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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Dayton Visitors I Lilliwaup Return To Homes ram+fly C&apos;hzb will enterLain at a , Ft)thlck dimler Friday evening. A _ I.)immr will be served ai 6:30. Pin- .. oregon +,,.,,, .,., ,+,, ,,.,y+. ,o +,, .,+ p.m. l)rizcs will im given and re- •  [ fre/4hTtlo)l LN se t'Vr.'d I)y the cotn- By Mabq Khhl I)AYTI)N ..... Mr. and Mrs. Sieve t{ez)lsetq¢, :ceompanied by her I ,other, Bill Kidd ,It.. t,,ent to Oregort owr l.he woliend Bill to his he)lid in I)all:ls where lie will !repare to go t.O ,tl(! ())'eKOll Slate 13niver,dty, ttnd 1.1"11" Kezniseeks to their ho11]e in Gl'all(te l.Oll(te for the wet:l(eH¢l. Mr.L Hu'ry I¢.idd and MI's. A'¢i;L (hfl r)l).li I1 )i)OtOl'eCl | o Everel.1 Fri- day IO al.t.end the wcrtdjrl,;" of Mrs. Kidd's niece, Cal':)l Kelley, to Jack ('.onverse of Alcata, Call|., whel'l l]'l( COllt)le will r.lake their ho)e, MI'. attd Mrs. (]eol'ge PIlI'VfN and girbL Chehalis, sl)erl; Salur(iay night with hel" nlothcr, MI'3. (le]+l- l'ude Scot and tile group had Sire- day dinner in the Shellon llon)e of M)'. and l'a. Lelnl S(:OLt. IVEENENI) ti [JESTS ill tile l.ol'Cle: of MI'. a))d MI'S. J. )'. S[O- i+l(-H' %V('F(: bIw brother and wife, Mr, ;!)l(I Ml's, Eal'l King of Pa.tllsl)o. The ,l, C. 'ribb]t8 family o:); Che- tcalis spent t})e weekend with bel+ f,areul:s, 5!r. and Mrs, Dell Ad- /l)lS. i\\;'-l'':, ,h)llrl Yollllg' tile|el'el1 to Kingston 10 stay |el' ihe weekend with her :lallgb[el', Ca l'(ft. Sm(bLV, Pete, and Bill Fohcrts rode Iloreba(.'t{ o l]le top of Day- toll l'(!Hi( \\;vhe|'e they were )net by Ben and Darrell ,Villia|ns of l.,ost Lake alld coIllinlled th(ir ilip to tile Willl'lms' he)lie. They were jr]tiled by l)ol'ot!ly and ltie.h- lrd l{,obel'I:-' and .Ricli Walker for ' pot lilct,; dinner, MI'. alld M|'s. (.'ha)'les l}Jll\\;x,,al'tts +I Seail,le Sl)¢l)I, F|'iday overnight \\;'Ji|h h()r rl/ll'ellfS, MF+ arid MFS, ".¢ab Colllbs. They h,ft Sal.|n'day lallilt}:[ U'Jirh the|ll lhei)' boys, Liir - |'y ],eMi,:, 111(1 ;ltl)l'l('.O IOII'SOII V,'II!) hitIl Vile)It tile Sil))l)-lle, l' vacL- tlo/ with their gvandptrvenls. Mr. al|d Mrs. Jerry HemhlKer Klld SOil sperlt 'i)llllay ill lhe ]Ionic of !Ir, flrlql 5{)'}i. ,[lll)leS l{iC!{a-;Oll. I.CCel)  dJHIt(!l' , I I e:.,l F; of M I'l,i. (CI'Iv/)do ScOII were JMr+ ;fill] Mrs. t!.;h)let" M(C<:)y {)i) SI':o]',oI/IiMI Val- ley. ,IIC4, IVAI,TEII Chappell ae- COllipllnioli MI s. Ailmrl IAtlaltII ', ,!r., t+) f)lynll',ia hu' ;diOl)phg on Tllc,qdav of Ia,.;t week, ,My. ml Mr,',;. A. h:, L+II.I( join- e¢i !he (JecH Mcl.,;tin faFl)lly al)d lilt! Igqlill,.!fh ;ol(I(ql tall)ily Slln- (la, fro t piellic ,ql Lilt, Lake Nah- \\;,,:;ltZC] IIOIIIC (117 511 '. arid Mrs. Ro- le)'I IA'I3!o, Se:ILI.ItL ,{(alday tile troop F,,i,'nicked alr lJlo ]'[(11|let;h Vold('l) It)(+? hOlll{', Mike Ki<hi, :,on {+12 Mr. aim Ml's, ttir,)id |'l(id, (;('h'bF;tt{d his nillth i)i|'(hd;i 5: b'0pl. ;1 ;tl)1 iS If);l;t c,l(?- Iil2.t!c,,'! ilh his new bicycle, l.abiu' Day weekend ).;uests of 5'] r. {?)d '}i|! ,I;ll'll+,,'4 lii|laJ'.qHllll V, Ole itol' pll'ell;:L M|*, all(I ]\\;It+,%. ,}c!hrl tfu[i' of Mrlle l'oinl, Ore., tl)tl tlteir grallddaughter, I.,indlt liilIf. :,IId Mf'. L. A. Todd weye Mr. ;/](I Mr. itarvey Todd of Seall!e ;IM Mr:. El }]el Mt:l )(v,'eIl of 'timubutl, Net). Mr Mcl)owoll iN +l;as'irlZ Fro" :| whih: witi tile Todds } !'l'p. Mr. ;lnd :.MI r:+. .!'., A. Todd were ;',u,'2ds of [h(, ,Jim COIYI['I'- Of Shel- l<hi oil Ih{i| trip 'l'hlltadlv tO vis- it the M;I.¢fi+'l,l l)am ncul' Cheht- l/-. ;S!+rMty +;tlh,r,-; of .Mr,; AIIll,I l.'la- It(F x,tl'(: M)'..tll+l Ml'; ([',1111+ fli!}[tl;Jll {:if Nielf. 51'. arid MI'S, L, '.A. Todri slayed 'F|eSd:LV :-lfid :VCd])(),S(];.|" ];t.;| \\;VP!?tt Gr;|yl:lild ;m:;h wilh the Jack 'Fillg.%t+r(nlls. MR. AND Mlla. ("i,Al!l)l," Mc- Trvin a)l,I Ail;l), the lit)ward Wi]+ :,11 ftl|'llJly ;tr|d l.he t]ill ,lhllsOll |;oilily of Shelt.i)t .jollied the Pete ;; 11+1 ,I:!|T.\\;' [JoOllll(?tds t'oV a, I)it',)!i<' 5{onda3 r ;It Sellafer State Pal?l<. Mond;iy M|'. ;|rid Mrs. I)oylc )towa.rd al)d I-ff!ys JIllll(H'od l.o tie - Eli and vi.'.dled \\;,)th his )lll]t al|d i)er htl.;I)a))d, Mr. tl)d Ml's. S'\\;'H|IV SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in UOhrCstmastcnvn, U.S.A.'" Shelton, Washington Thursda Community Club Hans Dinner And Card Party Friday p.m. proceeds will go lo Lilliwmp 1,1) oysters. (hflYIFflllllJty (21ub. Ladies do yOttl' ' Xnlas :l)('q)ifin 3 • ac tile I};1)'I,3 , , Everyone iN envited, l-efroshments will be ;eJ'ved later m tile after- llo()n. MR. AND llllN. George Moalce, ,'/rc spending the Labor Day week- c.nd in Kelso and L,ongview where they will visiL Mrs. Moakes mot her and two brothers ana fa, milies. Mr. and Mrs, Archie PalloeR of Arcata, Calif. brotimr of Nell Vance left last Tuesday for their l'olYle in Areata after a wollderful ten dsy visit with the Vanees. MosL of their time was spent fish- ing, digging clams and picking Julia. McECasson (i t .ghtev of They \\;vee re!dly lhrillcd with [Nh'- and Mi's Bi 1 MtK; sson visit+ our beat|tiful country an(t IIood ed hel" gl'ard)L, oLher arid hllsha|ld, Canal and expect, lo spend their Mr. and Mrs. Cecil I)unlap of wteal.ion on the Canal lext year. Olynlpia threu davs bud week, ] slle returned home [hen little Billy MILS. MARION Jobnst()n is McKasson Jr. visited them two home from ShelLon Gencral Hos- days. They holh had a good tlnle. pital where she spent, several days ................................. and is getting along nicely. Vacation time means more peo- ple will be driving through ancl in SERVING IN PACIFIC 'the forest aren.s. The Keep Wash- Robert L. Donaldson, boilennan ington Green Association asks that third class, son of Mr. and Mrs. we all remember to use our car Blanton Donaldson, Shelton, is ashtray when smoking and not the serving aboard the USS Situs with car window. Roadside brush and the Navy. The ship recently left grass catch fire easily and can be- San Francisco for a tour of duty come a destructive forest fire. Help in the Western Pacific. KEEP WASHINGTON GREEN. LEFt FACING TRAFFIC JOURNAL GLASSIFIED ADS GET WALK ON Well Drilli WINNER, FOURTEENTH AAA TRAPFIC SAFETY POSTER CONTEST Use Journal W anl Ads mittee. Thi;s i; a +special card part.y ill honor (if the many trailer park people who have atteuded our card 1.arties dul'illg the slln+lnler months and will soon be leaving for their ]lor).es ill va.l'iOllS parts of the .'-:ta, ies. The regl]lar eal'd party will 0e held Sept:, J4. Mesdames I<'ran- ces Moake, Nleanor Pierce and i. earl Schmi(tt will entertain a¢ a plastic ware party Sept. 13 at Lilliwaup Commtmity hall at 1 WATER WELLS- TEST Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone 426-4713 Cancer Society Training Meet BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS AT.... Robcrt, W. Graham, Seattle at- torney and past state president or FRESH, PICNIC STYLE the American Cancer Society, will ROa.T, FROM TENDER, L he the principal hnlcheon speaker -------., YOUNG, CORN-FED PORK LB. PORK STEAKS 49 c BLADE CUTS Ib PORK ROAST LPANES'3H%:U:L:DsTEsR Ib 45 c CORNED BEEF ,, 69' SLICED BACON ,, 49" SLICED BOLOGNA H,o.,o, 49'* ..................................................................................... 12 OZ. PKG. CARNATION EVAP. PEARS MILK WESCO 5 303 $ T,N . 6 T,NS83 ¢ TO "FRESH AS A DAISY" PRODUCE PEACHES ,?.,o, S/79 ELBERTA FREESTONE -- 26 lb. lug /HALES 26 lb. lug $1.89 -- lb. 10¢ CAm00E S BARTLETT PEARS ITALIAN PRUNES ROMAINE 0 ,B. BOX +1.% 10' .o ,1.%. 10* EACH 9* 00iI' Ii i QUAKER n. ouo... 39 c • IUI"I Old Fash. vrl I II + o 49 c 39 c TV DINNERS ':::::::o CAKE MIX'""u"'"+°"'" ANGEL FLAVORS PKGS. WAX PAPER WAXTEX ,oo FT 19 ¢ PILLSBURY GINGERBREAD MiX 9 TTE SCHOOL BOY CREAM OR OLD FASH. 3 LB. TIN UP CAMPBELL'S M--M--GOOD NO. 1 TIN 24 OZ. BOTTLE / 0 REG. PKGS, HERSHEY BARS . POST 4 VARIETIES POUND 3/1 CEREAI,S COFFEE -" 2 LB. TIN SOUP+ $I'|7L CHOC. CHIPS := 5 :=: '1 WlSK $119 V.', GALLON INSTANT FOLGERS . ........................................................................... + o • . ........ MISSI'-- LARGE ELBOW'-- +" MAGARONI ......................................................  ............................................. 1o ,o. HI-HO GRAOKERS SUNS.,NE ,oa, LUX LIQUID ............................................................................................  o o+: • ALL DETERGENT ' ,G,A+ s, at a district, training sehool for A.C.S. volunteers from four coun- ties, Mason, ThursLon, Pierce and Grays Harbor, in the Tyee Motel, Olympia, Juae 11. A+ new classroom cancer kit to be available to all Washington schools with grades abovc the sixth, will bc discussed, by Mrs. J. Robert Brooke, lay director for this district. The giant campaign to reach school children with the fact. about cancer, particularly Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 6 - 7 - 8. the dangers of smoking, was worR- ed onL in cooperation with Louis 1.3rune, State Superintendent of Public' Instruction. Other spea.kert will include Mrs. HI, M. Pease, state, vice president for field services; Mrs, Vie|or De- Baer, slate hoard member who will report on sLatewide eaneer theater showings ,,+eheduled for January; M|'s. Igsthcr RIstine who will re- port on cancer clleek-tlp8 undertak- en I) 3, state employee.'+ early this t(!ar. I)l'. Tho)na8 Hazlrig veill tJlk about cancer education programs. The training school is onc of trine selleduled Lo cowW the erlLirc state this mouth. W e|,ri 1"1;r e r, Mit," and I)o|lna. Hulbert made I tAqp to on SaLul'day for shopi,i|)g, Larry Petty ,f Eantilehe spent S|lmtay and Momhy wittl his g)'andt.)al'eltts, M;'. ;ll+l Mrs. Lav¢- reuc(, lalllnO|ll ItDd h'td fllll fish- illg' al. Al(,adia l)oilll itlld on Hood tl+l)];ll. They b]'oug'flt heine I.L i)lillly fine 15 t)Olllld cod. The Eugene Eve|'s family had )It!:" F'riday Lhroug'h Monday, traveling art)raM the Olylllple Loop, ,:i'he blot'/on A{lalYlS of Sheltoll v<e|'e l'riday hlrlebcon guesl, s Of the I, A. To(tds, 3,1ONI)AY CALI,EI{N ill the hollte of MI'S. AIl)la t:la]{or VVCI'e 5)'. ;1|1{t MI'S. GoI'(Io|I Bel|nett and 'II's. Dewey Bennelt. of Shell<re. The IChton Todds and Bill Strl)pe (,f Sl}e]ton, visit:,,d Stmd;!y in tho l+:o,ne of Nil'. and Mrx. I, .A. T{)d,.I. M;onday hlneheon guests of Mrs, .Alvin [-[tllbC'l't W('l'C her :4i;; OI +, :,il's. Ted I;'er)'is of (Db,,lllpia ;llld Mrs. 3. O. Bovee of Shelton. The la.mes Emarsson family n'otored t() H.oy on Monday and n.ioyed lhe rodeo held there. Mrs. Merlin HAekards and girls \\;\'e|d lo SeatIle <)n Friday, eom- bit)i||g b]lSilless Hill1 13]easure alld ell]dyed visiting the "WaX nlILsenlll. MF. alld Mrs. I. "A, Todd had tJ;e pleasl|l-e of ba\\;'ing dilmer (Ill Sunday :ft. the Lake Phillip'+ honlc Of MI'. a.nd MI's. tallies (ornlier. A fOl'l)lor |'esJdclll of t, his COlll- n:unily and lua)/ earrier, I{. D. ,.tane and his wife, Imeil]e, Coos Iay, Or'?., died in a tWO-Car col" listen 81HId:ly lit (Jh.)dstone, Ore. WESTERN WASHINGTON II+°'jlIIpJ'PI'I'.  , the ¢omod octs,   I rodeo, hors, rocing1, " J BIG GRANDSTAND SHOW • Eeselve Your Grandsland Seats Nowt + I I I IRIlved leOtS few the ofternn nd evening Grand*fond 5how will be re- I I I+e¢'+ed tot you il y0 till Oul coupon ond mil, wlth €he& or money of'de|', to: J | WESTERN WASHINOTON FAIR ASSOCIATION... PUYALLUP, WASH. J I I I R*erv¢ ..................................................................... flckel* at $2,00 each (incL tOx) | I RmImva ......................................................... tkkelt ot St,S0 eorh (I.¢L lax) + I I | F I. .., 1962 F Afternn Show [2} For Even;ngShow l I I N+ ................................................................................... I I I I Add+e** ........................................................................ Clty ...................................... I I $nd ¢uck or mcmey order mdl ou to WESTERN WASHINGTON FAIR ASSN. i I I,I Ill IIIIII  II IIII Ill It  II  ) Limit Rights Reserved. 6,1962 AN to the District ATIVE [ reer farmer over County. buyer Sears, Roe- marl or- United g Co., La Clalla m County Board. Clallam County Board. president Grange Assn. Washington Auditing Corn- Board of Di- Cooperative of Super- Soft Conser- and works over land in West Years. Father of ger. Valley 8 naember Forks Pind the way out deficits, higher g state Vide the kind of encourage pri- grow that it bs and look confidence." Advertisement) Qpen Week.I in Sepk