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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
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iss Wahlstrom marries I ................. .... -;.=-jT ................... 7 Kevin Joseph Dooley in a candle The following story is true. approached the ticket window. A twenty-year-old twinkle belies the snowy chapeau that had agility admirable in one of her ceremony in St. Monica's Church Names have been changed to They provided names and of Mercer Island, Washington. protect the guilty, reservations were produced. Father Joseph Dooley of Jane Doe stood in line to "But how about the boy?" Washington, D.C., uncle of the pick up her airline ticket for a queried the clerk with an groom, officiated, flight to a tropical island. Just appraising glance at the child. The bride is the daughter of ahead of her were three and a "Oh, he doesn't need a Mr. and Mrs. Sig Wahlstrom of quarter tourists with identical ticket," the trio spontaneously Shelton. The groom is the son of destinations. The fraction was spouted in well-rehearsed unison. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dooley represented by a very small boy "He's only 23 months old!" of Mercer Island, Washington. who had been stating "l am not!" exclaimed the :: Matron of honor was Barbara emphatically for the past 15 outraged offspring in righteous Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Joseph Dooley Burch, twin sister of the bride, minutes that he had to go to the pride. "l was two years old in Bridesmaids were Helen bathroom. April!" Goodlett, Jan Simmons, Bey The child had as many times Three murderous glares Shonka and Michael Crooks. Karl been shushed, rewarded the untimely honesty Wahlstrom, niece of the bride, "I have to go to the of the ill.advised youngster, and was the flower girl. bathroom," he announced only the equally lethal look and Mike Lowery was best man. determinedly once more. threatening demeanor of Jane Other groomsmen were Gary "In a little while," he was Doe saved tile hapless lad from Farber, Tug Setzer, Dave Baus told yet again, another thumping. and Dave Hazen. The candle Two or three declarations Beyond the counter the lighters were Tom Dooley, later the inevitable occurred as amount was recalculated with brother of the groom and Steven the urgency of nature's insistent the inclusion of the child's fare. t Toth, nephew of the groom, call triumphed over adult "Oh," said one of the Barbara Burch and Diane delaying tactics, and the wee women somewhat belatedly, "we Berger sang "Evergreen" and laddy was whacked resoundingly want to pay separately." " i John Burch's solo "You Are So on the seat of his soggy britches. With a sigh the clerk   Beautiful" was sung to the bride Jane Doe seethed silently at discarded the preferred slip of ..... /:. as a surprise request of the the injustice of it all. paper and again resorted to groom. Other special music was The gleesome threesome and mathematics as the lengthy by Spiritborne, a group of eight their unenthusiastic charge waiting line murmured and feet who have traveled all over the were softly shuffled. United States this past year "There you are," said the under the sponsorship of Douglas Roscoe airline employe at long last. Lutheran Youth Encounter. "Three round trips with one Out of town guests included: slated to speak child:is, fare. Figured separately." Mrs. Walter Hank, grandmother sorry, but this still isn't of the groom of Florida; Mr and at coffee hou r right. 1 want to come back on Mrs. Howard Chase of San Jose, Douglas Roscoe, general Tuesday, but Mary and Ruth ffi California, aunt and uncle of the manager of the new Capital Mall don't want to make the return o cars visit bndo; Mi00o ,n O,00m00ia wi" .a00on VF w Toth and family of California. General Hospital Auxiliary at a Again figures were juggled post, auxiliary ,,, Toth is the sister of the noon coffee hour to be held in and monetary facts were groom. the Island Lake home of Mrs. presented. Again feet were regular meeting of Parties are being planned for Among Shelton guests were: Hank Sandstrom on Monday. shuffled and murmurs turned to Veterans of patients at Western State Mr. and Mrs. Art Christensen; Members of the auxiliary will m u t t e rs. One of the No. 1694 and Hospital and anyone wishing to Mrs. Betty Hulbert;Mr. and Mrs. assist at the blood bank drawing time-consuming customers No. 5 help on the program may David Little; Mr. and Mrs. scheduled for September 26 in pointed out yetanothererror. Blonden and contact Lura Hurst, hospital Charles Thomas; and Mr. and the PUD auditorium between the "You've got the boy's fare o. 5 President chairperson. Mrs. Myrvin Dimmitt. hours of noon and 6 p.m. on my bill," she objected. "It's made their A party was presented for The bride has taught first The fall luncheon meeting of supposed to be on Ruth's!" guests from patients in Fir Lane Terrace grade at Evergreen School for the auxiliary is slated for The final tally was at long Mr. and Mrs. Convalescent Center. Those the past two years. The groom is October 9 at noon in St. last accomplished and the happy from Ira L. assisting were Lura Hurst, Ila an accountant at Boeings, Kent. Edward's Social Hall. holidayers relinquished their Mr. and Chase, Lucille Speece, Georgia Both are graduates of Bill Mann Hellman and Ann Carlson. Washington State University. Reservations are necessary, squatter's rights at the counter. "Well, come on!" one of the Fitzpaterick Cookies were donated by A reception was held in the adults said impatiently to the Post No. Mildred Winscott and Barbara Mercer Island home of Mr. and Edna Farlow Okonek. Mrs. Raymond Dooley after Board to meet child. "You're holding up the line!" Auxiliary which the newlyweds left for a in PUD office Jane Doe spoke out, loud t; and Evelyn I i honeymoon on the Oregon coast, and clear. No. 1948, NO CO or es They are now at home in Kent, T h u rs t o n-M a so n "The best thing for you to PostNo. 1694 Is it better to eat Washington. Developmental Disabilities Program board will meet on do, son" she said, "is to strike honor all Gold unprocessed bran (from the Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the out on your own. You've got Mason County health store) than the kind Mason County PUD office, more sense than the other three September found in regular packaged put together." Memorial cereals? WSU Cooperative Concelled , round of applause arose will furnish Extension nutritionists report from the approving queue, and Star Parents that although unprocessed bran There will be no meeting of [ A . ] the boy miaged a wistful smile invitations is loaded with vitamins and Skokomish Grange No. 309 on [ ilfh / as he was towed in the sorry esident Fae minerals, they're useless as far as Friday Sentember 8. The next [ .Jf'_'I-L_ / wake of the vapid vacationers. • your body is concerned. The meeting'-will be held on Jane Doe picked up her  of school vitamins and minerals in the raw September 22 with potluck at [  / reservation and retired to the bar :the Voice of bran are chemically tied up so 6:30 p.m. and a meeting at 8 [  . | for a beverage to soothe her the FI-- . they are not digestible. You get p.m. /  111€€ / jangled nerves. COn, .... , ano fiber from both kinds of bran, Ruth VanDeRiet will present ] = #i mlli, | Although Jane Doe can no • srs rote the and the raw bran contains the program and initiation will / t,jt,#w I gr,,4is | longer be called a spring chicken, virtually no calories, be held. [  _1 she is by no means an old hen. Z • I i • . • . t.Lu.zza.00 : ,u LAYAWAY AND ' i i' • • I mi • We feature hard-to-  i kM / A OA I1, I1. I find sizes BANKCRDSWELCOME I1 = ? ' I d men en "" ' _ GATEWAY CENTER t Z000- LEE ?LYMPIC HWY. NORTH _S?1:" _ ilE: I ..... -6 $0t.-9,5:30 I I \\; 00ICKOry SHELTON i  A O/A I[ , I| LiJJ[ , m..--L \\; q.U \\; wu,,, - \\; FLANNEL \\; ,., _  J IIO aJ v  L Button I-- SHIRTS \\; ..... z,. '8" S-M-L-XL    ,,,"" $oee \\; • U--  ......... :"- • MATCHING LARGE SELECTION PERMA PRESS LADIES" BLOUSES & TOPS PANTS & Plain or fancy. SHIRTS Laura Mac, Pykettes, Shirley, Green-tan-laden Arlene. A Pants, 29 to42 '8 99 $4 '9.. 99 Shirts, S-M-L-XL *699  \\; MAN SIZE CHAMBRAY an JEANS WORK SHIRTS Roomy cut for comfort and S-M-L-XL action. Heavy 14-oz. denim, 28 to 54 waist. $ 99 BL SIZES 32-52, $i 7S the worldly wisdom in her bespectacled eyes, and therein. lies, perhaps, the charm that attracts to her glamorless side an otherwise unexplainable multitude of not-too-golden opportunities. As she sipped her revitalizing libation there appeared before her a middle-aged genglenlan who was tall enough, sufficiently dark and definitely handsome. He glowed with a physical aura adequately embellished by the reflected fire of a fistful of perfect blue-whites. A spotless good.guy Stetson was held reverently over the spot where he probably housed a heart, but far enough to the left to leave an unobstructed view of the large diamond stickpin decorating his tie. "You're a woman after my own heart!" he orated. "I admire you! I respect you! I honor you! I love you! "May I join you and tell you of my deep devotion?" Without waiting for an answer he slid his six-foot-two physique into the narrow booth and leaned toward Jane Doe whose reaction to this exciting masculine proximity was predictable if rather unfortunate. She spilled her tall, cold drink all over the tailor-made elegance and liberally drenched been so tenderly placed upon the table. "O11, I'm so sorry," she gasped, grabbing a handful of cocktail napkins to mop feverishly at the sopping suit. "Think nothing of it, my lovely," the victim said philosophically as the crimson stain spread across the brim of the Stetson and the colorful liquid continued to drip onto his now saturated lap. "This incident only increases my empathy with the little fellow you so bravely championed. It is symbolic! It is fate!" An expensively wrist-watched arm was extended along the back of the seat and Jane Doe was treated to the full panoramic profile before the impact of melting brown eyes struck her full force. "I am wealthy!" the man whispered. "1 have no one with when1 to share my material possessions. ' "I am surfeited with youthful prettiness. My soul cries out for the deep and abounding beauty of an Older Woman! "Marry me! 1 am lonely and bored. With you I would be neither. Not ever!" Jane Doe maneuvered herself to a standing position on the seat in the far corner into which she had been crowded. With an years she leaped over the back of the booth to freedom. "Not today," she told her would-be wooer. "However," she added contemplatively, "give me your card. If I'm ever bored or lonely, I'll call you!" Who has not older woman kissed nmy never know what he has missed. 'Tis not alone a sense of duty prompting man to forego beauty, shunning youth to thus embrace the owner of an aging face. Beneath the sagging bust may beat a heart with wisdom more complete than that within protruding chest of young and lovely girl so blessed. Who pushes fifty from above has little left to learn of love. c00atu(d00ad6 ITAMIN SALE VITAMIN E 400 I.U. WATER SOLUBILIZED S P E C I A L PROVIDES THE 0PPORTUNrfY FOR =3 99 MORE COMPLETE ABSORPTION 100 CAPSULES Regular $7.99 • EXTRA STRENGTH l KELPoLECITHINoB6 a'RV,NE.R NOW I FAMOUS DIETARY FORMULA . FULL 33 DAYS SUPPLY $ 9 Q 71 100 TABLETS Regular $5.7___________ ___J____ ii • ________________E I VITAMIN C 500 mg. SPECIAL ,,00,.,=, =1 97 QUALIFY YOU CAN TRUST. 100 TABLETS Regular $3.13 • SUNNY MAID* CHEWABLE ORANGE VITAMIN C 250 rag. SECMn GREAT TASTING...FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES. 'q" I  100 TABLETS Regular $2.47 i • v v DALLY IRON,, NW COMPARE TO GERITOL ฎ  v FOR PREVENTION OF IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA $1 R A 100 TABLETS Regular $2.78 l • Ill "51' |/BEC c BEALANCED B COMPLEX-NO-IN 0 COMPLEX VITAMINS MUST BE REPLACED DAILY; I1 IP JI I THEY ARE NOT STOREO BY THE BODY. -r I I_.l ."1 100 TABLETS Regular $4.10 mi • I V 250 mg. VITAMIN C with • , q q 250 mg. ROSE HIPS FACTORS 1:4  7 /i 100 TABLETS Regular $3.67  • • I NATURAL .,..,.e k)(j[.OIITE . NOW I ;N '0 SOURCE OF $ I n K I ,M AN,.,,S,UM * I • 0 U I VITAMIN B-6 50 mg. NOW I  FAT METABOL_M. _A_I0___ --  J A A IN PRODUCTION OF ANTIBOOIES. FORMATION OF RED 100 TABLETS Regular $3.69 i i v v I' ------------------1 o z = - g(s -NATURE MILK .. __  .......  - -i INATURAL PROTEIN POWDER SPECIAL HIOH PDOTBN 23 GRAMS.CONTAiNS NECESSADY AMINO ACIDS _ AI  I I I L. OAL--S'L'O'O"'"S'"SU"D'OOOO"STI" "L i , ?w. n PHYSICIAN WHILE DIETING AND READ LABEL CAREFULLY ""1" • I l ZINC GLUCONATE 10 mg. . ... I ...... " ..... WITH MINERALS I1U VV I I,I(L%$1  I mCLUmN6 mON AND VffAMIN 11. A, -mii • L\\;l  [ IO0_TA._LETS _eS3_.D9 ..... L, l_ I1 I   IF-O[.|C-AC|D-ioo-mcg_- ------------------------ I I Ill II(';':'EI 1100 U.S. ROA NOW • • RL I \\;\==11 I HELPFUL IN RED BLOOD CELL MANUFACTURE, ESSENTIAL •  q qI 1 ./   I FOR NORMAL METABOLISM OF CELLS AND TISSUE. iP -1 1/I I NATuRAL Regular $2.28 NUTRA'E ฎ - • Hegutar $3 95 VITAMIN A & D N PURE VITAMIN E " SOOOIU VIf. A(R$HLIVEROIL) -- OW SKIN CREAM NOW 400 I U' "Vif O (fiSH LIVER 01L) $ RICH IN VffXlOiS t A & D" SOFTENS 100 CAPSULES l i liill ,ll a n7 ' ' L.d/ 17th Groins knan rhUll:lN 3MAMI*UU =,,u • A NATURAL SOURCE FOR iv ,/Fir with PURE VITAMIN E Iv , € PLEX VffAMINS BALANCED, PnO1 race, i=n0000ABLETS " $1 7n =1.871 • i iiv BOZ. i '..'..,.,o.,.o..,..,o.,uoo.,,o.,,,. I Your Complete Pharmacy L I money savers 4 th & Rollrood Shelton. Wash. 98584 Ph. 46.2666 Thursday, September 7, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11