. The number of all crimes against both property and the person solved in Ma- son County are well above the National average. Our jail is rated one of the best in tile State for Admin- istration, security, and cleanli- ness by the Federal Jail In- spector. There have been no 'escapes, injuries, or death of inmates of the jail under the present ad- ministration. In fact, there have been no complaints of any kind file4 against the Sheriff's ment during my We in the proud of the made in law son County during years. I believe place in law politics and have for this policy. My said "Time for a ask; "Change from 20 TRAINED RESERVE DEPUTIES TO HANDLE EMERGENCIES RETAIN SHERIFF POTT DEMOCRAT -- Keep exlmrienee and honesty in law (Paid Political Advertisoment) bar 6, 1962 bont 3,300 were highest total ys NS %O 1 :furniture, equip- , or and months Life avail- stop in i: E Ave. "4447 O 3- COMP -- HEAVY.. PILE DRIll FOR LOATS- BULKI- ILDING FOUNt -- PI1 round 1 R ! By Hour or C, '-'-tOADERS  SN INERy LOWBED ROAD GRADER - 6-6203 -- 707 South Fi WHEN GOOD GROOMING IS IMPORTANT /i ¸ , Sl those who must look their best rely on their PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANER These services each time your garments are cleaned make the difference. The 215 So. Sccood Phone 426-3371 Plt L /ii.aner can turn your plans into action because he believes in making loans on a family's plans. If you have a project or a purchase in mind,,, come in and talk it over with your Seafirst Banker, He'$ • a good man to know when your plan requires financing, or sound financial advice. The Seafirst Banker has the facts on all forms of financing, and he's backed by the resources of the largest bank in the Northwest. H ,• ) : : • 4' Satur& llorning 10 SEE AND T! Bring-A- , SPOrT,N He can bank on your future. . PRSS,N Fridl MENDING • FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY You're a/ways welcome at... Salurl <W+t,,,n C,ty) N i S:Iurltr MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY aZu_ I PAHTORIUH :  Admi Gleaners & Tailors ....=o..o=.o=,.,.=o...o==o..0...,o. , AND I NItELION BRANCH -- LAWRENCE A. CARLSON, GR. --- 5th & Franklin -- Phone 426-895 II