September 6, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Route 3, Box 170, Shelton
Phone 426-4713
........ :, temi'September 6, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{sfmasfown, U.g.A." Shelton, Washington Psge 15
J.zluruay, y"- , , , , , ,.,
il I ,. '..,.......-.A.. "l Letters to the Editor " v " ' '
• Irt Fam]l Gather]n
.... I --:' | ]lk''= I = in CoEmty Extension Agent [ = ' . .... ' ' Mrs. F]avilla Wiley and Mr. and UmVE! VVVI IlVlll.lh kVJI'IlIV
n i • m i • _ |,?!UllU" 11, IJ Jane Jones Windsor .c,r!nto.r, , ; ........ Jrs Pet. Hawley wd their son
'i" i' • J. LIIIttL'SLO|ICI LJL;:tL UIIC pal'Ly fllS . ' ' ' " R ,I "t"
d i I I r i ! ! I n ai|ll tl e a u Ho,,o builders always face one been made a scape goat for tlxe J:m, of Shelton, attended a faro- NEW CONSTRUCTION-- REMODELING
l IIWI!U m . II $ 0ilemma that has to do with the same deed others have been doing ily dinner at Kent last Sunday .............. ,
V • • i i • [] m m--!.v |1 V V II actual space needed to do certain for years. Relatives wtlo attended the af- 17t)lUll/i.
l.|ll.'d..r 3obs In ttle home. Simpson Timbcr Compan,y has fair hosted by Mr. and Mrs. hal'- -,, ....... .T " " '
J:|!t31l|(3fll Most of us are never quite sure not been prosecuting others for ry Smilll mid their seven chil- 0/0 on rectuclng laiances -- ro wommlsslon
LL | P-i nul.=./|: to ,h, ---- and sometimes we're tied by tra- this practice of cutting loose logs d'ren included Mr and Mrs Fred tt. .....
.......... --:f ne._ .... dition or just guessing. This is a oa private tide lands. This can Smith and son Fred, Jr.. aid Judy klll-t
:."i.i] || problem tha has taken some re- be easily verified by anyone who Hayes, all of Long Beach Calif.; .........
],,-ai un= soa.,,.l and our Aircultural E×- cans the beacbs. r. an Mrs. Hersel iawey se- Ma_nn P, nimlv vin,_ g ln fl_tneitinn
mmmmMIvvmnu vviumut vwnum v i'armmm nvvvvmlr,ismviu
mm v:Or24th ai4,,, periment Stations have tactled Tidelands have become quite val- attle" and John Htwlev and David $ O '
-- ,,-'Ztli UII'lC$ the problem in their housTg re- uable as taxes will attest Doyle of Bellingham - TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING
kWREN@TaENTATIVE search It's worth filing their find- Couldn't Sinlpson gar.her in their .]h .... -,, .... ; .... , RHLTON
n,s for the time when you build, loose logs smce then" logs are so from Thailan'd is horae on t,,r-
vahmble. Simpson quotel tiffs lough. ' " :
CRUISE STOPS HERE--These are part of the 23 boats from the
Puget Sound Outboard Cruising Club which stopped in Shelton
Sunday afternoon on a cruise. The group spent the night here
and continued on its way back to Seattle Monday, Verne Mad-
ison is Commodore of the club.
remodel or just start rearranging.
Here are some of the most im-
portant housing space standards.
All are based on average heights
for men and women.
1. It takes a hallway 26" wide
tm" one pm son. Double this for two
people to pass.
2. YotFll need at least 26 inches
of cleared floor space in front of a
conventional range, wall oven, re-
frigerator or base cabinet. A front
loading dishwasher takes 42 inche
free floor space in front of it.
3. Allow 22 inches of space be-
tween twin beds for nlaking them.
It'takes 48 inclles of space to clean
under a bed vith a vacuum or dust
4. If you want a guest closet to
serve more than one person at a
lime plan on 6 x 5 feet of foyer
party in question a price of $55.00
per thousan4 while another log
dump (locally) pays only $27.50
for the same No. 2 Cedar.
Why is the one party being
singled out ? Where is the common
law that pertains to all equally?
Rt. '2
Shclton, Wn.
'62 inches from the floor if the
shelves are 12 inches wide.
7. In the dining aroa it will take
46 inches of free space from the
table edge to walk around persons
seated at the table.
Our office has a myriad of de-
tailed dimensions for storage clos-
ets and work areas all based on
careful research from our Experi-
ment Stations throughout the Na-
He is proud of the part he prayed in getting Shel-
5. A cleaning closet requires 42 tion. This is information for you. Ion's new institution and the highway to Olympia
Jgh[ PTO PI FJ x,8 inches of free floor space in
MaryM. Kn ans rst°nt to work with the cleaning __Call if Y°U need it" .... and the George N. Adams fish hatchery in the last. .
6. Here's a tip for building linen Journal Want Ads Pa ,on
::!ir Lioerto;er Heeti n Of SchoolYear Tonie[ht closets. A womancan only reach i iY ii----" ---- '----li hl
[i .' yer ears, roe- v
,;Seattle mail or- • By Dora Heatng i ht "oinrg andvM'flM*olx t?:" Z:u;[ ' ' ;"
kkeeper United .will have their fizTst PTO meeting }er and, Mr. and Mr.s. Da-
. L Paeaing uo., a. p.m. Tney are asking .,d. Ch,dnbln and four cluldren, U.S. CHOICE
: ,he candidate, of both ,artio, o ,EEe,.ooo anor. - W X. J m • U 1.0. DIIUD DAAT "Ba,
I,L el" Clallam County be present and give talks and I MR. AND MRS. DON Ellis and
"'rganizati ' aver one is welcome family of Tacoma were weeKen
.:)" a" ' ,
[b'ClallamC°unty lXTextTuesday'Sept'llisPri'l'guests°fMr'andMrs'EarlWal- AleW Board mary Election day So come out Ker. .:.r::-.:i!!! STEAK "-'" "'""''" .............................. '"
;,,president Grange and vote. Polls will be oper from| Mr. and Mrs. Chester Singleton
..'" 'varketing Assn 8am to8p m and the M.tlockLund daughter Linda Livermoer, --iF ROUND STEAK 89'
ber Washington ;'ecin'ct will vole at the Matlock Calif, spent four days last week' ili? ,.-v .,Ira. '
; K &udRmg Corn- Grange Hall, while people of the xwth the formers toDdler, Mrs. . ......................... LB. "
tF - Satsop precinct will vote at them J. R. Singleton and his sister and ]U. S. CItOICE
! a_ .Y loard of Di- Bob Trenckmann home ' J family Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford -: :--':.:., VERIFINE BRAND l l
,,.xl e • " " ' •
lg:$e .C°°P erahve MRS. AUGUSTA Portman and / ,-. ,,nd Mrs. . D. S,mpson o OLD FASHION , [ " U RATH'S THICK SLICED
i}lym,,% .DE uv.,- Mr. and Mrs. ..... L. D. Portman, Shel-/ Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Mrs. 1 --. a [llAra BAAaM s. $4 3
:,lt',ov ,Off Conser- toll motored to Wenatchee Sat-, ] R Singleton ""!iii i':i! € r--- "-__.:.
lLtlth .... urday to attend the wedding o/ A family get-toKether was held fii[i i; " ! . ".--
f2 aci. works over Tlmmas'Stanley Sunday afternoon ] Wednesday in houor of the Ches-
. ,-,u lana in west ' " ' . ,. " ,, . " , ",
.0ttat., Mr and Mrs Dan C'ane and| |(:r Smglel.ons of Calffolnm. MI.
3 a. . ." ,. " " :. d M's LeRoy Bootile and fa-
,, Years Father of family, Long Bea,:h, Cahf. ranki' . ." "'" ---" --" "",'"'" '"" ' RAT. a" DAINTIES au:'^*
, PILLSBURY :'rea " ..... ,. x.. T].. r', ....... o.,/ miiy vioquiam vn's. J. . mgt.-
,,,__ .; ....................... , o.,on ,.,,, Mr and M,'s. Hc,'bor ' '!'' t U ,
,' angel, .v.,ss .-a,..), *.u.u., a. u- / _" " . " , . ., .
[2",tlilla-v,;o xr,,,,, Olympia, wez'e last week Tuesday[ Brenneyer Jr. aim anmy were m . . ............... LB.
:£ raember Forks I clnner guests of Mr. and MlS.| ,:"-., • ........................
gflre'- - I _ . . " ..... / spent a few days last week with
)ASH. .: .... ah.' [Mr. anavn.s.vtaxlnssono[|,ho ....... d "ont Mr nndMrs ..... ' TIME
'% i ''--- Seattle spent Labor Day weekend| "" ,::'" ...............
• , €, Find Azth2] MranaandmzMrSs L,uaHerbertr¢ossHehnmer ' ' > " ,'./<v---. :'[ii I ' ',i I
B. TIN 7. 'deficits, higher ... . ,. 'j, . . I .. [ dauhtrerS Montesano spent Sun-
,'= eXn,a .. .*.+ lelt FrlQay evellnlg LO spena the/ . .... o" "'a "al' and Mrs
g;! Vide the kind of Ie.ek cnd w,!h Mr..and Mrs. Te| H&bert Brehmeyor J,., a,d faro- ,,.. , :: . ,,,
i, [ en^,,- - [ wa'i.e near wenacnee. I ;,., '
. grow that it I , • • ..... "i Susan and Sherry Schoening of 7
II,.'", re .|ol.- -. n^^. I Lnnorn .lozeman 2ont., 1.1,. alibi . .... ..... 11 t 'Thul'da -r t Mop-
'i'. ith confidence." I mrs. eu aceorL eam, were| d.,y with t.hoir fr 'andpren Mr
!tlea ,_. / unday' guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 - ,, T],.ho,'.- .......... Behm,',,-', .... Sr •
OD "° uvertisement) Elvin Hearing. They all went to[ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crabtree GRAND OLD BUYS!
[ high school with Mr. Hearing atJ took Mrs T ] Caullield and fa- SEPT. 6 - 7 - 8 -('-] )22I W.R ' I • • I I. • T • I t I " /
NO. 1 TIN :' ---- ] m'day|P°st Falls, Idaho. t rally, Whr',backVisitedto thir{hemhome°VersundaySat- RIGHT TO LIMIT " / g'
" U.4. JLJL I/ ,4. JJI.,dL • •
L --Illat P&inier, Ore.
"i ! ..._ I/ A _ _ li_ " _ 1 [ i"mily of Tacoma spent the Lahor
'i.I ,ram . Gnvp. Mflrlnfl il Day wcckend at Lhe Andrew Mc- I SHUR-FRESd I .
i' --mi v vwv n,itn utm |[ Garv]e home.
, ,, The ,ea,-ings and the," con,- -- WASH, I Farm Fresh Bread %' 35' I
F 0n". W...-k.l:nd_ Onlu i lpany ,icnieked S,nday at Seha- n.PlniP NGTON "OWEST I SHUR-RESH " t T"
:" r.BD |ll.lA'r-ilU, .liD] l|fer. P;rk with their cousins Mr. € AN MARKET ]Fre rho ,, u 00SARDINES
:.. . - ,,,,d M,.. Willian, uckwit Ro- g'EMUN ELBERTAS .R,CE sh Bulle rns .ac 9*
,',, o,. i: un Seulember !1 :he.te,., Mrs..attic ,','edenbu,'g,
. BOTTLE Jl " psvmm==e, i] Olympia, and Mr. and Mrs. James
" ' I'Fredenburg' H°quiam' and Mrs" PRUNES ....
i OPENFRIDAY • D£11De , c°M''"AT'°"XT"A*"'F'" $.9S iliJ !
' ULUULV'IIL.n EAC. 1l -o, I/'t
$1 ------- Tins 1/
17 POUND ... Women's and Girls' Gym Shoes ; LARGE RED
'. in white canvas or blue denim. Girls s,ze iumAnu00-00 SLICERS -- LB,/m
.. 8:, - 3. Aromen's sizes 4 - 10.
ARDEN'S It's Smart to be Square Toed ! .t, aa TANG 39'
BUTT ,,,o, in sneakers. Black or white
corduroy. Sizes 5 - 9. NALLEY'S
Salad Dressing
Children's Gym or
I 69'
Ib ,, Play Sneakers.
Correct balance areh support. 'Poe cap QUAK SYRUP 29 c
for hmger wear. Blue, red or blue jean
deninl. Sizes 8 - 12.
......................................... 6 OZ,
.................................. 2 oz. pK,
....................................... , ........... o o'
............................... 22 OZ. B OTTI'¢
................................ .. 'GIANT 51Zl
KRAFT'S ,0€ i ' ' EXTRA LARGE "A" nB.
,-- qts. i'' I EGGS ...................................................... DOZEN 55"
,wxss 'ITiLLAMOOK GHEESE .... ................. &
ATCI, s O.TC. TREET, ..ouNo .ox .,
°"'" ' mm
Each %%arch Carri a
,:o0;;,t,.=%,i! SE,VE-O SAVE-U DOLLARS: !" ---
" Where Satisfaction is a 'Buy' Word
Canvas Oxfords
Molded suction cup outsolc. Arch support. 0Whit;i
wit.b red and bhxC stripes. Ioy's sizes I - .
Men's sizes 2/' - 13.
High Top Gym Shoe
]]oy'sM°lded sucfiOnsizcs 10 - c,,p oUsole.2. Mcn's'sizesWhiLc ovg. V.. _ ] upper.. DOXSEE GLAM GHOWDER ,-OZ.T,NS 4/$ 1
• " CTNS.
Penney'sfabri= shoes are washable GOOKIES R,..,N' GOOD
ALL VARIETIES ............ 4 PKGS.