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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
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Hood Canal West: == II I I New administrative assistant is named at school , you ShouldcLiNT .4 By VIRGINIA REIS Bill Lanning, the new administrative assistant and special education teacher at ltood Canal School, is well Bill Lanning qualified for the dual role. He has a B.A. in special education from Central Washington University. His master's degree, from the University of Oregon, is in curriculum and supervision. Between the two degrees lay three diverse kinds of experience to further prepare Bill for his present position• He was a special education teacher in Stevenson-Carson School District for two years. Next he taught learning disabled students in Anchorage School District. Then he was employed by an educational service district as an education specialist from 1975 to 1977. Bill now lives in Hoodsport with his wife, Sue, who is a reading teacher in Shelton Middle School. They will be assets to the community and the school system and are welcomed to both. PRE-SCHOOL Tile Hood Canal Parent-Child Cooperative Pres-school will open this fall, October 3. The cooperative pre-school is organized and operated by the parents with guidance from an advisor provided by Olympic College in Bremerton. By participating in the program parents can learn about child development observe and work with young children in a group situation, and meet and enjoy the company of other parents. For the child, pre-school offers a good learning environment with a variety of materials, equipment and learning experiences, as well as a program encouraging the development of the whole child, socially, emotionally and physically. Pre-school provides a good opportunity for both parents and their children to grow, learn and have fun together. Children from three to five years old are accepted in this program. To enroll your youngster call Barbara at 877-5787, Beth at 898-2525, or Jean at 426-3559. HOOD CANAL SCHOOL The Hood Canal school board will meet September 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the school library. The fourth and fifth graders at Hood Canal School will have a new and innovative experience this year. The three teachers, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Merifield, are planning to departmentalize the program. The children Will be changing classes for different subjects. Each student received a written time schedule the first day of school. Mrs. Ellis is specializing in language arts. Mrs. Harvey will the Hood Canal Lions Club will be this Saturday in the Women's Clubhouse on Highway 101 in Potlatch. The Lake Cushman Women's Golf Club competition August 30 was "Play Day." The winners were Arlene Baker with low gross and Marcia Kretchmer who had low net. Vi Leonard finished with the least putts, while Anne Anderson had the most accurate drive of the day. Mary Thomsen was the other winner whose ball was closest to the pin. The Lake Cushman Men's and Women's Golf Clubs are joining for their annual two-ball foursome play Sunday, starting at 3 p.m. After the golf there will be an end-of-the-season celebration including a potluck dinner at the Hoodsport Community Hall. The women will be presenting awards for the year to their players. The men's competition has a few more was a working member, the clerk, of the Hoodsport School Board from 1926 to about 1943. In 1944 Joe McKiel built the Hoodsport Aquarium and owned and operated it for many years. : ..... He was the original Hoodsport fire commissioner and the guiding light whose efforts caused the erection of the first firehall, the building now occupied by Chuck Umstead at Sears. The M cKiels have two daughters, Gloria VanLaanen whom you all know at the Hoodsport post office and Betty Barber who is seeking the office of Mason County treasurer. The McKiels have, for over half a century, been prominent Hoodsport residents. NORTHLAND XEMODEtlNG life insurance as well as a type of policy HaM| 0r,l¢i ' Ph. 426-8139 aTH AND C is a wonderful place to tion, but It takes money the trip. You can have the savings on the BUYS available at Himlle Realty. have to be a TEXAS millionaire to afford these teach math, social studies and rounds to go. either. Just remember to Pioneer health science to the fifth The Lake Cushman your real estate business Ne school yea s , graders. Mrs. Merifield will teach Improvement Associations] Realty and you wlll be able spelling to the fifth graders, and September meeting will be • . such pleasures w r s tart math, social studies and science Sunday at 1 p.m. in he CREATIVE HOME I A• •tuBa B I, I to the fourth grade. Hoodsport Community Hall. This INNOVATIONS [ UU I K I 11 The children's benefits will will be a short, efficient business By CARMEN YATES can volunteer a few hours each soon as possible. Also don t be man fold The will surel meeting in order not to conflict "426--IW16 "" '= = "" "" - y . y Y . ._ " ..... [ A warm welcome was week for this worthwhile service forget to continue the vigilance assimilate some of the with the golf event later the extended to 284 students, the please contact Carolyn Olson. A for any missing or overlooked enthusiasm from a teacher who same afternoon. However, a large -. i  ,,, majority of whom were former very special "thanks" goes to books from the Timberland enios tea hin a favorite attendance is imperative in order  CO Pioneer students But to the those volunteers who were on Library tha!, may have been " y c g 00l00as0100 unty subject. They will be exposed to to better _organize the brand new stuclentsl which hand to lend a big hand on "hibernatin at your home three different" rso null'ties and distribution of the newsletter. '.i.. }--t A include the kindergarten class opening day last week. during the summer vacation• • i v omeroom and Hopefully all the divisions will 4 '/.L , /'t:,. fmmlr'h • and brand new residents to e The new approach to Now that school is back in wall an o_ a h L: _, ')! II'HSID ( " Pioneer area, a special warm dividing the kindergarten into session, it is time to put those kids ThoMcKiel family hasbeen 'i' :"  /I welcome is extended to the thirds and having a parent "sleepers" back into circulation • Hoodsport residents since 1922 ¢mt.,./  • school and community accompany each student for an which will benefit other COMMUNITY NEWS and 56 years ago this was a  T :" • A correction is in order as to orientation period to reassure the students. The monthly flea market of really small town. Berta McKiel I "-.,,/" "'/  the date of the harvest dinner as brand new, young students was board meeting will be held - The regular September school ........................... t . -,.,.'. _.,_c/ UIFCC[6) j repot ted in this column last tremendously successful. WAKE UP RICA-- t /', €''/':? " week. It will be September 20, Parents are reminded to September 11 at 7:30 p.m. Also ....e.,.i/. f  . which is a Wednesday evening return the various forms that there will be a special meeting of IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK More volunteers are still were sent home with students on the Pioneer school board today, "-!'/ Want aeUon? Call an expert to needed to assist in the opening day, Tuesday, to fill out Thursday, for the purpose of FLUORIDATION AND ITS HISTORY--Pt. 6 i classrooms and during recess plus before and after school. If you Scouts have meeting Cub Scout Pack 126 had a picnic at Pioneer School August 26 for its August pak metlng. Five new cub scouts, John Gorman, Bradley Powers, Jon Wright, G. J. Morrison and Jeff Hillburn and their parents attended the event. Activities included a baseball game, sack race, three-legged race, wheelbarrow race and a basketball game. Following the games, a weiner roast and potluck dinner were held. The next pack meeting will be September 21 at Pioneer School. Flattery Although men flatter themselves with their great actions, they are usually the result of chance and not of design. Francois de La Rochefoucauld Are You Losing Valuable Heat Dollars? See Jim Benedict for FREE heat loss estimate and a custom designed heating system to best meet your needs! Specializing in heat pumps and other forced air systems. 426-8201 Installation Available • Sears has a credit plan to suit your every need Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Mone Back ii i IS00ar, I BEAI ROEBUCK AND CO. EVERGREEN SQUARE 24-Hour Shopping 426.8201 and return said forms just as approving employe contacts. 00ARVZ7'S 2121 Olympic Hiway 426-3341 OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 to 9. SUNDAYS 9 to 6. N. Top of the hill. The most Majestic of them All King Alfred Doffed i I Bu I bs Large pure-golden-yellow trumpets will herald springtime for you. $149 $ 10 for 25 for Early.Blooming Crocus Bulbs '1 Nullfe RAW BONE MEAL *2" dox. 5.1b. box Feed your new bulb the best. Just add 1 Tbsp. for each bulb and see the difference in the spring. LAWN RAKE D. LILLYMILLER SOl L & BULB Insecticide Fungicide Mitlclde Soil treatment in gardens of flowers, bulbs, shrubs, ornamentals. l-lb. €onnliter *3** We are now getting raves on our new plant room. Come in & see it Reg.$S.49 now $99 TERIVIATi I:= "SUPER COP" TIMER Compact 24- hour automatic plug-in timer with variable setting feature ........... that turns lights,  ......... radios, etc, on/ Glass Cats ............... . Black Sharks ............. Pictas Cats ............... No. 135 Ethel B. Dinning For those who have not been following these articles, a word of explanation may be necessary. For sometime the MEDIA has been preparing our minds with gentle hints that something startling will be coming from Washington for all of us. Not long ago the OLYMPIAN, along with a sketch of the new H.E.W. Joseph Califano, announced that he was taking to himself in Washington much power from the local regions, then, from another item we gleaned that special monies had been allotted to him. This brought to my mind that soon after Governor Carter had taken office ! received frantic calls from that state for material for they were being bombarded state-wise with rough-shod tactics. Later word came that the entire state had been fluoridated, the seventh and last to unwillingly accept it. Had it been a trial toward raking it a national fact? ! Then we learned a few weeks ago, when DON Bb;LL REPORTS, announced that the PROGRAM TO FLUORIDATE EVER Y CITY AND TOWN OF THE NA ?'ION AS WELL AS A WEEKLY FLUORIDE MOUTHWASH TO EVERY SCHOOL CHILD, WHETHER THE PARENTS LIKED IT OR NOT° This i is the why of my effort at this time. [ Last week we discussed the story of the fluoridation of 1 GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. The first American city to be fluoridated in 1945, without the knowledge of those who were to drink it. Then the same year in a little difJrent manner, pushed in by ALCOA'S ATTORNEY, THE U.S.P.H.S. and a couple of ambitious dentists at Newburgh, New York, with the promise that it would be carefully monitored for 10 years to assertain its value as a TOOTH SA VER. But the enthusiasm of the pushers could not wait, so, in 1949 they produced a glowing report so indefinite and untrue that STATISTICAL ENGINEER K.K. PALUEVA" FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC, IN HIS REPORT AT A HEARING, CALLED IT A STATISTICAL DELUSION. Quoting Josh Billings, "IT AIN'T SO MUCH IGNORANCE THAT AILS MANKIND, AS IT IS KNOWING WHAT AIN'T SO.'" THAT THEIR CALCULATED RISK TURNS OUT TO BE MISCALCULA TED. Space will not permit the rehearsal of printed pages of comments averse to the program, among them this ]'rqm one dentist, "THAT OF HIS FIVh" CltlLDREN, THE LAST UNDER THE PROGRAM, HAD THE WORST TEETH OF THE LOT. '" IT WAS CALLED A BIOLOGICAL ETA TION APPLIED DIRECTLY TO HUMANS WITHOUT PREVIOUS EXPERIMENTS ON LABORA TORY ANIMALS." THE THIRD CITY WAS BRANTFORD, ONTARIO. I was puzzled why so far away, till I read the report of Miss Ross at their PROVINCIAL HEARING, WHEN SHE STATt'.'D THAI' MOST OF THE STATE WERE AGAINST IT AND MORE SO WHEN THEY LEARNED THAT THEIR Health Service WAS WORKING WITH, AND FOR THE AMERICAN ALUMINUM CO. (ALCOA), WHO UNDER .THE NAME OF THAT OF CANADA (ALCAN) WHO HAD ALREADY ACCUMULATED VAST PILES OF THE WASTE FLUORIDE BY-PRODUCT i THAT WAS CA USING PROBLEMS. r It was not long before it was reported that there was a ] shortage of dentists and long waiting lists. Then $50,000 was spent on a new dental clinic, while AN ADVERTISEMENT WENT OUT THAT READ THAT THERE WAS ",4 FANTASTIC POTENTIAL FOR DENTISTS EVEN THE THREE THAT CAME DDO NOT FILL THE NEED." SO ONTARIO WHICH WAS TO HAVE BEEN THE SHINING EXAMPLE FOR THE BENEFITS OF FLUORIDATION HAS TOPPLED FROM ITS LOFTY PEDESTAL. "" Soon after the new Cascade Highway was completed I took my stenographer friend, as a bonus for a series of articles I had done for a magazine, ]'or a trip over the mountains and across British Columbia back home. When we stopped at the rest area we found a most interesting relief map of the whole area. Here we met a most interesting co-incident. Who would it be already looking carefully at the map but a dentist and his wife from Brantford, Ontario. We were three Canadians so struck up quite. 24 cOntinuous steel tines off at slightly dif a conversation till I spoiled it all by telling him that I was the clear a 24,in. path. Ram's ferentflmes  gal of the Interline and Northwest Safe Water group. The horn spring helps to dis- everyday, atmosphere at once changed and in a minute they were gone 4 for I had spoken in a couple of places in Vancouver, Victoria tribute pressure. 54-inch 9e hardwood handle.CDR-24 and the interior and had correspondents in all of the provinces ' QUANTITIES LIMffED among them was their most outspoken Dr. Baird, Mrs. Mott TROPICAL FISH -S-PECIAL °"00literaturethe Ontarioi possess.Leader' as well as Miss Ross, all of whose According to the 1954 l/earing there were three other ! 11 installations at that time placed secretly in the water tanks of three State Schools for retarded children. LA TER TIlE DEA Tll * 1" OF TIlE NURSE SISTER WAS ALl. TtiAT INTERRUPTED A WELL INYESTIGATED tlEALTll DAMAGF, D SUIT ON ONE Ik,,33 OF TIlE INMATES., pd. adv. Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 7, 1978 S . 5 Auto Repairing I -- Major Overhauls Brakes & Ignition -- Welding & Tune-ups Ed's Service 219 So. 1st. 45t0.1212 Beauty -- Complete Halr Care -- Wigs-Wiglets-Switches -- Merle Norman Cosmetics I Pennyrich Bras llalne's Beauty Salon 6th g Laurel 426-4582 • Building • Remodeling Builder * Cabinets Dick Wood Rt. 1. Box $qHJ 420.$t57 Mason Lake Drive, Grapovlew Cable TV For Service Call 426-1691 Carpentry DREW WOODWORKING CO. For In.tolloflon of doors and trim carpentry. Aim remod '- , LICENSED • BONDED. E28 EIIInor Shoiton, WA 98184 4t6.1571 ;oncrete • Driveways, patios, sidewalks • Retaining walls • Saturday pours • Free estimate Bill Cox Concrete 1102 Buena Vista 420.S928 Concrete -- Ready-mix Concrete -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools Graystone of Shelton 7th & Park 4=6-1144 Concrete Basements Bulkheads CONCRRACTOR8 Licensed and Bonded as General Contractors Serving Mason County BEN MYERS ALAN TAHJA 426-1718 877-9728 )rugs --Helena Rubinstein --Cosmetics Prescriptions --Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics Nell's Pharmcy Drywall I Hanging, Taping, Spraying O&S Larry 0rib 426-9348 Free Estimates ii Electrical Bonded " Licensed " Wiring " Hireling Fraser.Johnson Electric Furnace and Heat Pumps " Underground " Commercial Arcadia Electric Bob Taylor Office 420-9128 P.O. Box 11g Home 4Nk-1928 Floor Covering • Expert Installation • Large Showroom • Notional Brands " Convenient Terms Viking Floor Covering 111 w. €ota elton 4|0.1)1s Recreational M& Supplies " Floor Covering --Linoleum -- Corpet!ng -- Tile -- Formica Rex Floor Covering Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 2335 & insulation Old Construction New Construction Authorized eorden's Insulspray Foam • Blown Cellulose • Fiberglass Energy CoMorvatlon Insulation 1811 Olympic Hwy., hlton • 410.1116 i insurance Tired of shopping? Let us do J!far you l Auto. Home.SaGS.Life-Health.Business. preferred Risk? We locate the lowest cost. Insurance ts our otlly bmflnos,. Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency 117 E. Cota 410-1117 Creative TAIRIY| HOUSING a Rick & Dee I Landscaping Re I Ornamental gardens I Native gardens [ Rock gardens -- Lawns Tools I Irrigation systems [ . Landscape design I iadmrak Omonw OraeMry i I ATA Neklhl. 416-t2 128q Lighting - The Light Gallery Roofing Art YOUR LIGHnNG NEEDS Olympk Gateway Center Sltolton 426.7414 i , i ,i Lighting I00gcht der S CUSTOM WOOD WOtIKING UNIQUE LIGHTING DESIGNS PH. 11.368 UNION. WA. 95592 GREG UNDER Locksmith WlUJAMS LIININO--']' * Keys made * Locks keyed alike DAYTON-MATtOCK ROAD 42.2915 Suite Masonry " Fireplaces " Block Foundation= " An)'thlng with Masonry John Klmmel Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Painting Licensed and bonded. No job too small. Free Estimates. Interior & Exterior " J. D. Company 426-7567 i ill i ii illl