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Callie May Shintaffer 16, 2012, at Capital Medi-
Callie May Shintaffer cal Center in Olympia to
was born at 1:30 a.m. on Amy Lynn Smith of Shel-
June 16, 2012. a~ Provi- ton.
dence St. Peter Hospital in She weighed 5 pounds.
Olympia to Brittany Gil- 15 ounces.
man and Ross Shintaffer.
She weighed 8 pounds. 2 Ryder Thomas-Michael
ounces and was 19.5 inch- Briggs
es long. Ryder Thomas-Michael
Grandparents are Mi- Briggs was born on Aug.
chele Gilman and Shawn 20. 2012, at Capital Medi-
Baggett of Shelton. Great- cal Center in Olympia to
grandparents are Ber- Megan Briggs and Kyle
nie and Katie Gilman of Briggs of Shelton.
Shelton and the late Ruth He weighed 6 pounds,
Malone, Tana and Ron Co- 10 ounces.
chren of Shelton and Mau-
rel Shintaffer of Olympia.
Callie joins her brother
Carter, 5. and cousins Aus-
tin. 7. Eli. 2. and Myah, 1.
Allieyn Elizabeth Avery
Allieyn Elizabeth Avery
Smith was born on Aug.
Her grandparents
are David and Teresa
Kaufman of Shelton,
Mitch and Cindi Gilbert of
Burien and Mary Clark of
Chloe Ann Dean was
born on Aug. 23. 2012. at
Capital Medical Center
in Olympia to Cynthia A.
Maughan and Taylor J.
Dean of Shelton.
She weighed 6 pounds.
12 ounces.
Jace Eli Earl Pope
Jace Eli Earl Pope was
born on Aug. 24. 2012, at Enina Ray Sanchez
Capital Medical Center in Enina Ray Sanchez was
Olympia to Sara Beth Kin- born on Aug. 22, 2012, at
dred of Shelton. Capital Medical Center in
He weighed 12 pounds. Olympia to Quanah Renell
12 ounces. Sanchez of Olympia.
She weighed 7 pounds,
Elliott Allen Ford 11 ounces.
Elliott Allen Ford was
Samantha Lynn Gilbert born on Aug. 22, 2012, at Toni Elizabeth Koonrad
Samantha Lynn Gilbert Capital Medical Center in Toni Elizabeth Koonrad
was born onAug. 24, 2012. Olympia to Jessicah Re- was born on Aug. 27. 2012.
at Mason General Hospi- nae Ford and Ronald Allen at Capital Medical Center
tal in Shelton to Matthew Ford. in Olympia to Tracey Irene
and Cheleace Gilbert. He weighed 8 pounds. 5 Koonrad.
She weighed 7 pounds, ounces. She weighed 9 pounds.
7 ounces and was 20.5 7 ounces.
inches long. Chloe Ann Dean
MTA hires new' employee
Rikki :lohnson, PHR, joined Mason County Tran-
sit Authority (MTA) in August 2012 after nearly 13
years inthe human resources field.
Johnson is responsible for leading and direct-
ing MTA's human resources programs, including
recruitment and staffing, benefits, compensation,
classification, employee relations, performance
management, leadership/organizational develop-
ment and human resources data management.
She .is a member of the Society of Human Re-
source Management (SHRM). She obtained her
Professional in Human Resources (PHR) national
certification in December 2004.
John Aaro
John Richard Aaro. 61. a
resident of Hoodsporc, died
on Aug. 29. 2012.
He was born on Sept. 13.
1950, and was raised by his
grandparents. John and Er-
nesta Aaro of Lilliwaup.
Ila 1970 he married Wan-
da Wallin. The marriage
ended in divorce in 1986.
He worked as a hook
tender and faller from 1970-
1980. He worked for various
logging companies, including
his own company AM&N
Logging of Chehalis. In 1980,
he moved to California,
where he worked in the pest
control industry for several
In 1987. he returned to
the Shelton and Hood Canal
area. He married Brenda
Ford in 1988.
His family shared that he
loved hunting, fishing, camp-
mg and picking mushrooms.
Later in life he enjoyed cars
and guns.
He is survived by his wife
Brenda: children Adam Aaro
of Grays Harbor County,
Amanda Fassio of Califor-
nia, Michelle and husband
Joe Ignagni of California,
Sara and husband Calvin
Peek of Belfair. John Mitch-
ell of Grapeview and Oma
and husband Barry Wilcox
of Union: grandchildren
Dwight Aaro. Katrina and
Anthony Iguagni, Chelsea
Peek Stratton and husband
Jeff, Makensea and Hannah
Peek, Morgan Mitchell and
Corinne and Adin Welander.
A memorial service will
take place at 10 a.m. on
Saturday at the Church of
Christ, 780 Dayton Airport
Road, Shelton. Arrange-
ments are by Forest Funeral
Home under the direction of
Dave Lucas.
Memorial donations can
be made to the Leukemia
and Lymphoma Society, 123
N.W. 36th St. #100. Seattle.
WA 981O7.
Francis Griswold
Francis Edward ~ Ed)
Griswold. 68, died on Aug.
24, 2012.
He was born Feb. 18.
1944, to Francis and Marjo-
rie (Pierce ~ Griswold.
He entered the Army in
1963 and was honorably dis-
He married Margaret
on April
~15, 1994.
in Silver-
dale. He
was also
to Dianne
lin. That
Francis marriage
ended in
Griswold divorce.
worked for Qwest for 40
years. He was a net techni-
His family shared that
he was an avid gardener,
an amateur photographer,
a ham radio operator and
fisherman. He enjoyed home
improvement projects and
loved jokes and tall tales.
He is survived by daugh-
J o h n Aa ro
John: Richard
home on Augi
Funeral home unde~
U rsula Johnson
James Francis Don~:, 95,ia resident of Shelton, died
on Aug, 201;2. A angeraen S: Will be by Forest
nerat Homeunde~::the ~ection ofDave LuCks.
died on
fo~s ,and iis happy ~o
free of Charge,: :
Send obituary information to:
Deadline is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
ters Donna Stevenson son Scott; daughter Katie;
(Mark) of Mesa. Ariz.. and grandchildren Dylan and
Virginia (Ginger) Schull Austin; sister Gwen Knauf
of Sterline, Va.: son John and brother Mark Clayton.
Griswold of Bremertom step- An informal farewell in
son Andrew Stath of Port his honor will take place at 7
Orchard; grandson Ian Gris- p.m. on Friday at the Black
wold of Belfair: brother Wil- Lake Grange Halt 6011
bur Dale.Griswold I Sandy) Black Lake Blvd.. Olympia.
of Port Orchard: nieces Jodi
Rawlings and Laura Sterio Viola Harms
and nephew Mike Griswold. Viola E. I Christiansem
He is preceded in death by Harms. 90. died on Aug. 19,
his mother and brother Fred. 2012, in Storm Lake, Iowa.
Memorial donations can She was born on Nov. 20.
be made to Kitten Rescue 1921, in May City, Iowa, to
of Mason County, 420 State Martin and Bertha (Philiph)
Route 3, Shelten, WA 98584. ~ Christian-
A celebration of life and ~ sen.
potluck will take place from ~ On May
2-5 p.m. on Saturday at the 30, 1940,
Westside Improvement Club, Viola mar-
4109 W. E St., Bremerton. ried Harold
A. Harms
Robert Clayton in Ocheye-
Robert E. Clayton Jr., 50, dan. Iowa.
died at his home in Olympia The couple
on Aug. 24, 2012. Viola lived most
He was born on July 7, ttarms of their
1962. married
He is survived by his wife life in the
of 29 years Mary Jo Clayton: May City and Hartley, Iowa,
areas. In May 1965. they
moved to Longview to escape
the 26-cent a gallon gasoline
prices at their Texaco station
in Iowa. They lived in the
Longview/Kelso area until
They moved to Shelton in
May 1975. and purchased
and operated the J&J Arco
gas station at Mt. View. Viola
later worked at Kay's Draper-
ies in Shelton before begin-
ning her own business of
Canal Carpet & Draperies in
Hoodsport. They built a home
at Lake Cushman in 1979.
The couple were mem-
bers of Mt. Olive Lutheran
Church. Viola was a choir
member and belonged to a
variety of the church's or-
ganizations, including its
monthly birthday club. She
remained in mail contact
with several of the organiza-
tion's women members.
In 1983. the Harms re-
turned to May City, Iowa.
Viola belonged to St. John's
Lutheran Church of May
City her entire life, excluding
the 18 years in Washing-con.
She was baptized, confirmed.
married and had a celebra-
tion of her life all in the same
Her family shared that
she enjoyed knitting, cro-
cheting, sewing and quilting.
She also enjoyed bowling and
travel -- a trip to Hawaii
that the couple took to cele-
brate their 45th anniversary
was among her favorites.
She was an avid Seattle
Mariners and Minnesota
Twins fan.
This past November.
Viola celebrated her 90th
birthday in the presence of
many Iowa and out-of-state
family members.
Viola is survived by her
children Cheryl Gruhn of
Primghar, Iowa, Kenton
Harms of Camarillo. Calif.,
and Sonya (Lee) Asche of
Shelton: grandsons Kris and
Kelly Asche of Shelton and
Jason Gruhn of Lemars,
Iowa: and great-grandchil-
dren Zachary Asche of Ta-
coma and Brionna Asche of
Constantino Sanchez-
Constantino "El Nino"
Sanchez-Patricio. 32. a resi-
dent of Shelton. died on Aug.
25. 2012.
He was born on Nov. 9.
1979. to Ascencion Sanchez
Velazquez and Silinia Patri-
cio Esteban in Xuichuchio.
Chilapa, Guerro. Mexico.
He was a self-employed
brush picker in the Shelton
area for six years and was
a mem-
ber of St.
He enjoyed
giving time
Constantino and help-
Sanchez- mg the
Patricio church.
He is
by his parents: sister Isabel
Patricio of Chilapa, Guer-
rero. Mexico: uncle Ignacio Mooney; children Paul
Velazquez of Shelton: aunt (Jodi) Sanders of Boring,
Lucia Esteban Pileno ofOre.. Zeena Marie Gibbs of
Shelton and numerous niec- Lacey, William (Diseree')
es. nephews and cousins. Holling of Shelton: nephew
He is preceded in death by Lyle Cable of Indianapo-
his grandparents, lis; sister Beth Cable Noll
A service was scheduled(Dwight) of Raihier; grand-
for Sept. 4 at St. Edward's children Jennifer Sanders
Catholic Church. A wewing (Peter Graves) of Portland.
took place on Aug. 30 at Mc- Ore.. Chris Paxton and
Comb Funeral Home. which parents Vicki and Steve
handled the arrangements. Paxton of Portland, Ore.,
Online condolences may Dustin and Amber Gibbs of
be sent to the family at Lacey, Britney Morgan and William Holling of Shelton;
great-grandchildren Keria
Ruth Sanders Graves and Alaina Pearson
Ruth (Elaine) Sanders of Portland, Ore., and many
died on Aug. 17, 2012. other friends and relatives.
She was born on June She is preceded in death
15, 1945, to Ruth and Paul by her parents and brothers
Clement in Albion, Mich. Steven and Timothy Clement.
She worked for the state De- A service will take place
partment of Labor and Indus- at a later date.
tries for 15 years and the state Donations can be made in
liquor board for five years. Elaine's name to the Coali-
Her family shared that tion for Pulmonary Fibrosis
she loved family, friends and at or
nature. She enjoyed garden- by calling the University of
ing, bird Washington Medical Center,
~ watching Sierra Club, Green Peace,
and road Safe Place, area food banks
trips to Lutheran World Relief or a
mountains nonprofit of your choice, or by
or beaches, planting a tree in her name.
She is Arrangements are by Wh-
survived iteside Family Mortuary in
by her Elma.
partner ofTo sign an online tribute.
27 years visit www.whiteside
Ruth Mickey
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Sept• 6, 2012 - Page B-5