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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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For Sale Friday -- CFA Thrift Fourth. 15-60 rCHEN? See ee estimate. :e lines of appliances. kDY to hang. rock-bottom 113 Picture See for instant pictures. )rth Second. Old furniture. .10-6. Shelton custom "tising and Jack SOIL soil for 25 Skokomish good, sandy or top soil. Welcome. r truckloads re. Call or 426.89931n Carpet carpet, a yard. ' Shehon 6/9tfn IVilding Muteriuls Sand & Gravel CHED ,UCKs N f WQIt Franklin. 2/11tfn PHONE For Sale MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn FIREWOOD -- DRY maple, dry alder, by the cord or by the load. 3elivered to Shelton, Union areas. Call anytime, 426-7752, 426-7571. M5/18tfn JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn SEARS WOULD like to pump your water! See Jim for free estimates on all pump and water system accessories. Installation available. 426-8201. S5/4tfn OLDER-MODEL large refrigerator, $75. Phone 426-6158 after 6 p.m. or weekends. S8/10tfn BLUE LAKE beans and cucumbers for sale. Bob Fleschman, 877-9214. F8/24-9/14 SEASONED FIRE wood, fir, alder, $10 and up. You haul or we deliver, quantity discount. 426-1406. W8/31-9/21 COMPLETE SET of Wallace Sterling silverware, service of eight including many extras. Inventory by request. 877-5851. F8/31-9/21 For Sale ARE SPRING greens invading your fleshtones. Start the new T.V. season with a new Curtis Mathes T.V. from Conley's. Four year financing O.A.C. First and Alder. 426-5528. C7/27tfn GOOD QUALITY oat hay, $1.50 bale in ton lot. Phone 426-8856. R7/27tfn GIRL'S SPYDER bicycle, $35. 426-8663. B8/10tfn 33' OF 6" solidplastic pipe. 70c foot. 426-5046. C8/31-9/7 HAMMOND M-1 organ, $500. Portable Vex Continental organ with Leslie 825, $650 firm. Steel truck canopy, fits long, wide box, $50. 426-8224 days or 426-3159 after 5-30 p.m. G8/17tfn FOR SALE -- 4,000 sheets of galvanized steel, 3'x15', 14 gauge. For price and information hone Ward Wells, (509) 25-5070, Ellensburg. W8/24-9/14 FIREWOOD, SPLIT and delivered. $40 cord. 426-4542. H8/31-9/21 FOR SALE -- Jacobsen power lawn tools and basket, Manor 21, $100. 426-6375. M8/24-9/14 Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 426-4227 tfn Coffee Creek Ranch Quality Locker Beef All beef U.S.D.A. inspect- ed; Grain fed. Custom Cutting and wrapping. We deliver. Visitors welcome. 426-5131 tfn Sailmakers -- Upholsterers. Marine, auto, home. Your material or ours. Customizing -- restorations. If it is in canvas fabrics or vinyl, we can handle it. Also, industrial aprons, tote bags, vests in stock or made to your order. Boat tops are our specialty. Shelton, WA. 98584 426-2321 8 miles out on Bremerton Hwy. No. 3 tfn Have tools will travel. Custom made boat tops to fit your boat on land or sea. For Appointment Call 426-2806 Evenings Weekends Frank Bates, Owner 12th end Thomas, Shelton 30 Years Experience tfn Otto septic tanks dozing gravel backhoe servle¢ 20b €. pine 42b.t5OO EXCELLENT-QUALITY hay, no tansy, no thistle. Clover, hay lotus major mixture. $1,25 per bale. Call Bruce Miller, 877-9226. M8/17-9/7 For Sale FLEA MARKET -- September 9, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Victor Firehall, across bay from A!lyn. Tables available. 275-2737. P8/17-9/7 ADMIRAL 22 cu. ft. refrigerator, side by side, excellent condition. $325 or offer. 426-7105. H8/31-9/21 COMPLETE KITCHEN cabinets and appliances, $800 866-4583, Olympia. G8/24-9/14 YAKIMA TOMATOES, $6 for 40-pound box or 20c pound. Elberta peaches, $6 for 40-pound box. 426-9036. L8/24-9/14 CAMPER, '76 Del Monte 8', used 10 times, better than new added goodies). Best offer over 1,450. '72 Buick LaSabre, rebuilt engine, good. $1,100 for fast sale. 877-5507, Hoodsport. H8/24tfn ALFALFA HAY for ,sale. Call 426-4664 or 426.9637. R8/17tfn HAY, $1.50 bale. McDonald Farm, Kamilche Valley. 426-3740. Mc8/24tfn 18' UPRIGHT freezer, 8' x 7' redwood garage door, used doors and windows, metal kitchen sink, assorted sizes, 3/16" plate glass. 426-1433. R9/7 KITCHEN SINK with fittings, $15. 3 x 4 aluminum glass sliding window with screen, $35. 426-6038. 09/7 2 MUD/snow tires, Goodyear polyglass belted, excellent. 426-1225. $9/7 UPRIGHT 23 cubic • feet, good as new. Steel fence post, miscellaneous. 426-1814. CHILD'S WOODEN wardrobe, FOBI; / plus matching table, made in Germany. $95. 426-1125. M9/7 RESULTs C'J//- 1 UE COUCH, 20's, mohair, $75. Antique oak buffet, AIJL.AIIAI#- $75. Sears chainsaw. $50. • "If Ab --r'lr II Ii Rototiller, 4 h.p., rear tlne, $85. f Free kittens and puppies. 426-1079. M9/7 Boat and Engine Repairs New Business Opening Soon Sandblasting equipment ready for use. Good rates. 426-8805 or 275-3011 tfn Mason Hardwood Company ALDER LOGS WANTED 6" and 7" $70.00 a 1000 8" and 9" $115.00 a 1000 10" and up $145.00 a 1000 CALL 426-3464 tfn iii Vern's Auto Body & Glass FREE ESTIMATES (Open Saturday) * Wire Welding e Fiberglass Work • Complete Paint Jobs • Custom Pin Striping • Vinyl Tops Installed • Sun Roofs Installed • Body 8, Frame Work 426-9020 FOR AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT CALL ABOUT OUR NEW AUTO GLASS SERVICE • We Will Replace G/ass In Your Auto • At Your Home • Place Of Business • Or My Shop NEW HOURS: Weekdays 8:00 o.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 o.m.-4:00 p.m. DEAR OLD wood stove with oil attachment, needs loving work. $125. 1-898.2821.09/7 ANTIQUES, FALL opening, "all new stock," pressback chairs, davenport, end tables, plant stands, pieces in golden oak and walnut. Antique clocks and repair. Friday, 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. R & L HAND-tlques. 506 East H. B9/7 SEWING MACHINES. best of new stretch stitch machines, at big savings, check our prices before buying any sewing machine. Central Sales. 877-5798. C9/7-28 SEWING MACHINES, good used zig zag machines from $69. Guarantee, terms and trades. Central Sales. 877-5798. C9/7.28 SPEED QUEEN washer, $50. 19 color T.V., $200. 426-1852. $9/7-14 FREE ONEgallon of root beer to Leo F. Quinn, Rt. 10, Box 28 Shelton from Minor's A&W Dr,ve-ln on Mt. View. A9/7 SPORTERIZED .30-06 Springfield, 3x-9x Redfield scope, sling, guncase. $175 or trade for suitable handgun. Call Neal. 426-2263 week nights, 5-6 p.m, J9/7 RARE GUN collection, Stevens 1907, Stevens Sevidge 1913, Italian army 1939, British Army Enfleld 1918. 426-6918. M9/7 RATES @ For Sale POWER PLANT 3500 watt A-C. $800 original, take $400 cash. 426-6918. M9/7 MERCURY 10 h.p. outboard, $25. Boys 25" Schwlnn, $20. 426-6918. M9/7 8' FIBERGLASS dinghy, $75. 2-burner alcohol stainless steel boat stove, $50. 898-2560. Gary. R9/7 PORTABLE SEWING machine with stand. $35. 426.4110. H9/7-14 MAGNAVOX COLOR T.V., $180. Portable heatilator, $30. Grate, $10. 426-6347. V9/7-14 2 ELECTRIC guitars plus amplifier, $180. 4'x8' utility trailer, sides and endgate, excellent condition, $150 or best offer. 426-1940. C9/7-14 "NEVER USED anythinglike it," say users of Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast store. C9/7 SONY STEREO, excellent condition, loaded with extras. 426-2792. Z8/31-9/7 6emge, Yard Sales FLEA MARKET fourth Saturday monthly, 9-4, Lincoln gym, Shelton. For display table reservations call 426-2910. D8/31tfn GARAGE SALE, furniture, 2-seat bicycle, new wedding dress, miscellaneous. Rt. 3, Box 723F, Cole Road. Saturday, Sunday, 8-3. Y9/7 GARAGE SALE, Friday, Saturday, 10.4. 634 Terrace Heights, off North Cliff Road. Household items, etc. B9/7 2 FAMILY, winter coats, sweaters, jackets, good clothes, etc. September 8. 8:30-4. 2302 Callanan. W9/7 SEVERAL FAMILES -- Collectibles, furniture, miscellaneous, antiques, uniques and junque. Nimrod Hall, Hillcrest, Saturday; 9- 4. B9/7 RUMMAGE SALE at Orchard Beach Fire Station, September 9 and 10. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Take Hwy. 3 to Thomas Road, turn off on Orchard Beach Road. R9/7 DONNIE J. O'Neill Orthopedic Guild is having a moonlight rummage sale, Thursday September 7, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the PUD building. 09/7 EPSILON OMICRONgarage sale, Saturday, September 9, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Furniture, stereo, children's clothing, toys, etc. 819 Kristi Court, Terrace Heights, $9/7 MISCELLANEOUS SALE, includes handmade items such as ilts. At the PUD Friday, 9-5. /7 Help Wanted NEAT, MATURE, reliable, babysitter, Monday thru Friday. Evenings 426-5181. B9/7 Help Wanted Used Cars Wanted HELP WANTED. Dinner cook, mostly 4 p.m. till midnight. Call 877-5251 for appointment. O7/20tfn REAL ESTATE sales --Your chance to be an independent contractor. Sell under a working contract where associates receive 100% commission after minimal income is earned on 50-50 split. Only hard-working, full-time, licensed agents or those undergoing license exam school will be considered. This is not a new program but one which has been tested for over ten years. Call Reid Mitchell at Mason County Realty for interview. 426-4486. M8/24tfn LICENSED REAL estate sales associate to work Belfair, Allyn, Hood Canal areas. Call Jerry Smith. Century 21. 426-3363. C8/31tfn NEED A daytime babysitter weekdays. Lot of experience with kids. Call 877-9446. A9/7-14 WAITRESS WANTED, afternoons, prefer experience. 426-1861. T8/31-9/21 WAITRESS WANTED. Call 877-5251 for appointment. O8/24-9/14 HOUSE OF Lloyd nowhiring gift and toy demonstrators, party plan, kit on loan, no investment, details without obligation. Phone 426-7410 or 373-5649 Bremerton. J8/3-9/28 APPLICATIONS BEING taken for housekeeping. Apply in person at Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center, 2430 North 13th, Shelton. E.O.E. F8/24-9/7 CHRISTMAS TREE workers wanted. 426-4451 days or 426-2306 evenings. O8/17tfn 1972 DODGE Polara, ex-state atrol car, a.t., p.s., p.b., 440 -8. $650. Call 426-2019 between 6-9 p.m. M8/31-9/7 1971 DODGE 4x4 pickup truck, %-ton, power wagon, 4-speed, V-8, 318, warn hubs, heater. $3,500. 877-9232. M8/31-9/21 1974 4-door Monaco, radio, heater, excellent tires, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmissmn. $1,500. 877-9232. M8/31-9/21 1976 GMC -ton pickup, low mileage, heavy duty. 426-1312 after 5 p.m. M8/31-9/7 1955 FORD complete, $100 or arts. Evenings 426-9970. 7/27tfn '73 VEGA G.T., runs good. $1,195. 426-1125. M9/7 MUST SELL 1973 Pontiac, low mileage, one owner, t/w, bucket seats, chrome wheels. $3,000 cash. After 6 p.m., 426-8178. M8/3 ltfn 1969 CHEVY station wacjon, 350, automatic, good condiUon. $650. Call 426-3609. S8/31tfn 1976 C J-5 Jeep, V-8, new Tru-tracks, white spokes, warn hubs, rear seat. 426-5774. E9/7 1974 DATSUN 610, 4-door sedan, a/t, radial tires. $2,000. No Saturday calls. 426-9970. W9/7 '69 CHEV carryall. $1,300. Excellent condition. 943-6968. Olympia. P9/7-9/28 1973 TOYOTA Corolla coupe, excellent condition, low mileage, new radial tires. $1,725. 426-4217. B9/7 '77 MALIBU at 4-door, 305, V-8, 13,000 miles. $4,250. WANT TO buy -- deer horns, must be forked, $2 pair. 426-3773. B8/17-9/1 CEDAR LOGS or timber wanted. Highest prices. Scheller Brothers Lumber. 352-3178. S6/15tfn WANTED MATSUTAKE mushrooms (pine mushrooms). Will pay top price for fresh Matsutake mushrooms. All rades. Please contact Jay, -682-35].1 Northwest Mushroom. N8/17-10/5 CASH FOR all cars, trucks, bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up service. Scrap and metals of aH kinds. Newsprint and corrugated cardboard. Mason County Salvage, 426-8626. M7/15tfn WANTED -- CEDAR saw logs, green second growth. Call Tar current prices. Versapanel Inc., 426-5571. V10/14tfn BUY BEER bottles, 30c case delivered, 25c if picked up. Call after 5, 426-8569 or 1619 Laurel, Shelton. A5/18tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles; piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914, P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn RECYCLE TIRES for money. Great for group fund-raisers. Contact Settle and Sons for free brochure. $8/10-10/26 WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any mix of fir, hemlock,• pine or cedar. Minimum 3 inch top diameter. 25c each. Call Versapanel, John's Prairie, 426-5571, for specifications. V7/28tfn WANTED -- MATSUTAKE pine mushrooms, top prices. Ask for Min Okano at Coin-Op Laundry. WANTED BABYSITTER after school, 1 child, Agate area. Call 426-5318 after 5:30. D8/31-9/21 BOB & PAT J. T. Meats 458.3394 On.Farm Slaughtering Smoking, curing, double wrapping, flash freezing, sausages made, jerky, and your name, date, and item on every package. All Work Guaranteed [ ............................. 1 ATTENTION HUNTERS We do all types of wild game. This is a completely modern, up-to-date pro- cessing plant. For slaughtering appointment or references Call 458-$$94 collect. Yelm, Wash. We also carry USDA inspected halves and quarters • 9/7-28 Used Cars 1977 FORD ¥-ton pickup. Air and ,full trailer pack. 426-2129 after 6 p.m. S8/24tfn '66 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, 250. Call evenings 877-9596. 8/24-9/14 '68 INTERNATIONAL truck k-ton, heavy duty suspension, 4-speed, r&h, air, excellent condition. 426-9678. T8/31-9/21 1946 INTERNATIONAL truck, 8x16', flatbed, good condition. Call 426.1790. J6/8tfn 1977 CHEVY %-ton, p.s., automatic. $4,800. 426-1948. B8/3tfn 1972 VEGA station wagon, 4-speed, new radials, excellent running order, $900. Phone 426-6158 after 6 p.m. or weekends. SS/10tfn 1970 LINCOLN Continental 4-door, excellent condition, $2,495. 426-1773. N8/17-9/7 1975 FORD 4x4, lots of extras and sharp, low mileage. Sacrifice, make offer. 426,2789. J8/17-9/7 1975 CHEVROLET van, custom interior. 426-2761.8/31-9/7 '77 TOYOTA pickup, long bed, 5-speed, AM/FM raoio, rag lights. $31800. 426-5225. P8/24-9/14 PRICED TO sell. '72 Ford ¾-ton, all rims heavy duty, V-8 with two-barrel, h.d. 4.speed transmission, tires all good. $1,750. 426-9886 evenings. 8/31-9/21 I ' 1973 FORD LTD wagon, A/C. 1968 F-100 Ford Ranger, (allopy, 360 V-8, A/l". Both (q=ipped for trailer towing, (x:ellent condition. 426-4566. A8/24-9/7 426-6347. V9/7-14 1960 FORD pickup, Yz-ton, rebuilt engine. $550 or best offer. Must sell. 426-9021 evenings. P9/7-28 VW '72 Super Beetle. $2,000 value. Has leaky cylinder. With hitch, tire chains, extractor, other extras. Discount to $1,700 for cash. 426-6918. M9/7 '65 VW bug, reliable transportation. $300. 877-5333. 09/7 1975 DODGE Dart Sport, automatic on the floor, p.b., p.s., A/C, low miles, 360, V-8 and lots of color for only $3,295. Stk. No. 205. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P9/7 1971 DODGE van. It's a beater, but runs OK. Look at the price, $1,195. Stk. No. 189. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P9/7 1973 FORD Pinto, sw, 4-speed, 4-cylinder. Special at only $1,295. Stk. No. 192. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P9/7 1972 FORD Gran Torino, 4-door sedan, auto, p.b., p.s. All for only $1,595. Stk. No. 208. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P9/7 1972 TOYOTA Corona MKII station wagon, automatic, air conditioning, low miles. Only $1,895. Stk. No. 211. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P9/7 1975 VW Rabbit, 4-speed, 4-cylinder, very clean. Now only $2,395. Stock No. 146. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P9/7 Wanted OLD LAMPS and parts. Aladdin, Rayo, Royal, Rochester, glass and hanging lamps, household estates. 877-5733, Jack Leimback, Hoodsport. L9/7 YOUR HOME TOWN DEALER CHRYSLER--DODGE-- PLYMOUTH The 1978's are NIIIng frost; the choice Isgettlng smaller. ONLY ONE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CARS LEFT: CORDOBA MAGNUM XE LABARON 4 DR. ASPEN STATION WAGON COLT 4 DR. o DODGE VAN D-200 % TON TRUCK. = Take advantage of year end discount and buy now/ ! PAULEYA4OTOR00 "# PHONE 426-5548 , J plymo-h , Dodge Plymouth * O8/24tfn WANTED -- WOOD cookstove in good condition with warming ovens. 426-8922 or 275-3887 after 5 p.m. W8/17-9/7 TIMBER Wanted, timber. Cash, contract or exchange for land clearing. WYNNS SERVICE 275.3222 or offer 7 27S-2944 " Auctions AUCTION EVERY Saturday night, 7 p.m. Bring in consignments for quick cash. McClearly Auction & New/Used, McCleary, WA, phone 495-3541, 495-3454. Virgil Reading, Auctioneer. R5/5tfn ANTIQUE AUCTION, Monday, September 11, 7 p.m., at the Tropics Ballroom, Shelton-Olympia Highway 101. Nice selection, antiques and collectables, corner cupboard, 3 piece claw foot.parlor set, sewing machines, side ooards, hall trees, wood heating stoves, wood cook stove, commodes, pie cupboard, pictures, square oak tables, large selection Kerosene lamps, ice box, sectional bookcases, kitchen queen, victrolas, rocking chairs, copper washing machines, hanging lamps,, flag glass table lamps, OaK conference ladle, Iron bed, glassware, miscellaneous items. Another auction by Statewide. Cliff Nichols, auctioneer. 866-(3866. $9/7 Public Auctions Held every Thursday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at the Tropics Ballroom. Shelton, Olympia Highway 101, 866-0866. aiff Nichols, Albr .n Boots & Motors 1970 20' Fiberform, I.O 6, moorage available. $3,5 • 426-5080 evenings. 1.8/31-9/7 BOAT FOR .sale with all equipment. 426-8992. K8/24-9/14 1957 75-H.P. Merc motor with controls, motor disassembled, used very little. Will sell parts. 16 SEASWIRL, 70 h.p. Johnson and trailer. $3,200. 456-8913. E9/7 1 _ 4204412 . , Thursday, September 7, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31