September 6, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 6, 1962 |
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Thursday, Se'
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tile and deeeeasCS
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Mail Orders
!cts: Increasing Le
J Amendment to
,te Constitution
[[ I _1 i JI
Office of Victor A.
Secretary of State, State ot
e State Constitution, and the
egislature hereinafter referred
' the consideration of the voters
proposed amendment to the
Senate $oint Resolution
Constitution be amended
)ters to authorize tax
dt at a specified maximum
• operations and/or
or propositions be
rity, and the number of
tes not less than forty
last preceding general el
)y the Senate and House of
aington in legislative session
meral election to be held In
ceeding the first Monday in
itted to the quaFfied electors
nd ratification, or rejection, an
2 as amended by
State of Washington, by
• } .
nated as subsection (d)
in the manner m this
or levies at a
be authorized at
not in ,excess of
ur years for a lev
msition therefor has bee
three-fifths of the
; number of aersons votin
not less than fort
t at' the last
Is authorized
ne thereafter
lthorized or levies
: district, and/or for
ach tax lev so
)ositions to
erations or
etors of a school
for this
submitted not more thin
mbmit to the electorate
to authorize ad.
)ital outla
n forthe same
, submit to the electorat(
Rhorization will be
as of the' district
(2) that the
ersede the arior
,me-effective until i the
the at which
)eeified in this subsectic
, That the secretary of state
al amendment to be
:ceding the election in a
the state in which Such a
10. I1. Passed the
ze Senate.
lerscored do not appear Jn
is now written but will be
I adopted.
s, Secretary of State of the
that the above,is a full,
aate Joint Resolution No. L
:ate of Washington at,
tom the original of said Su
e in my office.
and the Seal oX the State of .....
st, 1962.
ber 6, 1.962
LegaA Publications Le,,;a! Publications
• Legal Publications
BII)S ,:u(l l)n:,l r,)'t ill p, ,) ,,r (h,, - 'l ,(lL !,!,,,( )!(. ,,, NO. 3',P39
1N Tlllq 41T )lql.lOl: ::() :l'J" ()b THE
Maon (" nnt- ' STA'I'b (,V' \\;VASIIIN(IT/)N 1i'Ot
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at ih('iv ()ffi('t' , n lh(' MMI('r ()f ih(' Estate of
• ' ;.! .'.NNA N'I f.S(IN, l)('('otlse(l.
for lia ))iliiy ',
f,,r whi.h ., , i ' i 7 V " lia A. ('luil')'i'r, Gxe('ulr)x €,I
()tl'itu'. ', her ' "('J)orl altft petili,)n fo)' dis-
ugtisl, 1962., s: ill l'Is t" s I'ih'(l wilil :aid Conrt
No. I : Ivihnli(,l|, 'lskillg" lh(' C,,tll'I t() S(!itl(t
.' r '. ) 't ( i;'Irihui.e lhe l)r()pertY
t]UNTT]I" I.(, lw )(,r:(,n: tl..v('io (.nlilird and
81'3(I 9/(; 2t ......................... <'i)( p:In, fll ,,. : lh W ' fit) (' s h('h' I,' dis(:harg'(' st(ill Iqxectllrix. Sald r('-
.... NOTI('I,; O1: I, YA'I'I.:R Ill( lIT }:dl +,', . ,, d ',, .,si i<m may b(' I;" I l)(,liti(m will I),' hvat'd on the
APi)I I('ATION NO. ll::3 v, (,,' i l:,.t b\\;":ill ,lu+ihti J \\;(),'1';4 )'('- v) t v <)l' ()vh)bor, I,)62. at I0 a,m.
STATIC Ole \\;VA,gIIINGTON, ()],'b'TCE sidiw" within" tit<' l),undari('s <)f the t i t," C,I 't'(.)m ,)f ;mid C<,uri, ill
(lie StIT)EIIVI,'tH. ()l,' ,VATI,JI-t }.lq- [" i(I )i-:i)'i,'l 'nd xithin tit(' Pre<+in\