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For Rent
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bedroom MATT'S TREE Service. NOTICE OF described in the complaint above entitled court, board feet is': Douglas-fir, - Management of the Participating
its, Dangerous trees removed or PUBLIC HEARING herein, Defendants. This action herein is to $105.79; Western redcedar, Forest Properties in the Shelton
rentals also topped, any size. Call 877-5229 Notice is hereby given that than 2 acres in area shall be STATE OF WASHINGTON secure a judgment against the $143.82; Western hemlock and Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit
or 426'-6612. for estimate. M5/18tfn pursuant to R.C.W. 70.05.070 supported by the results of TO THE SAID: HARRIS B. defendants Randy C. O g and other coniferous species, $53.97. entered into by and between the
and Article I of the percolation tests, a minimum of WATSON and his wife, Carmen L. Ogg, his win, and Road amortization allowance on United States of America and
CUSTOM GARDENING and Thurston-Mason District Board one percolation hole every other DOROTHY M. WATSON, and all their marital community, in the this sale is $7.88 per M board the Simpson Timber Company,
space close weeding. Call Jim, 426-7515 of Health Sanitary Code, on the acre. Percolation holes shall not other persons or parties sum of $11,188.71, together feet for all above species and dated December 12, 1946, an
I 426-4426. after 5 p.m. J6/ltfn fourteenth day of September, be required in areas of the short unknown claiming any right, with interest, attorneys' fees, and may be adjusted pursuant to the estimated 3000M board feet of
1978 at 10:30 A.M. at the plat havinglotsover2acres, title, estate, lien .or interest in costs, terms of the timber sale timber marked or otherwise
EXPERIENCED HOUSE painter, Thurston-Mason Public Health 10.3 The Health bistrict will the real estate described in the This action is further to contract. Additional deposit designated for cutting will be
apartments, will work by the hour or by the Buildinc, 529 West Fourth, review all short plats with lots Complaint herein, Defendants: foreclose a mortgage made and required for slash disposal is sold to Simpson Timber
Cable TV job. Call 426-7]74. M9/7-28 Olympia, Washington, the less than one acre in accordance You and each of you, are entered into between the $]0.]3 per M board feet for all Company, Seattle, Washington,
d Grove. Thurston-Mason District Board with Section 5.1. This review hereby summoned to appear plaintiff and the defendants above species. In the event that on September 27, ]978. The
MOVING??? WE can help you of Health will consider amending will consist of a site inspection within sixty {60) days after date Randy C. Ogg and Carmen L. total bid value plus required minimum acceptable bid per M
preplan your move to save you Article VIII of the Sanitary as provided in Articles VI and of first publication of this Ogg, his wife, involving the deposits for this contract exceed board feet is: Douglasfir,
'nhouse summons, to wit, within sixty following described real estate o n e m i I I i o n d o I lars $156.46; Western redcedar,
and 4 money. Allied Van Call Lines. Pacific Olympla,St°race' Subdivision Code, entitled Standards" "Platting and as VllDistrictOf Thurston-MasOnsanitary Code and Healtha (60) days after the t0th day of situated in Mason County, ($1,000,000.00) an LEO $142.11; Western hemlock and
Pine 49]-4]95 for free consultation follows: review of the public water August, ]978, and defend the Washington: compliance review will be other coniferous species, $50.48.
9393. service. Local -- National -- 1. Delete Section 10: system which is to serve the above entitled action in the The North /2 of the conducted on the high bidder to Road amortization on thissaleis
International ICCMC ]5735. SHORT PLATS which reads: short plat. Water supplies shall Superior Court for said County Southeast V, of the Northwest V4 determine if the provisions of $3.4 1. Additional deposit
in Allyn, P9/7-28 10.1 Short Diets which have comply with all provisions of and answer the Complaint of the of the Northwest /4 of the North Executive Order 11246 have required for slash disposal is
on lot less than 2 acres are Article VIII, Se.ction 7, Plaintiffs and serve a copy of 90 feet of the West 112 feet of been complied with before award $15.52 per M board feet for all
S&S MACHINE shop, lathe and exempt tram percolation tests Thurston-Mason Healtl. District y o u r a n s w e r u pan the the East 540 feet of the South /2 can be made. All of the Alaska above species. In the event that
mill work. Rt. 2, Box 7A, and Health District review, Sanitary Code including undersigned attorney for the of the Southeast V4 of the yellow cedar determined total bid value plus required
5-2457. Union. 898-2386. $9/7-28 provided that Health District performance bond. Plaintiffs, at their office below Northwest l/, of the Northwest V4 pursuant to public hearings to be cleposlts tar this contract exceed
-- review may be required if a 10.4 Short plats with lots stated, and, in case of your of Section 10, Township 20 surplus to needs of domestic o n e m illi on d all are
house. $150. BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. public water supply is indicated larcer than one acre may be failure to do so judgment will be North, Range 5 West, W.M., in users and processors and ($1,000,000.00) an LEO
Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn or questions of soil suitability rewewed by the County Planning rendered against you according Mason County, Washington. Included Timber not meeting compliance review will be
are raised. Department using the following to the demands of the Complaint This action is further to sell Utilization Standards is conducted on the high bidder to
] 0.2 All short plat guidelines: in this action which has been the above described property to exempted from Timber Export determine if the provisions of
LE home, CARPETS CLEANED with the submissions which have lots less
or retired new Hydra-Master Cleaning
utilities• Plant. Shelton Janitorial Service, MINIMUM LOT SIZE
426-8936. S4/13tfn FOR PRIVATE
R.NISHED RADIATOR SERVICE, complete Less than 1 minute/inch 2 acres
tnCludes cooling system work. 1-19 minutes/inch 1 acre
VanderWal's Garage, 321 South 20-30 minutes/inch 2 acres
: 2nd Street, 426-8208. V11/4tfn over 30 minutes/inch unacceptable without special designs
CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, 10.5' Short plats not meeting one acre $20.00
requirements of Section 10.4 less than one acre $30.00
any part thereof, save and except
waterfront accurage precision grinding. Now Commencing at the northeast the right of redemption which
1, in Allyn. at Seager Motor Shop, Hillcrest. above may be submitted to the 3. Add new Section 10: corner of the Southeast quarter plaintiff prays be ordered to
Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn Health District for individual site SHORT PLATS of the Southwest quarter of the
reviews and may be approved, if 10.1 All conditions and said Section 9, township and expire eight months from the
ewe r INSULATION, COMPLETE acceptable, under "Method 2" of requirements of this Article shall range; thence N 88 ° 4312" W date of sale.
)r rent. services, Borden foam, fiberglass, Article VIII, Section 5. apply to short plats, provided along the north line of said THEODORE M.
Mason cellulose, new and old 10.6 No review or approval that a topographical map subdivision 731.16 ft. to the THERRIAULT
;-4486. c o nstruction. Energy will be required if the developer (Section 5.2, a) may be waived point of beginning; {hence Of Day, Taylor, Lombard
Conservation Insulation. indicates on the short plat that by the Health Officer for lots continuing N 88 ° 43'12" W & Kiefer
426-1116. E7/27tfn the lots will not be used for an with native slopes less than seven 358.81 ft. to center line of Attorneys for Plaintiff
on-site sewage disposal or percent. Office and P.O. Address:
Agate existing creek; thence alone said
86]. DON'T HAVE a chimney fire! dwelling structure without 10.2 If, after a preliminary 'creek center line S 4] ° 0J'45 '' 3100 Rainier Bank Tower
Stove, Call Clean Sweep Chimney written approval of the Health review of the proposed short W 21.91 ft.; thence N 80 ° Seattle, WA98101
Telephone: (206) 624-2822
Service. Free estimates, licensed. Officer. plat, the Health Officer 49'00" W 25.00 ft;thence S 26 ° 8/31-9/7-14-21-28-10/5-6t
filed with the Clerk for said pay the above mentioned and Substitution Restrictions. Executive Order 11246 have
Court. Bidders are advised that
The object of this action is judgment, been complied with before award
This action is further to violations of the Timber Export can be made. All of the Alaska
to quiet title in Plaintiffs to real forever bar and estop each and and Substitution Restrictions yellow ceda determined
estate ih Mason County, every defendant herein and all constitute breach of contract and pursuant to public hearings to be
Washington, described as: persons claiming by, through or may result in contract surplus to needs of domestic
That part of the Southeast under them, from claiming or cancellation, refusal to award users and processors and
quarter of the Southwest quarter asserting any right, title, estate, other timber sales to tile Ipcluded Timber not meeting
of Section 9, Township 22 lien or interest in or to the violator, and/or debarment or Utilization Standards is
North, Range 1 West, W.M., above described real property or suspension from bidding on
defined as follows: future timber sales. If requested and Substitution Restrictions.
exempted from Timber Export
by the State of Washington, or Bidders are advised that
by Grays Harbor or. Mason violations of the Timber Export
Counties, or by any person and Substitution Restrictions
deemed to have a reasonable constitute breach of contract and
interest in the proposed sale, or may result in contract
in its terms, a public hearing will cancellation, refusal to award
be held in the office of the other timber sales to the
Forest Supervisor, Federal violator, and/or debarment or
Building, Olympia, Washington, suspension from bidding on
on the 8th day of September future timber sales. If requested
1978 at 2:00 PM, local time. by State of Washington, or by
Requests for public healing will Grays Harbor or Mason Counties,
not be considered unless received or by any person deemed to
in the office of the Forest have a reasonable interest in the
426-2234. B7/6tfn 2. Add to Section 3: FEE determines that there is no 30'20" W 89.75 ft;thenceS 22 ° Supervisor, Federal Building, proposed sale, or in its terms, a
SCHEDULE public health interest, both 26'35" W 75.24 ft.; thence S Olympia, Washington, on or
public hearing will be held in the
LICENSED ESTATE sales and 3.3 Short plat review fees review and fee as described in 66 ° 21'45" W 75.06 ft.; thence NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER before September 1, ]978. The office of the Forest Supervisor,
"bedroom, household liquidating. Appraisals, shall be based on the smallest lot this art,cle may be waived. N 82 ° 37';J6" W 34.29 ft.; FO R S A L E, O L Y M P I C right to reject any and all bids is Federal Building, Olympia,
Access to according to the following give testimony for or against the reserved. Full information Washington, on the 15th day of
inventories, insurance, estimates, size in the proposed short plat Anyone desiring to speak or thence N 72 u 00'20" W 16.62 NATIONAL FOREST, SKOK
month. Reasonable. Information .ft. to a point on the west line of OLD GROWTH 78, X6 TIMBER concerning the timber, the September, 1978, at 2:00 PM,
352-1745, 352-3646, 943-8257. schedule: adoption of the proposal should said subdivision; thence leaving SALE, located within T. 22 and conditions of sale and submission local time. Requests for public
at BrOckdale. $7/27-9/14. MINIMUM appear at the above time and said creek center line S I u 23N., R. 5 and 6W., T. 23N., R. of bids should be obtained from hearing will not be considered
LOT SIZE FEE place. 39'02" W along the west line of 7W., W.M., Mason County, the District Ranger, Shelton unless received in the office of
AUTO PAINTING, reasonable two acres $10.00 8/31-9/7-2t said subdivision 186 ft., more or Washington. Public notice is
Ranger Station, Shelton, the Forest Supervisor, Federal
prices. Also trailers, etc. All less, to a point on the hereby given that pursuant to Washington, or the Forest Building, Olympia, Washington
:x in Oak work guaranteed. Phone NOTICE OF HEARING HEARING ON PROPOSED northeasterly right-of-way of the provisions of Section 5 of Supervisor, Federal Building, on or before September 8, 1978.
State Hwy. No. 14-B; thence Public Law 273, 78th Congress
426-4322. 1201 Cote Street. The Board of County USE OF REVENUE SHARING Olympia, Washington. August 14, The right to reject any and all
R7/20tfn Southeasterly along said (58 Stat. 132-16, U.S.C. 1978. RICHARD D. BEAUBIEN, bids is reserved. Full information
Commissioners of Mason County, The Board of County right-of-way line 319 ft., more or 583-583i, Sup. 4), and the Forest Supervisor, Olympic concerning the timber, the
State of Washington, believe Commissioners of Mason County less to a point which bears S Cooperative Agreement for the National Forest. conditions of sale and submission
21. ROTOTILLING -- YARD and there is need for special will hold a public hearing at the 31 u 15'00" W from thepoint of Management of the Participating
garden, small grading and 8/17.24-31-9/7-41 of bids should be obtained from
nished house, leveling. 426-9976. M7/20tfn supportive program in the Courthouse, Commissioner's beginning; thence N 31 u 1500" Forest Properties in the Shelton
Juvenile Probation Department Room, on the 11th day of the District Ranger, Shelton
E 641 ft., more or less, to the Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit Ranger Station Shelton
PERSOIXlS WITH handicapping in the administration of September, 1978 at 10.30 A.M. , ,
probation services for the in the city of Shelton, point of beginning: EXCEPTING entered into by and between the NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER Washington, or the Forest
condition may find help with delinquent and incorrigible Washington for the purpose of therefrom that part lying United States of America and FOR SALE, OLYMPIC Supervisor, Federal Building,
any problem at Troubleshooters juveniles in Mason County and obtaining written and oral northerly of the following the Simpson Timber Company, N A T I O N A L F O R E S T, Olympia, Washington. Dated
free of charge. 426-7717. described easement: TOGETHER dated December 12, 1946, an CANYON-WYNOOCHEE Salvage August 16, ]978. RICHARD D.
Z4/20tfn that funds for such a program comment from the public on the WITH and SUBJECT TO rights estimated 24,200 M board feet Sale, located within T. 22N, R. BEAUBIEN, Forest Supervisor,
have been provided by Chapter proposed uses of revenue sharing of the seller, and others, in the of timber marked or otherwise 6, 7, & 8W,; T. 23N, R. 7 & 8W, Olympic National Forest.
DO YOU wish to have a home 165 of the Extraordinary Session funds in the upcoming budget following non-exclusive road and designated for cutting will be W.M., Mason and Grays Harbor 8/24-31-9/7-14-4t
2-bedroom built, remodelled, or repaired? If of 1969 of the State Legislature for Fiscal Year 1979. utility easement for ingress the sold to Simpson Timber Counties, Washington, surveyed.
now. Call so, call 426-7179. A-1 carpenter in House Bill No. 48 entitled. All interested citizens' egress over a strip of land 60-ft. Company, Seattle, Washington, Public notice is hereby given that
"Juvenile Court Probation groups, senior citizerfsand senior in width, being 30-feet on each on September 28, 1978. The pursuant to the provisions of
426-4486. work from A-Z, 30 years Services;" citizen organizations are side of the following described section 5 of Public Law 273,
minimum acceptable bid per M
experience. L8/31tfn THEREFORE, NOTICE IS encouraged to attend the center line: board feet is: Douglas-fir, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16,
GIVEN that a Public Hearing hearing. Persons attending the Commencing at the $107.25; Pacific silver fir, U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4), and
to share, CUSTOM ORNAMENTAL iron will be held at 11:15 A.M., hearinc shall have the right to southwest corner of the $19.93, Western redcedar, the Cooperative Agreement for
includes works, railings, gates of all kinds. Monday, September 11, 1978 in prov,de written and oral Southwest quarter of the $112.39, and Western hemlock the Manac/ement of the
4 p.m. Free estimates. Call 426-7603. the County Courthouse
P8/31tfn Commis:0ner's P-dTt,' 'Shelton comments and suggestions Southeast quarter of the said and other coniferous species, Participating Forest Properties in NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER
regarding possible uses of Section 9, township and range; $36.29. The road amortization the Shelton Cooperative FOR SALE, OLYMPIC
lakefront Washingten, 'for the' purpose of revenue sharing funds, thence alono the south line of allowance on this sale is $19.3] Sustained Yield Unit entered N A T I O N A L F O R E S T,
making application for funds and Following is important said subdivisTon S 88 o :3'47" ,E per M board feet for all above into by and between the United SKOKBINGHAM Salvacle Sale,
charm, 3 I GUNSMITH designating Gerald K. Wood, information for the Proposed 657.85 ft.; thence N I u 1006 species, and may be adjusted States of America and the located within T21N. R6W;
I • Repairing Modern and Antiques L)irector of Juvenile Court Use Hearing: E 775.00 ft. to the true point of pursuant to the terms of the Simpson Timber Company, dated T22N, R5 & 6W, T23N, R 5 &
• Precision Scope & Sight Mounting Services, to coordinate planning, Amount of unappropriated beginning of this described timber sale contract. Additional December I 2, 1946, an 6 W, W.M., Mason County,
i • Shotgun Choke Alterations, certification, and the making and revenue sharing funds center line, said true point of deposit required for slash estimated 2100 M board feet of Washington, partially surveyed.
allgauges, submission of claims for in the local trust
• ShootlngSupplles becjinning also being the radius disposal is $13.88 per M board timber marked or otherwise Public notice is hereby given that
reimbursements from the fund $ none point of a 50-foot cul de sac; feet for all above species. In the designated for cutting will be pursuant to the provisions of
' Warren A. Girard Department of Social and Health Amount of revenue sharing thence from said point of event that total bid value plus sold to Simpson Timber section 5 of Public Law 273,
le J'Routez, eox795 Phone4Ze-2SOl Services, and at which time funds expectedtobe beginning S 1 o 10'06" W required deposits for this Company, Seattle, Washington, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16,
anyone may appear to be heard received during the 180.60 ft.; thence S 48 ° 06'01" contract exceed one million on September 20. 1978. The U.S.C. 583-5831, Sup. 4), and
either for or against this request, upcoming fiscal W 505.21 ft.; thence S 87 o dollars ($1 000,000.00) an LEO minimum acceptable bid per M the Cooperative Agreement for
DATED this 28th day of year $297,078.00 28'23" W 345.96 ft.; thence N compliance review will be board feet is: Douglas-fir, the Management of the
August, 1978. DATED this 28th day of 52 50 17 W 163.05 ft. to a conducted on the high bidder to $114.79; Pacific silver fir, Participating Forest Properties in
BOARD OF COUNTY August, 1978. point hereafter referred to point determine if the provisions of $19.25; Western redcedar, the Shelton Cooperative
COMMISSIONERS OF BOARD OF COUNTY A; thence continuing N 52 u Executive Order 11246 have $110.47; Western hemlock and Sustained Yield Unit entered
=Multi stage submersible MASON COUNTY, COMMISSIONERS OF 50'17" W 821.76 ft. to a point been complied with before award other coniferous species, $26.33. into by and between the United
WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY, can be made. All of the Alaska Road amortization on this sale is States of America and the
hereafter referred to point B;
and jet. Sears would like /s/Mary Van Blaricom, WASHINGTON thence S 58 o 11'38" W 168 ft., yellow cedar determined none. Additional deposit Simpson Timber Company, dated
to pump your water! See Chf. Dep. . . /s/Mary Van Blaricom, more or less, to a point on the pursuant to public hearings to be required for slash disposal is December 1 2, 1946, an
Jim for free estimate on Auditor & Clerk or Chf. Dep. northeasterly right-of-way line of surplus to needs of domestic $19.72 per M board feet for all estimated 2600 M board feet of
Peggy Cleveland State Hwy. No. 14-B and a users and processors and above species. In the event that timber marked or otherwise
all pump and water system the Board 8/31-9/7-2t Auditor& Clerk of Included Timber not meeting total bid value plus required designated for cutting will be
accessories. Installation terminus point of this described
center line. Utilization Standards is deposits for this contract exceed sold to Simpson Timber
available, the Board 8/31-9/7-2t Thence from described point exempted from Timber Export o n e m i I I i o n d o I I a r s Company, Seattle, Washington,
Apts NOTICE OFAPltlLICATION A along the center line of a ana Substitution Restrictions. ($1,0.00,000.00) an LEO or, September 20, 1978. The
• Phone 426"8201 TO APPROPRIATE 60"foot easement N 1 o 07'30" Bidders are advised that compliance review will be minimum acceptable bid per M
PUBLIC WATERS SUMMONS ON PUBLICATION E 456.03 ft. to a terminus point violations of the T.imber Export conducted on the high bidder to board feet is: Douglas-fir,
5/11 tfn STATE OF WASHINGTON, NO. 13715 of this described center line, said and Substitution Restrictions determine if the provisions of $98.59; Pacific silver fir, $12.87;
St. ; ..... DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF terminus point being the radius constitute breach of contract and Executive Order 11246 have Western redcedar, $111.48;
or TAKE NOTICE: That FAWN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON point of a 50-foot cul de sac. may result in contract been complied with before award Western hemlock and other
LAKE MAINTENANCE IN AND FOR THE COUNTY Thence from before cancellation, refusal to award can be made. All of the Alaska coniferous species, $30.03. Road
ling COMM,SS'ON of Shelton, OFMASON described point B N 35 O 21,58 ,, other timber sales to the yellow cedar determined amortization on this sale is none.
'/,2.n Remode Washington on Aucjust 4, 1978 OTIS R. and MARY M. E 153.07 ft.; thence N 54 o violator, and or debarment or pursuant to public hearings to be Additional deposit required for
under Applicahon No. G MILES, LYMAN L. and ALICE 31'42" W 30-feet to the suspension from bidding on surplus to needs of domestic slash disposal is $19.88 per M
Kitchen? 2.24976 filed for permit to PETERSON, Plaintiffs, vs. terminus point of this described future timber sales. If requested users and processors and board feet for all above species.
appropriate . public waters, ARTHUR O. and EVANGELINE 60-foot easement: center line by the State of Washington, or Included Timber not meeting In the event that total bid value
subject to existing rights, frame PRINGLE, Defendants. ana point of beginning of a 'by Grays Harbor or Mason Utilization Standards is plus required deposits for this
well In the amount of 200 T H E S T A T E O F 40-foot easement being 20-feet counties, or by any person exempted from Timber Export contract exceed one million
See Jim at Sears for free gallons per minute continuously WASHINGTON, To: "Arthur O. on each side of the following deemed to have a reasonable and Substitution Restrictions. dollars .($1,000,000.00) an LEO
estirnofe• We hove each year, for community and Evangeline Pringle described center line= thence interest in the proposed sale, or Bidders are advised that compliance review will be
complete lines of cabinets, domestic supply. The source of You are hereby summoned continuing 54 o 31'42 ' W in its terms, a public hearing will violations of the Timber Export conducted on the high bidder to
the proposed appropriation is to appear within sixty (teh0e) days 254.25 ft.; thence N 74 ° be held in the office of the and Substitution Restrictions determine if the provisions of
corpetondopplionces, located with NW1/4SWl/4 of after the date of first 19'03'. W 220.36 tt. to the Forest Supervisor, Federal constitute breach of contract and Executive Order 11246 have
Section 4, Township 19 N., publication of this summons, to center line of existing creek and Building, Olympia, Washington, may result in contract been complied with before award
Ph Range 3W W.M., in Mason wit, within sixty days after the terminus point of this described on the 15th day of September cancellation, refusal to award
• can be made. All of the Alaska
one 426-8201 county 3rd day of August, 1978, and center line. 1978 at 2:00 PM, local time. other timber sales to the
5/1] tfn ' Protests or objections to defend the above entitled action Situate in Mason County, Requests for public hearing will violator, and/or debarment or yellow cedar determined
approval of this application must in the above entitled court, and Washington. not be considered unless received suspension from bidding on pursuant to public hearings to be
include a detailed statement of answer the complaint of the in the office of the Forest future timber sales. If requested surplus to needs of domestic
Against the claim of the Included Timber not meeting
76 the basis for objections; protests plaintiff and serve a copy of Defendants and any of them. Supervisor, Federal Building, by State of Washington, or by users and processors and
• must be accompanied by a two your answer to the undersigned /s/Gary G. Weber Olympia, Washington, on or Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, Utilization Standards is
dollar ($2.00) recording fee and attorney for the plaintiff at his GARYG. WEBER before September 8, 1978. The or by any person deemed to exempted from Timber Export
filed with the Department of office and address below stated; Attorney for right to reject any and all bids is have a reasonable interest in the and Substitution Restrictions.
Ecology, Southwest Regional and in case of your failure so to Plaintiffs reserved. Full information proposed sale, or in its terms, a Bidders are advised that
Office, Olympia, WA 98504 do, judgment will be rendered 14409 Meridian South concerning the timber, the public hearing will be held in the violations of the Timber Export
within thirty (30) days from against you according to the Puyallup, Pierce conditions of sale, and office of the. Forest Supervisor, and Substitution Restrictions
demand and prayer of the County, Washington submission of bids should be Federal Building, Olympia, constitute breach of contract and
August 31, 1978. ' 8/31-9/7-2t complaint on file, with the clerk 9837], 848-5531 obtained from the District Washington, on the 12th day of
Ranger, Shelton Ranger Station, September, 1978, at 2:00 PM, may result in contract
Ol,=cancellation, refusal to award
of the above entitled court. 8/10-17-24-31-9/7-14-6t She/ton, Washington, or the local time. Requests for public other timber sales to the
NOTICE OF APPLICATION The nature and purpose of
TO APPROPRIATE this suit is to quiet title to the Forest Supervisor, Federal hearing will not be considered violator, and/or debarment or
PUBLIC WATERS following described land situated SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Building, Olympia, Washington. unless received in the office of suspension from bidding on
)1 > STATE OF WASHINGTON, in Mason County, State of NO. 13749 Dated August 21, 1178. the Forest Supervisor, Federal
BIG DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Washington and legally described IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF RICHARD D. BEAUBIEN, Building, Olympia, Washington future timber sales. If requested
by State of Washington, or by
RESULTs' TAKE NOTICE: as Lot 45, LynchCove. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Forest Supervisor. on or before September 5, 1978. Grays Harbor or Mason Counties,
That KERMIT and FAYE /s/Alan Rasmussen IN AND FOR THE COUNTY 8/24-31-9/7-14-4t The right to reject any and all or by any person deemed to
426-4412 FRA,S of Seattle, Washington Attorney for Plaintiffs OF MASON bids is reserved. Full information have a reasonable interest in the
on July 24, 1978 under Post Office Box 118 M E T R O P O L I T A N NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER concerning the timber, the proposed sale, or in its terms, a
• Application No. S 2-24965 filed FEDERAL SAVINGS AND FOR SALE, OLYMPIC conditions of sale and submission public hearing will beheld in the
LOAN ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL FOREST, SKOK of bids should be obtained from
Spanaway, Washington 98387
for permit to appropriate public 11206/537/0504
waters, subject to existing rights, 8/3-10-17-24-31-9/7-6t SEATTLE, a corporation, RF 78 X5 TIMBER SALE, the District Ranger, Shelton office of the Forest Supervisor,
SaWS Federal Building. Olympia,
from an unnamed spring, Plaintiff, vs. RANDY C. OGG located within T. 22&23N., R. Ranger Station, Shelton, Washington, on the 121h day of
SHARPENED tributary of Lake Cushman and and CARMEN L. OGG, his wife, 5&6W., W.M., Mason County, Washington, or the Forest September, 1978, at 2:00 PM,
Skokomish River in the amount SUMMONS BY U N I T E D STATES OI- Washington. Public notice is Supervisor, Federal Building,
local time. Requests for public
of 0.02 cubic feet per second PUBLICATION AMERICA and STATE OF hereby given that pursuant to Olympia, Washington. Dated hearing will not be considered
FINE TOOTH REGULAR continuously each year, for NO. 13751 WASHINGTON, Defendants. the provisions of Section 5 of August 8, 1978. RICHARD D. unless received in the office of
domestic supply. The source of - IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T H E S T A T E O F Public Law 273, 78th Congress BEAUBIEN, Forest Supervisor, the Forest Supervisor, Federal
$1.40 $1.15 the proposed appropriation is THE STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, to the said (58 Stat. 132-16, U.S.C.
$1.50 $].25 located within NWV4NWV4 of IN AND FOR THE COUNTY CARMEN L. OGG, Defendant: 583-583i, Sup. 4), and the Olympic National Forest. Building, Olympia, Washington
$1.60 $1.35 Section 4, Township 22N., OF MASON Y O U A R E H E R E BY Cooperative Agreement for the 8/17-24-31-9/7-4t on or before September 5, 1978.
$].90 $].65 Range 4 W.W.M., in MASON BETTY POLLANO, Plaintiff, SUMMONED to appear within Manacjement of the Participating The right to reject any and all
$2.05 $].80 County. vs. HARRIS B. WATSON and sixty days after the date of first Forest Iropertles In the Shelton NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER bids is reserved. Full information
$2.20 $1.95 Protests or objections to DOROTHY M. WATSON, publication of this Summons, Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit FOR SALE, O LYMPIC con'cerning the timber, the
approval of this application must husband and wife, UNIDEV, to-wit: within sixty days after entered into by and between the N A T I O N A L F O R E S T, conditions of sale and submission
" .................... $3.00 include a detailed statement of INC., a Washington Corporation, Aucjust 31, ]978, and answer United States of America and WYNOOcHEE CABLE 78 -2 of bids should be obtained from
''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii$3.5053"25 the basis for objections'; protests BUCK & SONS REALTY CO.,a plaintiff's Complaint and serve a dated the Simpson December Timber21, Company, 1946, an Timber Sale located with T. the Ranger District Station, Ranger,Shelton,Shelton
Washington, or the Forest
22N. R. 7W. W M., Grays
must be accompanied by a two Washington corporation, copy of your Answer upon the
dollar ($2.00)recording fee and • ROBERT D. MARSH and JANE undersigned attorneys at their estimated 24,700 M board feet Harbor Count,, /ashington.
fimcl w=tn the uepartment of DOE MARSH, husband and wife, office below stated, and in case of timber marked or otherwise Public notice is hereby qlven that Supervisor, Federal Building,
BER CO P - August 9, 1978. RICHARD D.
Ecology, Southwest Regional FRANK NAUDACK and JANE of your failure so to do, designated for cutting will be ursuant to the provisions of Olympia, Washington. Dated
• Office, Olympia, WA. (8504 DOE NAUDACK; and all other judgment will be rendered sold to Simpson Timber section 5 of Public Law 273, BEAUBIEN, Forest Supervisor,
within thirty (30) days fom persons or parties unknown against you according to the Company, Seattle, Washington, 78th Conaress (58 Stat. 13216,
Wy. South 426.4282 8/17-9/7 . September 7, 1978. claiming any right, title, estate, demand of the Complaint which on September 21, 1978. The U.S.C. 58:583i, Sup• 4), and the Olympic National Forest.
8/31-9/7-2t lien or interest rn the real estate is on file with the Clerk of the minimum acceptable bid per M Cooperative A.reement for ttle 8/17-24-3]-9/7-4t
Thursday, September 7, 1978 - Shelto1-Mason County Journal - Page 35