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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 2012
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Support Continued from page B-1 The goal of the group is "to stay clean, obviously, to be free of drugs and find a better way to live," the man said. "Just to get back into society and be a productive member of soci- and openness and finding the Shelton group, call ety." a new way of life," he said, 754-4433. The members don't adding, "We were given a talk specifically about the second chance." ALZHEIMERS chemicals they abused, The lessons of Narcotics Mason County sports said the man. Anonymous are not simply to get into their world, "We have the disease of about remaining free' of and understand they can't addiction, not the disease drugs, but "learning to live come into ours," Jamerson of meth, or the disease of in a different way," said said. heroin, or the disease of al- the group member. The group members coholism," he said. "We say, 'You can sober ....... in age from their Instead, the members up a horse thief, and all 40s through 80s, and were discuss their own concep- you have is a sober horse introduced to the baffling tions of God, "accepting life thief,'" he said. disease when loved ones on life's terms ... honesty ' For information about began suffering from de- mentia, Jamerson said. "It's strength in num- bers, and people are not alone... There are an- swers," she said. two groups for the friends, relatives and caregivers for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The Shelton group meets from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the sec- ond Thursday of each month at the Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, 900 Alpine Way. The Allyn group meets from 10-11 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month at St. Hugh's Episcopal Church, 280 W. .... ........ Wheelwright St. The Allyn group is fa- cilitated by Jamerson, who is the director of resident -!.~!!it!i "' ~:i:g~-::~ care at the long-term care t~ facility Haven in Allyn. "Families, caregivers are there to get answers to real difficult questions, and to get resources," she said. Members of the Allyn group discuss "how to in- teract with someone with dementia, how to talk to them and understand how 151714 Olympic Highway Monday-Friday 8:30-5 " 1 Call 426 , 31B For information about the Allyn group, call Jam- erson at 621-1110. For in- formation about the Shel- ton group, call Merridee at 427-2225, ext. 101. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS The Multiple Sclerosis Support Group, which is affiliated with the Multiple Sclerosis Society, meets from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the E1 Sarape restaurant, 318 W. Rail- road Ave., Shelton. The group, which av- erages about 10 partici- pants, is for people who suffer from MS, and their friends and family mem- bers, said Debbie Zillner, who co-leads the group with Linda Sorenson. One member has two daugh- ters who suffer from the disease, she said. "We talk about what's going on in our lives," she said. "That's how we share." Zillner, who has the dis- ease, attended a support group in Federal Way be- fore moving to Lake Cush- man in 2000 and joining the Shelton group. The dis- ease affects her left side, while others feel the pain in their neck. "You kind of learn that everyone has similar prob- lems with MS, but they're all uniquely different," Zillner said. Finding an adequate meeting site has been a challenge. Stairs are diffi- cult for many of the mem- bers, some who use scoot- ers, Zillner said. The group gathered at a different E1 Sarape un- til a new pool table made the room too crowded. A private room at a Chinese restaurant worked well, until the group was moved to anothdr location that re- quired conquering stairs. Meeting in the middle of a Denny's offered no privacy, but the downtown Shelton E1 Sarape has been accom- modating, Zillner said. For information,call Zillner at 877-6959. DIABETES The Mason General Hospital Shelton Diabetes Support Group meetings are back m session follow- ing a summer break. Due to construction at the hos- pital, the next session will be hosted from 1-2 p.m. Sept. 20 at the new Pub- lic Utility District meet- ing room at 2621 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. The group is affiliated with the American Diabe- tes Association. The Shelton group meets from 1-2 p.m. the third Thursday of each month in the Ellinor Room at the hospital. The Allyn group gathers from 1-2 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month at the Port of Allyn building. For information, contact Sue at 427-7332 and ask for the Diabetes Wellness Center. The group is open to people with type 1 and 2 diabetes, and their friends and family. Guiding the Sept. 20 program is Sarah Fulker- son, registered dietician and certified diabetes edu- cator for Mason General "Stand" witb Alpine to Prevent Falls Join Us for Step it Up grktay, September 21 ® 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. This informative fun exercise-basedl program will offer simple steps to prevent falls and helpyou maintainyour independence. We'll cover: Balance and Strength Training In addition to helpingyou avoid falls, balance and strength training can also help reduce aches and pains increase circulation and helpyou gain confidencel Chair & Standing Exercises- Whetheryou're able to stand on jour own or use a wheelchair or walker we'll demonstrate easy. sate ways to improveyour balance. Mobility- Care Medical will be on hand with information on mobility options. You'll learn how both manual and power mobility products can assist in your active lifestyle. Power chairs, scooters, travel canes, walkers and accessories will be availablc for demonstrations. Massage Therapy- Massage Therap st Sherry Bennett wil provide free mini-massages for relaxation and revitalization. The day will include a variety of healthy snacks ana picnic treats, along with a free raffle to win an overflowing picnic basketl For information or to RSVP, call us at 360-426-2600or visit our website at Continuing Care Community Family-Run Meat: Shop PRICES EFFECTIVE 9-5 to 9-11 Popcorn Breaded Fresh Bone-in Chicken .... Chicken Breast ]9¢) Lb. !~ Lh, i by the 10# box ~ ~- ~~ Boneless Pork Loin Roast Michael's Homemade ;* 29 ,,, Sau.. Hospital and Family of Clinics. The topic is "Dia- betes Wellness Success Stories," and will feature local residents who have made healthy lifestyle choices, Fulkerson said. "Hopefully, it will in- spire people to make those changes," she said The support group meet- ings focus on education, and recent topics have in- cluded foot and skin care, decoding sweeteners, phys- ical activity and demystify- ing vegetarian diets. "We try to keep it infor- mal, so people can share things about that topic that have worked for them." Fulkerson said. The group members range in age from their late teens to the 80s. Fulkerson said. They benefit from "just being there and knowing you're not the only one with diabetes," she said. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Lori H. who doesn't divulge her full name, like the other members of Overeaters Anonymous - swears by the success of the 12-step program of re- covery for compulsive eat- ers. "This is the only thing in my life that has gotten the wmght off and kept it off," she said. Since 2006, Lori has at- tended Overeaters Anony- mous meetings from 5:30- 6:30 p.m. every Thursday in the Washington Room at Mason General Hospital. The members support each other in their battles with obesity, anorexia, bu- limia and other eating dis- orders. "It's not just the physi- cal parL the excessive weight, but the obsession with food." she said. The members talk about nutrition, and the physical. emotional and spiritual aspects of their struggles with food, Lori said. "We talk about ways to manage things in life that we would normally overeat to," she said. There are no member- ship fees and no weigh-ins. The bond goes beyond food. Members recently mowed the lawn of a mem- ber who was injured. "We help each other be strong," Lori said. For more information about the group, call Lori at 970-8249. .MP3"s .Gameboy Advance 1729 OLYMPIC HWY.N.SHELTON ° (360) 426-165(. Mon-Sat 9-7, Sun 94 Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 Christian Education ................. 9:,15 Traditional Worship ............... It:00 a.m. Office 426-6353 Daycare 427-3165 1? _..L L .Lrn rh. rch A 3212 Connection St xilllUl I,UUIU ii ~ U lI~ "helton WA ' SPRING ROAD CHAI)EL A Christ-centered Church T (360) 426-8611 FIRST CHURCH OF GOD ('-s.n,'.y Morning WorBhip \ [] lib E. Shdt0n Springs Road i Sraditional-8:45a;m. / ~:~)i] '~L~[I'£A /Contemporary_ 11:00 a.m.J Shdton, WA 98584 Pastor Steve OI .... Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Paster Brian Weinberer ~ Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Worship Service / 10:00 a.m. Choir Children and Adult Sunday Services 9:00 ,x~ I Celebration Service 10:30 ,xM I Celebration Service Attended Nursery Children~ Classes d:OO i,,,, I (]~ll(%va3 Lt} Rc( OVel'y c'hild~ at~, i,t ~t/itlt?* I ...x~ ........ 0,.~5 ' g~!:i:~ Ap~cewhereallarewelcome ADDRess I 405 S 7th St, Shelton PHONE I .360 426 2'758 WEBSlTE [ www.gatewayci~cotn [) Wednesday Nieht Service 7:OO eM I Mid Wdek Service 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • Nllrserv tO 2 Years ...... SUNDAY SERVICES Celtic ULFtRE YOUTH, 61 zJ 12 lZ Grade i .................... ................... 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Christianity Class 9:I5 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m. on JOhns Prairie Rd:: ; Sun. - 10:30 am • Thurs. - 7:00 pm Church info line: (360) 427-4033 SHELTON 428 W, COTA Sunday Morning-Womhip + $.S. 9:00 + I0:30 Servicios en Espafiol '~'~:,~i Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed in Rivers" of Grace NEW LOCATION Alliance Church 2320 Washington St. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. 438-8531 New Community Church of Union Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome!) WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012 I !!,1 ]1, li¸ I I i I