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Page 16 $I'LTON--MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL; -- Published in '¢Chrfstm:atown, U.g.A.," Slel[on, Washington ThurMay, Septen teraber 6, ]962
.............................................. P-uMic-.ti Legal I ubli(ations Legal Pubhcations Legal Pubhcatlons
m.s s _
FAT 4"ll;tJi
OF VAI,UAI{I,E MA'I'EiII/ki, nWlZt v:ilh Sllup.m 'r]lllll,r I.'llll- AlHHicalioll No. 13623 [of sale. The Itlrchaser. if |m lm iml receb,,,:,d by llm I
of .Public
Mason ("mln- I
ANIMALS AT FAIR--Dr. Douglas Larbon, Shel-
ton veterinarian, looks over two animals as they
are being unloaded at the Mason County Fair
grounds in preparation for the fair last week.
Math,Ida Coontz Jackson
The hardships o£ the Oregon
Trall left many widows tO face the
strange new country without the
help of the men who had eathusi-
astictlly etcouraged them to Set
oat an the journey. Mathilda Glov-
er Comtz was one of these.
She hat traveled as far aa the
Snake River with her hiusband
Nicholas and her four small boys
fllltrtg the long, slow days with
good companionship and Cheerful
anticipation of the journey's end.
At the crossing of that river, how-
ever. she stood a helpless witness
as Nicholas drowned in the treach-
erous waters while trying to ave
his oxen,
Nothing could console her, and
the saddened , company halted un-
til shc was able to travel again.
Her fifth child was born at this
campsite and was buried only a
few days later near tim spot which
marked the tragic drowning. At
last she and her four sons arrived
in Oregon City, exhausted and
nearly helpless in a forbidding
It was here, late in the fall of
1847, that Mathilda met 5ohn R.
Jackson, a quiet, educated English-
man. She married him in 1848 and
her new home was crude log cab-
in without windows, with one door,
a mud fireplace and chimney.
This was the family Imme until
1850, when a new, and more pre-
tenuous log house was built on the
same site, That new home became
the first. Lewis County court house.
It is located about 11 miles south-
east of Chehalis and is a historical
landmark preserved by the Wash-
ingtoll State Historical Society.
Mathilda became known far and
wide as "Grandma Jackson. the
best coo.k, housekeeper, and host-
ess in the territory."
The Jackson home. called "The
Highlands" became a, stopping
pla.ce for travelers. Ulysses S.
Grant, Georgt., J, McOlelhtnd arLd
Phil Sheridan accepted the genial
hospitality of this home. Mathilda
and her husband became distin-
MII • •
missionaries To Speak Sunday
Rev. and Mrs. Donald Fairley,
missionaries under the Christian
and Missionary Alliance since Oc-
tober 1929, wiU be featured speak-
ers at the Mt. View Alliance
cimrch, Washington and J Streets,
Sunday at all of the services.
The Fairleys spent their first
term in the Lower Belgian Congo.
In 1934 they were sent to pioneer
a. new mission field in Gabon.
French Equatorial Africa. In that
area of Scull] Babon they have
,:een a work established among
eight ma)or tribes.
The National church there is
now entirely independent with its
own leaders and organization. The
30 missiontries remain as coun-
eellor: te,'tehers, n[rlrSes, and are
r er
activin l"l;(+lItiii(l ' ex ant]i,;nl.
Orlc phase of tim Fairley's sin-
istIT in Gabon has been their
work among the Phgmies of whom
several hundred are now baptized
Rev. and Mrs. Fairley are look-
ing forward to their seventh term
0i service and plan to leave for
Gabon, perhaps by the end of. this
The Pastor. Rev. Mr. Breid, ex-
tends a cordial invitation to all
to heat' these missionaries. They
will be speaking at the Sunday
+:chool tmur at 9:45 a.m., the mor-
ning worship at 11 a.m., Yotmg
PeoPles at 6 p.m. and the eve-
ning service at 7 p.m. They will
have curios and will show motion
pLctures of the Gabon work.
guished examples of the finest
quality of pioneer character.
Abolishing Restrictions on Land Ownership
Proposed Amendment to the
State Constitution
to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962
Office of Victor A. Meyers.
n'etary of State, State Of Washington.
t Whom 1 May Concern:
In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu-
lion of the State Leglslature hereinafter referred to. there is
hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State
of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of
le said state, as follows:
Senate Joint Resolution No. 21
Shall the constitutional restrlction.upon the owner.
p ox ran-m the State of Washington by certain
9on-citizens be removed by repealing Section 33, Ar.
ticle II, as amended by Amendments 24 and 29 of the
State Constitution?
]Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives
of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled:
THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the
Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962,
there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of this state,
Ior their adoption or rejection, the following proposed amend-
ment to the Constitution of the State of Washington:
Section 33, Article II and Amendments 24 and 29 amendatory
thereof, of the Constitution af the State of Washingtoa are each
hereby repealed.
And Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall
cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be published
for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly
newspaper in every county in the state in which such newspaper
Is published.
ied the House March 5, 19L Passed the Senate February $4, 196L
,peaer o4 IJe House. esident oj t ¢aal.
I, '9letor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the tate of Wash-
kgton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct
copy of the Senate Joint Resolution No. 21. passed by the Legisla-
ture of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session.
as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file
1t3 my office.
Wle My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington
+1 <lay of Augtt, 1962.
A Legal Publication VICTOR MEYERS
rll the Office o Secretar Stato
NVI'I('I*' O1" AI,E
ON S'rA'l'lq LAND
l}hq'l L. ('oh,, (Olilllli,}iOllOr [i1" ]"lib-
lip Llllli].
Notic'o i: hi're'by btiv,'ll Ill+It C+a q'UO'-:-
(lay. tilt' 251h (lay 4,1' +%'l+h'l.nllor. 19I;2,
(!OIIIIIH'IIC[II," lit l*'ll ,)'('1<)t'1{ ]11 I}t(' I'<W+'-
lIOOII 4,1' said day, al lho Shelhm, ])i:l-
l'ii'I th'll(h|llal'll!l', h'caUM ,t Sht'lI+lll.
(,IHIIIIy o1' MtIF.()II, *1014' If '\\;71I.¢.)IiIIKI()II,
by Ill,' I)islri(!I Adnqnislr:lt,t ,11' mid
lJislriq, t|u' lillll)er (,ll Ih( + ftdl,winK
(h,scrih<'d slah' l:Ill(l will b,' s,,hl llt
)ul,lic llllCii,+ll I(+ IIH + hih,',t bidd,'r
to+wit :
Al,lilh,ilil,t,n N,,. 27823
T:'lqi.:rilc<'k ThilHIiIu." hc:,lt'd :ll)-
pl'tIXillllll(*Jy (i lit'Its II(,FIIIWtL;| ('1'
latl<)ck. ThP sill0 iH (•oZll!H:rd ,1;
• H] tl'*'(':: laarko(I with lmilzl with-
ill I/lll,'li(([ I.q]o 11'(+: I))llll(I:ll'y Itlld
lH',)lu,rly liIH'S <)ll ;ql'u:; SW',, S,'c-
|hill 21 and lUtrl N\\;V NVI+, ;++c-
lion 2S, all ill THWZI.qIil ) "H NtH'lh.
]{llllKe 6 [,rl'S(, V,M., c<IH/li!iIIU','
li5 II(?I'OS, IlltH'( + HF [O:;S, C(llllI)l'i;ill::
apIlr(*:.;inulhly IS2(I00 bd. 1't. d
l)OtlglllS fir: 11;,()[10 lid. fl. d" h'ln-
hwk and 3,00(I I)d• ft. d+ ('illal •' (q+
a l,d:ll ,)f 201,00{) hd. fI.
, i n ] Ill II Ill ;ICC't[:I})IP bid:
rrilll|)t?r V,'i]] 1)t' ;rdd Hll ,'3 <';U':II
')1' JllllllllllleIll I)]Illl I)IIF:J:4, Tillllwr
lllll,ql })£* I'OllluVi!d I!ri<)r |() ])PI'I!lll-
t,<,r 21, 1963•
Oil t,l' })of<ll'O S,+t)(OlIII)PI ' 25, ]962.
(11 10:1}1) ;I.Itl.. t 'ltCil ]+i(ldt,r lllllS{ '
IllL]((' ;1 IllilliltllAlll ([t'l)<Sil of
$27,1..'15 IdU¢ a $5,00 bill t)l' s:tl' t",'(,,
or a Iotlll ol; $279.35 ill (}w I•,)rm ,,f
CilNh, 1 ) I(!V Ol•dtl Of CPI*t flied
ch('<q¢, Said d*'l)osit shill: I:llls[illlt0
an o])l!llhl' bid nt" |lie lJ)l)l'tliS('lt
1)l'iCe, Ulloa ,*lward ,11' this sale, tile
resp(.ctive (]('|}(}:i(S shall b(, t't'-
I tll'll(!d Ii, l]u Illl, IIC('* ':I. f Lit hid-
d(!l'N. "l'h( t)t|l'(hilNcl ' Illl['l 1)/ly I]10
I,alance b0lwoi,n tho bid d0poMt
and the full bid price on fie day
Of SIll0, (H' IIIHy, il (hi! I)III'C/IHNOI *
SO t'*]OCIS ll| lhf' |illl( of I-;l]o, 1,11y
all a(Idi[iol'.lll alll,)UIlt 1o bl']ll r lll
(oLal alllollilt of tht' d(![mMt, ex-
C]tl.JVO of foe:.'+, to ('qLla[ '15: Or
1.he full bid I)rico blls,'d ,+ll lho
cr'tltSl:! ostilllt/|(", t)l'l)vid(+d (hHI Slh'll
d<q)l)sit MIM] not 1)e less llmn
$2,000,00, This I)al;ul(,e hilly t)e 1laid
by p(WSOII;I] (!h((:l{. UI)Oll award (if
110, l)tllq'hast'l ' IllLISI :lifo flll'lliS]l
'l cash bolld (if $2(}{)+00 ill lho form
of cash, I'llOllOy oi'll'r 41r Iertifiod
cll(ck, to IEIIQ I'a Ill 1,0 C(llll)] ill n('o
with all tOl'lltS of 1]le bill of salo.
All cbol:ka, Illt)ll()' ()l'(]crs, 01C, llvf
to ta +, llltl(h" payilbh Io lhc.. (3Olll-
lllJSSiOllPr O1' Publtc Lands,
A('cessibili|y: Purclutsw lllly llSO
Voters' PamPhlet.Publicatio n and Distribution
Proposed Amendment to the
State Constitution
to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962
JUL t .
1 Oee of Victor A. Meyers,
Secretary of State, State of Washington,
To Whom It May Concerto
In obedience to the State Constitutfon, and the Joint Resoluo
lion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is
hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State
of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of
the said state, as follows:
Senate Joint Resolution No. 9
Shall Article It, Section 1, Amendment 7 of the State
Constitution which presently directs the Secretary of
State to send each registered voter a copy of the
voters' pmphlet (a publication containing the laws
and constitutional amendments referred to the people
together with arguments for and against each meas-
ure) be amended so as to require only mailing to each
individual place of residence, together with such other
distribution as the Secretary of State deems neces-
]Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives
Of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled:
THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the
Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November 1962,
there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the. state for
thelr approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to
Article II, section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Wash-
ington, as amended by Amendment 7 by adding thereto a new
subsection to be known as subsection (e), reading as follows:
Article II, section 1, subsection (e). The legislature shall
provide methods of publicity of all laws or parts of laws, and
amendments to the Constitution referred to the people with
arguments for and against the laws and amendments so referred.
The seretary of state shall send one copy of the publication to
each individual place of residence in the state and shall make
such additional distribution as he shall determine necessary to
reasonably assure that each voter will have an opportunity to
study the measures prior to election. These provisions supersede
the provisions set forth in the last paragraph of section 1 of
this article as amended by the seventh amendment to the Con-
titution of this state.
Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall
cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be pub-
lished for at least three months next preceding the election in
• weekly newspaper in every county In the state in which such
a newspaper is published.
Ped the Senate February 14, 19L Passed the House March 6, 1961.
JOHN A, CHERBERG, JOHN peaker oJ the HousO.
.. Pr¢tden¢ OJ the ,qenata. L, O'BRIEN,
1, Vietor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash..
lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct
copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislature
of the State of Washington at Its Thirty-seventh Session, as
appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file
In mY office.
Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington
thls 1st day of August, 1962.
A Legal Publication '" VI{TOR A. MEYERS
From the Office of Secretary of Stall
I'l,;id :t('l'll['(}]ll. Io I*q+ipt'()('l} l'l' O'-
trolly, t"l)[+':'; Il" Wlli:ll :ll't' Oll I'ih
in lilt' IliMri,'t and |)1+vnqda off'i-
('i 'S.
('<+lllt+l+'l' Cillll'il('l :lld ,i)t'('il'it'H"
I[HIIS III/ly hi' t'x;llliilll'([ Ill SJH'I[,HI
l)i.II'ii'I I|,':H]qII;IV]F.-;. (!llllt)' All-
ditcH":; Hfi'h''• ;lilt1 d'li'a' 1 (')]ll'-
IlliYSillt'l" tl" l'uhlh • |AllL(Is. ()IVlll-
T,, 1)(' :.dd al :hclt,m i)i,dricl
] i('iIIIq IItll'1 ors. Hit 'rllt,+d a3 . ('p-
h'mb,'r 25, 191;2. t( Ill (,'clock ;I,m.
All}" Yqll(' W]li(']l has bl't'II tH'f,'r('d,
IllLd I'+H" Wile{ +]l l{) bid: ;ti' I+*'coiv('ll
Mudl ,l,d h,' rt,-Hfl',.r,'(l until it ha.
1.'el rt,:tdv,'rlist'd, If all s:tl+'s CHIII1OI
hi, ol'l''l•d Witllill |]H' st,','ili-d lhn'
*,n llw ad('rli.l'd dale, lht' sllle Mm]l
('(*ll{hlll' till 'lIP I'+dl,\\;VitIV. (t;t,' I,H'LW'+II
1]W hollr:l <11' It,l/ l'('h,ck ;I.]ll. IIIHI J'ollr
t l't•1Hr [,: p,l:,,
Said Ihnl,'r ,,u s:dd lalltl will 1,,' s,dd
I',,I" ,iV{ h';: thrill I'.I*' :tiHll•:/i:ct| ','+1111t'.
:l.q +Ltl|lt'll[:4+,l t1' tht' ('Hll!l:li:;iOllt'F O['
t'uhli(' I.:tIIdP [11 Ill+' llltl+lllt'l' ]H'l,Vi(It'(I
I)y ]+IW. :1 It+'lit 't +1" Which i:', Ilt)W *')'1
fih! il Iht' Hl'IicP ,l' lh' :\\;udihw ,I mtill
C1HIIII,, ,',lilt I)i.qlict ,\\;ttltlilli.'(l';llHI" ,1['
:aid dbd rill.
Pt;'l'llt. ' Ill" :/lh /IF(': ('H:h Ill' illS(:lll-
I}ll'llt }J:lll I,:::.' i ;.
tH4Iur i+, ('IH,IC
( Hllllll J F.i, qlt'l (*[" PII})]il' 1,:ITIIII
S/?,0 9't;.-13.20 .l[
O1" N'I'ATIq 'I'I|H': I+ANi)N
S'TATE Ill" \\;VASII IN(IT(N, I)1+1-
PA I{'I?M lqNT Ill i' NATUI{AII ]I],]-
S()I 1RCt']S, I h'l'l 1,. Ct,h'. Co11111tiS+
sio,l*'r (,11 tLlbli(: [:Hld:-;
NI)TIk"I' IS 1-11,;1141;'f (HV1,]N. Thai
(,ll Tllt'Sll:ly, lhe 25111 Itfiy I,f S(.l)|enl-
ht+l'. 1})(;2, ('t,llllllt+llt'illg 111 l(+ll I) clOCk !
ill 1he |'tl'(,Ilot)ll (H' .;ili(i 'd:ly, I[1 ,he i
/otlllly (?olll'l ]ll)ll:-;t' ill IhP eily .f
ht,H<+ll. 'ct,li|ILy 411' h"ll:alll, Sl:lh' tff i
v,.r+lshillglall, 11.+' Ih(+ (2otlldy AIIdi|<)r of
sMd cotlllly, th(' f!dhwilIK d(,s(!ril)o(I
2nd cla:s [idtqalld:, h)g*'[hrr v¢ith the
illl II'tIV(llli'lll Silllil[l'(] Ihlq*l'tlll, W )C
st at pill,l,<' ;lllcli+ql I< lh' hi"h('st
Ifid(h!r th0r(+(t), ', 1,o-wit :
rotlIo Sltch, ('fill I,LIr(!}ltISc SItIIP In, ads.
The lidtqllllds of [}lo s0Cf)lld
(!l:l:s, oWll('d |).V [h0 Stair' Of Wash-
illgIHll, SillltlIO ill II',)nl o['. adjlt-
<','Ill Ill H" zlbllltill" tltHlll lhll| ])OI'"
lhll )t' lilt' IIH'lh 158.65 IJ'cl Of
(lIvVl'['l|lll(']ll |,lit B, S'¢'lillll 2(i,
'l'owlship 22 NI't}I. t{ange 3 Wi,st,
V/•M., ]yillt4 S'Kl[h ')l' a lilll! rllll-
II[ll; t';Isl I'l•(Hll l IS'lit which i
Suulh 1380 fet'l I'rtml the north-
\\;V*!sl (')l'll('l' 111' (.tF'(rlllll('*lll Lot 2.
said Slq';.i(lll 26, Wiltl It 1'r(IntIlgl oli
1.'i3 ]ill+:ll i'hllilLu, Ill(•l ' O1' less,
ll|l)l':ti.'(t Ill $2ll0,1|11 lldl ' C]lIlill IH'
]lIFcllaser IIIllsl :Iso llay II $5.(1{)
1111111ll')" fP(L
l.'al,'d ,m llw llIw[h si(h! of
th),d Ctllllll almlll 2 Illilo i'a.n[ O[
THhIIYll ill i'lisl*.l'll iitD'It)ll ('ollllly.
To l++' slhl al ShPl[oll. COllllty
*t':ll, Oil TIIt's(lav, S('l)lOlllb('r 25,
19(;2. iii I(t I'cl<*ck il.ltl.
Apl,[ica/ion No. 1366-I
Tho lid.lanlls ,t' the st,cund class,
oWlt!d I)y llu' Stall' ¢ff WilNhillgton,
.l[l/.IH1t' Ill [l'<)lll I)f, IldjIIc*'llt to 41'
, a],llllillg ttpHll Ill' ,ttllh (I l't'O[ of
Iht' lllwlh 1}t()0 i't'el OI+ (.:l,V(l'llllllllt
LHt 2, S,ctiHn 26, T)wll.hip 2 `).
Nt),'th, Rang t :t West, W.III.. hav-
ill.g i1 fl'Oltlil.'t' O1' 1.41 lillqll CIIIIillS,
IIl()l'o ol' to..4N,, appraised al $'2(|0,00
per chain or $2,q2.(10.
l:)tll•Cha:i'r ttlllsl Illst) l)ly a $5,00
,1 It| tltory 1"t ,p.
Lorale(t oil lhl' llorlh(!rly sitlP,
O1' III)t)(| (i+tllllll ttIH)lll S Illiles Solllh-
Wt!Sl Hr ]Ip[|'air Illtd Wi{||]n lho Por[
of Tzlhlly:l Ill MIISOII CI)l|llty,
To hi' stdd al ShPItl)ll. CoLillly
S01L{, |Ill Ttlesday, S(qll(!llll)l,r 25,
]962, Ill 1(t (€cluck a,nl.
Any sMe which has boca offlu'od, and
for which ll(i bids arc l'0c(!ived shall
llt)l 1It' I'l' I[fOl'l+d lllltil il ban bP011 l'O-
adv.rtis,'d. If :Ill slllos (!allllot I,o o[-
h'r'd wiihin lie specified thne on
l ho a(lt'irlied date, the sale MlaU
(!(HI|ill|It' Oil lho fol|OWhlg day bt'twoPn
lilt' tlotl IL"l ol IOll O'(']ock a.lll, alld i
l•Hllr o'chck p+lll.
Said lands will be sl,ld for no1 lo.u.
NOTE--N(, tmc xlwpt ciiiz,,ns of 1hart lhe .lpllraised vtllll0, above stated
l]le Unitod Stllles, or ])(l',qons who Illld ill)Oil 111i l l'lll., and COll(llt|OlL.l
h:lv(' dt,(qart'(l l[it,il" illl(+ll[iOll Io |)e- h,Ih,willg:
Governmental Contlnulty Durln '
Emergency Perioda
Proposed Amendment to the
State Constitution "
Lto be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962!
Office of Victor A, Meyer----_.
/ Secretary of State, State og Washingt0
To Whom 1 May Coneernl . .
In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Reso|uo
tlon of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there .it
hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State
of Washington, the proposed amendment to the onstitution el
the said state, as follows:
House Joint Resolution No. 9
Shall Article II of the State Constitution be amended
by adding a section empowering and directing the
legislature to provide a method of temporary ue-
cession to elective and appointive offices when because
of an emergency resulting from enemy attack the
incumbents are unavailable to act and further em-
powering the legislature to depart from certain con-
stitutional provisions if, in discharging this duty, ae
emergency renders compliance impracticable?
Be It Resolved. By the House of Representatives and Senate
of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled:
THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on
the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November,
I962, there shall be submitted to the qualified ¢lectars of the
state, for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amend-
ment to the State Constitution by the addition thereto of a new
section to read as follows:
NEW SECTION. Article 9-, section 42. The legislature, in
order to insure continuity of state and local governmental opero
ations In periods of emergency resulting from enemy attack
simll have the power and the duty, immediately upon and after
adoption of this amendment, to enact legislation providing for
prompt and temporary succession to the powers and duties of
public offices of whatever nature and whether filled by election
or appointment, the incumbents and legal successors of which
may become unavailable for carrying on the powers and duties
of such offices; the legislature shall likewise enact such • other
measures as may be necessary and proper for+insuring the cono
tinuity of governmental operations during such emergencies.
Legislation enacted under the powers conferred by this amend°
merit shall in all respects conform" to the remainder ol the
Constitution: PROVIDED, That if, in the judgment of the legis-
la'ture at the time of disaster, conformance to the provisions
of the Constitution would be impracticable or would admit of
undue delay, such legislation may depart during the period of
emergency caused by enemy attack only, from the follow|ng
sections of the Constitution:
Article 14, Sections 1 and, 2, Seat of Government;
Article 2, Sections 8, 15 (Amendments 13 and 32), and 22,
Membership, Quorum o£ Legislature and Passage of Bills;
Article 3, Section 10 (Amendment 6), Succession to Gover-
norship: PROVIDED, That the legislature shall not depart from
Section 10, Article 3, as amended by Amendment 6, of the
State Constitution relating to the Governor's office so long as
any successor therein named is available and capable of assume
lng the powers and duties of such office as therein prescribed;.
Article 3, Section 13, Vacancies in State Offices;
Article II, Section 6, Vacancies in Cunty Offi¢eI
Article 11, Section 2, Seat of County Governmenq
Article 3, Section 24, State Records.
And Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary ot
state shall cause the foregoing proposed constitutional amend-
ment to be published for at least three months next preceding
said election, in a weekly newspaper in every cOUnty where •
newspaper Is published throughout the state.
Passed the Senate March 7, 1961. Passed the H9use March 8, 190|.
Frcstdent o$ the Senate., SPeaker 08 the Homl@.
I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash*
Ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct
copy of House Joint Resolution No. 9. passed by the Legislature
o£ the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as
appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on
file in my office.
Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington
this 1st day of August, 1962.
A Legal Publication VICTOR A, MEYER$
From th Office ot .... .;,,,.:a.a+. retaru S
Nol less lhan on(-tenih of tim pur-
rhase pricl Ill/IS( bt B;lill :It lho lilne
the oWII('I' of |ho |llll)l'oVOlll(!IaS, Illll.'i[
forthwilh PaY [o |hi' nffila,r l!llt.:illg
lhe salt, |hi' fill: llllllllllll t)r IIIC lll)-
!a':lised V;I|IIP I)[' 1Is IIll]IFOVUIIH'III,q ,IS
:Llu'x s|II[t'd. ()ll('+tPlllh (,1' |he pLIl'-
t!hlL'4' Irtt'.l! IIIllS[ ln' 1):tid l|Illlllal}V
tllel'oaftl!r wi[h ()11 fill dcf'rrvd
l)!!ylalllts Ilt (llt i'ii|t of bix por cellL-
Illll 11Ol ` illlllllll : Provillo(I, Thai lilly
I)tll•('|llistr II;tly IlllIk', |'tlfl |lIlyl!lOlll of
I)rili('ii)lll, illll'r st : lid s|t lilt,, 'V foes
; lit ally lhll( alld obhl 11 (1COd. The
! I)tll'chIINP " of Illd I!0111tl 11 ill I|H'I'
,1" ([ll('l • vllhLllhl(' Illllll'l'illls |t I)l•t)hH) -
ilP(I b.V ]:IW I•l'Olll CIl|lillg' I,r I'O[llOVillg
III1,V sll('h |iI/Ibt'l' Of lllah+ria[s wilhol|t
first obtaillillg COil}l( lit {)[" tlu' ("A H I1-
IllJsSiOllOr I)[" ttlblic IAlnds, lllllil 111(!
l'tll} tllIlOll!ll i)f 1hi: 1)lLrchllsl! Ill'it'll IIIIS
been paid an(l dei.d tSSlle(t.
All sales of slalo lalllls :ire made
sllbjecl It) the l'os01'vllliollS (if oils, gas-
(!S. ('Otll, 01'CS, lliillt!'llls tllld i',ssils of
I!Vel*y llalllt¢, killll .llld lh!s('rit,liOll, lllld
tt, the a(Idi(ional ti!I'llhq alld ('on(l[lioll,
|'I'PSCI'itI('d ill St('tiOII 3 [11' CIIIIIII+I ' Zb[i
of 1he of 19(17.
Said lIlll(1 ,will be sold su))ji,ct io
llll tOl'llIS, I!l)lll]itiOllS fill(| rt,:%,rvalioll.q
of chal)ll,r BI2 f I, Ilt S('si,)II LaWS tH:
1927. l't'llltillg lO laSOIll('lll for l'ighIs-
()/-wily and |ll( Cll IT.V illg (1| • l illlllt q',
Stoll(!, Illinerals ltlld i,thPr pro{t/llls
[ivcr |lIP NIIIIIO.
']'IEItT L. COI.I,
ColltllliNsionor of :PIl]dil! Lan(ls
8,/;1(} 9/6+13-21) 4t
Available to ymz
NEX. You
OU yf)tlr llIOllOy [)£
exel'(!is!, l,lxttl ivOS,
of Sl+-calhd I.{(hl0iIlg
,)l" (',.ikies, or
NEX is a Lilly
lOW('(]. rhon y(ll
:;Ill| enjoy your
foods you like,
hlt:'c t]w Ill'/.o for
cause O1)RINEX de
iile alld d('cl'('Iis's
Yo/Ii' weight llltl:t
lls yl)lll" OWII d(,('lor
yoll (flt ]esi-1, "+'011
t)f eXCeSS fltl "lllld
NEX ctm{s $3.00 an,
ih'ltggist and gut
back. N,I qtu':
is sldd wilh
EYI*I' r(,l!ll
Mail Orders
ehool Districts: Inereaslng Le
Proposed Amendment to
State Constitution
to be voted on NOVEMBER
Office of Victor A.
Secretary of State, State o
TO WhOm |1 ay oncerm
In obedience to the State Constitution, and the
lion of theState Legislature hereinafter referred
hereby published for the consideration of the voters
of Washington, the proposed amendment to the
the said state, as follows:
Substitute Senate Joint Resolution
Shall the State Constitution be amended
school district voters to authorize tax
of the 40-mill limit at a specified maximum
to four years for operations and/or
the proposition or propositions be
three.fifths majority, and the number of
thereon constitutes not less than forty
votes cast at the last preceding general
Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of
of the State of Washington in legislative session
THAT, At the general election to be held In
the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in
there shall be submitted to the qualified electors
Ior their approval and ratification, or rejection, an
to Article 7, section 2 as amended by
Constitution of the State of Washington, by
new subsection demgnated as subsection (d)
Artiele seetion subsection
for the and in the manner m this
School district tax or levies at a
for each be authorized at
number of not in ,excess of
or for a lev
' both when the proposition therefor has bee
majority of at least three-fifths of the
at which election-the number of ersons votin
lion shall constitute not less than fort
pumber of votes cast at' the last
$Uch district. If s authorized
lorovisions of this subsection
district shall determine thereafter
required from the authorized or levies
i:the schools of the district, and/or for
.w.lthin the limits of each tax le so
made at the rate the
rained as aforesaid.
The )osition or msitions to
for current operations or
ubmitte' to the electors of a school
whether called
_purpose r but ma be submitted not more the
No district shall submit to the electorate
a to authorize ad
or outla
such a
it of this subsection for the same
h0ever at an time Submit to the electorat
substitute for auth<
b the substituted authorization will be
contractual obligations of the+ district
the prim, autti0rization, and (2) that the
Shall its terms 'ersede the 3rior
terms shall not become-effective untill the
P,M. iV[on-
at lh(qr ()fl'i('t,
f(Ir lial)ilily
f.r which
()t fict!.
LIg'Llsl, 1962.,
No. 1
8/3(I 9/(; 2t
()F TIII,]
Fi ) t.
PRO 1-I ,,\\; T I i] )
E,t art! of
iw+n that
0. Exl('tlt rix
VIll Ars(lllh'.
the Clerk
her fiual
disLribut ion
ettle and ap-
tm t i t i on
l}/( pro-
reh) ontith,d
Exoctlt rlx,
(lIVEN that
Ads Pay
(30) (h
o N0VE
J'Seer+tery of I
to the State ConstltU
Legislature herein
the ¢onsideratio
the proposed amen&
,. aS follows;
House Joint !
VOters to authori
limit at a specifi
for apital curb
apl/roved by
er of voters voti
percent of t
electiou in
By the Senate an
gton in legish
election to
the first 1v
to the qua
and •ratification, €
2 as amended
the State of Washir
degnated as subsec
in the manner
any single elec
of four:
therefor has bt
of the electo:
)e voti:
is authorized
or ldvies of
the limits of €
the rate rcq
submit to tl
osition to
A cit
will be
until the
date of the election at which at which it
mad then be in lieu Of authorized
geded authorization;
r pr0cedures I
'!! lplved; That the seer,
- 10+
:'I utiOnal amgdmeet e
in every county in the state in which Such a ew ;= ,' .: ,lIlt4' In the state i
Passed the Senate March 10, 11. • Passed the
President o! the ,Senate.
AH words underseored do not appear In
Constltution as It is now wrltten but will be
this amendment Is adopted.
I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the
lngton, hereby certify that the above,is a full,
copy of Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 1,
Legislature of the State of Washington at
Session, as appears from the original of said Su
Resolution now on file In my offiee. !
Wilness My Hand and the Seal oI the State ot
this 1st day of August, 1962.
\\;'Legal Publication @ VlCTOB h,
From the Ofltc ot S¢rtff , ,: : : 'i ;:
191, .
Underscored do z
a! It is now wrltt,
Is adopLe
Secretary ot
that the abe
Bouse Joint Res
State of Washi
from the origi
file my office.
and the Seal