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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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good old time ms associated with the Wash- Old Time Fiddlers' Associa- add the sounds of guitar, banjo accordian to those of the violin weekend as they gather for a campout at the Mason County Fair- grounds. Festivities included con- certs Friday and Saturday nights fol- lowed by a gospel show and a dance Sunday. joining effort to roll flood ordinance action point to the hearings board that the county's revisions "relieved de- velopers of significant restrictions this board has previously found necessary to protect the Frequently Flooded Area.," This follows ,a let- ter written to the county commis- sion by Denese LaClair, chair of the Skokomish Tribal Council, saying that the new ordinance is a threat to tribal sovereignty that "will only exacerbate those conditions" which have caused the river to flood the reservation "with increasingly greater frequency and intensity." Nies informed the board that the tribe wants to "challenge the action" of the commission and has the right to do so under state law. She writes that the tribe has been a strong advocate of the dike moni- toring program and "has suffered, and continues to suffer, from the effects of the Skokomish River's flooding of the reservation, which has been caused by various man- made changes in the Skokomish River Valley and above." A hearing on these issues has tentatively been scheduled for De- cember of this year. Diehi's peti- Skokomish Indian Tribe has the battle of words over a the Mason County Commis- it easier to build in the of the Skokomish alley. attorney Lori Nies has a motion to intervene in an filed against the county Diehl and his nonprofit Citizens for Responsible The group's peti- to the Western Washington Management Hearings questions the legitimacy o£ ' Flood Control Ordinance that on development flooded area." petition raises questions vote by the county commis- on July 17 that removes from the county code des- a part of the valley as a flood-risk zone and elimi- a requirement that county inspect agricultural dikes the Skokomish River upstream of the Skokom- as the tribe calls its res- lands. by Nies makes the :r board needs help • officials working a countywide stormwa- are recruiting people Stormwater Advisory as part of the effort. goal is to improve storm- management by forming force of approximately 10 with knowledge or ex- of stormwater regula- Members will be selected applicants who represent the construction industry and wa- ter quality groups. The committee's work will be complete once the Mason County Commission adopts a stormwater management plan. Applications from people willing to serve on the task force are being accepted through the end of this month and may be submitted at 415 North Sixth Street in downtown Shelton. Application forms may as a whole, as well be obtained there or by visiting areas such as the City the county's Web site at www. , other urban growth on-line. rural activity centers, the For more information, call 427- h industry, Indian tribes, 9670, Extension 450. BUYING ALUMINUM. 00IkNS 30 ¢ LB. Call for prices on other metals l your unwanted, complete vehicle to our yard and receive slO to $20 or more* We will haul your complete, unwanted vehicle in the city limits and up to 15 miles out of city limits for FREE* * Minimal fee will apply to vehicles over 15 i I .s out of city limits. Some restrictions applYs. legal vehicle paperwork required; limited ime offer. No garbage ,'n vehicles. scrap metal, including appliances, FREE! "On your way to the dump. " 1501 w. Dayton-Airport Road, 5helton {,o} 4u.stso tion claims that the changes in the county code reinstate "a condition formerly found noncompliant" by the hearings board and warns that this could encourage a "rush to the window" at the county permitting office by people who want to get the green light for construction plans before the hearings board can act. City seeks change in its water rights The City of Shelton will ask a state agency to transfer its water right from Shelton Springs. Shelton city commissioners Tuesday night •voted 3-0 to au- thorize city staff to apply to the Washington State Department of Ecology to transfer the water right from the springs to two deep wells at locations yet to be determined. The water right was granted to the city in 1927. Historically, Shelton Springs provided drinking water to settlers in the late 1800s, according to city stall'. But the springs were deactivat- ed in April 2000 because of a di- rective from the Washington State Department of Health to provide disintction. At that time, the city was not disinfecting its drinking water. Chlorination of the city's water supply, drawn from deep wells, began in late 2003. STAFF PLANS to begin work on locating two additional deep (Please turn to page 6.) COME CELEBRATE A GRAND OCCASION. You're invited to help celebrate the five-year anniversary of my Edward Jones office. We've been providing investments for people just like you since our beginning. Today our firm includes more than 9,000 offices in all 50 states... and we're still growing. Please join us tbr the festivities. Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 Time: 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Place: 1717 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton Janis Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 M,,,,r,,, s; We deliver EATING IL COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! e carry kerosene. L oc/t3du :tr iSa? ng;kson 00oo°ooo, IT.00L0000'I 427-8084 have fishin$ supphes/ Skokomlsh Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.1.T.E.) 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection of Hwy. 101 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino • 427-9099 Major Brand Cigarettes , Grizzly Chew Off. 159"99 per carton di ] 5canrolls Valid September 7 & 8 only. Cash value 1/20 . ...... i  Anllm'lOal Peps,|l00 3 Chicken& 8 Jo StripSjo Propane $€99  otatoe, $ 99 " " 19 exchange 12-pacl +:s75 Re+. ,a.25 per tank Now Sunkist Welch's A&W 7-Up 12-packs 81.59/BAG Live DJ • Roxy 94 5 Win prizes -- Bicycle * DVD & other prizes SURGEON GENERAUS WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. Thursday, September 6, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 good old time ms associated with the Wash- Old Time Fiddlers' Associa- add the sounds of guitar, banjo accordian to those of the violin weekend as they gather for a campout at the Mason County Fair- grounds. Festivities included con- certs Friday and Saturday nights fol- lowed by a gospel show and a dance Sunday. joining effort to roll flood ordinance action point to the hearings board that the county's revisions "relieved de- velopers of significant restrictions this board has previously found necessary to protect the Frequently Flooded Area.," This follows ,a let- ter written to the county commis- sion by Denese LaClair, chair of the Skokomish Tribal Council, saying that the new ordinance is a threat to tribal sovereignty that "will only exacerbate those conditions" which have caused the river to flood the reservation "with increasingly greater frequency and intensity." Nies informed the board that the tribe wants to "challenge the action" of the commission and has the right to do so under state law. She writes that the tribe has been a strong advocate of the dike moni- toring program and "has suffered, and continues to suffer, from the effects of the Skokomish River's flooding of the reservation, which has been caused by various man- made changes in the Skokomish River Valley and above." A hearing on these issues has tentatively been scheduled for De- cember of this year. Diehi's peti- Skokomish Indian Tribe has the battle of words over a the Mason County Commis- it easier to build in the of the Skokomish alley. attorney Lori Nies has a motion to intervene in an filed against the county Diehl and his nonprofit Citizens for Responsible The group's peti- to the Western Washington Management Hearings questions the legitimacy o£ ' Flood Control Ordinance that on development flooded area." petition raises questions vote by the county commis- on July 17 that removes from the county code des- a part of the valley as a flood-risk zone and elimi- a requirement that county inspect agricultural dikes the Skokomish River upstream of the Skokom- as the tribe calls its res- lands. by Nies makes the :r board needs help • officials working a countywide stormwa- are recruiting people Stormwater Advisory as part of the effort. goal is to improve storm- management by forming force of approximately 10 with knowledge or ex- of stormwater regula- Members will be selected applicants who represent the construction industry and wa- ter quality groups. The committee's work will be complete once the Mason County Commission adopts a stormwater management plan. Applications from people willing to serve on the task force are being accepted through the end of this month and may be submitted at 415 North Sixth Street in downtown Shelton. Application forms may as a whole, as well be obtained there or by visiting areas such as the City the county's Web site at www. , other urban growth on-line. rural activity centers, the For more information, call 427- h industry, Indian tribes, 9670, Extension 450. BUYING ALUMINUM. 00IkNS 30 ¢ LB. Call for prices on other metals l your unwanted, complete vehicle to our yard and receive slO to $20 or more* We will haul your complete, unwanted vehicle in the city limits and up to 15 miles out of city limits for FREE* * Minimal fee will apply to vehicles over 15 i I .s out of city limits. Some restrictions applYs. legal vehicle paperwork required; limited ime offer. No garbage ,'n vehicles. scrap metal, including appliances, FREE! "On your way to the dump. " 1501 w. Dayton-Airport Road, 5helton {,o} 4u.stso tion claims that the changes in the county code reinstate "a condition formerly found noncompliant" by the hearings board and warns that this could encourage a "rush to the window" at the county permitting office by people who want to get the green light for construction plans before the hearings board can act. City seeks change in its water rights The City of Shelton will ask a state agency to transfer its water right from Shelton Springs. Shelton city commissioners Tuesday night •voted 3-0 to au- thorize city staff to apply to the Washington State Department of Ecology to transfer the water right from the springs to two deep wells at locations yet to be determined. The water right was granted to the city in 1927. Historically, Shelton Springs provided drinking water to settlers in the late 1800s, according to city stall'. But the springs were deactivat- ed in April 2000 because of a di- rective from the Washington State Department of Health to provide disintction. At that time, the city was not disinfecting its drinking water. Chlorination of the city's water supply, drawn from deep wells, began in late 2003. STAFF PLANS to begin work on locating two additional deep (Please turn to page 6.) COME CELEBRATE A GRAND OCCASION. You're invited to help celebrate the five-year anniversary of my Edward Jones office. We've been providing investments for people just like you since our beginning. Today our firm includes more than 9,000 offices in all 50 states... and we're still growing. Please join us tbr the festivities. Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 Time: 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Place: 1717 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton Janis Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 M,,,,r,,, s; We deliver EATING IL COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! e carry kerosene. L oc/t3du :tr iSa? ng;kson 00oo°ooo, IT.00L0000'I 427-8084 have fishin$ supphes/ Skokomlsh Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.1.T.E.) 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection of Hwy. 101 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino • 427-9099 Major Brand Cigarettes , Grizzly Chew Off. 159"99 per carton di ] 5canrolls Valid September 7 & 8 only. Cash value 1/20 . ...... i  Anllm'lOal Peps,|l00 3 Chicken& 8 Jo StripSjo Propane $€99  otatoe, $ 99 " " 19 exchange 12-pacl +:s75 Re+. ,a.25 per tank Now Sunkist Welch's A&W 7-Up 12-packs 81.59/BAG Live DJ • Roxy 94 5 Win prizes -- Bicycle * DVD & other prizes SURGEON GENERAUS WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. Thursday, September 6, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3