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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jourtl0000 e OPINIONd. "The Three B's Mildred? Yes, Harold. I hear that Mason County officials have discussed asking the state to pay the cost of processing criminals who escape from or commit crimes in Washington Corrections Center. It's about time. It's about time for what, Harold? It's about time we citizens here in the county quit picking up the tab for the peckerdillos of the crooks and preverts the state dumps into our area. We're supposed to do it, Harold. That's why we have cops and courts. It's their job to handle all cases of crime within the county. That's okay for regular crime, Mildred, but these cases are above and beyond. The state puts over 700 bad guys in our county and if some of them get out we have to pay to catch them and try them. That costs money and it's not fair that we should have to pay all of it. Yes it is fair, Harold. I'm afraid you can't see the point because you're suffering from the third phase of The Three B's. The Three B's? I never heard of The Three B's. Of course you haven't, Harold, because I just this minute created them. The Three B's are Boost, Bulldoze and Bellyache. Whenever a major development is planned for an area, The Three B's go into action. Take it real slow, Mildred. Lay it all out for me. You know I have trouble understanding things without pictures. Okay, Harold, I'll use oral crayons. When an industrial or governmental development is first discussed, the local boosters go to work. They paint a rosy picture of huge payrolls and new residents with money to spend for goods and services, plus new housing to generate money for schools and other public operations. That's right. That's what happens. And then come tile bulldozers with their high-pay operators, sending tavern owners, restaurateurs, grocers and painted ladies to the bank twice a day during the construction period. Right. Puts life in the old town and makes the cash registers ring. That's progress. That's what America is all about. Correct, Harold. And that's what happened when the corrections center was built. Now that the goodies are in the barn, however, the bellyachers have taken over with complaints about problems the boosters didn't include in their slide show. telling me I don't have the right to bellyache, YOt! dgrty me my human, civil, and bill of No, Harold, I wouldn't. You have the right to ,bellyache, but you should remember that you traded increased law enforcement costs for 300 employed workers and a $4 million payroll. As our sensitive lady governor so delicately put it when she was kicking environmentalists down stairs, "There is no such thing as a little bundle of love without a pile of dirty diapers." So we've got to wash the diapers. That's right, Harold. Without help from the rest of the state. You've got it, Harold; you've got it. Always helpful You've known it all along. Now there is proof. Your United States Senators have a personal interest in you. That's why you call them Maggie and Scoop. Good old Maggie. Good old Scoop. Good old Uncle Maggie. Good old Uncle Scoop. Never too busy to send another barrel of pork to the folks at home. And now - shout hallelujah, brother! - they are about to add another personal touch to their incomparable public service. A contract has just been signed to provide the Senate with a $3.1 million computer that can turn out one million personalized replies per month to constituents. If you so much as squint in the direction of Washington, D.C., you will now receive a personal letter, i written and signed by a computer, that will look exactly as though it were written by Uncle Maggie or Uncle Scoop. Think of the impression that will make on your friends when you show it around the neighborhood. A real letter from a real senator. Gosh! After you have finished showing off your letter, take a look at the withholding figure on your paycheck stub. This will help you understand where the money is coming from to pay for your senators! new voter stroker. The computer will add $40,000 per month expense to the office of each senator who uses it. Thanks, Uncle Maggie. Do it again, it feels so good, Uncle Scoop. fftLe " four.el County  QJ " , Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton; WA 98584 Phone 426.4412 Published at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington 98584, weekly. Second-class postage paid at Shelton, Washington. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $8.00 per year in Mason County $10.00 per year in State of Washington $]5.00 per year out of State EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ..................... Henry G. Gay Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September aReadeFs , Vile treatment ibkv / • gfl'l"t. Editor, The Journal: She spent .... • ,:.:. On Friday, August 18, we her car. drove out to Hartstene Pointe. We have el • I114T9 Our VW camper was subjected to your area severall ::'V'. a fresh oil and gravel attack, this time out / There were no warning signs, diminished by Later that afternoon my aunt are still was returning to her residence at Hartstene Pointe and her car received the same vile treatment. Roads are good Editor, The Journal: to enjoy the In the past few years there people has been a lot of discussion and about 1/10th disagreement about the use of the total the public forest lands. I've Don't the worked in the woods all my life drive into the Sotli$ and I also like to camp, fish and little Rr.ISoNABbE hunt. I care just as much about What ab( )  the woods as anybody else. citizens who Some people don't seem to or mushrooms, realize that loggers are doing the the beautiful -r,(,mNv,0x public a service by providing the What raw material that make things we little children all need and use every day. The very far? newspaper you are reading afford to .v_v,,,ur":'o'¢nome couldn't be printed unless a and camping. logger got the trees out of the able to get to woods to make the paper, few days, too. Conservation incentive program to be aired There isalotofcriticismof Another the methods loggers use. Most of good for is the public doesn't realize the forest fire logger has'to do his job the way the first ones By ROBERT C. CUMMINGS programs are both useful and committees from meeting this would limit state tax increases to the forest service or the it, and they do The three private power necessary, adding thatworkshops month, but their schedule is a percentage of the annual Department of National can get to companies which serve this state directed at special interest groups much lighter than usual, growth rate in state personal Resources tells him to do it. Machines used have developed programs had the greatestimpact. There won't be any full income. Those roads that are criticized and break the designed to fill a gap in the Meanwhile, the energy office weekend of committee sessions, Watch for Alternative for being Ion much road for the can be located state's energy conservation reports that a school audit and most of them beingheld are area were roads built to the they are needed program, indicates a conservation program scheduled for after the primary, As reported previously, an This gap, according to the combining operations and from September 21 through 28. initiative with that many specificaitons of the department road already state energy office, is lack of maintenance with some building Very few are taking time out signatures would be impossible in charge. Hoh Lake fire sufficient incentive, changes would save $9 to $14 from campaigning during the for the legislature to ignore. Roads cost money and time National Park. While the proposals offered million during the 1981-82 week just proceeding the But as also noted previously, to build aud the cost has to be good idea to I figured in the job by the logger, fire and save by the three power companies school year. primary. But ten house and it is hard to believe a Democratic If a lesser or smaller road could forest. differ somewhat, they are Some SavingsFree seven senate committees will be legislature would enact a Republican - sponsored fit the specifications, the logger Forest road basically the same in principle. No-cost operations and meeting on other days during the initiative into law and let the would be the happiest person of I thought the Interest free loans to finance month. maintenance savings could save all. weatherization of electrically Three joint sessions also are G.O.P. cash in on it. everyone, not heated homes form a major 12 percent in elementary and 17 scheduled. Being unable to amend the The reason the roads are so who have the percent in secondary schools, take weeks to feature of the programs, measure, the Democrats are wide and so well built is so Actual building changes Competition No Problem pretty sure to take the other people can drive into the forest State Approval Needed would add another eight percent Supporters of one of the six step open to them - pass an areas, ordinary people who want Because an additional rate to the savings in elementary tax relief initiative petitions to alternative and send both sehedule ofafewmorecentsper schools, and six percent in the legislature are proving measures totheballotnextyear. New shell game month to pay bonding costs is secondary schools, competition from the other five Spills involved, the companies first The audit was conducted as a isn't hampering their campaign, ms* +et slpprovl *,o]l teStAte , ]ot proect volving an energy had..b' D,eited by ....... to 'protect  Washington water+ .lllr Utilities and Transportation analysis and facilities inventory observers. The sponsors, Commission. of fifty schools in the Bellevue, Republican Representatives Ron against oil spills has been The state agency has Highline and Tumwater districts. Dunlap, Bellevue, and Ellen prepared by the House Insurance consolidated the three proposals Election No Roedbloek Craswell, Bremerton, are Committee. Sponsors believe it By JOHN GAAR shooting for 700,000 signatures, could pass court tests. The word freak connotes a The measure would cover presence, an abnormality. However, for a single hearing, which will Approach of the primary to top Bruce Helm's record of a third-party damages, acts of God be held here at 10 a.m. next election September 19 isn't few years ago. equally as freakish, are invisible. Monday, September 11. stopping numerous legislative Some publicly owned The measure, Initiative 62, and acts or omissions of third utilities, which aren't subject to parties, which aren't covered by The pentagon finds mental freaks, state regulation, are planning the Federal Water Pollution parades them before congress to support similar programs, nnnnnn Control Act. new weapons systems. Such new systern lneentive NeedStressed But it would parallel the elements: they are hideously costly; The need for incentives has M00ck McGinnis' federal act in requiring financial malfunction; they cost three times as responsibility of $150 per gross they are always countered. been stressed by the state energy ton for all vessels over 300 tons, The freaks currently propose developt office following completion of ,-, ,-., -00omc'4"00'00r'ommen* with aminimumof$25O,000for intercontinental ballistic missile (MX) with informational project conducted any vessel carrying oil or missile in various locations. This tactiC, in Cheney in cooperation with hazardous cargo. (multiple aiming point) will need as much Eastern Washington University. The project included infrared nnn Changes Possible of Connecticut (5,009 sq. mi.) to build flyover photographs insulation Inland oil barges would be covered trenches. deficiencies. But while 22 Henny Youngman moans that he bet on a hoe that was so good it required to carry coverage of "Only the mobility and concealment percent of the residents viewed took seven other horses to beat him. $125 per gross ton with a the MX, not its greater payload or accuracY, the photos, only six percent (Herm Albright in Perry Township Weekly, Beach Grove, Indiana) $125,000 minimum, reduce the potential vulnerability of existirg took specific conservation As drafted, all private vessels claim the freaks. would be required to prove But the MX will carry as many as 1 actionS.Residential audits of 167 HeOVerheard;gives you"MYa hammerPSychiatristand ad°esn'tbunchbelieveof squarein andC°ddlingroundhiSpegsPatientS'anda financial responsibility, but this Minuteman ICBM carries three), more po homes netted better results, with board with no holes." may be amended to apply only 24 percent implementing (James Dent in Charleston Gazette) to commercial transport, and a new, more accurate guidance system. recommended conservation Some ambiguities in the Freaks don't explain why a more present draft also remain to be needs greater accuracy. Freaks haven't measures. OVerheard, one woman to another: My husband has his good faults ironed out before the committee derailments, about as common as rain in The energy office concluded, and his bad faults. however, that informational (Bob Batz in Dayton Daily News) acts on the measure, country. Each month we read of tank carS fumes or liquids in some town. The national average for railroad accid I'll skip the lice killers train milesis 13.2. In 1973wehad 335,000 miles of track. We have a few today. Highwa3)s, far better patrolled, accident rate yet Business Week wrote highways are deteriorating at an alarming By BILL OSTLUND It's a far cry from the eggs, milk and sugar I Consider trenches. Where could we One of the joys of my childhood was making remembered as a kid. In fact, I had never heard of most of public knowledge? How could we hide homemade ice cream, the stuff. Here is a list of what we are eating in some of cameras? How could you move missiles Although I had my fill of the chocolate, vanilla and the mass-produced ice creams: knowledge? When there's an accident, strawberry varieties at the drug store in Wilkeson or Percy's -Diethyl glucol: A chemical that is used as an suppress the disappearance of, saY Sweetshop in Buckley, the rich mixture that came out of a emulsifier instead of eggs. It is often used in anti-freeze and Washington? Our antiquated rail system hand-cranked freezer was something special, paint removers, weight involved. That's one reason for We used to load the old freezer, eggs, milk, sugar and - Pipcronal: Used as a substitute for vanilla, this derailments. various flavorings into the car along with our other gear chemical is used to kill lice. Smuggling a gigantic missile undetected when we camped at the beach for a weekend. I remember - Aldehyde C 17: Used to flavor cherry ice cream, it is or by rail is as easy as electing Yaser A buying a 50-pound chunk of ice and hacking it into small an inflammable liquid which is used in anilene dyes, plastic Minister. pieces while my mother would stir up those special and rubber. Any competent computer prol ingredients. It seemed as if we cranked the old contraption - Ethyl acetate: Ice cream's pineapple flavoring, it is logistics of missile movement, and down for hours, but it was all worth it when the lid came off. used as a cleaner for leather and textiles. It's vapors have certain to be a major factor in any If I was lucky enough, I got to lick the paddles as they been known to cause chronic lung, liver and heart damage, advantage will last only until emerged from the freezer. And was that rich substance - Butnaldehyde: This common ingredient in rubber appropriation bill. delicious! cement produces a nut flavor. The shell game, made famous in A couple of weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to be - Amyl acetate: Used for its banana flavor. It also is pea and it was hidden under one of tttre treated to a dish of homemade ice cream at a Grange picnic used as an oil paint solvent, plan to move hundreds of missiles at speeds near Vaughn, I nearly had forgotten how good the stuff - Benzyl acetate: This gives you that good old the human hand can successfully hide th at p¢a really tastes, strawberry flavor, but it is also used as a nitrate solvent. Don't forget, they're betting your When I returned home, I realized how long it had been Now that tempting banana split I was thinking of Our nation and our world face since I had eaten any ice cream, so I decided to buy a ordering looks more like a mixture of anti-freeze, oil paint, problems: overpopulation , disease, hun quart and take it home. But before I had the chance to eat paint remover, leather cleaner and lice killer, energy, mutual trust, education, and p it, a fellow worker brought me a list of some of the I think I'll head back home and dig out the old ice a few. ingredients contained in ice cream we buy in the cream freezer. Missiles, and their freakish proponentS, .... .... supermarket. 77w Tacoma Review damn one' of those problems. * 7, 1978