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September 6, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 2007
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SPORTS FOOTBALL w OPPONENT LOCATION TIME : 1/07 Columbia River Shelton High 7:00 PM ./07 Renton Renton High 7:00 PM i Lakes Harry Lang Std 7:00 PM Wilson Stadium Bowl 7:00 PM North Thurston Shelton High 7:00 PM Timberline South Sound Std 7:00 PM Capital (C Team) Shelton High 6:00 PM Yelm Shelton High 7:00 PM e'07 Clover Park Harry Lang Std 7:00 PM 07 Capital Shelton High 7:00 PM VOLLEYBALL '  1 OPPONENT LOCATION TIME ]V07 Tumwater Jamboree Tumwater High 9:00 AM 07 Central Kitsap C Kitsap High 6:30 PM lW¢0 7 Kings West Jam. (JV) Kitsap Pavilion 4d)0 PM .q7 North Mason N Mason High 7:00 PM 7 North Thurston Shelton High 6:45 PM EI S/07 Yelm Tournament Yelm High 9:00 AM Yelm Shelton High 6:45 PM Timberline Timberline High 6:45 PM Centralia Centralia High 9:00 AM Capital Shelton High 6:45 PM Clover Park Clover Park High 6:45 PM Olympic (JV) Olympic HS 9:00 AM Lakes Lakes High 6:45 PM North Thurston N. Thurston High 6:45 PM Yelm Yelm High 6:45 PM Shelton C Tourney Shelton High 9:00 AM Timberline Shelton High 6:45 PM Capital Capital High 6:45 PM Black Hills JV Trnt Black Hills High 9:00 AM Clover Park Shelton High 6:45 PM Lakes Shelton High 6:45 PM 1. 07 07 f,000 119107 Z0007 1/07 GIRLS' SWIMMING OPPONENT LOCATION TIME League Relays Clover Park High 4:00 PM Olympia Shelton High 4:00 PM North Thurston N. Thurston High 4:00 PM Centralia Shelton High 4:00 PM Capital Shelton High 4:00 PM Lakes Lakes High 4:00 PM Yelm Yelm High 4:00 PM Timberline Shelton High 4:00 PM District Diving Hazen High 10:30 AM District Hazen High 10:30 AM State King County Aq.Ctr. 9:00 AM 1/07 1107 GIRLS' SOCCER OPPONENT LOCATION TIME Jamboree Tumwater Stadium 9:30 AM Black Hills Tumwater Stadium 6:30 PM Tumwater Shelton High 7:00 PM Clover Park Harry Lang Stadium 7:00 PM Bremerton Shelton High 7d)0 PM North Thurston S. Sound Stadium 6:00 PM Timberline Shelton High 7:00 PM Lakes Shelton High 7:00 PM Capital Capital High 7:00 PM Yelm Yelm High 7:00 PM Clover Park Shelton High 7:00 PM Olympic Shelton High 7:00 PM North Thurston Shelton High 7:00 PM Timberline South Sound Stadium 6:00 PM Lakes Harry Lang Stadium 7:00 PM Capital Shelton High 7:00 PM Yelm Shelton High 7:00 PM CROSS-COUNTRY OPPONENT LOCATION 7 Bremerton Shelton High 07 07 Capital Invite Capital High WCC Preview Capital High /rg07 Salt Creek Invite Salt Creek/PA /07 N. Thurston N. Thurston High 07 Mt. West Invite Missoula, Montana /.07 Timberline St. Martin's 7 North Thurston Shelton High 07 Hoquiam Invite Hoquiam High 077 Lakes Ft. Steilacoom /7 League Ft Steilacoom District American Lake .10/07 State Sun Willows, Pasco BOYS' GOLF OPPONENT LOCATION i8j07 Aberdeen Alderbrook WCC Jamboree Tahoma Valley mvTI07 Elma Alderbrook GC .07 Timberline Capital City 1/07 River Ridge Alderbrook lq7 Lakes Oak Brook Golf 7 North Thurston Alderbrook 07 Capital Alderbrook ! 07 Clover Park Meadow Park 7 Yelm High Alderbrook 17 WCC Tournament Tumwater Valley BOYS' TENNIS OPPONENT North Thurston Lakes Yelm Timberline North Kitsapl Capital Clover Park North Thurston Lakes Yelm Timberline Capital Clover Park Bremerton LOCATION N. Thurston High Shelton High Shelton High Timberline High NKHS Capital High Shelton High Shelton High Lakes High Yelm High Shelton High Shelton High Clover Park High Shelton High TIME 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM TIME 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM TBA TIME 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4..00 PM 3:30 PM CLIMBER VOLLEYBALL'S VARSITY girls of '07: In front from left are Jessica Janda, Carissa Krumpols, Michelle Davis, Annie "Animal" John- son and Jessica Scovill. Back: Marissa Hill, Courtney White, Michelle Christy and Briana McKinley. Not pictured is Jaci Roaf. After Aurora: Spike girls ready for AA Long in the tooth and short in the saddle? One outta two ain't bad in Climber Spikedom this week as Shelton High School's rebuilding spike girls look to find life AA, or "After Aurora." With only two seniors back from the team that just missed the postseason last year despite the dominance of since-graduated six- foot-two first-team all-leaguer Au- rora Dike, this year's Climber con- tigent hardly qualifies as tested, much less long in the tooth. Ah, but vertical challenge they've got in abundance. "Yeah, we don't have a lotta height," says coach Steve Morgan, the Climbers' long-time jayvee mentor now in his second term as head coach. He laughs all the same. "But we do have a lot of nat- ural athleticism." HIS RETURNING mainstays from a year ago, says Morgan, in- clude seniors Carissa Krumpols and Marissa Hill and junior Annie Johnson. "Carissa's my #1 setter," he says, "and Marissa's gonna hit some opposite and middle; she'll probably come off the spot. And Annie was a starter for me last year, as a sophomore." Back as well, says Coach, though they played sparingly with the varsity last fall, are juniors Jes- sica Janda and Briana McKinley. And up from jayvee duty a year ago are classmates Jessica Scovill, Courtney White and Jaci Roar. "And then we have a sopho- more, Michelle Davis, and a fresh- man, Michelle Christy." Tallest of the bunch, at maybe 5-10 or so, are Hill and White probably, adds Coach. "That's the story of my team, is they're pretty small," he says. AND HOW SERIOUS a prob- lem is it? In high school the game 'We tend to get maybe a little too goofy..: is really all about return of service, isn't it? "Absolutely," says Morgan. 'Teah. And that's what I'm really trying to concentrate on this year, is defense - is not letting the ball hit the ground. And that's one of the keys of the game, is not letting the ball hit the ground. "You don't have to pound it like other teams, but you have to fight it out." And wait for your opponent to make a mistake? "Yeah," says Coach. "Volleyball is a game of mistakes. And who- ever makes less mistakes wins. You don't wanna give 'em free points by missing serves or not being in the right spot defensively. And I've really been harping on that: Defense will win. "If we're going to be successful we have to play defense. And if we don't play defense we're going to get beat by the taller teams. "STRICTLY TALENTWISE, we're not at the top of the league. You know, we're kind of rebuild- ing. But we have girls that are gritty and gutty. And, as you saw, they hustle and are aggressive - and they're natural athletes. But they're not naturally volleyball players. And so we're working on that. "So, I think we'll be okay if we can play defense and get that mindset that if nothing hits the ground we'll be okay. Then our hits will come around. Because we hit well enough to score, but we don't have a six-one girl or anything like that that's gonna pound the ball like Aurora did last year." He laughs ruefully. "When she hit the ball," he says, "- and it was a good set - the point was over." MORGAN'S COACHING staff this fall includes recently retired longtime varsity mentor Steve Beck, back as jayvee coach after helping out his 01d friend in that capacity last year, and taking the C-team reins this season is former Climber all-leaguer and ex colle- giate basketball star Liz (deWaal- Malefyt) Canright. "I'm so glad to have her in the program," says Morgan. "She's a great influence for the girls - as a (Please turn to page 24.) CLIMBER DANCE TEAM members pose last week following their an- nual USA Camp ribbon haul August 10-13. From left in front are team captain Halley Hinkle and cocaptain Ellen Vail. Second row: Hannah Lidington, Brooke Wuolle, Danielle Ramirez, Jeannie Anderson, Ash- lee Barham, Nicole Neff and Jenny Johnson. Back: Holly Hall, Melissa Morini, Brittanee Mills, Addle Bullamore, Stephanie Morlock, Emily Del Bosque, Alyssa Smith and Jennifer Rex. Not pictured is cocaptain Devin Woerner. The Climbers earned a teamwise "Superior" rating for their camp routine plus individual awards including 32 blue ribbons and four reds and then topped things off' with both the camp "Spirit Stick" repre- sentative of overall enthusiasm and the camp's "Hardest Working Team" award. Five of the girls made it to the finals of the camp's "Super Sensa- tional" competition: Hinkle, Vail, Lidington, Smith and Johnson. Thursday, September 6, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23 SPORTS FOOTBALL w OPPONENT LOCATION TIME : 1/07 Columbia River Shelton High 7:00 PM ./07 Renton Renton High 7:00 PM i Lakes Harry Lang Std 7:00 PM Wilson Stadium Bowl 7:00 PM North Thurston Shelton High 7:00 PM Timberline South Sound Std 7:00 PM Capital (C Team) Shelton High 6:00 PM Yelm Shelton High 7:00 PM e'07 Clover Park Harry Lang Std 7:00 PM 07 Capital Shelton High 7:00 PM VOLLEYBALL '  1 OPPONENT LOCATION TIME ]V07 Tumwater Jamboree Tumwater High 9:00 AM 07 Central Kitsap C Kitsap High 6:30 PM lW¢0 7 Kings West Jam. (JV) Kitsap Pavilion 4d)0 PM .q7 North Mason N Mason High 7:00 PM 7 North Thurston Shelton High 6:45 PM EI S/07 Yelm Tournament Yelm High 9:00 AM Yelm Shelton High 6:45 PM Timberline Timberline High 6:45 PM Centralia Centralia High 9:00 AM Capital Shelton High 6:45 PM Clover Park Clover Park High 6:45 PM Olympic (JV) Olympic HS 9:00 AM Lakes Lakes High 6:45 PM North Thurston N. Thurston High 6:45 PM Yelm Yelm High 6:45 PM Shelton C Tourney Shelton High 9:00 AM Timberline Shelton High 6:45 PM Capital Capital High 6:45 PM Black Hills JV Trnt Black Hills High 9:00 AM Clover Park Shelton High 6:45 PM Lakes Shelton High 6:45 PM 1. 07 07 f,000 119107 Z0007 1/07 GIRLS' SWIMMING OPPONENT LOCATION TIME League Relays Clover Park High 4:00 PM Olympia Shelton High 4:00 PM North Thurston N. Thurston High 4:00 PM Centralia Shelton High 4:00 PM Capital Shelton High 4:00 PM Lakes Lakes High 4:00 PM Yelm Yelm High 4:00 PM Timberline Shelton High 4:00 PM District Diving Hazen High 10:30 AM District Hazen High 10:30 AM State King County Aq.Ctr. 9:00 AM 1/07 1107 GIRLS' SOCCER OPPONENT LOCATION TIME Jamboree Tumwater Stadium 9:30 AM Black Hills Tumwater Stadium 6:30 PM Tumwater Shelton High 7:00 PM Clover Park Harry Lang Stadium 7:00 PM Bremerton Shelton High 7d)0 PM North Thurston S. Sound Stadium 6:00 PM Timberline Shelton High 7:00 PM Lakes Shelton High 7:00 PM Capital Capital High 7:00 PM Yelm Yelm High 7:00 PM Clover Park Shelton High 7:00 PM Olympic Shelton High 7:00 PM North Thurston Shelton High 7:00 PM Timberline South Sound Stadium 6:00 PM Lakes Harry Lang Stadium 7:00 PM Capital Shelton High 7:00 PM Yelm Shelton High 7:00 PM CROSS-COUNTRY OPPONENT LOCATION 7 Bremerton Shelton High 07 07 Capital Invite Capital High WCC Preview Capital High /rg07 Salt Creek Invite Salt Creek/PA /07 N. Thurston N. Thurston High 07 Mt. West Invite Missoula, Montana /.07 Timberline St. Martin's 7 North Thurston Shelton High 07 Hoquiam Invite Hoquiam High 077 Lakes Ft. Steilacoom /7 League Ft Steilacoom District American Lake .10/07 State Sun Willows, Pasco BOYS' GOLF OPPONENT LOCATION i8j07 Aberdeen Alderbrook WCC Jamboree Tahoma Valley mvTI07 Elma Alderbrook GC .07 Timberline Capital City 1/07 River Ridge Alderbrook lq7 Lakes Oak Brook Golf 7 North Thurston Alderbrook 07 Capital Alderbrook ! 07 Clover Park Meadow Park 7 Yelm High Alderbrook 17 WCC Tournament Tumwater Valley BOYS' TENNIS OPPONENT North Thurston Lakes Yelm Timberline North Kitsapl Capital Clover Park North Thurston Lakes Yelm Timberline Capital Clover Park Bremerton LOCATION N. Thurston High Shelton High Shelton High Timberline High NKHS Capital High Shelton High Shelton High Lakes High Yelm High Shelton High Shelton High Clover Park High Shelton High TIME 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM TIME 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM TBA TIME 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4..00 PM 3:30 PM CLIMBER VOLLEYBALL'S VARSITY girls of '07: In front from left are Jessica Janda, Carissa Krumpols, Michelle Davis, Annie "Animal" John- son and Jessica Scovill. Back: Marissa Hill, Courtney White, Michelle Christy and Briana McKinley. Not pictured is Jaci Roaf. After Aurora: Spike girls ready for AA Long in the tooth and short in the saddle? One outta two ain't bad in Climber Spikedom this week as Shelton High School's rebuilding spike girls look to find life AA, or "After Aurora." With only two seniors back from the team that just missed the postseason last year despite the dominance of since-graduated six- foot-two first-team all-leaguer Au- rora Dike, this year's Climber con- tigent hardly qualifies as tested, much less long in the tooth. Ah, but vertical challenge they've got in abundance. "Yeah, we don't have a lotta height," says coach Steve Morgan, the Climbers' long-time jayvee mentor now in his second term as head coach. He laughs all the same. "But we do have a lot of nat- ural athleticism." HIS RETURNING mainstays from a year ago, says Morgan, in- clude seniors Carissa Krumpols and Marissa Hill and junior Annie Johnson. "Carissa's my #1 setter," he says, "and Marissa's gonna hit some opposite and middle; she'll probably come off the spot. And Annie was a starter for me last year, as a sophomore." Back as well, says Coach, though they played sparingly with the varsity last fall, are juniors Jes- sica Janda and Briana McKinley. And up from jayvee duty a year ago are classmates Jessica Scovill, Courtney White and Jaci Roar. "And then we have a sopho- more, Michelle Davis, and a fresh- man, Michelle Christy." Tallest of the bunch, at maybe 5-10 or so, are Hill and White probably, adds Coach. "That's the story of my team, is they're pretty small," he says. AND HOW SERIOUS a prob- lem is it? In high school the game 'We tend to get maybe a little too goofy..: is really all about return of service, isn't it? "Absolutely," says Morgan. 'Teah. And that's what I'm really trying to concentrate on this year, is defense - is not letting the ball hit the ground. And that's one of the keys of the game, is not letting the ball hit the ground. "You don't have to pound it like other teams, but you have to fight it out." And wait for your opponent to make a mistake? "Yeah," says Coach. "Volleyball is a game of mistakes. And who- ever makes less mistakes wins. You don't wanna give 'em free points by missing serves or not being in the right spot defensively. And I've really been harping on that: Defense will win. "If we're going to be successful we have to play defense. And if we don't play defense we're going to get beat by the taller teams. "STRICTLY TALENTWISE, we're not at the top of the league. You know, we're kind of rebuild- ing. But we have girls that are gritty and gutty. And, as you saw, they hustle and are aggressive - and they're natural athletes. But they're not naturally volleyball players. And so we're working on that. "So, I think we'll be okay if we can play defense and get that mindset that if nothing hits the ground we'll be okay. Then our hits will come around. Because we hit well enough to score, but we don't have a six-one girl or anything like that that's gonna pound the ball like Aurora did last year." He laughs ruefully. "When she hit the ball," he says, "- and it was a good set - the point was over." MORGAN'S COACHING staff this fall includes recently retired longtime varsity mentor Steve Beck, back as jayvee coach after helping out his 01d friend in that capacity last year, and taking the C-team reins this season is former Climber all-leaguer and ex colle- giate basketball star Liz (deWaal- Malefyt) Canright. "I'm so glad to have her in the program," says Morgan. "She's a great influence for the girls - as a (Please turn to page 24.) CLIMBER DANCE TEAM members pose last week following their an- nual USA Camp ribbon haul August 10-13. From left in front are team captain Halley Hinkle and cocaptain Ellen Vail. Second row: Hannah Lidington, Brooke Wuolle, Danielle Ramirez, Jeannie Anderson, Ash- lee Barham, Nicole Neff and Jenny Johnson. Back: Holly Hall, Melissa Morini, Brittanee Mills, Addle Bullamore, Stephanie Morlock, Emily Del Bosque, Alyssa Smith and Jennifer Rex. Not pictured is cocaptain Devin Woerner. The Climbers earned a teamwise "Superior" rating for their camp routine plus individual awards including 32 blue ribbons and four reds and then topped things off' with both the camp "Spirit Stick" repre- sentative of overall enthusiasm and the camp's "Hardest Working Team" award. Five of the girls made it to the finals of the camp's "Super Sensa- tional" competition: Hinkle, Vail, Lidington, Smith and Johnson. Thursday, September 6, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23