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September 6, 2007 |
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Bulldogs blasted in
first game of season
The Bulldogs got bit badly this
past week in their season opener
on the road against South Whid-
It was only a matter of minutes
before the Bulldogs found them-
selves down by a score of 0-21 in
the, first quarter. The final, was a
disappointing 14-48 loss.
The South Whidbey Falcons
scored on their first possession
and capitalized on two North Ma-
son fumbles to score touchdowns.
North Mason got on the board
in the first quarter with an 18-
yard pass from Daniel Baker to
Rocky Guimont, who also success-
fully kicked the extra point.
South Whidbey went into the
half' with 34-7 lead. North Mason
earned one more touchdown in the
fourth quarter on a 12-yard run by
Gary Winslow. Guimont, again,
made the extra point.
The Bulldogs will now face
Olympic High School at home on
Friday night. The game is set to
begin at 7 p.m.
Crab reports are due
by middle of month
(Continued from page 1.)
managers more accurate informa-
tion about the recreational crab
catch during the course of the sea-
son, said Rich Childers, shellfish
policy coordinator for WDFW.
"This fishery is becoming more
popular every year, which makes it
more important than ever that we
track the catch closely throughout
the season," Childers said. "The
new mid-season catch report will
help us do that by providing a
much clearer picture of the catch-
Childers added that those new
catch reports will help fishery
managers determine how much
crab may still be available for
harvest in fall and winter fisher-
ies under catch quotas for specific
areas of Puget Sound.
EIGHT AREAS of Puget Sound
were closed to crab fishing on Sep-
tember 3 during a summer catch
assessment, including marine
areas 6 (eastern Strait of Juan
de Fuca), 7 South (San Juan Is-
lands), 8-1 (Deception Pass to East
Point), 8-2 (East Point to Posses-
sion Point), 9 (Admiralty Inlet), 10
(Seattle/Bremerton), 11 (Tacoma/
Vashon) and 12 (Hood Canal).
Meanwhile, crab fishing is
scheduled to remain open in ma-
rine areas 7E and 7N (east and
north of the San Juan Islands)
Wednesdays through Saturdays
each week through September
29. Three other marine areas -4
and 5 in the Strait of Juan de
Fuca and 13 in southern Puget
Sound - are scheduled to remain
open seven days per week through
January 2.
Even if they continue to fish in
an open area, all crabbers licensed
to catch Dungeness crab in Puget
Sound are required to submit their
summer catch report by Septem-
ber 15, Childers said.
catch reports, sport crabbers can
play an important role in the man-
agement of the Puget Sound crab
fishery," Childers said. "It's im-
portant that we hear from every-
one - including those who haven't
caught crab so far this year - be-
cause that intbrmation is part of'
the equation."
For more infbrmation about rec-
reational crabbing in Puget Sound
visit the WDFW Web site.
Hamma Hamma to be
site of forest field day
(Continued from page 3.) son/Jefferson county line, at the USDA Forest Service-Cooperatiw
been in continuous family own- Hamma Hamma River Bridge. Forestry, Sustainable Forestry
ership since the late 1800s. The Large yellow signs will mark the Initiative, American Tree Farm
property is a long-time Certified entrance. The family also operates Program, Family Forest Founda-
adjacent shellfish
Tree Farm in the American Tree an business ............
rlon, wasnlngon farm forestry
Farm System. The location is just which event participants are in-
Assoclahon, Socmty of American
off U.S. Highway 101 at Milepost vited to tour. " " " • "
320, approximately25 miles north Event sponsors are: Washing- Foresters, the Hamma Hamma
of Shelton, just south of the Ma- ton State University Extension, Company and DNR.
Salmon center event set for
September, 22 in Bremerton
(Continued from page 1.) mission Chairman Billy Frank Jr., The vublic is invited to attend
includes Oregon Department of Washington Department of Fish the event honoring the five natal-
Fish and Wildlife Program Man- and Wildlife Director Jeff Koen- noes. Seating is limited; tickets are
ager Charles Corrarino, Con- ings and Washington Salmon Re- $55 and can be obtained by call-
gressman Norm Dicks (D-Belfair), covery Funding Board Chairman ing the Pacific Northwest Salmon
Northwest Indian Fisheries Cam- Bill Ruckelshaus. Center at 360-275-2763.
Steelhead comments due September I0
Residents have until the end of ment on a draft environmental comments on the draft EIS re-
the day on September 10 to corn- impact statement. (DEIS) on a ceived in writing through Septem-
new statewide steelhead manage- ber 10 at 5 p.m., as well as those
• -- • -- • ment plan being developed by the received at public meetings sched-
Washington Department of Fish 1 ro e te W ] en
| 1-1'1 - lC u ed a und th sta . r'tt
,LJ&-TP& &Ik.s & and Wildlife (WDFW). comments should be addressed to
. The department is extending its ,F, PA/TqPA aarr]inntnr R.po
comment permd by 11 days after
nl latory Services Section, Habitat
K, h, K,&J.. J. receiving several requests by citi- Prnrrm Rfl Cnltal W., ]'arth
" ""1 zens for more time to review the -- ........... ....... .......
land deal
(Continued from page 1.)
as the site of a world-class aquatic
center that Allyn residents have
been pursuing.
The school board also unani-
mously approved a $19-million
general fund budget for the up-
coming year during last week's
Prior to approving the new
budget, the board asked that two
previously discussed cuts in the
budget -$3,000 from the music
department and $15,000 for a bus
purchase fund - not be included
in the final version. Superinten-
dent Peterson told the board that
the change could be made without
making cuts elsewhere in the bud-
Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-c0nstructi0n and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
uc #JESFII*228DO
draft EIS, said Jim Buck, state-
wide steelhead EIS manager for
scheduled for action by the commis-
sion next February, will provide
policy guidance for development
of regional steelhead management
plans that support salmon recov-
ery plans around the state.
Both the draft EIS and the cur-
rent draft steelhead management
plan are posted on WDFW's Web
site at
WDFW will consider public
Olympia, WA 98501.
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor CounO'
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Sheiton
Call now for details (360) 277-0739
23554 NE State Route 3 • Belfair
An Education for Life...
Quality Individualized
All-Day Kindergarten
1st and 2nd Grade
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, September 6, 2007
Allyn View RV.Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
SOUND VIEWS! We invite you to join us flt
beachWalk to shopping,& restaurants. Sund, ayFamilyW°rshipka,,,
10 a.m. Sunday School Pro,,-- [
13601 275-3120 280E. Whcciwright SI.,AIIyn I
Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Re
Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone
Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains ° Foundation DigoutS
Misc. Clearing • Gravel • Perc Holes ° Designs Available
Puaet SoUnd
si&e 1969
338 N. Callow * Bremon
Breezy Wendy's ;
CL0 FSray, Sept. 7,2pm_" i
Saturday, Sept. 8 All day .|i'
-- To b determined ,'
Sunday, Sept. 9
Next to Re,d Realty, Belfair
10% of sales go for a
No one ever thinks it can happen to them.
• . . but if your life ended
• Would your family hove adequate finances to keep them supported?
• Would enough debts be paid off to keep your famity in their current he nte'
• Would there be enough left over to pay for the things you expected to
Linda Skogstad, CMFC
Financial Advisor, (Linda LOVES P e°v'e) "J
10 NE Creelman Lane, Suite B
PO Box 1979, Belfair, WA 98528
(360) 275-1141 Fax (360) 275-1151,,,
Bulldogs blasted in
first game of season
The Bulldogs got bit badly this
past week in their season opener
on the road against South Whid-
It was only a matter of minutes
before the Bulldogs found them-
selves down by a score of 0-21 in
the, first quarter. The final, was a
disappointing 14-48 loss.
The South Whidbey Falcons
scored on their first possession
and capitalized on two North Ma-
son fumbles to score touchdowns.
North Mason got on the board
in the first quarter with an 18-
yard pass from Daniel Baker to
Rocky Guimont, who also success-
fully kicked the extra point.
South Whidbey went into the
half' with 34-7 lead. North Mason
earned one more touchdown in the
fourth quarter on a 12-yard run by
Gary Winslow. Guimont, again,
made the extra point.
The Bulldogs will now face
Olympic High School at home on
Friday night. The game is set to
begin at 7 p.m.
Crab reports are due
by middle of month
(Continued from page 1.)
managers more accurate informa-
tion about the recreational crab
catch during the course of the sea-
son, said Rich Childers, shellfish
policy coordinator for WDFW.
"This fishery is becoming more
popular every year, which makes it
more important than ever that we
track the catch closely throughout
the season," Childers said. "The
new mid-season catch report will
help us do that by providing a
much clearer picture of the catch-
Childers added that those new
catch reports will help fishery
managers determine how much
crab may still be available for
harvest in fall and winter fisher-
ies under catch quotas for specific
areas of Puget Sound.
EIGHT AREAS of Puget Sound
were closed to crab fishing on Sep-
tember 3 during a summer catch
assessment, including marine
areas 6 (eastern Strait of Juan
de Fuca), 7 South (San Juan Is-
lands), 8-1 (Deception Pass to East
Point), 8-2 (East Point to Posses-
sion Point), 9 (Admiralty Inlet), 10
(Seattle/Bremerton), 11 (Tacoma/
Vashon) and 12 (Hood Canal).
Meanwhile, crab fishing is
scheduled to remain open in ma-
rine areas 7E and 7N (east and
north of the San Juan Islands)
Wednesdays through Saturdays
each week through September
29. Three other marine areas -4
and 5 in the Strait of Juan de
Fuca and 13 in southern Puget
Sound - are scheduled to remain
open seven days per week through
January 2.
Even if they continue to fish in
an open area, all crabbers licensed
to catch Dungeness crab in Puget
Sound are required to submit their
summer catch report by Septem-
ber 15, Childers said.
catch reports, sport crabbers can
play an important role in the man-
agement of the Puget Sound crab
fishery," Childers said. "It's im-
portant that we hear from every-
one - including those who haven't
caught crab so far this year - be-
cause that intbrmation is part of'
the equation."
For more infbrmation about rec-
reational crabbing in Puget Sound
visit the WDFW Web site.
Hamma Hamma to be
site of forest field day
(Continued from page 3.) son/Jefferson county line, at the USDA Forest Service-Cooperatiw
been in continuous family own- Hamma Hamma River Bridge. Forestry, Sustainable Forestry
ership since the late 1800s. The Large yellow signs will mark the Initiative, American Tree Farm
property is a long-time Certified entrance. The family also operates Program, Family Forest Founda-
adjacent shellfish
Tree Farm in the American Tree an business ............
rlon, wasnlngon farm forestry
Farm System. The location is just which event participants are in-
Assoclahon, Socmty of American
off U.S. Highway 101 at Milepost vited to tour. " " " • "
320, approximately25 miles north Event sponsors are: Washing- Foresters, the Hamma Hamma
of Shelton, just south of the Ma- ton State University Extension, Company and DNR.
Salmon center event set for
September, 22 in Bremerton
(Continued from page 1.) mission Chairman Billy Frank Jr., The vublic is invited to attend
includes Oregon Department of Washington Department of Fish the event honoring the five natal-
Fish and Wildlife Program Man- and Wildlife Director Jeff Koen- noes. Seating is limited; tickets are
ager Charles Corrarino, Con- ings and Washington Salmon Re- $55 and can be obtained by call-
gressman Norm Dicks (D-Belfair), covery Funding Board Chairman ing the Pacific Northwest Salmon
Northwest Indian Fisheries Cam- Bill Ruckelshaus. Center at 360-275-2763.
Steelhead comments due September I0
Residents have until the end of ment on a draft environmental comments on the draft EIS re-
the day on September 10 to corn- impact statement. (DEIS) on a ceived in writing through Septem-
new statewide steelhead manage- ber 10 at 5 p.m., as well as those
• -- • -- • ment plan being developed by the received at public meetings sched-
Washington Department of Fish 1 ro e te W ] en
| 1-1'1 - lC u ed a und th sta . r'tt
,LJ&-TP& &Ik.s & and Wildlife (WDFW). comments should be addressed to
. The department is extending its ,F, PA/TqPA aarr]inntnr R.po
comment permd by 11 days after
nl latory Services Section, Habitat
K, h, K,&J.. J. receiving several requests by citi- Prnrrm Rfl Cnltal W., ]'arth
" ""1 zens for more time to review the -- ........... ....... .......
land deal
(Continued from page 1.)
as the site of a world-class aquatic
center that Allyn residents have
been pursuing.
The school board also unani-
mously approved a $19-million
general fund budget for the up-
coming year during last week's
Prior to approving the new
budget, the board asked that two
previously discussed cuts in the
budget -$3,000 from the music
department and $15,000 for a bus
purchase fund - not be included
in the final version. Superinten-
dent Peterson told the board that
the change could be made without
making cuts elsewhere in the bud-
Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-c0nstructi0n and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
uc #JESFII*228DO
draft EIS, said Jim Buck, state-
wide steelhead EIS manager for
scheduled for action by the commis-
sion next February, will provide
policy guidance for development
of regional steelhead management
plans that support salmon recov-
ery plans around the state.
Both the draft EIS and the cur-
rent draft steelhead management
plan are posted on WDFW's Web
site at
WDFW will consider public
Olympia, WA 98501.
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor CounO'
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Sheiton
Call now for details (360) 277-0739
23554 NE State Route 3 • Belfair
An Education for Life...
Quality Individualized
All-Day Kindergarten
1st and 2nd Grade
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, September 6, 2007
Allyn View RV.Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
SOUND VIEWS! We invite you to join us flt
beachWalk to shopping,& restaurants. Sund, ayFamilyW°rshipka,,,
10 a.m. Sunday School Pro,,-- [
13601 275-3120 280E. Whcciwright SI.,AIIyn I
Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Re
Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone
Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains ° Foundation DigoutS
Misc. Clearing • Gravel • Perc Holes ° Designs Available
Puaet SoUnd
si&e 1969
338 N. Callow * Bremon
Breezy Wendy's ;
CL0 FSray, Sept. 7,2pm_" i
Saturday, Sept. 8 All day .|i'
-- To b determined ,'
Sunday, Sept. 9
Next to Re,d Realty, Belfair
10% of sales go for a
No one ever thinks it can happen to them.
• . . but if your life ended
• Would your family hove adequate finances to keep them supported?
• Would enough debts be paid off to keep your famity in their current he nte'
• Would there be enough left over to pay for the things you expected to
Linda Skogstad, CMFC
Financial Advisor, (Linda LOVES P e°v'e) "J
10 NE Creelman Lane, Suite B
PO Box 1979, Belfair, WA 98528
(360) 275-1141 Fax (360) 275-1151,,,