September 6, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 6, 1962 |
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SI-tELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U,S,A." Shelton, Washington Page 13
i i i|u i i u i.u u. u
. • - . .......... . ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . .............
Summer Residents Leaving Union
In Preparation For School Start
member of her family, and was
busily at work in the ldtehen wizen
once more there was knocking at
the dora'. The slightly annoyed
housewife who was busy mixing
p a batter, called out "Stop
your knoeldng, silly and come on
in", at a confused clearing of a
throat she glanced np to see a
total stranger, also a business man
r.tanding with an amused express-
ion on his face.
joint vacation time, Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Blake and daughters Pat and
Janice and Mso their niece Barbara
Poter of Seattle, took off on a
camping trip wilich took them to
Williams Lake near Big Creek, the
country the late Mr. I. P. Callison
author of hunting and big game
storeies was wont to feature. In
the tales Lucille Blake had typed
for him m his writing years. The
Blakes camped out and had a most
enjoyable time despite a few show-
ers and cool mornings and eve-
nings. They also spent a couple of
days along the Wenatchee river
near Leavenworth returning home
last Thursday and then put in a
day fishing at the Dosewallips,
and having a good catch of trout
tc bring home.
Regular meeting of Hood Canal
Improvement Club was Tuesday,
Sept. 4, 7:30 p.m. at Community
Clara Eastwood, accompanied
by her niece Verna Pringle of Cal-
ifornia, are leaving for a vacation
trip to her childhood home near
Toronto the first of the week. The
two women will go by train and
plane, and also take time off to
enjoy a stay at Lake Louise and
Banff enroute. This trip will be
something" a Iittle out of the ord-
inary for Clara Eastwood, for she
will be visiting at the home of
ter brother, Fred Eastwood. She
also expects to put in some of her
lime at ishing, in the same local-
ity where she caught her first
muskalon as a child. Fishing com-
ing so early in life, became more
er less of a habit, and later one
of her favorite pasttimes.
During whlch time the big ones
seldom get away, but are brought
By Ethel Dalby
UNION .... The general exodus
of onr city ..... summer neighbors
.... and vacationists after Labor
Day ..... finds Union once more a
quiet home town olace, with speed
boats for th 9 z{lost part gone,
children tarting to school, and
with the home guards, or regulars,
somewhat amazed at the change.
However a few of the town people
whose families are past the grade
sehool stage, are 'remaining on at
least while the 01easant spell of
ammaery weather lasts.
The Thomas Turner home was
filled with relatives over the holi-
day from Chehalis and Riverside
and Tenino. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Magnus Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Bragger, Mr. and Mrs.
John Cain and children, the 3ohn
Pattons, and Mrs. Turner's mother
Mrs. Josie Gibson, Tenino.
MRS. JEAN REEl), sister-in-law
of Mrs. Don Beckman who has
been her house guest of the past
week at her Robin Hood place
home, lef Thursday for Seattle
where she resides.
Mr. and Mrs. 3ohn McReavy of
Ventura, Calif• were visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lud
Andersen last week. Mr. McReavy
being a nephew, and also a child-
hood resident of Mason County,
the son of tbe late Charles MC-
Reavy a fm'mer Sheltonite of
early days. John McReavy is hav-
ing a book of verse published and
soon off the press of "Random
Guests at the Dalbys of the past
Week have been Mr. and Mrs.
Ceorge Looseley of Santa Barbara,
Calif. and who have been snccess-
ful fishermen, and clam diggers
while on vacation.
Mrs. Leo Pierce returned home
Thursday of last week after spend-
ing the past two weeks at the
Werner Rupps of Grays Harbor.
It would be difficnlt to tell
which of the two embarrassed
Union women had the greater
surprise. The first woman who was
ex0ecting a long distance phone
call from a son in Seattle at 6 p.m,
sat expectantly by waiting, the
phone rang at the appointed hour
Three Break-ins
Over Weekend
Three breakins were reported to
the M:a3on Cottnty Sheriff's of-
fice over the lon3' weekend.
Tools and gasoline were stolen
from the Hood Canal Junior High,
School by solneone who broke a'
window and entered a store room.
Lemke's Station at Dayton was
broken into Sunday night. Taken
were a blanket, some towels and
wash clo0m, two Mx-packs of beer
and about $4 in change from the
csil register.
Entry v..'as gained by locking in
a plywood panel in the back door.
Edward Baretiek reported his
cabin at Phillips Lake was brok-
en into.
camped overnight. They hiked to
Anderson Pass on Mr. Anderson,
where they were surprised to meet
Mr. Roberson, Jan's father, and
a party who were just making the
Ieturn trip from Quinault. The
party said the conditions were per-
fect for the hike, and everyone
tad a wonderful time. They re-
turned home Monday evening,
tired and a bit footsore.
Mr. and Mrs. h'a Morse and
sons drove to Portland, Ore., Sat-
urday morning and enjoyed a day
in the Rose City, returning that
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Johnson
and Luella were visiting relatives
at Yakima over Ithe holiday, re-
turning Monday evening.
Union has a new wonmns bowl-
ing team-.--menglers of which are
Mesdames Shirley Cowan, Helen
Timm, Lucille Wojohn and Marjie
Boatsand craft of every type
filled the large new float dock
at Alderbrook over tile holiday.
However, by Monday morning
they had thinned out somewhat
noticeably. Local craft and motors
of the same still filled the air
with their noise Monday evening,
proving many people were still
enjbying the wonderful weekend
weather-break for the last of sum-
the luck of local fishers last week,
when she successfully landed a
fine 41 lb. brook trout at Price's
Lake Saturday, a week ago. A
couple of fine large salmon also
were brought in last week by
Boaters SwimmersAnd Fishermen
A resident of Shelton has been
awarded a scholarshiI to Seattle
University for the 19[i2-63 acade-_
Out In Numbers For Labor Day + + ++ '++'+ D+
ky, (hmghter of Mrs. Elizabeth
I)udlcy, 22t7 Ca.lhumrL
lili immB if
,.o, ,, ,. --
HOODTSPORT-POTLATCH -- :ttlc, spent a week vacationiuff at lhe Albert Antone Sciml'er sciml- sights on rite
Tuesday moraine there was a wild lhe. John Eager honm near Pot- :trship.
dash around the house as the lazy latch. =E/. LTE
summer habits had to be over- Mr. and Mrs. Torgcr Lee and week end.
come and that old school sehed- children have moved their bag and Jack Wanherg arrived home
hag as it may seem, the kids are Ehelton. \\;Ve'll miss seeing Bobby a month visiting with family and
eally happy to be back in school gliding atone ou his slalom ski friends there.
mid greet their friends and talk l(ke a pro and Miciaclhh thc young-
over the happenings of the sum- est around, skiing as if it were Mrs. Max Schmidt, Mrs. George
mar. We welcome all the newcont- nothing. Moake and Mrs. Ruel Pierce will •
ers to our schools and hope they Speaking of siding, maybe we hostess a Tupperware Party in the SAW .
enjoy our eommun;ty, are prejudic(d, but we think one Lilliwaup Community Hall on Afllltleas$3.0fweeklyftersmalldwnFayment
In spite of the weatherman and of the prettiest sights is Joe Hart- Tlnlrsday, Sept. 13 at 1:00 P.$, *enlylgp0undslessbarandchala
his predictions of cloudy weather, sen on his slalmn ski as he skims "and all Potlatch and Hoodsport • direct ddve
people moved out to the Canal in past in the evening, neighbors are invited. Tile pro- • fells trees up 103 feetin diameter
eeeds will go to maintaining the * rugged, fast-cutt/ng, dependabl$
• £round-level cutting
droves. They came in t|'ailers, with Mrs. Sidney Jarvis accompanied Lilliwaup Clubhouse. Mrs. Ila • all-position cutting
tents and boats. The beautiful her sister and son, Mrs. Myrtle Chase of Shell.on is the demon- .availablowithstrai#tbladesffonl
weather and the good fishing, with Buschee and Ron ou a jet /?light strator. 12."to21"
over 100 boats outside Hoodsport to Hawaii. She ()lily had a week to Seelhene,vlullllneolHomelitchllz|W&
alone, real!y brought a glorious ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralpt Hilligoss
finish to the summer. Reports of sec all the sights and then l'e- and their :ailboat tim "Moonbeam" .askforatreedemonstrati0¢ .....
fish from fou+, • pounds to 40 Ibs. turned, also on a jet. are back at tile Hoodsport dock o s¢ae-er M010r o,,v¢%"
were made by some of the hnnd- TIlE .JARVIS'S are welcoming again after spending the sumnlcr
Ieds out over tile weekend, a new grandson, James I)arrell, sailing around the San Juans and on
[weighing in at 9 lb. 5 oz. His then to Tacoma for some more HILLCREST
The summer people who own parents are Mr. and Mrs. Merle boat work. "Service and Sales"
property at Holiday Beach, have Lindgreu of Mo:syrock. John .........................................................................................................................
left for their homes, some in Ore- V/nzant is the pa/.crmtl grand- II I I lu I I u ll,lll I i +,+
gon and California, so the child- parent. ' '
ren will be ready to start their
school It gets awfully qt,iet in a Jerry Smiihwashosttoabeach 00U00L-ilFimF-.IumnlmAmI£1£h F00OM
hurry, party We(tnesday afternoon.
Guests were Tina Jackson and her
MR. AND MRS. Norman Gray cousin Robbie Jackson, Loretta
with Darlene and Kathy spent Kilbourne and/her friend Cindy
four days away. First to Portland :,'
Wilson, Michelle Lee, Sandy Bas- PAST EXPERIENCE
where thay took in a Tacoma and kin, Danny Bolender, John Sutton,
Portland baseball game and htcky Lane White and Jim Dickinson.
Darlene caught a foul ball for a Unable to attend because of tonsil
souvenier, Also visited the Park trouble was Mike Johnson. The
and Zoo. Then to Centralia for a children enjoyed an afternoon
two-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. of swimming, games and roasting
Robert Gray and girls, wieners and marshmalh)ws. Jack
They returned home in time for Smith and Jeanne Peterson helped
Darlene o rest up for a trip to Mr. and Mrs. Smith with the
:he West Seattle Stadium where games.
she and Jeanne Peterson compet- Luanne Kilbourne is another
ed in the all-girl track meet spon- local girl who spent her sunllnor
sm'ed by the American Amateur
away from Ho<)dsporl:. She visited
Athletic Union., In this event the with Marilyn Valley in Jong Beach.
age limit was 10 to 14 years of She also wm'ked par time. During
age so it was a bit more of a chal- the summer she took a trip to
lenge. Darlene ran the 50-yard
dash in 6.8, winning over 20 other Nanaimo, B. C. and worked on
girls nnder 14. She came in third the boat an interesting highlight
in the broad jump with 13'2". She was the impromptu entertainnnmt
joined with the Kent girls in tile by a group of Hawaiians.
relay and they won that race. Mr. and Mrs. Minor J. Wells
Jeanne ran the 50 yard hurdles of San Diego, Calif., spent two
• e
snd came in first with a time of vceeks visitin with the. 1r .d KiN
nto action
loans on a family's
se in mind...
afirst Banker. He's -
]uires financing,
first Banker has the
e's backed by the
the Northwest,
, --- eagerly picked up the receiver'
9 d Ave. nd said "Hello Dear". It happened
l}/t 'a+, ..,n = to be a bttsiness man who called
:),',,JF gtOn instead and who also received a
' ,'+"'47 g,'eat surprise. The other lady
whose name is also withheld, hacl
1.'een subject to teasing +by ,a male
!i Underground Utilities
:Z: : By Hour or Contract
707 South First
along home with her. Mrs. 3can.
Morrow, former Flagvood Gift
hop operator and Unionite for 10
years, now retired, will be living
in the Eastwood home during the
ewner's absence.
and children are spending the
week in the McConkey home on a
late-summer vacation.
Enjoying a trip to Seattle Sat-
urday evening to take in the stage
play "My Fair Lady", were a
group of local friends, Mr. and
Mrs. 3im Gilliland, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Close, and Mrs. 3ean Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. I-Ienry Bacon and
daughters, former Sheltonites,
who have been enjoying the past
month visiting local friends while
their cruiser was moored at Alr
derbrook, left Saturday fOP their
Seattle home via the "4B" Crax'. '
THE BAKE SALE Saturday iiC
3lag'wood by Hood Canal Im-
provement Club was a complete
sellout of a large assortment of
line home-baked good.
The call of the hills, influenced
several of our home-owners to
pack up sleeping bags and camp-
ing gear and drive to the upper
Dosewallips. Last Friday Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Bailey and children left
for a climb to the Honeymoon
Meadows, where' they camped out
overnight. Saturday morning Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Wojohn and Mr.
and Mrs. Timm and Diane nd
Jan Roberson also took off for
the ."Dose", and made the climb
to Diamond Meadows where they
Lloyd Cook and Ed Hamilton.
Charlene Kelsey returned home
Sunday evening after a delightful
week at Malibeau, B.C., with the
18 young friends of Young Life
group of Shelton. According to
Charlene it is a fabulous place,
fine buildings and beautiful coun-
try and scenery, unsurpassed.
Miss Catherine Kelsey, who has
been employed at Alderbrook dur-
ing vacation will be leaving for
Ellensburg Normal School about
Sept. 21, the start of the fat1 term.
The Kelsey home is just one of
the many along the Canal which
has had more titan its quota of
summer and fair visitors. Aceord-
ing to Mrs. Kelsey visitors from
seven states, along with Californ-
ia friends have been entertained
.aLher home the past two montlls.
The Housewives League Bowl
n'g-team which is sponsored by
Hood Canal Marina went to Shel-
ion Tuesday morning for their
practice. Members are Mesdames
Walters, Sherman, Updyke and
Katy Niles.
M]g. AND MRS. Herbert Fuller
have taken a home at Mt. Baer
Park in Seattle, and are moving
into town this Thursday (today).
They will be greatly missed by
their friends and neighbors, who
are glad to know they are expect-
,ins to return to their Union home
next summer. Young Jay Fuller
meanwhile will enter school In Se-
attle, where his father is assist-
ant District Attorney.
The Hood Canal Garden Club
is having their fall picnic and
meeting Thursday (today) at the
new Potlatch ,State Park. Hus-
bands are guests on this occasion,
and special event of the summer
The interesting civic and politi-
cal event of Sept. 11 is the pri-
= + L' mary election, and which will take
place at the Union Community
At The Club The polls will be open at
00HELTON + +continue+
p.m. At the present time all ap,
[i pointments to the voting and
counting board have not been
made. Mrs. Lucille Blake iS
spector of the voting board, and
• 'rs. Bernice O'Berry inspector of
the counting beard, with Mes- i
N A dames Do-aglas Grout and Elalnei
LLER ARE Cook as clerks, i
Accidents kill one-far-'resident i
every 47 minutes. Every 33 sec-i
onds a farm resident suffers a
disabling injury.
9.4. She placed third in the high
jump with 3'6". This is the first
.rime she lms competed in these
events as they are not open to
midget class in the Junior Olym-
pics. The girls had their pictures
taken and we hope they keep up
the good work.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray and
Mrs. Virginia Waliin accompanied
Darlene and Jeanne to Seattle for
the track meet.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maloney and
Bruce, Issaquah, were callers in
the A1 Johnson home this week-
end. The Johnson boys, Mike and
Kevin, are speaking lightly this
week after having been removed
h'om their tonsils.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hooper from
Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting
vzith ,.the Rex. Whatleys'. Mrs.
'(Claire) Hooper left from Milo's
trailer court and swam across the
Canal to Bald Point Monday mor-
ning. Claire is Barbara McDow-
ell's niece and she says the gal
wasn't even puffing. Boy, that is
what you call being in shape.
Carolyn Schwab had a full sum-
mer visiting with grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bourke and
Mr. and Mrs. John Schwab in Cle-
tum. She also spent some time
with her aunt and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Smith in Yakima.
Their son Steven spent a week
here visiting with the Rudy
Diane and Marjory Gregory al-
so spent most of their summer
away from home. The two girls
changed uff visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Denny Noonan in Cathlamet
and with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle
Burke in Seattle, When Morn and
Dad and the boys went to Seattle
to .bring them home they were all
treated to a trip to the Woodland
Saturday, September 8 Do You REALIZE - - -
Thai SIX of ihe NINE People
00rn,ng 10 12 Afternoon 1:30 4 Representing the Citizens of Washington
" State Now Live Within 50 Miles of Seattle ?
:e's the St(
bourne family and a.lso did some
camping on their lot at the DeBard
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert
ntertained Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Linscott, Mr. and Mrs. John Short-
sleeves, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac-
Intyre and Mrs. Rule Dickinson
with a picnic supper and cards
Friday evening.
Week end company at the H. K.
Victor home in Potlatch were her
ister, Mrs. Mildred Sandin of
Mercer Ishmd and Mr. and Mrs.
Art Marshall of Enumclaw. Art,
Vic and Frances all caught fish
which makes getting up that early
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Linscott had
as Labor Day week end c.ompany
1heir two daughters and their
families from Seattle, Mr. and
ivIrs. Robert Rains and children
and Mr. and Mrs. lohn Hadley and
boys. They all tried their hand at
some Canal fishing but were not
smong the lucky 100.
Darrell and Ricky Peterson
closed up their operations at
Pleasant Harbor Monday after a
hectic week end. Big 1)oats, little
boats, sail boats and any other
kind, all on their last fling before
school starts. The boys really had
quite an e(htcation ill meeting
people from all over and we've
l-card nothing but nice remarks
about their courteous manner to
all who called on tilem for service.
JIM BROWN w'ts visiting with
friends in Hoodsport over the
Iliul I m In |ul N|m • m i|mmm||| ||mm! • •|•! ||••|| i| ii i, ql m mlm
• m•• •m•••• =m••=m•=m• i= mm • •mm •m • •
Bring - A-Guest Skating ...'=
Friday Evening 7:30- I0:00 !
Salurday Morning 10:00-12:00 :i
Salurday Afternoon 1:30- 4:00 [
Salurday Evening 7:30- 10:30
Regular Admission,
or Skating and Shoe Rental Fee,
Lel'$ Keep
the FIFTH West Side Congressman Away
from This Centralized Areal
(Paid Political Advertisement)
lhpublican Candidate for
• Shelton Hotel managei" over 41 years • Veteran of
both World Wars • Charter Member Mason County
Forest Festival Ass'n, Chairman Paul Bunyan Parade 10
years • Charter Member American Legion Post, 40 & 8
Voiture, Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce, Shelton Golf
Club • Graduate University of Washington. • Mem-
ber of Elks Lodge.
(Paid Political Advortisement)
Park Zoo.
of San Francisco, Calif., were
callers in the Bill Bearden home.
Well, I guess it s not only a wo-
man who can change her mind--
last week I said Bob Vinzant
would be home on leave sometime
this fall--well, the Army crossed
us up and he is home now. After
his leave he will report for duly
to a camp in North Dakota. ':
BUDDY LOUGHRAN arrived ":"
at the Hilligoss home to join his
wife and girls for a short visit
before they return to their home
in La Crescents, Calif. Hope he ,
catches a fish before he goes.
pensation to $45.00 per week. This has represented a loss to :
the unemployed of Mason County of $60,000.00. ,• ,i
Ritner do-sponsored a bill that would have seriously weak- :,:
ened the protection afforded by our State Industrial Insurance i!
to injured workmen of our state. I
To add to this sorry performance Ritner "ducked" a roll
call vote on a bill prohibiting Importation of out of state slrike :
Here's the Story: breakers. :
Ritner "ducked" a vote on a bill providing for more in-
spection and Safety relative to all kinds of elevators, escala- '.
1 Congressman tors and manlifts.
, SEATTLE Ritner "ducked" a roll call vote on a bill providing for
2 Congressmen collection of employees' Health and Welfare payments, when .....
EVERETT a company reneges in the agreed payment,
1 Congressman Ritner "ducked" a roll call vote on a bill which would provide
SEATTLE Industrial Insurance on the job site, including the lunch pe-
1 Senator riod.
EVERETT Ritner ducked a roll call vote on a bill concerning safe-
1 Senator ty and control of Atomic energy by-products commonly used
by industry and hospitals.
Ritner ducked a roll call vote on a bilI increasing pen-
sions for 5,000 Industrial injured workmen.
Laboring people of Mason, Clallam and Jefferson Coun-
ties --Do you want a continuation of this kind of Representa-
For a full lime Represenlative vote for Gharles R. Savage
Ad paid by Mason County Labor Council
P. O. Box 268, Shelton, Washington