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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Several plead guilty to criminal charges Three persons appeared in Mason County Superior Court before Judge Gerry Alexander Thursday to enter guilty pleas to criminal charges against them. Mark D. Adams, 19, Shellon, pleaded guilty to a charge of second degree burglary. fie was accused of breaking into Dr. T. B. Orme's office at 1660 N. 13th Street, Shellon, last June 15. Adams told the court he entered the dentisrs office with lhe iutention of taking dental tools. On the recommendation of Deputy Prosecutor Gary Burleson and Defense Attorney James Sawyer, Judge Alexander ordered a presentence report on Adams before he is sentenced on the charge, lie was allowed to con ti ntte out on personal recognizance. Pleading guilty to a charge of theft in the third degree was DeVere Foster, formerly of Shelton now living in Vancouver. Deputy Prosecutor Richard Adamson told the court he had filed an amended information in the case, reducing the charge against Foster from theft in the second dege to theft in the Too Late to Classify BEAUTIFUL BUILDING or mobile lot, %-acre. Arcadia Estates. $5,950. 357-4328. N9/7-28 ONE-, TWO-, and three-bedroom apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Security deposit, first and last. No pets. $125 to 1 . 0. F dnewnnd An,rfmRnf. one 426-4364. E9/7tfn HOLIDAY HOUSE, Ninth and Cedar, 1-bedroom, $150. 2-bedroom, $175. $100 deposit, no pets or children. 426-5281 after 5. N9/7 200 GALLON oil barrel. $35. 426-2130 after 5 p.m. K9/7 COZY CABIN. Be nature's neighbor in this 2-story, 1-bedroom hideaway. Is situated on wooded 2/3 acres with beach access to the south sound. Owner will carry contract. Full price $26,000, $4,000 down payment, $225/month at 9%% interest. Call John Trauba, 426-1756 evenings or Roland & Roland Realtors, 1-857-2151. R9/7-14 TRUMPET. 482-4086. W9/14-21 TWO FREE kittens, one black, one white, will deliver. Call after 5 p.m. 426-8854. Y9/7 1973 DATSUN pickup, 1600 engine, $1,750. Apache tent trailer, sleeps 4, $450. 426-8765 after 5 p.m. Z9/7 2-BEDROOM mobile home, 14 x 48 on Lake Isabella. $180 month, deposit and references required. Call 426-3346 or 736-8074. Gg/Ttfn 17' PACIFIC Mariner boat, trailer and 40 h.p. Johnson. $1,200. Call 426-4557. $9/7-14 '69 VW automatic, rebuilt en]ine by European Motors, new tires, beautiful. $X,450. 426-6830. E9/7 450 JOHN Deere dozer, diesel, 6.way blade and winch. 2010 John Deere backhoe, diesel. Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Shelton will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. September 26, 1978 in the Commission Room at City Hall on the lanned use of Federal Revenue haring monies. The Revenue for 1979 is expected to be $101,000. All persons interested are invited to attend. Helen W. Stodden Clerk-Treasurer 9/7-1t Too Late to Classify 1966 Ford F-600 5-yard dump truck, 3-axle equipment trailer. 1976 25 h.p., Satoh gas tractor, 70 hours, like new. 1976 Kubota rotavator, and post hole auger, TOr batoil tractor. $26,500. Cash takes all. Call 426-2511. B9/7 EXPERIENCED FRY cook. Apply at Heinie's. H9/7-28 1- AND 2-bedroom apartments, walking distance to town, carpeted, drapes, dishwasher, garbage disposal, water, garbage paid. $170-$200 month. Call 426-6251 for appointment. F9/7tfn MARINE OR automotive mechanic needed. Experienced. Union Marina. 898-2252. U9/7 CAULK BOOTS, size 9. $90. 426-1735. M9/7 MEDITERRANEAN STYLE sofa and love seat, crushed red velvet, excellent condition, sacrifice both for $300. 426-2211, Tammy, after 5 p.m. 426-2835. L9/7 FOR SALE 1951 Chev pickup, $100. Boat trailer, $20. Call 426-8378 after 5. R9/7 17' RANGER boat, full canvas, 75 horse, Johnson electric, E-Z Loader trailer. 426-6689. A9/7-14 FOR RENT -- Lovely new 2-bedroom duplexes, all appliances, water, garbage furnished. $235. Family Realty. 212 South Second. 426-5591 or 426-2384. F9/7 SEE US for commercial properties. 4-bedroom house downtown. Lovely 4-bedroom view home in Angleside. 2-bedroom home, Tjmberlakes. Call for information. Family Realty. 212 South Second. 426-5591 or 426-2384. F9/7 PRIVATE PARTY selling commercial building, downtown Shelton, good cash flow, priced at $129,000. 877-5858. T9/7 %9 PONTIAC Executive. $1,000. 426-7347 after 5. B9/7 FOR RENT- l-bedroom mobile home. Lake Nahwatzel. $175. References. 426-8767. B9/7tfn CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindne'ss and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. The family of Oscar Levin 9/7 TRAVEL TRAILER, 16 ft. S.C. 3-burner stove with oven, refrigerator, water heater, liom. All propane 110 volt lionts. Electric brakes, new tires, to,el and license, new carpet and upholstery. $750. 877-5345. $9/7-14 Coke 6 pack, 12.oz. cans Open 7 a.m.-12 p.m., Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Sun. Brad Owen: Owner third degree. Tile charge to which Foster pleaded guilty is a nfisdemeanor. Defense Attorney James Kaeding, Tumwater, told the court Foster had made arrangements with Lanning's Appliance in Shelton in August, 1977, to purchase a television set. Foster the attorney said, moved from Shelton taking the television set with him without paying for it. Judge Alexander gave Foster Film series is planned The rise and decline of western thought and culture is the subject of a I O-part film series to be shown in Shelton. "How Should We Then Live?" will be shown each Saturday and Sunday for 10 consecutive weeks at the First Baptist Church, Fifth and Cota streets. "The series presents profound truths in simple film language," said Reverend Jerry Hamilton of the local church. "It was written by and features Dr. Francis Schaeffer, whom Time magazine called 'a missionary to the intellectuals:'" Each episode will be shown at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday and 9:30 a.m. the following Sunday. a one-year deferred sentence, fined him $150 and ordered that any restitution due the appliance company be paid. Pleading guilty to a charge of possession of more than 40 grams of marijuana was Warren N. Johnson, 20, a resident of Kitsap County. Montgomery returns Dr. Richard Montgomery, who submitted a resignation from his position as high school counselor and was later given an ,opportunity to withdraw the resignation, was on duty at the high school, school officials said Wednesday. Dr. Montgomery signed his contract for the coming school year when it was offered in May, and in June submitted a letter of resignation. The school board took no action on accepting the resignation at its July board meeting and met with Dr. Montgomery in executive session at its August meeting. At a special meeting in August, the board voted to accept the resignation, with the condition that Dr. Montgomery would be allowed until August 28 to reconsider and withdraw the resignation. ilnllllillllllllllllllnlUlllllllllllUllllllllllnlnlllll iiiiiiiiiiiinlllllllllllllllllllnlllllnlllllllllllnllll cW qVeather °'-A00vals High Low Precip. Fahrenheit August 30 76 58 0 August 31 68 59 .14 September 1 68 56 .79 September 2 72 56 .32 September 3 67 57 .36 September 4 67 55 .09 September 5 65 51 .06 Celsius August 30 24 14 0 August 31 20 15 4 September 1 20 13 20 September 2 22 13 8 September 3 19 14 9 September 4 19 13 2 September 5 18 11 2 Showers will diminish over the weekend with temperatures returning to near normal by Sunday. Highs will be in the 60s and 7Us with lows in the upper 40s and the'50s. lllllllllllnnlllnllllllllllllllnlllllllllUllllllnlllllnl Mason General Hospital A son to Steven D. and Sanna Watts, 522 South Sixth Street, Shelton, August 30. A daughter to Jeffery B. and Sandra Hansen, 1603 Union Street, Shelton, August 31. A son to Larry R. and Marlene Bacon, 1009 South Vine Street, Port Angeles, September 1. A daughter to Thomas'and Delores Pearson, 162 ! Harding Road, Aberdeen, September 3. A son to John and Molly Deacon, Route 2, Box 895, Shelton, September 4. I I I Johnson was charged with having the marijuana in his possession last May 21 when he was contacted by game department officers. On the recommendation of Burleson and Sawyer, Judge Alexander ordered a presentence report on Johnson before he is sentenced on the charge. He was allowed to continue out on bail which had been previously posted. A deferred sentence, previously given Michael McCoy, Bremerton, on a charge of delivery of a legend drag, was revoked by Judge Alexander after a hearing in which he found McCoy had violated the terms of his probation. Burleson told the court that after being given the deferred sentence, McCoy had been charged and convicted in Kitsap County of several charges of forgery of a prescription. The incidents, Burleson said, occurred in November and December of 1977. McCoy, the court was told had been sentenced to prison from Kitsap County last week and had been brought in from the Washington Corrections Center for the revocation hearing on the Mason County charge. McCoy admitted the violations of the conditions of his deferred sentence. Judge Alexander sentenced McCoy to a maximum term of five years in prison on the Mason County charge. Tribe gets fund grant The Skokomish Indian Tribe is one of four in the state for whom funds have reserved for Indian community development block grant programs according to George Toybal, regional administrator for Region X of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Skokomish Tribe is slated to receive $197,878 which will be used for housing rehabilitation. Other tribes for which funds have been reserved are the Puyallup, Makah and Lower Elwah tribes. These Mason County voters and taxpayers have endorsed DON SAEGER as their choice of the candidates for the position of Commissioner, District No. 3 of Mason County. Dr. R N. Collier Leo C Blakely, Jr. John K. Bennett Helen Savage Leona Z Osterman James Bariekman Patricia J. Bush Don Bush Frank C Marler Florence C.Marler Tony Kreifeis Evelyn Kreifels Vicki Conley Roger Conley Howard B. Swope Eva R. Swope Zola K. Bariekman Grace Saeger Lawrence Saeger Wilma Saeger Arnold Saeger Bill Hall : Liz Hall Hartley A. Loertscher Lola M. Loertscher Pat Waling Bob K imbel Louise Kimbel William Carlson Jack Saeger Victor (Jack) Swanson Leland J. Rhodes Catherine L. Rhodes Paid f.r hy I).n Saeger, Rt. 5, Box 7115, SI.dtmJ. II II I Theron Burgess Harry A. Dittman Magdalene Dittman Bill Johnson Marilyn Johnson Merv Settle John W. Bennett Stella Bennett Leonard Cochran Lula Cochran Larry D. Marler Barbara Burgess Walter Hildebmndt Alice Hildebrandt • Betty Lou Young Barbara Frahman Gene Rutledge Lois Rutledge Darold Freeman Rita Freeman Monica Iversen Walter Bloomfield Helen B. Bloomfield Ralph Bariekman Margie Bariekman Donald J. Smith Harriet E. Smith Richard L. Andrews Jim Hickson Walter Shaw Alan C Saeger Walter (2 Bain Gladys tt. Bain John Bariekman Alice Bariekman David F. Walker Peggy Walker Harold W. Kidd Laura L. Kidd Ernie Loertscher Bea Loertscher Lloyd IV. Morgan Everett Morken Ray Bracy Stanley E. Linn Thelma Linn Linda Clevenger Marie Legault Donald Lee Edmiston Don Louderback Lawrence N. Herriford Margaret B. Herriford Ralph Hannah Ray 1'. Coleman Judy K. Coleman Stanley Morken Corine Morken Lawrence E. Adair A. Neona Adair lvor Bransford Richard Lee Path Lee John D. Hickson Sue Hickson Jesse Wolfe Anita V. Saeger Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thulsday, September 7, 1978 THANK YOU, I appreciate your confklence in me! IIII I II I I Democrats plan di The Mason County Democrat Central Committee will host a Democratic Third Congressional District meeting and a salmon barbecue at the Mason County Fairgrounds Saturday. Retired group to meet The Mason County chapter of the Retired Public Employes Council of Washington will have its first meeting of the 1978-79 season at 10 a.m. September 12 in the PUD 3 auditorium in Shelton. Speaker for the program will be Julie Raichert, director of the Mason County Senior Center. Membership in the group is open to anyone who has retired from state, county, city, public utility district or noncertificated school district employment under the Washington state retirement system. The purpose of the group is to work to improve and protect retirement benefits. Best trousers A man should never put on his best trousers when he goes out to battle for freedom and truth. Henrik Isben The Third District meeting will start at 3:30 p.m. and the dinner will start at 6 p.m. The salmon will be prepared by the Georgie Miller family. A special guest at the meeting will be Representative Don Bonker. State elected officials and all been invited to "ONE STOP" INSURANCE COVERAGE COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR ALL YOUR REQU!REMEN]S * COMMERCIAL * RESIDENTIAL * PERSONAL LIFE- AUTO- TRUCK FIRE- MARINE- BUSINESS J HOME OWNERS HOSPITAL- MEDICAL LIABILITY ARNOLD & SMIT 117 E. Cota Phone Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Announcing TWO Hew Dynamic investment From the inflation at Heritage Federal OUR HElD % EIGHT YEAR CERTIFICATE EARNS When compounded daily and accumulated annually in $1,000 minimums. 26 WEEK MARKET CF.R1 Minimum Deposit Offered daily at ¼% the current treasury and provides these that ,reasury bills can't: I-I Interest compounded r-I Insured to $40,000 [] Can be redeemed with no loss of I-'1 No safekeeping Effective June lst/Penalty for )remature wit PlUS Our Current Family of Inuostment and Savings 5,25010._5.47% 6.75% EARNS o|lt ANNUM ANNtlAI vll'l 1) IIF tl It%'t M u' 4t INI*I t ' Mflltl p (4ILAH OA%!Jlt.tN' VfNt; .1 (NIO MINIMUk 4 &l AN t | • ....................... 5.75°1o.. 6.00°1o ZSO°/o EAR.s Ilt ANN ANNIIJ .'lid Pf It ANNO , , tt; K 6,50°1o..... 6,81% 7.75010 ...s Plt ANNUM NNU&I vt| t I1 t k ANNUM ( vf A t: ¢'lfK We're Prouiding a Safe Sauings Future For Euery Family... Euery Income... Here at FEDEffiL SaVlnSs HodWle Ireclmal hVtnlle €l Loen Moocotton Corner of Slh and ColumblI • t3-1500 Olympia • 1.acey • TumwIter • Shelton • Span.way