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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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d WORKING WITH PEGS are Daniel Ericson, Brad S-motherman and Jennifer Dickey, shown left to right. All are enrolled in Shelton Cooperative Pre-school. i \\; "WHAT SHALL I do next?" ponders Corrina Weber. "1 GUESS I'll sWi Parents and teachers work well together Shelton Cooperative his ability to think and play perception and cognitive learning simple science experiences, experience for both parent and non-profit'organization and a Pre-school is a creative learning experience for parent and your child - a place where a child can learn to accept responsibilities, make choices and decisions, get along with other children, and have fun! A is designed to help each child acquire the skills and confidence that will promote optimal physical, social and intellectual development. The learning that takes place in the pre-school years is basic to later academic learning. Pre-sehool is based on.respect for the individual child, his ability to grow and develop inner controls, creatively, and his ability to discover and use his own resources. Shelton Co-operative Pre-school is affiliated with Olympic College. The home and family life department provides an advisor, Jean Eickstaedt, who offers guidance and provides a program for parent meetings. The classroom is divided into many different learning and interest centers where a child may participate during free-time. These include a dramatic vmv area, block buildizig area, carpentry center, storybook center, art area, and a visual | ,i,?f ' center. The teacher plans for a balance between active and quiet play and activities vary according to age group. Children often take part in cooking and food experiences by helping to prepare, to serve, and to cleanup after the daily snack. The snack list includes a wide variety of usual and unusual tastes. Classes bake bread, make applesauce and fruit salads, prepare popcorn, and other foods. Youngsters participate in small group actiVitieS such as sharing and talking, singing, creative movement, story time, EASEL PAINTERS Daniel Ericson and Corinna Weber are supervised by teacher Kim Henderson. outdoor walks, and occasional field trips. Some children, although old enough, are not sufficiently mature emotionally for kindergarten. Additional time in pre-school with an individualized program can make the transition into kindergarten a much easier child. Parents play an important part in that they experience pre-school with their children by direct participation in school activities. The school is organized by a board which is made up of parents, teachers and the Olympic College advisor. It is a non-discriminatory group. / PARENT-HELPER and pre-school chairperson Kathy Weber assists Daniel Ericson'with a carpentry project. Parents and teachers work together in Shelton Cooperative Pre-School. Teachers are: Safiya Crane, Kim Henderson and Lynn Busacca. Chairperson is pre-school parent Kathy Weber. ! "i -, For information concerning registration call 426-7533. TEACHER Smotherman. SAFIYA CRANE works a SH Efficien So Paid for by ? / ii!/¸ i i: JENNIFER DICKEY enjoys the child-size kitchen in the Reed Building room that houses Shelton Cooperative Pre-school. Appliances, furniture and utensils are scaled to suit the little people who use them. Chi!dren participate in the preparation and serving of food and learn the skills of cleanup duty. The kitchen is only one of several different learning and interest centers. ELECT STATE REPRESENTATIVE, 24th DISTRICT GOP/PAID FOR BY ANDY NISBET il FOR REPRESENTATIVE COMMITIEE. ROGER ROBINSON, TREASURER. ii Page 24 - Shelton-IVlason County Journal - Thursday, September 7, 1978 Monday.Friday, Sept. 18- 22. 3:30 and 7p.m. General admission seating only: $2.50. DOLL-BABIES in make-believe bedrooms require bottles which are filled and warmed in Shelton Cooperative Pre-school's kitchen. FAIR VOTE Primary, September 19 General, November 7 BEV THOMASON Democrat FOR Mason County Auditor For efficient and courteous administration of the Auditor's office. Elect BEV'THOMASON- Democrot Pd. for by ('omm. for Ilev Thoma,on, Shelli 'l'homaon, chairman, Rt. 4, Box 421 A, Shelton Vote Don House Pos. 2, Demo., Don bellevesthat: Fiscal responsibility begins at level. It is not responsible to spen sand dollars to obtain a position that pays ten thousand. Fiscal responsibility also "double-dip" level. Retired tirement pay should not be • taking the tax dollar. They are more the take-home annual dollar than savings. My campaign chest is desi because I believe saving Overcome big "Kick in a buck or two; we Paid for by Committee for Don Marllyn Hicks, 615 Whidbey,