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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Preferred Pn "For Sale i i i i i |m H PIONEER SAWS sales and service. we are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Iardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn VSED EASTMAN 35 mm Camera. Good condition. $],9.50 with case, Ziegler&apos;s i For Sale i re,m, ,i i ,i ii i I TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E'. Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn WAX NO MOE -- PYLON transparent pmsttc coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- bing, Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Grayatone.  ........... 5125 tfn _ Cff!!!;!_S2p. ........................... 7_/19 tfn RARBIT FRYERS for sale, also tab- MOSS IN YOUit LAW-N? Now Is the thne to apply Mossite from Gray- stone of Shelton. Free use of spread- er. Phone 426-6661. 4/19 tfn MEMBRSHrP in Shelton Golf Club. $100 value for $75. Terms. 426-8649. B 4/5 tfn Supplies, John Rice. Phone 426-6108. lOree demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn trailers, hoat, campers. $198.50. Saeger otor Shop, 426-4602. 12/7 tfn Y-' AN PUIP more water longer with Falrbanks Morse pumps. • .o them at Shelton Electric Co., 419 P.ilroad. ' 3/16 tfn Camera. $89.50-$69.50. Ziegler's Ca- mera Shop, 7/19 tfn IICH, BLACK TOP SOIL. fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman p,a-I derson, phone 426-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tl SEE GRAYSTONE FOR PYLON, the amazing, improved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts bit fertilizer. Phone orders between 1 p.m, and 4 p,m. Phone 426-362. : __ ............................................ Me_S/25 t, EMERSON TV and stereo, See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cota St. ............................................................ 4!i_t_. TRADE your old camera in on a new ZeJss 35nun automatic at our new disceunt price. Reduced from $132,50 to $99.50. Limited tinm only. Ziegler's Canlera Shop. 6/28 tfn for sale. Any length, Phone Oliver .... p!:tt:i A'29:?35: ....................... 4__/'_ t "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 each. 227 West Cota, 12/1 tfn L-OWREY-ORdXN' SXLES--/ohniiy'h Music Box, 205 Cota St,, phone 426- 4302, 2/1 tfn BARDIN'S GIFTS and Novelties. The shop of hundreds of "hand-mades" 520 Franklin. Open Thursdays. and Fridays. B 5/24 tfn and fh'eplaco wood $14.00 cord. Ph, .... ::_:!m o_!:ffY-._'_ £. !,.!t.: - ........... E_L/!..m: GIRLS RUDD bicycle,. Like new. $35. Phone 426-8260. 8/23 Ifn ii:iR-SAL:--±:'-i6[V't':ii,--Ti if"2?-7iiiii Sporting Goods BOATS -- 8 and 10 ft. prams, $40 and $60; 12 ft, fisherman, $80; runtbouts 12 and 14 ft., immediate delivery. Any size on order. M. J. Hooker, 1015 E. Dearborn. 426-8511. Bar- Din, 426-6837. B 12/14 tfn out-board scrvlee, Hood Canal Mar- ina, Union. TW 8-2252. 3/15 tfn EVINRUDE SALES and service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. ......................... !/;_E ._ BOAT FOR SALE -- 18' inboard run- about, 160 h.p,, $1495, call TW 8-2296 or sec at Hood Canal Marine, Union. D 8/9 tfn fi bX2"S:- "IjTURg7 - T RA-I-L-E-R8, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- .... po _TR_?:_2 A . ............................ /i_9 t CUSTOM RELOADED bunting am- munition, 243 $2.80; 30-30 $2.70; "2.70 7 x 57 Mouser, 308, 30-06 $3.10 per I)€)x, your cases; 30-06, our cases $8.60 per box. J & M" Shooters Sup- ply, P.O. Box 273, Shelton, Wash'. Pi, 426-2448. 8/30 tfn i- -i-0 i T- - liiiii Ffi--TiT{fi---iVi] iFi,-- Kd winch, $150. Gartlenl)al rote-tiller, cost $300, sell $100. 426-4915. H_AZ FOR SALE  Camping trailer, sleeps foul', $350. Phone 426-8486 after 6 p.m. M 9/6-20 For Rent cSigfNNgg-L-'-WN- ] g-ig g-Ff6 7i/ Galbralth Golf Green. Graystone of Sbelton. 426-6661. 4/19 tfn Music Box, 205 C0ta St, 4/12 tfn ................ -jEN TA IJ--EQ UI pMTI]N  ............... CHAIN SAWS, :Rotary Lawn Mowers, Recl Lawn Mowers, Gartlcn Tillers, loor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel Barr(lws; " Eleetrie Saws, Electric Drills, 8ber Saws, Sanders, Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe Wrenches, Shelton Marine Supply, 426-8163. 6/7 tfn FRESH ILUEBERRIES for sale, 25e tmr pound, $B.25 for ].4 lb. pail. l*]be.rhardl, Blueberry Nursery, Ronte i 36 incb fireplsce Alder wood. Sell one GARAGE FOR RENT at Goldsborough and lasts. 5125 tfn or all. R, M. Sehultz, Lilllwaup. apartments, outh second, $6 month. Phone 877-5824. 8/23 9/6 S 5/11 tfn FOR SALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe, [ ING.FAi-jEWICr--'cfi{::--"f.i;ei{die; F"U:IS'H APARTMENT a'--iab-l-e pulleys and shafts. All types sin- I wilh electric motor $25. Phone 426- at Goldsborouh Ants S 4/4 tfn sage, Shelton Junk Co., First and 681" ] ' B 8/2 .......................... 9/6  = ..... 2__- ...... ) Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn ......... : ................................................. : .............. ':-"- .... At ARTMENT for rent, one block from LOGGING ARCH for a John Dcere, downtown. Laundry and utilities O-R S#" ' Le'{ ,lohn DJnnblg. Star Rt. 2, Box 1.19. fnrnishcd, excel)t lights. Phone 426- eoditioned ranges, refrlgerator, I Pl)on d26-6837. D 8/30 9/13 2461 or 426-3283. B 8-9 tfn washers, dryers. Eella & Valley Ap- ] "+-'"" ": .....................  ............................... ' .................................................. pllaltc Centor. 615 ti I RI.(IDAIRE +- 30' used eh:ctrm OVERNIGHT OR WEEKEND ----- range, $50. Phone 426-3242. you haven't room for? Send them F'L---R a. I , ., H 8/30 9/6 to Lawton ApL-MoteL Apartment Your Craft. Hobby and Health cor-[ J}6i['-(iusJ:fMXN'--/i!'i;ai'i]s{';-"i-iki-'/icw'[ now aw, ilable by day, week or net& Btr-Dll% 520 Franklin. Open[ Reasonabh.', Phone 426-6()07 month. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. Thursday and Friday• B 6/22 tfn , , S 8/30 9/13  7/16 tfn plj['------- -T-'C'Rhlr [ 21"-'fl!H--ziNITH-T]r,--G[E[-'cie(i "(](: SPACI'O-U-S-'o'n-'eand tw O furnished ,  ) f (, v( bedroom apartments lots of closets peel. Peanent finish and sealer, • n. t. I t fryer, e n rtible . _ . . , . . . , does not discolor with age. See [ ,,.t,t fl(. elrvn,, 'c'th i o' ,,o, czcan ann neat. very pleasant place Graystone. 5/25 tfn [ 4V,'t'(()r 3i)e'(¢'i"l'boogral)l," Pilo[' to rlive:. EdJowood Apartments, Air- ,126-2136. K 9/6 pot. 26-HZ. tl 3/19 t/n DI)T0"-H--B"O'Y PAINTS We are open FOR RENT or sale. Large one bed- Sundays, Shelton Marine, Hlllcrest room house, close to school, fenced Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfa and I,ufftt, $10(l. Davenport and chair. $75. ,126-4915, H 9/6 yard. Phone 426-2259, S 4/26 tfn V0R-- i' N T -----d iT.,"-iiii-d Fm-7--h-iV- Clean, , reilsonallb,. Four drawe.r stairs tlparinlent. Ceramic tile kit- drsser. Plmne 426-2121, L 9/6 tfn ehen and bath. Ample closets. Phone 426-6424 after 5 l),nl. J- 7/19 tfn ')iL'-/H:X'Ti)i'-'i.h-l-ifi,,,-. ',i ;tit:i[.iyt;jNT-ZL--Oli:;-}[(;hir;;ifii.=..t[iFi-ii;h.6 i bhwer, $30. l'}nme 426-3227. T 9/6 lloUSe, ideal for shlgle person or old- iiiCi(J[iid' r]v(ii:[ er couple. Phone 426-6785. P 8/30 tfn Slnb $]2.50 a e-rd; Pole Wood Alder ;[JRNISHi']I) "'222 T'O-"ii)oBi;biiii?"iiSiii/i and Ma01e, $1.6 cord, 426-,1867. S 9/6 tin $,15. Water, iight, garbage attd garage, furnished. 426-3870.  u"se" Cars s 8/30 tfn i"OK-REN-=:- T  o--i;;;V-Nri .iii/a. 1953 Y'OItD four-door, $2!t5, m" will trade for a pickup. Rollaway bed 36", $20. Bmdtx combtnalion wash- or-dryer, $50. Porl.abh! water cool- ir; used three days. $4(}. 325 Norlh 1, Box 392, Olympia. IHmnc FL 2- 8031. 8/9 tfn 5tb, downstairs. L 9/6 ICxcepti(,nally good condition. Phone 426-3,t37 or see at Union Station. G 8/30 tfn ,?<;iU74:i:i,i=;=:[ij: =i/;?;7(ii::.=: di(ii':2: 6,908. P 9/6 ";7" V()i L K8 W:XC  ( iN ¢" : :::'-- V i: i :)" --',b;b, ; -- ? ' ' " (liii*m. '42 l')(,¢l G.I. 4-whmd hh,ei mc¢'banically gootl, to(iy Poor. 877- 5336. lt(mdsptri. S 9/6-20 NEED A FENCE ? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-it- yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph, 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn .......... I 4 chsirs Wal $1(14,95 now $84,00, Sears Catalog Sale8 (')l'fiee, l, Jvcrgrecn Square. :Phone 4i-'6201. 8/]6 tfn Arcadia, ,126-4378. V 8/16 tfn i;at'It-SLl6 ';.- iS d;i'hi"'n ;w dim ;nsi ,i hnnbq', llse.d 4-inch fhmrinK and WaJliNCIFlf.lllg. lls*'d X'tb OllC t;tliit, l)cl* feet, Claz'e,icc Cornell, 152.1 Mason st., 8/3o 9/6 BLU;BI!;ItlrIES-?:.""Y,Iu-'j;ii4}[ 15(: -l,r pound. Eborhardl Bhlobt,rry Nurs- ,rh.v if{I. 1, Hox 392, Olynlpia. FL '2- 031, 8/.'10 tin CLEAN "IitI(IS- Ji'ki: "{ic'w.'-"';¢;" 'c,'isy-to ,lo wtttl l]lnP Lusl 1'( C;lr|)ct anti []l)|lolsitry Clean'r. Lund)t,rlnlql'S Mereantih; Company. 9/6 frRUi 2"-.I A ItS."6)l k "til bl7[ "0'iiJ bii;"-t;ii d2 iln bctl. t,a(h tub, oth.r itclns. Lu- sin. Ruffle 2. Box 808. L $)/6-20 CHEM CLEAN Des more than just clean, it will remove stubborn spot., restore the original lustre to your fabrics. Rugs and upholstery are dry and ready to use within two hours aft- er cleaning, Available at Lumber- men's rcantilc. DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone 426-6364 Moving Anywhere In Mason County .... i 'i ........ Boat Building NEED CASH ? Sell famous Knapp Aerotrred Shoes. Full or part time. High commissions plus b o n u s. Complete line for men and women. Equipment furnished free. Write to W, J. Theisson, Knapp Bros. Shoe g. Corp., 6401 E. Flotilla Street, Ls Angeles 22, California. 9/6 - 13 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 1:1 2/8 t.fn Repairs Fiberglasslng Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. Phone 426-4652 ' " ' " ' ' i CHRISTMAS WITH AVON EXC ITI NG, PROF ITA BL E. We are especially interested in ladies frOm Union, Dayton, Matlock and Camp (Hsdale. Apply now, get establiMlcd in tilne for peak Christmas selling. Write or CalL-- AVON, 604 Ellinor St., Shelton. 426.6426. 8/23 9/6 ,j i j GASH PAiD FOR Good, Glean, Used Furnilum and Apphances. _ KELLY'S FURNITURE 426.24100 APPLIANCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS GALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER lleated apartment. Adults only. In- quire 311 No. :First, phone 426-3025. . P 6/28 tfn EXRGK-TWi:5---bFii=JOilf--fiii:tiii6iit: heated, close in. Call 426-6283. ................. S 8/23 tfn F6 U R- ff O 6gCi;Gi f:K(,.-5-i'hi:i-ii i e ii(-fi i]. rcnl, Call 426-6345. S 8/'30 lfn iT()R--RENT-" == - ci;/{fT(/iiiiF.-3- .S-0in; fllrnishcd ilouse. Carport, ch)se ill and rcasouable. Call 426-4759. B 8/80 9/13 Gold Slorage Lockers for rent Lemke's Service Phone 426-6779 tfn Lumbermen s Mercanlih Go, 3rd and Railroad PhollC 426-8211 ' , I) i i,i i , , , , For Rent [ For Rent Classified Service FOR RENT -- Five rotm apartment I COMPACT TWO BEDROOM Hillercst FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, furnished, water, garbage, sewer, boule, COml)letcly redeceratcd with chimneys, planters, call R. E, Mason, paid, downtown. Phone 426-6564. large closets and deetric hcat. At- 426-2278. 3/1 tfn B 8/23 tfn inched garsgP and large utilily ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- I)oreh. Range and refrigerator. Call ven, and highly classified sires. FOR RENT, lease, or sale, Angleside 426-4667 0r ,126-4870 after 4:30. Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00, Pi- three bedroom view home. Phone E 9/6-20 B 8/16 tfn 426-8584, per Brothers Inc. Jobn Calfield, TWO BEDROOM Dopb,x unit, Ilvd 426-2084. C 12/15 tfn ONE BEDROOM, furnished duplex, garbage, sewer, water, unfurnisllod', ............ JROME-BURKE ............ downtown, $40.00. Phone 426-2081. $ti0. Special rates for cldcrh, we- GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, ..... B 8/16 tin man. 426-3575. J /6 tfn FOR RENT  Two bedroom unlrn 2 FOR RENT -- Downtown three bcd- ished aparmnt. Hot water heat, reels unfurnislled |II,USf!, fenced city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished• Holly Hill Apts. Con- yard. References. Phone 426-3218. tact Apt, No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426 ................................... B 9/6 2446. B 5/18 tfn FOUR BEDROOM house near Bof FOR RENT -- One-bedroom Purnished house, water and garbage furnished. Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tfn FOR RENT -- Modern furnished ca- bins, water paid. Phone 426-4276. C 8/2 tfn LEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen pri- vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn FOR RENT  Reed Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage, yard. Call L- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4836. D 3/29 tin FOR RENT -- Two bedroom house half block from Thriftway Store. 1516 Smnmit Drive, Inquire at 6.. Cots or phone 426-6653. C 8/16 976 Modern one-bedroom home with ad- ditional sleeping space upstairs. Phone d26-8435. Mc 8/16 tfn FOR RENT OR SALE -- l& bedroom house with attached garage, unfurn- Ished. 426-2250. R 8/23 tfn LAW2ON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for alnglc men or we- me'n. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. I]I untilltls urnished, except light. Reasonable, Phone 426-121 or '28-8177. I2/4 tfn L'-D-S---RbUGH TRA I I.RP-A-RK Convenient to mills and downtown stores.. City sower and water. At l)i_ghway bridge. S 4/4 tfn deaux school for sale or rent; Cal] 426-3132 for details, D 9/(;-13 ii;(_:iifii{(;6K -iou--.;.-- i,2;. nlent, oil furnace, range and refrig- enato,.. 1302..eota St, 426-2081. ...: .................................... Y_ _9/_ !iln GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Fur- nlshed luodern aparlnlont for couple or single person. 218 No. First, Ph. 426-4481 or 426-4895. G 9/6 tfn RENT A TELEVISION SET AT OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota Ph. 426-4702 i ii Classified Service A, F. OPPELT, nmssuer, will be at City Center Motel, corner First & Alder, each Weduesday, to give treatments. O 7/26 tin IOC-fI4 SALES and Service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine tI|llcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 2/29 tfn AVE--'G'-N -WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed• Bennett Painting Co. Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool Insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn JACOBSEN SALES and service. We COZy two bedroom furnislmd house. Electric beat, wall to ,wall rug, view of the Mts. No children, Call 426-8106. P 8/9 tfn FOR RENT --- Clean one-bedroom, are open Sunday. Shelton Marine, furnished house. Phone 426-4644, Hillcrest Hardware, 426-8163. .......... ' S 7/26 tfn 3/29 tfn FiR .Rfl, NT -- Two bedloom house, L/NA CLEANING, repairing in- eleelrlc range attu reIrlgerator in- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton chlded. Garage attached, P, J. Burke, Furnace Co., 921 So. Third. Dial 426- 1102 Fairmont St. Phone 426-2153. -_ 8/30 9/6 FOiC-k] y- =7-6i;iF-Sd-o67ff qft-fi'r-. nishcd, healed aparimeot, witll stove and refrigerator. Adults only, 371 N, 1st, Phone 426-3925. 9/6 tfn Furnished One Bedroom Downtown Apt. Call VinCe Himll¢ Waterfront Realty 426'-8277 8/30 DISTINCTIVE APARTMENT NEAR SCHOOLS LARGE GARDEN VIEW 6121. 5/1 tfn attd general mason work. Call Hodgsons first! Phone 426-6844. H 6/21 t.fn Jtm Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231, 4/28 tfn REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cots, phone 426-8082 day or night, 1/18 tfn GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1 5-pc. dinettc set ................ $39,50 1 2-pc. sectional .................... $75.00 3 daveno & chair suites $60.00 each 1 bed daveno (beige), like new .......................... $79.50 1 set metal bunk beds, new mattresses ............ $59,50 I 5-pc. bedroom suite (like new) .................. $100.00 2 club chairs .............. $15.00 each 1 occasional plastic chair .... $10.00 I 5-pc. chrome set ................ $49.50 1 4/6 used coil spring, spring-frame and new d0-1b, cotton felted mattress .......................... $35,00 1 nsed Pacific wood heater Inew lining) ..... $75.00 2 Oakland automatic wood heaters, like new .......................... $ I00.00 ca. Matching automatic wa- sher and dryer .......... $150.00 1 Maytag wringer washer, very good ...................... $59,50 1 electric range, very good .................................. $95.00 1 Speed Queen automatic washer, new guaran- tee .................................. $199.50 1 h:elvinator refrigerator, new gtmrantce ............ $150.00 1 Kelvinator 18-cu. ft, freezer, new guaran- tee .................................. $250,00 1 Electric Range .................. $25.00 1 Kenmore automatic wasler ............................ $75,00 Used TV sets .............. $50 to $99.50 Oil liea,ters .................. $25 to $49.50 1 Oil range .......................... $35.00 1 combination oil-electric range ........... : .................. $45.00 OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota Ph. 426.4702 WINDOWS, 1 BEDROOM, CARPORT, WASHER-DRYER INCLUDED. UNFURNISHED. ADULTS $55.00 818 PINE ST. PH, 426-3357 8/23 tfn LOGGING COMPANY, Inc. •Apnts For- POLYSTYRENE FLOATATION PLANKS For All  Marine Use. Light -- Buoyant -- Bug Proof Length---4 to 12 Feet Thickness7 to 20 inches Widths20 to 24 inches $1.50 Per Cu. Foot Larger Quantities  Prices On Request BOAT HOUSES CONSTRUCTED DIAL--426-6203 426-3433 707 South First St. 8helton, Wash. USED FUINITURE & APPLIANCES LUMERMEN'S MERCANtilE Home Furnishings --- 2nd Floor T T Wanted HANDY MAN --- Odd jobs'. If you think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098, 2/12 tfn Vr--ii-LING-, grmding-im-cl-re-too-tff-' ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ucr- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 3/8 tfn l)anion for elderly lady. $100 pet" month. Live in. Write Route 1, Box barnyard fertilizer, well-aged alder 266, McCleary, Wash. B 8/30 9/6 sawdust, pit run gravel, compost S-EWlNd-aiid-;iiieitiuns, my home. .__f_r_t.!!l_z_e!['__Pl!_n _42673678: ....... 4/5_t_f R,asonable, Phone 426-8058. CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, T 8/30 tfn accurate" precision grinding. Now at B-jiYSITTIIG+WNTEI':L_--Will cat=e Saeger Motor Shop. Hlllcrest. Phone 426-4602, 1/15 tfn for children it* lny home. Daytinle. Reasonable. Close to school, Call 426- rE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- $537. C 8/16 tfn tors, copper, salvage of all kinds.  ............................................ Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mlll LADY WANTS WORK by hour or Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn day. Has own electric scrubber. 426- 4378. V 8/16 tfn Pets, Livestock FOR SALE -- Black riding nmre, colt, saddle and equipnlcut. Phone 426- 3724. S 8/23 9/13 SADDLE HORSES and one well broke Apaloosa work team. Also, two driv- ing buggies in good condition, Boyd Zepp. Phone 426-6743. 8-16 tfn FOR SALE -- Brown nlal-e $100. Buck- skin geldtng. $250. Call 426-8320. B 8/16 tfn [OR SALE: Cute, frisky Labrador puppies, $10,00 each, 426-3579. J 8/9 tfn WiLL GIVE AWAY four kittens. Two fluffy kittens and two short haired. Phone 426-4549. K 8/23 tfn Hay & Feeds Top Quality Bud Cut kLFALFA DAIRY HAY -- We Serve the West Coast -- Lad Lots Only - Call Collect Ev. Quincy Hay & Grain Co. George & Marysville, Wash. Sunset 1-2180 if no ans. OL 9-2003 Lost and Found LOST --Charnt bracclel, silver, within last eigilt montlm, around Jr. Iligh SChool al'oas, or downtown. C]larnls includo initialed lloal'i, carl)t'lltc r's lovcl, tlydrol)lalu', lnal)lc h'af etc. Roward. Phone .t26-4054. 8/30 9/27 Eells & Valley Applianoe Oenler Your Washer.D00er Headquaders M A Y 1 G Always Ihe bed deal, by Georgel at Eells & Valley Steady, very reasonable. 426-3762. W 9/6-13 FULL TIME HELP WANTED Apply In Person A & W Drive In Mt. View 2nd & Cota St, Phone 426-4663 3/2 tn WANTED Ueed Furniture Will Buy or Comaign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 i ii Real Estate ATTRACTIVE DESIGN -- Three bcd- roool honlo )lear school, Built-in range and o'ven, attractive fireplacc, electric beat, two-car garage, half bh)ek of property. Phone 426-8682 af- ter 5 p.m, L 8/23 tfn PiCE:EIIiG-- Ak-S-SAGE Waterfront 10 nlilcs No. of Shclton. 1 bedroom all electric home. Fireplace. garage, shop, on 1,5 acres. 110 ft. gravel bcacll, frmt trees, berries, wooded back lot. Oak Adams, 426-8769. A 8/9 tfn F-0UND-22\\;5-Biu[-T]ci---f(iii{al(--witli MUST SELL my two bedroom honle very young pups. Contact Bill lnunediaeiy. Two blocks from towr Maha,', f)hone Chehalis 245-3767. on 11/. lots. Reasonable. Csll 428- ....................................... 51_..9(.6213' __21:9_. ................................. 7/_:1.9 tin Miscellmmous AS OF THIS DATE, August 23. I will II(,( be r(,sl)onsii)le for any bills con- tractcd by anyone other t]lan myself, Earl T. Chappcll. 8/21t 9/6 CARD OF AI)PRI'XJlATION The. kindness and synlpathy of n*;ighbors and friends ill nly rcc(nt ]errow will SIwIlys r(!nlain wiih nit as a pr(!t'.iolls ulen]ory. .y sin(,.cre thanks and gratitude for all tllose comforting acts doring the illucss and pasS'ing"of nly husband. , --Mrs. Robert L. Bcrge Wanted WANTED .... Car and truck salesrnan ft,r Mason County area. Sales ex- perh}nce IlO l, Ilecossal'y but ambition is. Sales training helps 0.vIHlablo. S l rv and C(llllnlissiOll dcnll)nstFat(H' [urnisbed. Writ( Box J, c/o Joln'na]. K 8/30 tfn W i-El-T'XK E-57{ih--iiii fd-i'iTto-]i{:/li(;fi:{C. Fenced yard, Phone 426-4(;]7. D 8/23 tfn care for your children in my home. Phone 426-6391. A 1/11 tfn TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Servioe, 426- 4823. 2/13 tfn fANT.-)----lJ0-eeappable tires. OK Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn iiii Art's Bulldozing! Excavating  Cement Gravel Fill Dirt . Ph Art Indahl • TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn .... i "' BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, ttA.ISFD and FOUNDATIONS ! Phone 426-6441 3/27 tn ii i SEPTIC TANKS Drain fielde, Digging, Sewer Mart Const. Co. Phone 426-3053 Rt. 3, Box 623 If no answer, Phone 426-6183 i GARLOAD SALE: IMMEDIATE DELIVERY KENMORE 7 cycle AUTOMATIC WASIIERS were $219.95 NOW $1.89.95 KENMORE MATCHING DRYERS - were $154.95 NOW $143.00 YOUR CHOICE COLDSPOT 17 cu. ft. UPRIGHT I REEZER Stores 600 lbs. Foo(l Porcelain Lilmd SAVE $50.95 NOW $199.00 OR COLDSPOT 17 cu. ft. CHEST FREEZER Stores 600 Ibs. Frozen Food, Porcelain Lilmd SAVE $65.95 NOW $1.99.00 SEARS GATALOG SALES OFFIGE Evergreen Square -- Shclton Phonc 426-8201 9/6 - 13 by Waterfront Ave. $1, t drastically for a quick 2 bedroom home but has a good basement,- Don't wait, ClassifieR atd :r. • s EASe new 3 bedroom, 15 wordsor_ee located on the charge) $1.0u--- -----=t ?_me. residential lake $1.60-tWO inp2:;P2y. It boasts 125' _three inseru"-;25€  . -,ul an unchalleng- insertions : entire lake plns er notices 15 *e, • ----'--- $1.00 or $.: jST,, inch.  mis well-kept 2 "Not a choice rest- $1.50 per full basement All condition in- must be has spacious taken over and a large he paid major appli- month, large deep 10€ will at the low is necessary' ,500. Call Vince NOTI IN THE MASON In the RAEL ceased. Notice is ecascd ; th said Cec: CaIIison, the Saluc w six Dat.c of. first' 1962. IJJ, I,,  6tll, RIcI-IA00g HENR+  C" E.x' ,utorS .0,_+2"'  • " • Dw-' W.i Addr :,SS .. ,l , ,, Scattl, Gst" ..,.i 'i?ll le  ' Bogle, Bog ate' , or ]sU ld!':,: 2EI, A Itorncys No[tp#t0,+ : 4th Floor cattlc 4, ,Waltlaa . ONE ACRE on Bayshoro highway, well, septic tank and bulkhead. Young h'uit trees. $3500. $1000 tin. Bardin's, phone 426-6837 evenings. B 5/24 tfn iXft-O-E-,i:iii-Ey-f(c-dFVo]K-iii_F-a-fii= ily room with built-in broiler, wall- to-wall carpeting, range, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Phone 426-8078. S 7]'19 tfn crest home, furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close to school and stores. Must move. Will sell at real bargains. Phone 426- 85.19 afternoons 0r evenings. ' ............... .......... 21 ....... :.__._]_U SALE -- Large bcdroonl, livingroom, dining, carpet, drapes. Small down paynlcnt furnished or not. Phone • 126-4336. C 8/2 tfn FOR SALE -- Three bedroom house, bath and half, fireplace, electric beat, call : 436-2210 weekdays after 5 p,m. 13 4/12 tfn 2025 'kAr6--iEDhb-Ol--f):aFif 7f-fffii-fi*d Slleittl suburban attd three hedroom sub- Robert L, urban honms. For sal or lease, Altorncy Ptlone 426-4147. S 7/5 tfn 125,5 N, pump and well. $2500. Terms con- sidered, 426-8397. O 6/28 tfn room, $4200. 10% down, $50 per too. Near Dayton. 426-6837. B 5/25 tfn '(m--XILE- - -ivgWb.Goo-d-f-dG I,'lN AI, bedroom house. Good out buildings. ]N THE Sl Two miles from Shelton. Phone 426- STATE 3208. W 8/16 tfn MASON VJ(!w stores and sc)loot. 8 bedrooms. l)lastercd, ltardwood floors, fircplaee, large utility, altacbed garage, fenccd in patio. $11,000,00, 426-4652. 8/16 tfn i7%iR "'-SALE 2z2at:r¢;s 'wi tb-])ea( 6o and some tinlber. 660' road Irontage. distribution, Housc in need of repair. Drilled tle said well. Grapcview area. Easy terms. Call collect Gig Harbor 857-2387. S 8/30 9/i3 IIAMhiEISLEY -INLET100 i't.' Vdtiii-: front approx 1000 ft, deep, Inquire Franl¢ Lusin, Route .,° Box 808, Shel- ton (Agate), L 8/30 tfn or torn down. Phone 426-;3098. Hen- ry Landis, 2328 Jefferson, L 7/19 tfn F(JR--SXLE-iO-Xe['es -i-jgti,?d-Tjf i:fi-d about 1, aeres cleared some berr,es 2 bedroont house, barn and other out buildings, garden tools, furniture will sell as is, total price $9,000 some terms. Jack SIolth, Rt. 3 Box 394, Arcadia road. Shclton, Wash. ............ 7/12-9/27 NEW HOME -=--Eh61i-fi-{-16,-ntb- location, three bedrooms, 2t baths, panelled living room. R. H. Keet,al,, 2nd and Birch, K 6/21 tfn -0R --S.;iil--L--15iipl-k-- 4-fiS--h--i(i lots. InQuire 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-8159. N 7/23 tfn '-A C'it IiJ 'I---o il lt;v}i y--i:el--at' " ci I y lintits, $4,000. 426-2081. B 9/6 tfn i?DK- S Xfi -----PZ000_0&:7-i5 <-ib- 100, no down paynlent. $30 per nlonth hlchldes interest, taxes. L,I.D, Phone 426-6700 evenings, 426-4266 days. T 9/6 tt.n II0]JSE FOR SALE -- Close to High NoTIC IN THE sUP] STATE o MASON CO In the MAUDE H. 1 Billie Mae Z ed and qualifl tate. All pcl'S said deceaSCu the sanlC on said Robert L. hw stated thv Clerk proof of montls after tion of this bu barred. DATE of first bcr 6. 1962. i ministratr : petition wt, ' of Octobcr, thc foresees tllereaf[cr at the coU titled cot helton, at which interested : t, nd file o test the sam' Dated this School. Full bascnlent with furuacc. Fireplace. Full nriee, $8,500. Easy tcrnls, P]lonc 426-6700 evenings. T 9/6 tfn The JOURNAL BY" Glenn I." Attorney :Jell Bid Sbelton, !, NEW Prefabricated HOMES Your PJans!or Ours. Double wall consti'uction, trussed roof, aluminun windows mid pre- stained siding instMled; fonnda- lion, roofing, ceiling, partitions, dooz% insu]at lot|. AS LITTLE AS $1450 Write for fl'eCL boo]tlet BUDGET HOUSING CO. 2200 Simpson Ave., HoquJanl 8/30 - 11./8 For Beautiful lots, was owner wh illness. As this ed, ttal sav-,,' appreciated, Can be only. way to buy )r you on this bedroom fa- This for immed- so CALL ---.- Evenings -- Vern Dron 426-431 HoOP 3 bcdroonl Pa noran]iC tidehlnds, some 2 and 3 b edr°0"t. Hood & Hoodsport L '  TR 7.521t ARCADIA POINT "ARKADA PARK" View loLs, all utilities, private doCk. : Phonc 426-4252 days -- 426-6530 write P. O, Box 37, shcltO EXGEPTIONAL ,L DISTRICT part basement -- A sound buy ',Y VALUE ON Tt .... 3 large be utility room -- gc room .-- Birch cabi is easy in thi, attached garagt heat -- washer-dr: TO TRANSFER TO / breakfast' nook - buy for $7300. AT THE VERY BE -- large livin! - deck all arou excellent view -- All this for !NTLEMAN RIGHT II bright sunny kite 3 extra lots garden -- flowe] $10,500. LOT 60 x 100 fee lot -- view of tt ANGLE AG EXCELL NT WITH THE OPTI 3 bedroom ced yard, patio, with E THIS IS A LOVEI roomy, and s, ;yle h0m and out, patio top nelghborhoc LLING OVER THE be grand to have a s closets, and area so asy walk to schc Act now and be OF THOSE EXTRA F .'e hospital dist] space, a comf: double garag We can she ":.AM, AND 1 BED! le sunshlne area n, along with t E IS SMALL, Bu'r check this 4 b, garage, and r m your smaller h )U'LL LIKE THIS 3 it's the type mm, has all the late master bedroor Hng kitchen $17,500 t KE TO HAVE W of an executive 1 homes on tl a lighted do etc.; pr hobbyroom; view of Olyl A "PERMANEN lake front very lake, etc. Better lc A. ROY I REALTO