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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 6, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 2012
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Varsity Shelton Shelton Kings junior varsity red fall to Elma Kings rule Elma The Shelton Kings junior varsity red team's offensive line waits for the snap during its game Saturday at Elma. The junior varsity red team lost 13-0. Journal photo by Emily Hanson FLYONTNESIDELINE Concussions they're not all in the head Journa photo by Emily Hanson Shelton Kings kicker Nate Weston kicks ~['][ 7"hen I was in high school, your back and hit trainer or EMT about how much it off during the varsity team's game ~/~/ there was an older athlete ~ your head on the really hurts. Saturday at Elma. The varsity won 26-6. • • who everybody called "Con- /~ basketball court and You then get hit a second time and cussion Joe." for a few seconds suddenly, you're in bad shape because ~ugh People were making light of the after this hit, you now you've injured your brain twice. Cat Sanctuary -- fact that Joe had received multiple lay there and think The second hit is the aftershock of a • . Creek concussions playing football through- about how much that big earthquake that suddenly and un- from L,ons to troy __ _ _ Gordon's Cats apartments out his years with the sport. Ifmem- hurt. Then you stand expectedly causes more damage than ory serves me, he'd suffered around up and everybody the original quake. is accepting wait eight of them by the time he gradt{- By EMILY watching the game Concussions range in severity from :~:~:~'~i:i ~ list applications forated. HANSON claps as you walk a long-lasting headache to a head fi!~! seniors ages 62 and IfI knew then what I know now, I back to the sideline, pain so bad it causes vomiting to un- better. HUD subsidized, would've known that wasn't a funny 'Sometimes, the consciousness and yes, even to death. controlled access, nickname. That was making a joke of symptoms don't show up immediately. With this in mind, I'm encourag- Each wild cat is special and has a need fora safe and comfortable garden setting, minutesa seriously dangerous medical condi- Coaches are trained to check for cer- ing,all athletes in all sports to take place to live out its life happily, tion. tain things on the sideline: are your this seriously. I know you won't like peacefully and with dignity, from downtown Concussions are a big deal in the pupils equal and responsive? Do you being on the sidelines instead of Mail your tax-deductable donation to; shopping. Non-Smoking sports world. They're scary and they remember what happened before and playing with your team. But your Wild Fe lid Advocacy Center Property. 23 1-Br. and can cause long-lasting effects if not after the hit? Is your coordination and sports clearance will come through of Washington one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St., treated properly, balance the same as it usually is? once your brain has healed. You 3111 E. Harstine Island Rd. N. This is why it is so imporant that If you appear fine, you're sent wouldn't try to play video games on a Shelton WA 98584 ~. (306) 426-3903 (360) 427-4466 QWak~O 1~ athletes report to their coaches when back into the game shortly after the console that distorts the games and m ,~, ,~.~.~,. they don't feel right after getting hurt hit. This is where the problems usu- eventually doesn't even work, so why during a game or practice, ally come up because you're not fine. do you want to play a physical game It can start slow. You're tackled You've suffered a brain injury and you with a brain that isn't up to the task in a football game, you head-butt haven't realized it yet or you weren't and is in fact in danger of a greater Denny's Auto ...... ...... the soccer ball wrong or you land on honest with your coach or athletic injury? Service presents ..... ~ Nab|tat our Non-Profit Organization of for Hulllaa.ity the Month: ': SPORTSCALENDAR Habitat for Humanity of Mason County Thursday tional Monday Sept. 13 We at Denny's Auto Service are seeing the impact that 3:30 p.m., Shelton boys'10:30 a.m., Shelton Kings 5:45 p.m., Mary M. Knight 3:30 p.m., Shelton girls' the economy is having on the Community and also how it is tennis at Gig Harbor juniorvarsity whiteat volleyball home versus swimming at North Thur- impacting local charities• We want to do our part to support our 4 p.m., Shelton girls' swim- Elma Lake Quinault; varsity fol- ston community and the people who help make Mason County great, ming at Timberline 1 p.m., Shelton Kings ju- lows junior varsity 3:30 p.m., Shelton boys' 5:30 p.m., Shelton volley- nior varsity red vs. Monte tennis at South Kitsap You can help by adding $1.00 to your bill at ball at North Thurston at Elma Tuesday 5:45 p.m., Mary M. Knight Denny's Auto, or by Shopping at their "Re-Store" located on 6:45 p.m., Shelton girls' 1 p.m., Mary M Knight 3:30 p.m., Shelton boys'volleyball at Wishkah; var- 2nd & Cota downtown Shelton. You may also donate here or soccer at North Mason football at Quilcene tennis home versus Bellar- sity follows junior varsity visit 5:30 p.m., Shelton Kingsmine 6:30 p.m., Shelton volley- We hope you willjoi, us, your small change Friday minors vs. Monte at Elma6:30 p.m., Shelton volley- ball home versus Mt. Ta- can make a big change in others'lives! 7 p.m., Shelton football at 6 p.m., Shelton Kings Be- ball home versus Lincolnhoma North Mason nior junior varisty vs. Blaz- 7 p.m., Shelton girls' soccer Quality Repair by era at Elma Wednesday home versus Lincoln People Who Care Saturday 7 p.m., Shelton Kings flag 3:45 p.m., Shelton cross • Warranty Approved Maintenance 9 a.m., Shelton volleyball vs. Aberdeen at Elma country at South Kitsap • Nationwide Warranty • Courtesy at Centralia Varsity Tour- 7:30 p.m., Shelton Kings5:45 p,m., Mary M. Knight **To have items placed in .oaner Cars • Comvlete Auto Care nament senior varsity vs. Tornados volleyball at Oakville: car- the sports calendar, send • 24 Hour Drop Box • Lifetime Protection Program 9:30 a.m., Shelton crossat Highclimber Field sity follows junior varsity information to emily@ • Financing O,A,C. • Senior Discounts country a= Capitol Invita- FOOTBALL Martinson, 75; net 1, Nancy Gurnsey and Closest to the pin: Donna Davis, No. 4; Shelton 42, Tumwater 21 Dianne Brown. 54: net 2, Kay McAvinew Judy Keiffer, No. 6; Vickie World, No. 15 and Sharon Dufresne. 57; net 3, Susan Chip-ins: Molly Frazier; Judy Keiffer Shelton ........ 14 7 14 7 42 Austin and Karen Laverdier, 58: net 4 Birdies: LindaSund, No. 10; VickieWorld, Tumwater ••.14 0 0 7 21 (tie) Karen Burns with Linda McMullin No. 15 and Pat Johnson with Jean Scruggs, 60 Shelton Tumwater 9-hole: gross, Pat Goldsberry and Mary Lake Limerick Ladies' Golf Union's 7th Annual Community Passing 35 yards 127 yards Lockwood. 46; net 1, Debra Anderson and Aug. 22, 24 & 29 -- Club Championship Rushing 476 yards124 yards Michele McCarthy, 28; net 2, Delores Bar- IS-hole Division: Club Champion, Lesley rett and Marilyn Butler, 29 Robertshaw, 1st low gross. 296; 2nd low Shelton: J. Welander. 1-4. 35 yards: R. Aug. 30 Most Net Pars or Better gross, Robbi Alberta, 310; 1st low net, Kinne. 31 rushes. 328 yards: D. Bell. 10 18-hole Division 1: 1, Nancy Gurnsey, 16: Jeannine Jacob, 222 rushes. 118 yards: J. Danford, i reception, 2 (tie), Susan Austin and Linda Creswell, 9-hole Division: 1st low gross, Bonnie 35 yards 15; 3. Sue Proudlock and Judy White, 14 Morrow• 167: 2nd low gross, Sharon Cor- 18-hole. Division 2: I (tie), Sharon Du- rigan, 169; low net. Sheila Thomas, 184 CROSS COUNTRY fresne and Karen Aumend. 14:2 (tie), Pat Aug. 29 --Low Putts Boys' cross country time trial Johnson, Sharon Ferguson and Dianne 18-hole Division 1. Cody Williamson, jr., 7.00: 2. Darius Brown. 13 Flight 1: 1, Gayle Wilcox, 28:2 (tie), Robbi Saturday, September 15th Burke. soph.. 7.42: 3. Zac Taylor, sr., 8•05; 9-hole Division: 1, Diane Budd, 8; 2 (tie), Alberts and Joyce Reynolds, 30; 3, Jean- 4. Ryder Phelan, jr., 8•17: 5. Johnny An- Delores Barrett and Peggy Willis, 7 nine Jacob, 33; 4 (tie). Diane Pollard and 12:00 to 5:00 pm drewski, sr.. 8.31; 6. Adam Tweed, jr., MaryLouTrautmann. 34 8.44; 7 Nathan Newell, sr.. 8.45: 8. Dan Bayshore Ladies' Golf Chip-ins: Robbi Alberta, No. 17: Diane Union Fire Hall at 3rd & Seattle Street Bouchie. jr., 8.57: 9. Chris Frost. soph., Aug. 28 -- All Holes Expect T&F'sPollard, No. 11; Gayle Wilcox, No. 1 8.58: 10. Zane Taylor, soph.. 9.15: 11. Guy Flight 1: 1, Luana Ellis. 19; 2, Toni Ste- Low net of the day: (tie) Robbi Alberta and ~'~ Tickets ~ Beaudoin, fr.. 9.59: 12. Hunter Core. jr., yeas, 24 Jeannine Jacob, 70 Adult P~$15.00 / 10.14: 13. Dalton Green, fr.. 10.23 Flight 2:1 (tie), Harlene Robbins, Marge 9-hole Division / $17.0o/ l Witcraft, 13 Flight 1: 1, Ann Wooten, 12: 2, Bonnie Nine-holers: 1. Lois Lemagie, 11.5 Morrow, 14" 3 (tie), Sharon Corrigan and l Girls' cross country time trial Least Eeva Kissick, 30 At-the-Door: putts: Sharon Hadsall, 18 ] 1. Courtney Burke. fr., 10.28; 2. Carley Chip-ins: Luana Ellis, No. 7; Judy Zeh- Flight 2: 1. Sheila Thomas, 17; 2, Pat | Children (6-12) Pre-Sale: $ 7.001 Kunkle, jr., 10.32; 3. Lindsey Goldsby, rung. No. 15; Marge Witcraft, No. 13 TaBs, 18; 3, Pegi Reese. 20 /At-the-Door: $10.00 1 fr., 10.36: 4. Delaney Atkinson. soph., Pars: Ann Wooten, No. 1 k,. Ages (5 & under):"Free" j 11.08; 5. Bayla Budge, jr., 11.22; 6. Ser- Lake Cushman Ladies' Golf Low net of the day: Ann Wooten. 31 ena Ranney, jr., 11.31: 7. Bonnie Casper, Aug. 29 -- Orange Ball Team Results Aug. 31 -- Low Net Save[ by purchasing your Pre-Sale Tickets at sr.. 12.23; 8. Katie Morgan, soph.. 12.38; lst: Diann Muller, Jerene Smart, Molly Flight 1: 1, Jeannine Jacob, 33; 2 (tie), NCCU Office or AIderbrook Country Store 9. Melissa Fulton, jr., 13.25: 10, Kelli Wil- Frazier and Ruby Isaacson, 74 Rita Lipinski and Gayle Wilcox, 39 Both on the corner of Dalby & McReavy in Union son, jr., 15.15 2nd: Kathy Johnson, Evie Campbell, Vick- Flight 2: 1. Marie Bierward; 2, Sheila ie World and Charlotte Gilje, 75 Thomas; 3, Pat Zulfer .......... GOLF 3rd: Judy Keiffer. Sam Bastin, Gloria Pars: Ann Johnson, No. 13 and No. 17; ~ :" '~ Sponsored by New Communit,y Church of Union s Alderbrook Ladies' Golf Carlson and Donna Davis, 80 i~ (360)898-7855 I ~ Aug. 28 2-Lady Best Ball 4th: Linda Sund, Joleta Smith, Sharon Chip-ins: Rosie Bowcutt, No. 15 Sheila Thomas, No. 10 18-hole: gross, Jean Fields and Lorna Bennett and Georgia Eiiason. 83 Low net of the day: Jeannine Jacob, 33 Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Sept 6, 2012