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September 6, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 6, 2012
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"i'm encouraging girls He said he'll begin by who are apprehensive about The Shelton girls' soc- working on the skills of each trying out to come try out," cer coaching quandary took of the girls on the team, fo- Deacon said. "We've got a step toward certainty last cusing on what they're doing great assistant coaches in week with the hiring of a right and what they need to Don Taylor and Andrew Kin- new head coach, improve on. ney." Dan Deacon was hired by Then, the team will be Deacon said if he and Shelton High School on Aug. split into groups of similarly his coaching staff can make 30 to take over the Ladyskilled players to work on practices and games fun, Highclimbers'program after playing together and then then the girls will stay weeks of uncertainty around eventually, the small groups around. the conract for last season's will form into a full team. "We need to make it dif- coach. "My goal is stability," he ficult but make it fun," he "I heard there was a lotsaid. "They've had a rough said. of turmoil with the program few years and an even He stated that for this and some friends of minerougher start to this season." season, he would almost pre- kept pushing me to apply," Though Deacon states he fer the team loses games in- Deacon said. "I've always doesn't like to lose, he said stead of winning. wanted to coach at high he thinks it's more impor- "I will take a season school, but employement-rant to develop the team. where we lose a few games wise I was not prepared." As for playing in the 3Aover a completely victorious For the past 15 years, Narrows League, Deacon season because they'll learn Deacon has been a soccersaid he is not familiar with a lot more," he said. "If you're coach for recreation and se- the Tacoma schools, but is struggling though, as a coach lect leagues in Shelton and comfortable playing against you have to do whatever you Olympia, but this will be his teams from the Interstate-5 can to get your team a win so first time heading up a high cooridor, you can build them up." school program. "The girls should expectTaylor, who has been "I was going to try for to have a pretty challeng- working with the Lady the boys' coaching job last ing season and to challenge Climbers for the last two spring, but I was finishing themselves because that's weeks alongside Kinney, up my education," Deaconthe only way they'll be com- said the team is deep with said. petitive," he said. seniors. There are eight on When he's not coaching, Last season, the Lady the roster this year: Alexis Deacon is a teacher, though Highclimbers finished with Johnson, ReAnn Stratton, he doesn't have a permanent a 2-13-1 record. Lynae Brown, Whitney position with the Shelton "We scored more than we Howard and Shania Bloom- School District yet. did the year before," senior field join Dean and Selleg as "Between playing and Katie Dean said. returning seniors. coaching, I've got about 30 Dean said the most diffi- "We've also got some good years of experience," he said. cult part of last season was freshmen coming in," Taylor "These days, my playing is a that the team did not have a said. "A majority of the play- little slower than it used to consistent coach developing ers we have are returning be." the program, from last season." He is also coaching a U19 "We've had a new coach Deacon said he thinks the boys' team in Shelton this every year," she said. main strength of the team fall. The team has 39 girls this is that the girls have had to Through his years as a season, and because of the rely on each other the last soccer player and coach,lack of head coach the last few years, since their head Deacon has a formed a phi- few weeks, as of Deacon's coach has changed so often. losophy that focuses on de- first practice on Friday, the "It's a team effort and ev- velopment, girls had not been split into erybody supports each oth- "My philosophy is more to teams yet. The program er," he said. "We don't focus develop team unity by devel- was also in jeopardy of los- on specific players, we focus oping individual players," he ing its C-team because there on the team." 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