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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
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AUCTIONEERS FOR auction will be Margie Madsen. The event Temple. J the Christian Women's Club country store and Knudsen, left; Holly Pettyjohn, right; and Karen is set for 11:45 a.m., Wednesday in the Masonic Auction scheduled club In connection with a feature chairperson Margie speaker will augment the monthly luncheon, Christian Knudsen. Among items to be program. A nursery will be Women's Club will hold a offered will be plants, baked available. All women are country store and auction to goods and both used and new encouraged to attend. begin at 11:45 a.m. Wednesday articles including many Reservations are a must, and in the Masonic Temple. handmades, may be made by telephoning Auctioneers will be Holly Special music and a guest 426-1728 or426-6526. Pettyjohn, Karen Madsen and Leah Starr is excellent cook In her Chehalis home she prepares both breakfast and supper and serves as a little mother to her younger brother while Mrs. Starr is at work. "Mom depends on me," Leah explains. Bike riding and swimming are Leah's hobbies, and she has a pet parakeet. She is learning to do beadwork. "My mother is my teacher," she states, "and she's an expert!" Leah makes Indian flat bread by combining two cups of flour, a teaspoonful of baking powder, a quarter teaspoonful of salt and a half teaspoonful of sugar. The dough is rolled out fiat and baked in a 350-degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Indian fried bread calls for two cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, a teasponful When ll-year-old Leah Estelle Starr attained the age of nine years she was quite a cook. She began to tell her grandmother how it should be done. "My mother taught me," says Leah, "and my grandmother taught my mother before me. You have to start early to become a good cook!" Leah is a frequent visitor in the Skokomish reservation home of her grandmother, Catherine Cooper. Her parents are Frances Starr and Lee Starr of Chehalis. In July Leah attended the Washington State University Cooperative Extension Service nutrition lessons and earned a certificate. Her mother is employed by a day care center in Chehalis and there Leah assists with the care of children. Square dance lessons set Square dance classes will TracyMcMullln. begin at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at For more information about Mason CountyFairgrounds. Plans the lessons, call 426-1022, will be finalized by the 426-5169 or 877-9710. Prior sponsoring Salty Sashayers at a arrangements are riot required meeting to be held at 7 p.m. and all interested persons are today in the home of Dave and invited to attend the first lesson. Fleshmans to celebrate 50th wedding anniversary An open house observing the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fleshman is set for Sunday, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the family home. Hosting the event will be the children of the couple who are Mildred Glover of Bremerton, Dale Fleshman of Shelton and Darrell Fleshman of Port Orchard. The Fleshmans were married in Milton-Freewater, Oregon on September 12, 1928. Mrs. Fleshman is the former Olive Courtney. Bob Fleshman retired from P.S.N.S. in 1972 and now enjoys gardening. They have 16 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Meeting set Progress Grange will hold its regular meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. with potluck to be served at 6:30 p.m. Board to meet The regular meeting of the Mary M. Knight School Board will be held Monday, at 8 p.m. in the school. "It's a dog's life," says canine senior citizen been lengthy. ''In: ag'e I am :' the' approximately equivalent of a 126-year-old human," she explains, "and I've always been healthy. I've never had a bit of trouble except once about five years ago when I went to sleep under a pickup track. My rude awakening was accompanied by a grazed shoulder. Only a braise, really?' Lassie wears her age beautifully and she is serene in the knowledge that she is loved as much today as she was before her muzzle turned to silver. "She's not senile!" declares Mike Thomas. "She always knows when it's dinner time! And she looks forward to her regular trips to the beauty salon." Lassie, you're a vain old lady! Happy Birthday! !By FIDO DANFORD "I was born on September 15, 1960 in the home of a family who lived on Walker Park Road," says Lassie. "My mother was a cocker spaniel. "I don't really remember my father," she adds, "but I think he was a Labrador. He and my master she prompt!y won the General Hospital Auxiliary and mother were separated. As soon hearts of the, entire housoho!' St: David's Episcopal Church. as possible," Almost 18 years ago, at the age of six weeks, Lassie became a birthday gift for nine-year-old Nate Thomas, son of Berwyn and Emma Thomas of Shelton. Although Nate was officially her and gave her affection freely in return. According to Mike Thomas, brother of Nate, Lassie has attended Washington State University, the University of Washington and Oregon State University. "She majored in family planning," says Mike, "but failed to earn a degree. She did, however, receive commendation "for attendance. She accompanied my parents whenever they visited me or my brother and sister." In spite of her interest in the subject, Lassie has never reared a family. Her maternal tendencies were nipped in the bud by the rather drastic birth control method called spaying. Her agile mind soon turned to other pursuits. "I am a nature lover," she confides, "and I consider myself a connoisseur of the great outdoors. I used to hunt mushrooms with Mrs. Thomas." Lassie claims an honorary membership with groups whose outings she has attended with the Thomas family. These include the Yacht Club, Mason County Historical Society, Mason Widely traveled, she has toured California, Oregon, Canada and most of the state of Washington. "My youthful passion," Lassie reminisces, "was the chasing of garbage men; but I outgrew this game many years ago. I've never considered myself to be much of a watchdog, but I liked to bark when people came on my premises and I served as companion and bodyguard for a Mason County Health Nurse, Mrs. Thomas. "For the past year," she continues somewhat sadly, "I've been at a decided disadvantage. I think I've only given out two or three muffled woofs. I'm deaf, you know, and 1 don't see too well." When a second dog, Ilka, joined the family six years ago Lassie was outraged. She learned to accept the newcomer but the generation gap prevented any close communication between the two. The recent addition of a cat has been beneath her notice. Lassie is slowing down. She walks with difficulty, but her mind is clear and she recalls a life as rich and happy as it has WHAT SHOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT MEDICINES? Your full service professional pharmacist will always instruct you verbally as to when and how to take a drug, what foods or drugs may be incompatible with it and if there are any activity restrictions such as driving or drinking. Some products must be taken on an empty stomach; some are rendered totally Ineffective by dairy products, while still others must be taken with milk. When you present a prescription to a pharmacist in our pharmacy, you can be sure that you will be fully advised about that medicine before you leave the store. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly without extra charge• A great many people rely on us for their health needs. We welcome requests for delivery service and charge accounts. LASSIE, PAST her prime but still loved and valued by her people, approaches her 18th •birthday. Nell's Pharmacy Fifth 8. Franklin St. -- 426-3327 1 Open Daily, 9:30-7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 Let Dean make a close-up for you! J Call Dean's Studio, 426-3272, I for appointment. I I II IIIII II I Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 7, 1978 of sugar and a half teaspoonful of salt. "Mix the ingredients well," says Leah, "then pinch off a piece of dough, flatten it and fry it in a pan using a quarter cupful to a half cupful of oil; or you can deep-fry it at 300 to 350 degrees. Fry until it's brown on both sides." During summer months Leah spends a lot of time with her grandparents. Throughout the school year she is a weekend visitor. While staying in the Cooper home she takes over the cooking duties. "Grandma says I'm a better cook than she is!" Leah states proudly. "I don't know about that, though." she adds. "Sometimes I make a mess of pancakes. I just can't seem to turn them over right." Leah's Taco Salad (Serves Six) ½ pound ground beef 1 C.%ooked kidney or chili beans ½ head lettuce, torn 2 small tomatoes cut in pieces 1 small onion, diced ¼ pound cheddar cheese, cubed Thousand Island dressing with dash of hot sauce as needed 1 small package tortilla chips, broken Brown hamburger; pour off fat; add beans; heat through. Toss lettuce, tomatoes, onion and cheese with salad dressing in large bowl. Spoon on meat and bean mixture. Top with broken tortilla chips. Serve immediately. Leah's Applesauce Cake 1 C. butter 1 C. sugar 2 C. applesauce 2 C. light raisins 1 tsp. baking soda 1 C. chopped walnuts 3½ C. flour 2 eggs 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 tsp. cloves 2 tsp. nutmet pinch of salt Sift together flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Remove ½ cup of flour mixture to stir into the nuts and raisins. Set both aside. Cream butter until whipped soft; add sugar a little at a time until mixture is smooth. Beat eggs vigofOtisl'. Alteflately stir ifi flour mixture and applesauce. When all is mixed together add nuts and raisins. Mix well. Pour batter into well greased cake mold. Bake in preheated oven at 350 degrees for one hour. Filled Cupcakes 1 package chocolate cake mix, prepared as directed on box. Grease cupcake pan or use paper baking cups. Fill each with: 1 Tbl. cake batter 1 tsp. filling 1 Tbl. cake batter Bake in 350 degree oven for 15-20 minutes. Frost with your favorite chocolate frosting. Filling for Cupcakes 1 beaten egg 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese 1/3 C. sugar Cream well and add 6 oz. chocolate chips. ,-: :: SALE BERNINA 930 $750 Electronic, Top-of-the-Line Reg. $900 (One only) SALE BERNINA $&aa Ndll- - -  , vVA Portable. Reg. $750 tone only) SALE PORT-A-TABLE $75 Reg. $112 calico corner 203 railroad 426-8568 LEAH STARR models !i  •• i! SHE EXCELS in cooking, but Leah many arts and crafts. ON VITA up to 27% Off reg. price 250 mg 100 tablets, reg. $1.49 • 250 tablets, reg. $3.49 $2s00 500 mg 100 tab, reg. $2.49 reg': 250 tab, reg $5.89 *4" $ Nei 5th & Frankli