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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Grifly CR 5-2117 tou Dobbs TR 6°4783 Serving families in this community since 1909 5303 Kitsap Way Lester M. Lewis, Sr. FUNERAL CHAPEL " r 'rrr'||r'r"m;;'|a * ., Call US collect from anywhere ES 7-3836 Lester M. Lewis, Jr. Belfair Electric Co. We are franchised General Electric Dealers • Discount Prices • Factory Service • Terms • We take trade-ins. Free delivery & normal installation. Bonded & Licensed Electrical Contractors Special Contractor Pricing. V block North of Thriftway i I m 275.2O2O I i i NORTH SHORE GARAGE -- GENERAL AUTO REPAIR -- 275-21211 Vs mile w. of Belfair State Park i i - 9's FAIR HARBOR MARINA ON CASE INLET • Open 7 Days A Week • Monthly & Daily Moorage • Gas g Oil • Fishing Gear • Bait • Pop • Ice • Hot Sandwiches Mini Grocery • Bank Cards Welcome 4264028 or 275-6417 Chevron Senior citizens, 5’ off each gallon of gas. DAVE'S BELFAIR ARC0 STATION Clip Coupon & Bring In. Good Thru September. • Belfair Auto Parts • North Mason Towing, 2 Trucks Reasonable Rates 275-3211 ill .... I I l,jt BODY SHOP TOWING LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE 426-1731 Shelton 275-2861 Allyn & Belfair IIIII i i "DELIVERY BY CANAL BLUE TRUCKS" • For Chevron Heating Fuel • Modern Heating Equipment • Complete Housewarming Service Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair Service Fuel €o., Inc. 1318 PARK AVE. 479-2772 BREMERTON " I I i 11 i i i Lowest Home Insurance Rates Fulmer & €o., Inc. 520 Pacific - Bremert0n, 377-8547 Represented in North Mason by Bob Sutton 275.6120 i i ii n ii i i HuJeleberry Herald Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to t p.m., Monday tbru Friday News and advertising copy deadline 5 p.m. Fridays. For your convenience there is a mail slot in the door for copy. Office located across from Belfair Texaco in Belfair, CAROLYN MADDUX .................. Interim Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............. Advertising Manager Office Telephone 275-6680 A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and North Shore. ALL SERENE. A cloudy day and a quiet mood are captured at Twanoh. ()b00'tuaHe00 Richard Swanson Services were held Wednesday morning at Lewis Funeral Chapel for Richard E. Swanson who died in a boating accident at Tahuya Friday, September 1. Born August 18, 1921 in Moorhead, Minnesota, Richard Swanson served during World War II with the U.S. Marine Corps. He was supervisor of the King County Motor Pool and served as maintenance captain of the Tahuya Volunteer Fire District. Survivors include his wife, Harriet, of Tahuya; four sons, Terry and Bruce Swanson and Steven Rodenbaugh, all of Santa Ana, California, and Richard Swanson of Fullerton, California; two daughters, Barbara of the family home and Mrs. Patti Kelley of Orange, California; two sisters, Mrs. Virginia Jensen of Seattle and Mrs. Eunice Kowalski of Federal Way; and 12 grandchildren. Interment at Forest Lawn Cemetery followed the funeral services. Robert A. Thain Robert A. Thain of Star Route 2, Box 282, Belfair died August 28 at Port Orchard" Convalescent Home. He was 65. Born May 19, 1913 in Boston, Massachusetts, Mr. Thain was a veteran of World War II and was honorably discharged as a lieutenant in 1947. In 1940 he married the former Mary Louise Butler of Bremerton. The Thains lived in Concord, California for 25 years before moving to Belfair in July of this year. Surviving are his wife; three daughters, Patricia Thain of the family home in Belfair, Mrs. Roberta Rogers of San Bruno, California, and Mrs. Sharon Kinney of Camas, Washington; three sisters, Adele Thain of Wakefield, Massachusetts, Mrs. Vickie Comstock of Springfield, Massachusetts and Helen Thain of Chicago; and two grandchildren. Services were August 31 at MiUer-Woodlawn Funeral Home in Bremerton. saint Margaret's Guild to meet Saint Margaret's Guild of Visitors are welcome to Roman Catholic women will attend the meeting. For meet Monday, September 11 in information, interested persons the fireside room of the Betfair are invited to phone ldaleah Community Baptist Church. Wilbur at 275-6186. VOTE Prinmry, September 19 General, November 7 BEV THOMASON Democrat FOR Mason County Auditor For efficient and courteous administration of the Auditor's office. Elect BEV THOMASON - Democrat Pd. for by Comm. for Bey Thomason, Shelli Thomeson, chairman, Rt. 4, Box 421A, Shehon C0mmunnty Pncnnc Sunday, September 10, 12 Noon Till 5 p.m. At Belfair State Park * Bring your Lunch * Free Coffee Games begin at 1 p.m. Lots of Prizes, Lots of fun. Everyone Is Invited -- See You There!  I Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shetton-Mason County Journal - September 7, ]978 British weaver offers classes Handweavers from the Olympic Peninsula will be starting their fall activities this coming week with a series of programs and workshops conducted by Marjories Williams, a member of the British Society of Designer-Craftsmen. On Monday and Tuesday, September 11 and 12, following a week of weaving workshops in Victoria, Mrs. Williams will teach a two-day session in fabric design at The Weaving Post in Allyn. That evening she will present a slide show on her work at Olympic College to the Kitsap Weavers Evening Guild. On Thursday, September 14, she will conduct a lesson on Drafting For Four Harnesses to the Kitsap Weavers and Spinners Guild at the Sons of Norway Hall. Members of Peninsula Guild, Port Townsend, have been invited to attend. Mrs. Williams, now of Birmingham, England, was head of the London School of Weaving for several years before starting her own studio. She will be a luncheon guest of Eleanor Ashwell, a Port Townsend weaving instructor and the house guest of Betty Bell, Grapeview, this year's program chairman for Kitsap Weavers Guild. - O.C. offers telecourses Olympic College will sponsor three courses by television this fall quarter: Cinematic Eye (Drama 298A), The Long Search (Humanities 298A) and The Adams Chronicles (History 298A). The instructors will be John Dreaney, Douglas McLemore and Robert Ericksen respectively. Three academic credits will be granted for each course. Students are urged to enroll during the regular registration period, September 19 through 21, to assure a place in these courses. Howold 00omc y°m ? If your home is less than 7 years old, you may save money. Call now and find out how much. Save up to 14% on Homeowners msurance. William L. Berg, Agent Across from Belfolr Texaco, Belfalr. Office 275.6083 Residence 275-2O45 State Farm I,' re and Cmualty Comlmy Home ()lli: H kxmfi nkm, 1 I limils For the record BELFAIR FIRE DISTRICT TWO Emergency phone: 275-2000; Business phone: 275-2995 September 3, 7:05 p.m., aid call, sudden illness, South Shore, non-transport. August 25, 3:55 p.m., aid call, abdominal pain, North Shore, transported to Harrison Hospital in Bremerton. August 25, 4:57 p.m., aid call, asthma attack, Sand Hill Road, transported to Harrison Hospital. August 23, midnight, mutual aid call with District 15, injury accident with car fire, Haven Lake Road, transported to Harrison Hospital. J Masonry * Fireplaces * Block foundations I * Anything with masonry J JOHN KIMMEL J Licensed, bonded end Insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton BABYSITTING Very reasonable and responsive dayeare and babysitting in my Christian home. Old Belfair Hiway, 275-5191 Menu For North Mason Schools Sept. 7 thru Sept. 15 Thursday: Meatloaf, potatoes/gravy, broccoli, hot roll/butter, fruit, milk. Friday: Tacoburger with lettuce & cheese, mashed potatoes/butter, spinach, dessert, milk. Monday: Beef stew with potatoes & vegetables, biscuit/butter, fruit, ice cream, milk. Tuesday: Tomato soup, grilled cheese, applesauce, brownies, milk. Wednesday.: Chili, cornbread, cole slaw, fruit, milk. Thursday: Chopped turkey in gravy over mashed potatoes, butter corn, hot roll, fruit, milk. Friday: Cheeseburger, tossed salad, fruit, dessert, milk. Puget Sound National Bank 1-he hometown bank. August 23, 1:30 p.m., aid call, dead on arriwd, South Shore. " August 22, 8:30 a.m., aid call, sudden illness, Belfair, transported to Harrison tlospital. In the woods... or on the street, Help keep America looking neat! SSSSS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Ray's Barber Shop Bolfalr ! Victor Hall } Sept. 9th, i 1 9a.m. to5p.m. I Antiques, Plants f Rummage, Furniture , & Tools. }  Across the bay 1  from AAlyn ... 2L5"393LI Quality built new homes on your lot or ours by Reid-Cooper Construction Company, Inc. Reid Realty Belfair 275-2868 Open 7 Days A Week, 8 a.m. to 9 l).m. Sunset Beach Grocery South Shore 275-2500 We now have ZENITH FACTORY service, parts in stock. 275-6244 Legal NOTICE CLERK per day, $3.08 per needed -- description. NOON All Noon Aid per day, ]i hour -- a description, position, tz days per (this the same clerk-typi as per Procedur* Applications from the No District Sur Belfair, located in Belfair El Deadline September Arts & Next 9:30 toSP • GlaSs r O & Hood 275-2625" Haul B C CR5-2195 IF YaJ'RE IN Hame: Clay Cornell Position: Branch Manager Branch: Belfair Hobbies: Golf, stamp collecting Banking Philosophy: "All our tellers know all our customers. I think it's important to have a staff you can be proud of." When you Cornelrs you'll hel when you office, you'll understand whY. It's because he believes in a hometown way of banking. So if that kind ofp to you, call Clay one of our 44 branches r O Puget Sound National ME/4BER F.DIC. '