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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tember 6, ]92 &apos; ' BIW.0N--MA0N C0 JOURNAL -- Published in "Ghrtmaatown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Page 19 ................ Brinnon Citizens Entertain Vbffor • H I 8TO RY S Prelermd Pr0perlies CH,EF LEACH, Chief Leschi represents the most lib • Mrs. T• B, Ihlh'h - it, return ic) iris t)lLviu)od lmme by Waterfront Realty Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8277 d 1 jobs: If you xed call Henry 2/12 tfn :g and re-tooth-, nteed. Ted Uur- phone 426-2433. 3/8 tfn tged lady corn- lady• $100 per Le Route 1, Box B 8/30 9/6 (,l/S, lily honle, 426-8058. T 8/30 tfn ED -- Will care home. Daytime. school. Call 426- C 8/16 tfn -:--bF-o£iK-& ic scrubber. 426- V 8/16 tfn :--W-ANTE D---- able. 426-3762. W 9/6-13 NTED erson I Y°I" I llllJ ID Liture Consign NITURE .2411 ,, tate N -- Three bed'- scimol. Built-in • active fireplace, ar garage, half irene 426-8682 af- t 8/23 tfn E Waterfront 10 k. 1 bedroom all eplace, garage, 110 ft. gravel berries, wooded :ns, 426-8769. A 8/9 tfn bedroom home Locks [rein ]OWl: nablc. Call 428- 'shore highway, and bulkhead. $3500. $1000 dn. .6837 evenings. B 5/24 tfn NOTIC ..................... IN THE SUP] )ore home• Faro- STATE O] in broiler, wall- MASON CO age, dishwasher, In the ?hone 426-8078. MAUDE H. 1 S 7]'19 tfn Billie Mac 1: io-b--eclro0m---I=II--ll ed and qualifl acd or unfurn- tate. All pcrS corner lot, close said deceases es• Must move. the Sal|lC ;sins• Phone 426- on said :venlngs. ' Robert L. :_...__M_._12/ltfn lw stated )0Ill, livingroom, ihv Clerk ms. Small down proof of or not. Phone n,onths after C 8/2 tfn tion of tlds ...................... bt: barred. bedroom house, DATE of first replace, electric bcr 6. 1962. weekdays after 13 4/12 tfn 2025 artly ]:ul;n isI-, d Shelto . bedroom sub- Robert L. salp or lease, Attorney ....... Sfi/)__U 'a_ 15,/.. , :)ore honse, new helton, i00. Terms con- O 6/28 tfn m, $3200. Flve- wn, $50 per too. !7L----B- -S-25--t f FINAI, ores. Good lhrce d out buildings. IN THE SI lton. Phone 426- STATE W 8/16 tfn MASON LIKT-CI5. -i5- Mt: In the oct. 3 bedrooms, floors, fireplace. d garage, fence.d 26-4652• 8/16 tfn s with peat bog T road Iron]age. distribution, repair. Drilled tic said m. Easy terms• u'bor 857-2387. S 8/30 9/i3 T,- ]00 ft ." Vat(iiC t. deep. Inquire -,° Box 808. Shcl- L 8/30 tfn )use to be ]loved e 426-3098. Hcn- rson. L 7/19 tfn -i-dg 6/:d - 75 f "iKh-d" red some berries rn and other out tools, furniture price $9,00) some Rt. 3 :Sox 394, on, Wash• 7/12-9/27 iliS-h-{ -  6w-h-fb-wh Ioms, 2 baths, • R. H. Keenan, z 84x25 with 10 tewart street or N 7/23 tfn 7--i:el--at " citY I. B 9/6 tfn 'men]. $30 per rot. taxes. L.I.D. mings. 426-.t266 T 9/6 tl.n - Close to High lit with furnace. e, $8,5V0. Easy 0 evenings. T 9/6 tfn INAL ! ated :S r Ours. lction, trussed lows and pre- died; fonnda- ig, partitions, ,S $1450 booklet ISING CO. L. Hoquiam 8/30 - 11/8 drastically for a quick 2 bedroom home but has a good basement. Don't wait. A4 :'i Classified ate ; :rVE SEASO 15 words or le:e w 3 bedroom. " ble residential lake charge) $I.00 '] located on the $1.60 two i7UntY•,,. It boasts 125' three inserut'=;,'llIG'Z ith an unchalleng- COMPACT 2 BEDROOMS Here is the neat little home that is looking for you. This compact two bedroom home is priced for a quick sale on easy terms. It has two large bed- rooms, a step saving kitchen designed for ease and a com- pletely modern living room. Priced at only $6.225. Call Vern at Waterfront Realty. 4 LARGE BEDROOMS! Why not look into this fine family home. located on a lm'ge corner lot close to shopping and insertions e entire lake plus school• You will appreciate the ,,n ,,,,•. i'  2in=-- )llv ,, mD!I)u:t! i spacious ,'corns, adequate stor- age, handy kitchen and large rec room. Call today for an up- • pointment. You will be glad you er notices -^ t'"''il" ta ..... did. $1.00 or $S.W: PShe:P, ST!!! mis well-kept 2 • 'ff2 < - , • InC,o t ReapO.I$1,'.;;:in a choice resi- . 150 WATERFRONT . ..... -'-lPw,,lJ' ' This full hn.mont l-lere is your opportunity to i O pet" *- _ oaS.-- - .......... • ,, -ossifiea p"'uess condition in- purchase, a secluded waterfront • "=',": -^aiaotlt, ha .....  .... tract Thm wooded property has must De pu=- I  °v ...... " i ......... erePlaees and a lar'e some bank, but the beach is • - -, ,tore Ia%14 the maor annli - very accessible. Easy terms are De azu. " ' a t-z" i P .... _ding a la,,vo don yours for the asking. Just $30 • monI:n. '* aewl, _, --o .... ,- .. I 10€ will be ma,,: ,'Uued at the low pet" IL [ is necessary' ., €4z'500. Call Vince .... • _., BRAND NEWl  We invite to come and you iI] " OPTION see this marvelous 3-tiered, split LelgST way to buy level home. It has 3 bedrooms "--'--"'"o."q . for you on this with conveniently arranged liv- noTlCO, t t"¢al 3 bedroom fa- ing quaters, plus a dandy day- "" IRI01 .0P, A " " • ?U'.'IO[a?!. nglemde. This light basement, rec room• These "')2!tlable for immed- and many other features make MASON COu of' the atley, g'l so C A L L this a desired property. Call us ILXEL pUT'* ,6 .... • for a showing. ceased.  •  * Notice is 1 ==" wvenmgs Uall ---- dersign(d h .v -. i,,,,.e qu,,ifi -- vern ronen -- Marden Stroud tats of Isr/ , Jeaed" that 4'26-4318 426"4000 " 'in.4 said • ed l * sel n said Ceci Callison, ,, EXOEPTIONAL VALUES the same ' ;," six h'-. • Date (,f first' ;l'Siding basement -- garage -- concrete founda- 6tit 1962.   A sound buy for $5600. CECm V_ ..1 RICI-ZAR'OAIP,I'qh ',Y VALUE ON THIS HOME YTsf[ .... 3 large bedrooms- walk in closet in utility room -- gourmet designed kitchen with -iza,:. room .-- Birch cabinets -- stainless steel sinks BoglcSca{tlc'& €,,(tat  is easy in this appealing livhtg room with Atto,'neysB°gle' £or  n d !' . .1    attached garage with room above for extra eattle4th Irloo r4' ,rasllillgt0 ;N°rt tf I *.I¢ heat-- washer-dryer combination included in i n,inistratr pctitton w] ' of October, the forczlooa thereafter at the coal titled cot helton. at which Interested : t, nd file o test the sam' Dated tills y" Glenn I. • Attorney ell Bid Shclton. For Beautiful lots, was owner wh illness• As this ed, ttal saw-,' appreciated, Can be only. HOOP '3 bcdroOln Pa noraniC tidehlds, solnc 2 and 3 bedX,O0It Hood & Hoodsport ,, TR 7.521t )IA POINT "ARKADA PARK" , all utilities, private dock. : 426-4252 days  426-6530 write P. O, Box 37, heltOI TO TRANSFER TO ANOTHER TOWN breakfast' nook -- fenced yard -- 100 x 100 buy for $7300. AT THE VERY BEST -- large living room with corner fireplace - deck all around front of house. Big pic- excellent view --- 55 feet of waterfront -- large All this for $9750• !NTLEMAN RIGHT IN TOWN bright sunny kitchen  separate utility room 3 extra lotI -- filled with fruit trees -- garden -- flowers -- All this located in town $10,500. / LOT 60 x 100 feet -- $2500• lot -- view of the Olympics -- $1500. ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate --- Insurance HERB  Phone 426-8272  DICK IELs 426-3434 DONALD (BEAN) DANIELS EXCELLENT BUYS NT WITH THE OPTION TO PURCHASE? . . . 3 bedroom all-electric home in nice dis- ced yard, patio, view of bay area, and nmny with $9300 full price. ":E THIS IS A LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME • •• roomy, and so comfortable and unique in :yle home you're bound to like. Fire, and out, patio, separate hobby shop, and top neighborhood. $14,900. LLING OVER THE TOYS? . • . be grand to have a spacious 4 bedroom, full base- closets, and at a price of only $13,7507 area so nice and convenient for the asy walk to schools, churches, shopping and Act now and begin to enjoy life! 0P THOSE EXTRA FiNE HOMES .... 'e hospital district, witth three spacious bed- space, a comfy den, very attractive dining double garage, patio, pretty yard, and so We can show by appointment. ":AM, AND 1 BEDROOM HOME . .., ae sunshine area near Grapeview. Some timber along with a nice orchard and berries. E IS SMALL, BUT FAMILY LARGE . , . check this 4 bedroom home with full base- garage, and room for den or 5th bedroom• m your smaller home on same. Only $8,000! t}U'L'L LIKE THIS 3'BEDROOM RAMBLER . • • it's the type most people want and are proud has all the latest features. Fireplaces in the master bedroom with very nice private tiled Hng kitchen with birch cabinets, built-in utility rqom, and a cute covered patio. attractive corner lot all fenced and nicely $17,500 ! KE TO HAVE WATERFRONT PROPERTY? of an executive has put one of Hammersleyl homes on the market. Features galor--- a lighted dock; acreage all planted with etc. pretty covered patio; separate hobbyroom; extra bath zone-controlled view of Olympics. By appointment. A !'PERMANENT" SUMMER HOME • . • lakefront home for only $13,500! Three very attractive living room with lake, and nice family recreation dock. You'll enjoy the swim- etc. Better look! A. ROY DUNN controversial of all Indian figures in Washington history. The battle of opinion still wages as to wheth- er he actually committed many of the acts for which he is condemn- ed. Leschi was a Nisqually Chief. prominent in the war which in- volved all the tribes from Wash- ington and adjacent regions in 1855-58. While Kamiakin headed the Yakima and their confederates east of the mountains. Leschi took command west of the Cascades. His most notable exploit was an stack on the new town of Seattle. January 29, 1856, at the head of about 1,000 warriors of several tribes. The assailants were driven off by the naval warship Decatur. On the collapse of this outbreak Leschi fled to the Yakimas, who refused to sheltcr him. A. reward was then offered for his capture. He was betrayed by a nephew for a re'ice of thirty blankets, some- what reminiscent of the biblical stury o Judas and the thirty pieces of silver. In any event he was captuerd in November of 1856 and delivered for trial. However, in the secofid trial he was sentenced to hang. From Ralph Chaplin's "Only the Drums Remembered",, .c°mes this poetm verse; Two things leave lethal si- lence in their wake, A tightening noose, a quieting earthquake . . . The clouds close in, the throbbing wardrums cease . . . Leschi has died to bring his people peace . . . Died with such dignity, the sen- tries said . . . That when they left him hanging stark and dead . . . Even the hired hangman bowed his head." Real Estate l 4 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST. Well located family home. A most attractive living room, fireplace and large nicely appointed dining room. Loads of storage, deep clo- sets. Full basement includes gar- age and extra room. All for $11,- 500. NORTHCLIFF, charming 6- room home. Suburban atmosphere. Located among comparable homes. Twin-sized bedrooms , enchanting living room, intimate dining, pan- cited study or extra gest room. Economical hot water heating. Large secluded lawn, garden, pric- ed at $17,900. • MT. VIEW S.E., 2 BEDROOMS (possible 3 bedrooms). Exception- ally large living room, plpsh W/W carpet, studio-space fireplace. Beautifully maintained home. Lov- ely garden-patio. Separate garage, workshop and big room up. Own- ers are retiring to Southwes t soon. Yours for only $9,500. The buyer can pick up some excellent furni- ture for a song. Call John Qever-' eux for appointment. • 5 ACRES, RICH SOIL, SIX MILES Northeast on black-top road. The house is not much, just 3 rooms and a path, tree screened. Well, excellent garden, berries, fruits, poles. $3,000 price includes roto-tiller, tools, some furnishings. • DOWNTOWN, WALK TO CHURCH and SHOPS. Attractive 2-bedroom home. Hardwood floors. Well insulated. Electric heat. At- tached shop area wlll make large 3rd bedroom. $6,000. • 4 BEDROOM HOME ON DOU- BLE LOT. Southwest edge of town. King-size living oom with fireplace. Pleasant kitchen, utility. Big garage and shop, paved. GarD- en, tree studded• All for $8,500. • ANGLESlDE, 4 BEDROOMS. Farpily dining and living rooms. Full daylight basement. Economy furnace. PaY the owner $850 and assume the existing insured mort- gage of $S,700, payable at $75 per month. Includes taxes, insurance, principle and interest. • 3 FINE BEOROOMS. MT. v,00w. ,,v,.g room. Inviting famil ilmy d n g room. All hardwood floors. Attached garage, utility are,. Well fenced. You woul d expect to pay more than the $11,500 price. L • OWNER TO TRANSFE R SOON Spacious 2. bedroom home. Large inviting living room, well designed dining area. A good family prop- erty in v. icinity of Bordeaux school. Oil furnace• 2 car garage. Fenced ya rd. An excellent buy at $10,250. 0 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY, BUILT 2 YEARS...Well located in North- t Mt wew Eat wes • • ertainment- living room, beau sized tifully pan- elied dining room With pat o glass doors. Massive fireplace. Brick- walled modernkitchen. Ready to move in xor $13,900. $1,700 down and assume 5¼% FHA Loan. D 3 LOVELY BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, RAM BLE R DESIGN. Large lanasca.ped lot in Mr. View,* Glowing hardwood floors. Log- Mzed fireplace. Charming living room. unny d ning room. Com- pact breakfast area, 2 car sealed larage and furnace. $900 down FHA and costs No - • " • neeD to buy SppliLances, 5 included at $16,500. ASK US ABOUT: Waterfront Properties Large Farms and Acreage sma, II Farms and Suburbans MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426,6592 ANYTIME 321 SOuth First street EVENING8 CALL JOHN DEVEREUX SCEN C SETTINGA long, narrow arm of Lake rugged beauty. One of two boat launching facili- Cushman partially splits the new Lake Cush- ties is in the area where this picture was taken, man State Park, where a youth corps project the other is across the arm, where a swimming sponsored by the State Parks Department was beach eventually is planned in future develop- completed recently in a wilderness setting of m ent of the park.______________ ___ ______ S S ' hsidt e 00affnly z , , CoUnty Far00n00 Loses Pickup l Entertains At Incomels Up n I n • A / " NEW YORK (Special) Co - pl In / Vl00nl00 %llnngv pared with other years, 1961 was IlVa iVllnnne)u /IVllIV V'Mlll4U| a good one for Mason" County UUlt lUVlIUM By Dorothy Simms farnhers gross receipts, a .survey By Mrs. Ray K,'.',toha Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor en- shows, were better than they have Monday at five o'clock in the tertained several at a family pic- been for some time. Part "of the m(nning'was a sad morning for nic on their lawn Sunday after- gain, however, reflects heavier Go- the John Holtorfs. M,'. Holtorf noon Those present were Mr. and vernment payments to farmers, woke up an found his pickup truck Mrs. John Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. principally for reducing the am- (m fire and while trying to put John cant of land devoted to crops that Arnold Jr. and family of Seattle, Edwin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Butts and the Justin Taylor family. Don and Mary Los Newman of Seattle were Saturday afternoon drop-in guests at the Edwin Pet];y home. MR. AND MRS. Harry Simmons spent Labor Day weekend at tlieir lot on Mud Day. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. Lam- bert and family and the Clint Houtts enjoyed a trip to Mt. St. Helens. Mrs. Frances Simmons spent the week end at Portland, Ore. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Sim- mons and Grace. Monday, Mrs. Gladys Nelson, Grace Petty, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petty, Eldon Todd and Marie Carl- son attended thc ball game at Cheney field in Tacoma between the Seattle Rainiers and the Tac- oma Giants. qM[RS. MARTIN Otto and daugh- te',.Marlene made a business trii0 to Tacoma last week. There were 19 members of the Progress Grange who attended a birthday party for Pop Rutledge, HERB ROTTER and ASSOCIATES {ut the tire lie received a badly are in surplus production, burned hand. The Arcadia Vohm- Although local farmers were tee)' Fire Department No. 4: arrived able to report relatively good re- and put out the blaze, althotgh the suits, such was not the case in pickup was totally destroyed. Mr. many areas of the country, de- Holtorf had just put on two new spite the increase in Federal pay- tires Saturday. meats, j Southside P.T.O. wishes every- y TIlE SURVE , made by the (me not to forg'e to vote at the Standard Rate and Data Se¢ice, primaI'y election on Sept. 11 at l presents figures on farm receipts, Southside. county by county, for all parts of MR. AND MRS. Clarence Mad- the United States. sen and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brum- In Mason County, it reports, haugh spent last Tuesday tom•ing gross farm receipts added up to Lake Sievens, Granite Falls, $976,000 in the past year. The fig- Marysloo. Everett and the Frontier urn is gross, before deduction for Village. any expenses. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Herric, I 'and Included in this total are mort- Steve spent: three days last week eys obtained from the sale of farm rabbit ]canting 'on the San Juan products, as well as the Govern- Islands. The Herricks report it is meat payments and "income in more fun and (me of the best kind", which is the value of corn- sports. MIL AND MIL%. leRoy Moore Shelton Valley, Friday evening, and family of Little Skookum Mr. Rutledge was 96years old. spent last Monday and Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitener Camping and digging ciarn at made a trip to Triniday, Calif. to Westport. return Mary Rankin and Kathy ,Lal)or Day gtlests of Mr. and Johnson to their home there. Mrs. Bob Herrick and family for a The Martin Otto family visited turkey dinner were Mrs. Virgil friend.s in Seattle over the Labor Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Jame Day week-end. Metcalf and three boys, Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Madsen spending a couple of weeks were Billy and Merla Mad- sen of Tacoma. Arcadbt VohmLeer Fire Depart- meat No. 4 meets at Southside on September 11, election nigit. Herb Rotter, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker Office -- Phon e 426-6642 Evenings -- Phone 426-3530 2 BEDROOM HOME DOWNTOWN, fireplace, garag'e, auto- matic heal, $6,850, Terms. 1 ACRE3 ROOM HOUSE. Full price $1,750. Terms. $ * $ • 3 BEDROOM HOME  4 LOTS. Good buy at $6,000. Terms. $ * " .. WELL WOODED ACRE TRACT located at Totten Shores. Price $1,050. 10 ACRES GOOD GARDEN SOIL in Skokomish Valley with 2 bedroom home. Full price $3,850. Terms. Herb Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 124 North 1at Street Union TW 8-2429 LOOKING FOR A "GOOD BUY"? Check this immaculate 2 BR home. Compact step saving kitchen, bright dining area, coz'y living room with new heat-saving fireplace. Situated on two lots with plenty of room for garden .and children to romp. No close neighbors. Won't last long for price of $6,600. "REALTORS DREAM" Homes of this caliber very seldom come un Built like the "Rock of GibraltoU' This 2 BR home ,_ for sale. . , ' has hardwood floors, fully plater ed, tiled dram]boards, stove, re- frigerator, matched washer and dryer, drapes and rugs tay. The fenced yard is manicured to,perfection and has a barbecue pit and several fruit trees. All within easy walking distance of stores• Look and you'll buy--S9,000. 5 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME Located on 33 sprawling acres, only minutes from town• This home has a dining room, 1½ baths, basement and 2 car garage. Ideal for the large fam- ily interested in raising horses or beef. An 18 carat value -- $12,500. SUBURBAN 140 Acres. 3 BR home, spring and creek on prop- erty, some timber. Large 19 stall, barn. 13 acres cleared, An excellent buy at $19,100. Terms. 2 BR HOME ON MT. VEW. Close to school, large fenced yard and 15 x 30 living room with fireplace. Outdoor fireplace. Rea- sonably priced at $7,500. Terms, $525 down and $65 per month, aWHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY ANY ONE THESE TWO LIKE RENT?" 2 BR HOUSE, dining room, 6 rooms in all, fireplace, garage, $6,500, $60 per month until down payment of $500 is paid. 2 BR HOUSE, 5 rooms in all, nice location, $5,000. $50 per month until $500 i s paid. LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 119 SO, 4th *' Phone 426-4666 ventngs .1i A1 LaBissoniere, Phone 426-8649 Vlvian Ninemire, Ph, 426,8806 Har,T (Bob) Wiles, Ph. 426-8926 BRINNON--With ;uinmer lo see the (,hnli&.,4 nm(le ill 50 or ti('ally over, the World's l,'air near- hO years, tll" wls hl)l'n ill St-qlLim ing the closing (late, the begin- kut wh,,n a li1.11e lad Itlo family ]iing of school aad colleges, there sieved LO C}etlysl)ul'g, whicll has is ;i g}'and l'|lSll for lhe last of I (Js:/pI)carod flolll I}](, i)l:lps, )llt the seasol] activities and at long ii is Ilelll' ,]ovctL They \\;,imll,d I last the COUlltry honleniakers cln Agnl.e l3c,:]cil ,llld ill'tdt, so llHtlly l)]Itn a re\\;\" trips for t.helnselves. (,et(lurs DO litll0 list, t} }'()/t(Is that Snnday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. it was ilnl'd 1.o knt)w .IIISL \\;vher( \\;V. E. Whitney were two young lhey Vel'e, bill lllf).I enjoyalflr, 10 h/dies. Miss Sandr,'t Seppala, a cousin of Mrs. Whitney fronl De- troit, Mich.. and her Seattle hos- tess, Miss Jan Jahnke. Miss Sep- l)ahl is seeing de World's Fair an(i touring the West before re- m'ning home io cater the Univer- sity of Michigan. Miss Jahnke will enter the Univerxity of VVashing- t on. Sandrfl VVIIS 1"1 exchange Sill- dent to Finland last year and this year hel' younger brother will be an exchange st.udent to Germany. While here Mr. and Mrs. Whitney look them sightseeing'. The gir]s all. Mrs. \\;V. E. \\;Vhiin(y atl(,nded lhe flowt'r H]IOW ()l] /llTO\\;Vstone J.:!and lasi Wednesday and reporl- e(:L a \\;Vt)llderflll di:-'l)hty. SII¢ sI(ip- pc(1 al h'oildal,:, t() pick lip. Mr. and Mrs. Minnihan. and Mrs. Le;irned. who a(;(Oall)arlied hlq', Mrs. W, ltof C(K)llles all(i child- ren of B].en]el't(m h,lt Sunday :f- le]' a Iw() weo](s visil \\;villi he]' i3ot}lei', Mrs. Bllh'h. Mr Coonl*? COl'lln][l[ed by b()tt I() Seab,'ck :ll- n,osl, daily. Mr. ancl Mrs. Chu'lcs [)orothy arid tw(/ childien left Simday tin' wcre en!:husiastic on every tllrn fflisa(tena aftel'  10-day visit. ol the road and were especially with his parents. They visited the lhrilled with the Dosewallips Riv- er road, as far as they could go. The girls left for Seattle in the curly eve,.ring after enjoying" one of Mrs, Whitneys delicious din- hers. MR. AND MRS. Douglas Blair and family, David, Dougie, Arnold, Patty and Karen left Monday af- l ernoon after a two weeks wlca- i;ion at Pleasant Harbor. Mrs. Blair is the former Beverly Balch, daughter of Mrs. T• B. ialch. Besides loafing' and fishing they entel•tained a number of friends while here. Intcresting visitors were Mr. and Mr:s. O. A. Schultz and two children from Manilla, I'hilipine Islands. Mr. Sehultz is manager of the Del Monte enter- prise in tle Phihppines and is on an extended six l]lontlls vacation. which automatically is provided every three years. This year they made a tour around the world, in- cluding Africa. Mrs. Schultz is an aunt of the Blair citildren. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Klimke and three-year-old twin girls of Lake Sammamish. :Mr. Klimke is a brother-in-law of /Jrs. Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Springer en- :ioyed the Labor Day holidays with Iheir families and were fortunate to get a g'ood catch of salmon. Mr. Ted Van Veen of Portland, owner of the Van Veen Wholesale Nursery, and his propagator, Don Derringer, spent Tuesday witlLMr. and Mrs. V. E. Whitncy. TIIUI{Si)AY IRA Minnihan, Jr., ()f Seattle took his parents, Mr. and Mrs. h'a Minnihan of h'ondale, and Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Vhil.ney of Brinnon (cousins) on a trip to Clallam County. It has been Ira Sr's wizh for a long time fair, CalT]l)Od ill th(* lnollnlain alld had a gelleral good time. He i t: teacher ;It Alnl]ass'tdof (ollege in Pa as(leAs. MRS. T. IL IIALCII atlended lhe PasL Matron's Clnh al the home of Mrs. W. J. McCoy in Quil- ('ene Tuesday afternoon. 'Phe 50Lh anniversary (if Quil- cene Chapter No. 1,t2 will bo eele- hrated on Sept. 22 in the Chapter' lhmm. Piyllis Corliss, Worthy Ma- tron, Art Corliss, Woriby Patron. WEA'|'H El{ -- " High Low Preeil). Aug, 29 .............. 80 ,15 .... Aug, 30 .............. 86 45 .... Aug. 31 .............. S 2 48 ..... Sept.. 1 .............. 65 51 --: Sept. 2 ............... 70 52 -- Sept. 3 .............. 82 46 -- Sept. 4 .............. 88 43 L_. 0000REE9 KEEp RSHInGTon MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCtI Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11.:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p,m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Eugene Breld, Pastor I FISHERMEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cota SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 9:30 a.m. GUEST SPEAKER: DENNY HUFFMAN 10:00 a.m. "Promoting Sunday, Schools in Mason County" modities grown Hd eo]]slnned on the farm. A breal;down of the anlount oh- rained from the sale of farm pro- 6acts locally, hased on data coD1- piled by [he De.partmcat of Agri- cldture, shows LhaL 22 percent of it was accounted for by market- ings of farm crops and the other 78 perccnt f)'om livestock and live- sleek products. RELATED TO the number of people living on farms in Mason County, the receipts were equiva- h:nt to $976 per capita. American, on the whole, appear to be making gains, de- I I I I ,, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Director SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. : "Finding What Was Lost" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service. Guest Speaker: Missionary D. L. Huffman "Christian Training in Rural U.S.A." ! that they are the most efficient farmers In the world, they have been able, with the help of mo- d(rn maciinery and intensive fer- tilization, to get larger crops per acre than ever before. Livestock raising has also be- come more rnechanized, through improved breeding and fceding, boosting the yield per annual. As a result, ovec-production, fom the standpoint of the con- sumer, continues. TIDES QF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 mtn. later and plus 3.0 ft. Friday, Sept. 7 Low .............. 5:30 a.m, 1.7 ft. High .............. 12:48 p.m. 9.4 ft. Low .............. 5:57 p.m. 7.1 ft. High .............. 10:49 p,m. 9.6 ft. Saturday, Sept. 8 Low .............. 6:30 a.m. 1.4 ft. High .............. 2:06 p.m, 9.9 ft. Low .............. 7:14 p.m. • 7,5 ft. High .............. 11:48 p.m. 9.4 ft. Sunday, Sept. 9 Low .............. 7:30 a.m. 0.9 ft. High .............. 3:07 p.m, 10.5 ft. Low .............. 8:26 p.m. 7.3 ft. Monday, Sept. 10 HJg)l ............. 0:58 a.m. 9.5 ft. Low .............. 8:28 a.m. -0.6 ft. High .............. 3:55 p.m. 11.0 ft. Low .............. 9:22 p.m. 6.8 ft. 'ruesday, Sepl. I1 High .............. 2:09 a.m. 9.8 ft. Low .............. 9:21 a.m. -1.1 ft•  Iligh .............. 4:34 p.m. / 11.5 ft. Low .............. 10:09 p.m. 6.0 ft. Welinesdy, Sept. 12 lligh .............. 3:14 a:m. 10.3 ft. Low .............. 10:10 a.m. -1.3 ft. IIigh .............. 5:08 p.m. 11.9 ft. Low .............. 10:53 p.m. 5,0 ft. Tlntrsda.y, Sept. 13 High ........  ..... 4:14 a.m. 10.8 ft, Low .............. 10:57 a.m. -1.3 ft. High .............. 5:41 p.m. 12.2 ft. Low .............. 11:35 p.m. 3.8 ft. VISIT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor S"--DA---'-Y SC-'---HOO--'L .................--'. ....................................... 9:45 A.M. \\; MORNING WORSHIP ................................................ 11:00 A.M. CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS ......................................... 6:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE ......................................... 7:00 P.M. FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 E. Dearborn REV. LEWIS WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School -- 9:45 san. Young People's MLg. 6p.m, :, Morning Worships11 a.m. " Evangelistic Service 7 p.m. Wednesday Night---Bible Study and l'ayer Meeting--7 p.m, "The Church Where Everyone Is Someone" FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clase 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. CAtLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church  National Lutheran Council FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m Worship ............. 11:00 a.m, Family Sewice 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service THE METHODIST GHURGH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister Church School, 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m, FURST OHURGH OF GHRIST, SGIEIfflST 802 Alder {St., {Shelton. Wash. Sunday School 9:80 t.m. Church 11 a,m, Wednelay evening tetlmony meetings 8 p.m, Reading room located In church. Reading room hours 3 t 4 p.m. Men, & FrL Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:46. I I ,I,, ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH FoLIrth and Cedar. Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M.. ...... Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M.. ...... Divine Worhip The Church is always open for meditation and prayer spite all that is known of their difficulties. Because of the fact .....................