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September 6, 2007 |
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In the absence of runaway numbers:
to Climber
LAST WEEK'S TRADITIONAL gut-buster, the Climber Huff'n'Puff Time
Trial, finds girls' state-veteran frontrunner Sarah Brownstein claiming
the finish line as coaches Daryl White (left) and Peter O'Neil record the
result for posterity (top) and then joining teammates Alana Langdon
(left) and Gwen Milroy moments later for a postrace cooldown.
'Pro-active' Harriers, coach place in Elma
coach due o cross-country Highclimb- ished sixth overall and first in his
Climberville will host a
nationally recognized coaching
authority next week.
"Proactive coach" Bruce
Brown will address students
during the school day Tues-
day, September 11, and then
that night the public will get
a chance to hear him in an ad-
dress that's set to begin at 6:30
in the Shelton High School Au-
Brown, who draws on more
than 35 years' experience as
a teacher, coach and athletic
administrator in all levels of
education, will speak on char-
acter-building and teaching the
values of "leadership, courage,
integrity, sportsmanship, hard
work and enthusiasm," to quote
Climber Athletic Director Bill
Hicks' promotional letter to the
Parents are encouraged to
attend the workshop portion
of the educator's presentation
without their middle- and high-
school-age children "in order to
get the full effect of Mr. Brown's
presentation," adds Hicks.
For more information, says
era and one of their coaches com-
peted in the Outlaw Days fun runs
two weekends ago in Elms.
Senior team captain Dan Paine,
a two-time age-group All-Ameri-
can, ran the 10k and was its over-
all winner, clocking in at 36:32.
Teammate Cody Wilkes, just a
t?eshman, ran his first 5k and fin-
age group with a time of 21:03.
And veteran assistant coach
Peter O'Neil, a former British club
runner and currently among the
United States' top-ranked masters
at 800 meters, also ran the 5k. He
clocked in at the 20:13 mark to
win his age group and finish fifth
Led by an age-group All-Ameri- team Western Cascade
can and his distaff partner in all- and district competitor, of
conference distinction, the Climb- She's only a junior.
er cross-country team boasts qual- "Leah l,ang(lon was also
ity if not out-and-out quantity this trict comp('titor last yeaL
fall. turning for her
With just seven girls year. She was s 1
and ten guys on the ros- team all-league
ter, the Climbers can yar. =
ill afford to run afoul of "Gwen Milroy
injury or ineligibility also a district co ail}l
woes, concedes veteran t or- as a fresh;
coach Daryl White. She ws sick at th/i
All the same, he of the year and
says, he and veteran run in the leaguel
assistant Peter O'Neil but because the NBIa
are optimistic their qualified she waS
kids can compete well to run districts..k)/t
yet again in the West- have no doubt
ern Cascade Confer- mind if Gwen ,
ence, where last year have run last ye ia]m',
they commemorated would have either'
their inaugural sea- on that first or lll
son in the brand-new end team -- all-l
3A league by finishing team. She had a| ill,
divisions.Sec°nd in both gender freshman,,AND THEN iyear" / "
Coach White held rest of the girl
forth on his 2007 con- brand-new to €..,
tingent before last country. Kelsy .,1
week's traditional kins is coming 0.uTl
HuiTn'Pufftime trial, a senior, and I(,el 1
"BOYS-WISE," he a tall rl; she S
said, "Dan Paine will And she s been 1o0
be the senior team really good in pra
captain this year. He You know, she
was all-area last year like she's really ,1/I
and All-American two ing it, and it lo0qJD':
years in a row. Went me like she's go':
to state last year. He'll really help us
probably be our #1 guy, RETURNING ALL- year. ,/ ....
although there are oth- leaguers Dan Paine "And then Leaa
era. Luke (Pittman) (top) and Luke Pitt- a sister coming --,IL"
is certainly capable, man power through Alana Langdon,:'
if he's willing to chal- the Climbers' time freshman. And
lenge him. I'd like to trial last week. looking really g"
see that. practice. She loo ""
"But Dan's lookin' really strong, she has, you know, a little
He ran that 10k at Elms over the speed and endurance and
weekend; won that in 36:06. And like a tough kid. And I think
so he's looking really fit. gonna be a good one. ¢'
"Luke was second-team last "And Sarah "'s'
Brownstemni 1
year. He was llth place, so he was sister, Ariel, is also out for 4
first time
just one place out of making first- country for the 8
team, and he was a district com- she's also only a freshma
petitor last year. Ariel's working }lard right hogS._ 1
"Luke certainly has the poten- "And then Charissa Mora:! rla
tial to be agood runner. With him ran track last spring as a.f 0
he just needs - and it's kind of the man; lettered in track. Andes
same way on the track- he just coming out tbr cross-countl
needs toget his aggressiveness go- the first time. She-- --s only a s°1
ing and attack the cross-country more. ;
courses a little bit more. That'll "And, like I say: Those girl!
help him." all hard workers, but becaUl]
A SUB-TWO-MINUTE half- many 6]" them are first-year ¢ i
miler on the track, senior Pittman coun'try runners and they'( e
boasts the quickest turnover on to run'their firs! meet, you l i
we'll iust have to see hoV_t
the team. In that respect, noted come along. But, you know, itl
White, Luke's "definitely one of . . . . tjla
the faster guys, probably, in the working hard is any mdlca
league, think we'll see a lot of imp
"Then: Stephen Burns was a ment, and I think they'll dos I'
district competitor last year. He's job this year. l
a three-year letterman returning "]'HE ONLY NEGAT
for his senior year. And he kinds thr is the thct that we have }
turned it on during track last year girls and ten guys. I would !l'
and made some big strides, and to, you know, have at leas
we're hoping he'll do the same more boys come out so we |91
thing in cross-country now. have a jayvee team. And .
"Jerrod Maples was just one wise it would be nice to hav
place away from second-team least probably three or four.'"
Western Cascade Conference last girls, cuz if we have any inj
year. He had a good freshman year anything it's gonna be reall "'--" "y ,lll I
and really turned it on at the end with only seven girls on the
of the year. He was also a district right now." A'd7
competitor. He's a sophomore this OVERALL, said White, hv " Ilha,
year. So we're looking for good what he's seeing in this bunel' '-'
things from him. "One of the main ,thi :
"AND THEN WE have a lot of they're just super kids,"
new people that are looking good, they're trying hard.
and they're working hard in prac- I say, so many of them are.
tice. Tim Hollycross is a senior learning; they've never
the AD, call him weekdays at coming out for the first time ever. they're yet to run their
432-2124. 9/28 And Chris Banks is another st- country race. : A?t
l{htS nior coming out for the first time. "And we've got some g°8
nior leadership this -ear: I)a'l
noa,.,eha.,00 w. And you just never know about se- Luke have been doing a grea
10/17 niors.
L/ it;
"And then we have Cody Van with that. And Sarah withtbl
10/24 3p,m,: Sickle. Cody was a 400-meter has be,n doing a good job.l,/
There s a new game in town, 10/81 runner in track, but Cody's a re- you know, there may be ever ./
says city rec director Mark kids step up later on, v:he;
Ziegler. Dodgeball. ally strong kid, has lots of speed, more
get used to the whole thing." . q.
And now we just need to work, I ,.
"No,notthemean-spiritedgame think, on his endurance. And once Last week's time trial s
of grade school," he says, "but the he puts all that together I think veterans move up on the I "]'
recreational sport that you can he could become a very good cross- recordboard tbr the rough Y;
enjoy as an adult." country runner. He's a junior, mile test, by the way For the i
"And then we have three fresh- Dan, Luke and Steplen made ,
The game consists of two 40 times, and Gwen, Ala.:
teams of six players squaring off 10/2 men this year: Cassie Hildreth Kelsy all made the list for t
on a volleyball-sized court. The hasn't come out yet. Cody Wilkes time while ace Sarah moq,
"dodgeball" is an eight-inch foam is looking pretty good. He ran in yet again with a 9:18 clocki.,
ball with rubber coating so as not Elms and ran a 5k in 21:03, but, •
to sting or cause injury. The oh- you know, he's a hard worker and finds her in the top 10 all-tm"
are Dan and Luke. ' I
ject is pretty much what you re- looks like, you know, he's going to
member from your grade-school improve as the season goes. And HUFVN'P0FFTUETRlaL f
Boys - Dan Paine 7:16, LUke I tl
days. Chris Yando: It's the same thing; . . rrl .
you know, he's a freshman and 71341 Stoe2;eV/ilB:sn:384:loJy I
Interested? Registration dead- needs to get stronger. 12:01, Chris Banks 12:30 and Tin] r"'
line is September 14. Fees are "That's theguys'team. 13:03. 5"-
$20 per individual and $I00 per Girls-Sarah Btownstein 9:18,
team. "GIPJS-WISE, Sarah Brown- roy 9:49 Alana Langdon 9'50 KelSYt
stein's our top returner. She was 10:36, Leah Langdon 11:15, Ariel [rw"
Call the rec office at 432-5194 or
go to, a state competitor last year. First- 11:44 and Charissa Moran 1328. 1]
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 6, 2007 "|
In the absence of runaway numbers:
to Climber
LAST WEEK'S TRADITIONAL gut-buster, the Climber Huff'n'Puff Time
Trial, finds girls' state-veteran frontrunner Sarah Brownstein claiming
the finish line as coaches Daryl White (left) and Peter O'Neil record the
result for posterity (top) and then joining teammates Alana Langdon
(left) and Gwen Milroy moments later for a postrace cooldown.
'Pro-active' Harriers, coach place in Elma
coach due o cross-country Highclimb- ished sixth overall and first in his
Climberville will host a
nationally recognized coaching
authority next week.
"Proactive coach" Bruce
Brown will address students
during the school day Tues-
day, September 11, and then
that night the public will get
a chance to hear him in an ad-
dress that's set to begin at 6:30
in the Shelton High School Au-
Brown, who draws on more
than 35 years' experience as
a teacher, coach and athletic
administrator in all levels of
education, will speak on char-
acter-building and teaching the
values of "leadership, courage,
integrity, sportsmanship, hard
work and enthusiasm," to quote
Climber Athletic Director Bill
Hicks' promotional letter to the
Parents are encouraged to
attend the workshop portion
of the educator's presentation
without their middle- and high-
school-age children "in order to
get the full effect of Mr. Brown's
presentation," adds Hicks.
For more information, says
era and one of their coaches com-
peted in the Outlaw Days fun runs
two weekends ago in Elms.
Senior team captain Dan Paine,
a two-time age-group All-Ameri-
can, ran the 10k and was its over-
all winner, clocking in at 36:32.
Teammate Cody Wilkes, just a
t?eshman, ran his first 5k and fin-
age group with a time of 21:03.
And veteran assistant coach
Peter O'Neil, a former British club
runner and currently among the
United States' top-ranked masters
at 800 meters, also ran the 5k. He
clocked in at the 20:13 mark to
win his age group and finish fifth
Led by an age-group All-Ameri- team Western Cascade
can and his distaff partner in all- and district competitor, of
conference distinction, the Climb- She's only a junior.
er cross-country team boasts qual- "Leah l,ang(lon was also
ity if not out-and-out quantity this trict comp('titor last yeaL
fall. turning for her
With just seven girls year. She was s 1
and ten guys on the ros- team all-league
ter, the Climbers can yar. =
ill afford to run afoul of "Gwen Milroy
injury or ineligibility also a district co ail}l
woes, concedes veteran t or- as a fresh;
coach Daryl White. She ws sick at th/i
All the same, he of the year and
says, he and veteran run in the leaguel
assistant Peter O'Neil but because the NBIa
are optimistic their qualified she waS
kids can compete well to run districts..k)/t
yet again in the West- have no doubt
ern Cascade Confer- mind if Gwen ,
ence, where last year have run last ye ia]m',
they commemorated would have either'
their inaugural sea- on that first or lll
son in the brand-new end team -- all-l
3A league by finishing team. She had a| ill,
divisions.Sec°nd in both gender freshman,,AND THEN iyear" / "
Coach White held rest of the girl
forth on his 2007 con- brand-new to €..,
tingent before last country. Kelsy .,1
week's traditional kins is coming 0.uTl
HuiTn'Pufftime trial, a senior, and I(,el 1
"BOYS-WISE," he a tall rl; she S
said, "Dan Paine will And she s been 1o0
be the senior team really good in pra
captain this year. He You know, she
was all-area last year like she's really ,1/I
and All-American two ing it, and it lo0qJD':
years in a row. Went me like she's go':
to state last year. He'll really help us
probably be our #1 guy, RETURNING ALL- year. ,/ ....
although there are oth- leaguers Dan Paine "And then Leaa
era. Luke (Pittman) (top) and Luke Pitt- a sister coming --,IL"
is certainly capable, man power through Alana Langdon,:'
if he's willing to chal- the Climbers' time freshman. And
lenge him. I'd like to trial last week. looking really g"
see that. practice. She loo ""
"But Dan's lookin' really strong, she has, you know, a little
He ran that 10k at Elms over the speed and endurance and
weekend; won that in 36:06. And like a tough kid. And I think
so he's looking really fit. gonna be a good one. ¢'
"Luke was second-team last "And Sarah "'s'
Brownstemni 1
year. He was llth place, so he was sister, Ariel, is also out for 4
first time
just one place out of making first- country for the 8
team, and he was a district com- she's also only a freshma
petitor last year. Ariel's working }lard right hogS._ 1
"Luke certainly has the poten- "And then Charissa Mora:! rla
tial to be agood runner. With him ran track last spring as a.f 0
he just needs - and it's kind of the man; lettered in track. Andes
same way on the track- he just coming out tbr cross-countl
needs toget his aggressiveness go- the first time. She-- --s only a s°1
ing and attack the cross-country more. ;
courses a little bit more. That'll "And, like I say: Those girl!
help him." all hard workers, but becaUl]
A SUB-TWO-MINUTE half- many 6]" them are first-year ¢ i
miler on the track, senior Pittman coun'try runners and they'( e
boasts the quickest turnover on to run'their firs! meet, you l i
we'll iust have to see hoV_t
the team. In that respect, noted come along. But, you know, itl
White, Luke's "definitely one of . . . . tjla
the faster guys, probably, in the working hard is any mdlca
league, think we'll see a lot of imp
"Then: Stephen Burns was a ment, and I think they'll dos I'
district competitor last year. He's job this year. l
a three-year letterman returning "]'HE ONLY NEGAT
for his senior year. And he kinds thr is the thct that we have }
turned it on during track last year girls and ten guys. I would !l'
and made some big strides, and to, you know, have at leas
we're hoping he'll do the same more boys come out so we |91
thing in cross-country now. have a jayvee team. And .
"Jerrod Maples was just one wise it would be nice to hav
place away from second-team least probably three or four.'"
Western Cascade Conference last girls, cuz if we have any inj
year. He had a good freshman year anything it's gonna be reall "'--" "y ,lll I
and really turned it on at the end with only seven girls on the
of the year. He was also a district right now." A'd7
competitor. He's a sophomore this OVERALL, said White, hv " Ilha,
year. So we're looking for good what he's seeing in this bunel' '-'
things from him. "One of the main ,thi :
"AND THEN WE have a lot of they're just super kids,"
new people that are looking good, they're trying hard.
and they're working hard in prac- I say, so many of them are.
tice. Tim Hollycross is a senior learning; they've never
the AD, call him weekdays at coming out for the first time ever. they're yet to run their
432-2124. 9/28 And Chris Banks is another st- country race. : A?t
l{htS nior coming out for the first time. "And we've got some g°8
nior leadership this -ear: I)a'l
noa,.,eha.,00 w. And you just never know about se- Luke have been doing a grea
10/17 niors.
L/ it;
"And then we have Cody Van with that. And Sarah withtbl
10/24 3p,m,: Sickle. Cody was a 400-meter has be,n doing a good job.l,/
There s a new game in town, 10/81 runner in track, but Cody's a re- you know, there may be ever ./
says city rec director Mark kids step up later on, v:he;
Ziegler. Dodgeball. ally strong kid, has lots of speed, more
get used to the whole thing." . q.
And now we just need to work, I ,.
"No,notthemean-spiritedgame think, on his endurance. And once Last week's time trial s
of grade school," he says, "but the he puts all that together I think veterans move up on the I "]'
recreational sport that you can he could become a very good cross- recordboard tbr the rough Y;
enjoy as an adult." country runner. He's a junior, mile test, by the way For the i
"And then we have three fresh- Dan, Luke and Steplen made ,
The game consists of two 40 times, and Gwen, Ala.:
teams of six players squaring off 10/2 men this year: Cassie Hildreth Kelsy all made the list for t
on a volleyball-sized court. The hasn't come out yet. Cody Wilkes time while ace Sarah moq,
"dodgeball" is an eight-inch foam is looking pretty good. He ran in yet again with a 9:18 clocki.,
ball with rubber coating so as not Elms and ran a 5k in 21:03, but, •
to sting or cause injury. The oh- you know, he's a hard worker and finds her in the top 10 all-tm"
are Dan and Luke. ' I
ject is pretty much what you re- looks like, you know, he's going to
member from your grade-school improve as the season goes. And HUFVN'P0FFTUETRlaL f
Boys - Dan Paine 7:16, LUke I tl
days. Chris Yando: It's the same thing; . . rrl .
you know, he's a freshman and 71341 Stoe2;eV/ilB:sn:384:loJy I
Interested? Registration dead- needs to get stronger. 12:01, Chris Banks 12:30 and Tin] r"'
line is September 14. Fees are "That's theguys'team. 13:03. 5"-
$20 per individual and $I00 per Girls-Sarah Btownstein 9:18,
team. "GIPJS-WISE, Sarah Brown- roy 9:49 Alana Langdon 9'50 KelSYt
stein's our top returner. She was 10:36, Leah Langdon 11:15, Ariel [rw"
Call the rec office at 432-5194 or
go to, a state competitor last year. First- 11:44 and Charissa Moran 1328. 1]
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 6, 2007 "|