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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ty asked to taofke over ownership of sign s Bait reduction is SW[rl denied for youth ,o ,.._, oo, ,,.., ,, helton City by the department actually five signs but, that chamber had considered He stated he was phmning to problems to Hlmlle RI/,  2646. Many people who have I d was asked at its transportation that they were in two of them would be handled alternatives and that asking the send letters to several traffic Bail on Harry O. Daniels, 19, recognizance, although, he Hlmlle Realty sell o piece of pro- to take over violation of the scenic vista law in a different way. city to take over' the signs engineers capable of doing the 3821 22nd SW, Seattle, was set admitted Dalliels had violated pertyhove and maintenance of which applies to the highways They asked the city to take appeared to be the best one. study to get proposals for doing at $5,000 when Daniels appeared the conditions of a previous to Shelton signs coming into Shelton. over the Santa Claus sign south The alternatives included the work. ill Mason County District Court release on personal recognizance FOD GOOD by the Shelton Under the law, the chamber of Shelton on Highway 3 and removal of all of the signs and of Money would be included in before Judge Gerry Alexander by not keeping in contact with reg. letter said, if the city took over the two handcarved wood signs buying permits for them. the 1979 budget for the traffic Thursday. kis attorney. received a ownership and maintenance of saying Welcome to Shelton on Mayor James Lowery study which the city commission Daniels was arrested in The crime, Whitehouse said, reason to return next time needed expert help in that the chamber asking the signs, they would be in the north and south entrances of announced the appointment of indicated an interest in several Seattle August 26 On a Mason was basically joyriding in HlmlleReallydoesagoocliob take OVer the signs compliance, the city. Darryl Cleveland and Jeff weeks ago and asked Godat to County bench warrant which had someone else's boat. had been told The chamber letter said there The chamber letter also said Conklin to the city planning check into. been issued after he failed to Deputy Prosecutor Gary FOR that while the city would have commission to l two of the Public Works Manager Dennis appear for trial on a charge of Burleson asked that bail be set to agree to take over vacancies there. Calvin said he had been advised first degree theft, on Daniels. maintenance of the signs to Lowery said there are still by the state that only one The Olympia law firm of The incident in which the reasontheyhoveaknckfor comply with the state law, the three vacancies on the planning person would be certified in the Whitehouse and Hanemann was Daniels is charged, he told the getting the owner and a . chamber would continue to commission which he hopes to water department on the basis of appointed to represent Daniels. court, involved the taking of a tire buyer together on a price maintain them as it has in the f'dl shortly, experience and that would be Johll Jarrett, Tumwater, who $30,000 boat from the Seattle everyone agrs is the prolr past. The mayor said he has had himself. He said it would be had been previously appointed to area. The boat was beached in City Engineer Howard Godat no names recommended to him necessary to send the water represent Daniels had been Mason County he said, and rlGOt told the commission he believed of persons who live in the Mr. department foreman to school to allowed to withdraw from the suffered several thousand dollars the two signs south of the city View area. He said he is get a certification, case after telling the court, at worth of damage. LISTERINE were in the county rather than a tte m pting to get a Fuller said he had prepared a tile time Daniels was scheduled , ,, ,,,,,COPYRIGHTED,,,,,, ,,, in the city which might make a representation from various areas rough draft of a parking for trial, that he was unable to Mouth Wash difference, in the city on the planning ordinance and was submitting it contact Daniels and that the The commission asked City commission, to city officials and the chamber defendant had not kept in 32-oz., Reg. $2.33 Attorney Herb FuUer to check Godat told the commission of commerce of study and contact withhisattorney.  Dance into the law to see what might he had explored alternatives to comment. Attorney Steve Whitehouse Sqiulare I 1 2"I be done. financing a traffic study in the He also said he sent a letter appeared in court with Daniels SALE PRICE D a r i y 1 C 1 e v e] a n d, city but had found that it to the state Public Employes Thursday. He asked the court to representing the chamber of appeared that the chance of Relations Commission stating the release Daniels on personal commerce, appeared at the getting a fund grant for the work city did not wmlt to bypass commission meeting. He said the was not very good. either fact finding or arbitration LeIIOI in its negotiations with the union Film showing representing the city firemen. hi b k r. yl Thefiremenhadaskedina isplunned Flat on s ac , Day letter presented to the Starts Tuesday, Sept. 12 commission previously ihat the Five children's films will be MaybellineBIooming k p th II h pp g 7:30-9:30 p.m. Colors ee s em a o in fact finding step be bypassed and shown at the Timberland South the issues submitted to Mason Library starting at 1 p.m. Fairgrounds Hall in package. EYE SHADOW (Continued from page one.) more time with the individual arbitration. Saturday. Lessons sponsored by Salty Sashayers Rtg. $1.57 Reg. $2.17 certainly is. patients. I could read books to The films include Shoemaker Conducted by Dave & Tracy McMullin As the youngest of nine Darryl, for instance, or play and the Elves, How the Mole R I Got His Trousers, Angel and Big $2.S0 per couple € $1 27 children of Donald and Marie poker with him. He really likes Private interests Joe, Skating Rink and Goliath II. lF SALE PRICE Monday, there's simply no poker. $1,25 for Teen PHONE: getting around it. "'But the fact is we simply Nothing is more dangerous than There is no charge for the 20% discount 877.9710 So Darryl has had to learn to haven't the staft'mg to permit it. the influence of private interests film showing. Parents are if paid in advance. make the best of a bad situation We rarely have time for a coffee on public affairs.. • welcome to attend along with NO AGE LIMITS. JOIN THE FUN. 426-1022 with a little help from his new break." Jean Jacques Rousseau their children. Vaseline friends: nurses Callison, Bobble Callison adds that her shift Wood, Barb Morrow and Linda soon will take on two new • INTENSIVE Gradyetso name a few. full.time nursing positions, the on the intercom to the result of which should be an CARE nurses all the time," laughs improvement in just that nursing clerk Lillian Nesbitt. individual-attention capability. Mineral Bath, Bath Beads, However, antics or no, Darryl By then, of course, young Herbal bath beads. R.$1.47. does spend most of his days in Darryl will be long since decidedly solitary pursuit of returned home. And whatever II entertainment. And the fact else is planned for him there, SALE PRICE perhaps serves to point up one one thing almost certainly won't possibly unavoidable drawback be among his activities. to hospital convalescence. "Uh.uh," he says, fiddling EVERGREEN SQUARE "If we had more nurses on with his harness again. "I don't Store Hours: Monday thruSaturday, 9:30-5:30 staff," says Callison, by way of think there'll be any more 11-4 I1 explanation, "then I could spend motorcycle riding for me." !11|12 / / j, 0 ., This week we weighed them 237 Ibs. L For the convenience of our The winners of s25 gift certificates are: Rose Bredeson (218 Ibs.) Tom Nugent (219 Ibs.) tlnda Rinearson (225 Ibs.) Shelton Office Customers, ,..,u.,v. MATTRESS maker of 1 back supporter we have changed our hours: SALE The Back SupporteP mattress is made only by Spring AlP I 9-5 Monday thru Thursday TWIN SET FULL SET QUEEN SET Super buy 10-5:30 Fridays *99" 252-coil.,ulrbuy' 139 u :6-coll matched , 198 mis.matchll .... set ............. QUEEN SET l TWIN SET FULL SET o.,ux. ,uxu.,o. 10.year guarantee, beautiful damask cover 252-coil quality set $118 n 312-coilmatched  ! 68 n t38  mis-matched .... set ............. IIIIH We're Providing a Safe Savings Future For Every Family... Every Income... Here at Heritage • p,idty for premature withdrawal O EN Hedlll00SSe "°"""""' Terms: OPENDAILY We have the most flex- ible terms anywherel • 8:30--5: 30 Down payment and FEDEI'dLSc3VlIlliS monthly payment ar- ranged to suit you per- m,*,I k,,  um J.=,. sonally. Comer o1 sm encl Celumbla I41100 0*ymlm * IJOW * Tumwem , 8lu, , 8Nn,w*Y Thursday, September 7, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5