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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 7, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 7, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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mnmulLity" lendar 7 commissioners meeting, Trails End Lake Grapeview Firehall. i s t r i e t T w o Tuesday, September 12 nets teeting, Star 7:30 p.m., Grapeview School 10x 86! Trails End board meeting, Grapeview .m., Sam Theler School. Council, Wednesday, September 13 School, room 7 p.m., Port of Tahuya commissioners meeting, Tahuya Firehall. 'Sttt,lr l0 7:30 p.m., North Mason Poe p.m., Belfair Wee's Adult Association, North Belfair State Mason Junior High, room 7. 7:30 p.m., Port of Allyn 11 commissioners meeting, Allyn FirehaU. Oath( Margaret's 8 p.m., Belfair North Mason Women, Chamber of Commerce, Belfair room, Boll'air Cafe banquet room. 'Baptist Church. league of Women Thursday, September 14 night, Belfair 1 1 a.m., Twanoh Falls '4 Womens Club, call Hannah ' "' Grapeview Fire Dehler, 275-3512. rn°ners meetin 8 p.m., North Mason School Fkehalt g, board meeting, Noth Mason Port of Grapeview High School library. Services ...... 8:30 a.m. ..... I0:00 a.m. .......... 10:00 a.m. .FAIR kPlrlST Pastor 6031 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND RETREAT CENTER OF BELFAIR 10 a.m... Worship Service Coma as you are -- Nursery provided V4 miJe W. of Belfair State Park 275.3354 Office 275-t950 Homo Donald G. Fossum, Pastor THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU Co.le as .'you are St. Nicholas' Episcopal Church Tahuya Family Service, 11:15 a.m. +atner Alan Jordan-275-3177 HEADING OUT. Summer residents and weekenders caused a day-long semi-traffic jam in Belfair Monday as they made their annual exodus. S00t& Slwte Caa.l00 By HANNAH DEHLER 275-3512 Tim Marie and husband "Smitty" of Twanoh Falls recently returned from their former hometown, Pascagoula, Mississippi. Tim took over household duties at daughter Nonna Lynn's home while also having a grand time getting acquainted with her new grandchild. Accompanying them home was Tim's second daughter Kelley Powers who had stayed in Pascagoula to finish her senior year in high school. Busy with plans to enter Olympic College within a few days, she stopped to say, "the climate will be so different but I do look forward to the changing seasons. I'm sure I will love everything about the northwest, it is very beautiful." Ted, Kelley's brother who has been here for almost a full year, looks forward to his second year at Belfair elementary school. While mother Tim instructed him with proper exercises, Ted, ten years old, stopped briefly to display the uniform he had just received. "I'm going to be on the football team this fall," he said with a voice filled with pride. Jeanette Quigley is extremely careful of every move she makes these days. Stumbling on a pebble resulted in a bad ankle break, causing almost complete immobility for a few weeks. Finally the happy day arrived when the cumbersome ,cast:was replaced with a 'walking' cast. With the help of crutches there was some chance of moving about. Good friends could analogize and remind her, "Lightning only strikes once," or "The odds are against this sort of accident happening again." Guess what? - Attempting to reach the crutches so that she could arise from her chair, she fell and broke an anu. Jeanette knows better now, as far as she is concerned - when it rains it pours! To say goodbye to people you love is never easy. For a seven-year-old lad, altho he is strong and brave, it may even cause a few tears. Christopher Ainimo of Greeley, Colorado, was a bit sad as he was put aboard a plane by his grandparents Leona and Grant Morse. But traveling alone (this was the first time) was a good adventure and morn and dad would be waiting in Denver. The two weeks vacation on the South Shore had passed all too soon. There were many new friends and such occasions as church school and hours each day to spend on the beach. "It was neat," says Chri,, "swimming, and lots of shells, but I like the crabs the best." He was talking about the tiny Fiddler crab who burrow themselves in the sand along the shore. After trips to the fine aquariums at Tacoma and Seattle, Chris summed it up this way, "Did you know there are baby sharks in Tacoma? But my favorite of all was Penney the seal in Seattle, She did lots'of tricks for us!" Later talking to Chris's parents in Greeley on the phone, Leona said, "His mother told me their little 'islander' was a real Washington fan." OPEN SUNDAYS, 10 AM TO 3 PM Bird Wind Seal  @.?. ,, ,. a K .,L ,.' II+i0000I L+ - Combination ,'-" :, ";::" :: i STORM/ .., ,.i:::+ SCREEN ASPHALT DIDR SHINGLES J III [ q! 'i;i AluminUmall • 6 colo'rs • 3-tab Self-sealing I door with ;oPf; sImlI L t thehard" $24s00.- o.k..non e were, pre-hung fo r easy SHEATHING installation. 3 0 x 6  Interior Semi-Gloss $SALE 88 Enamel WALL GLOW $810 ' Interior Flat Latex ederat -, .O000elo00-00o00e00 ti00a tes" F • -'s' 2._ tket Get J'- ot00mP ia Sav+00g 5+,x, M a Our new short-rm savings certificate has a rate based on the weekly average established for Unid States Government Treasury Bills, plus an additional +4 of 1%. We compound your interest daily, and when you allow it to accumulate, your effective annual yield is an impressive 8.439%. This. is an annual yield; however, it is subject to change at renewal. Though the rate paid on Money Market Certificates changes weekly, the rate posted at the time you invest will be tim rate of your reurn for the entire 26 weeim. The minimum deposit required is $10,000. Our new long term savings 8 Year Certificate offers you an 8% return, giving you an annual yield of 8.45% when your interest is allowed to accunaulate. The minimum deposit required is just St ,000. Your return on these and all other savings certificates at Olym- pia Federal Savings is guaranteed. And your savings are insured to $40,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpora- "',ties. , . ..... ,+ + 1 RATE TERMS ANNUAL YIELD 8DO 8 t010 year Certificate* 8 45 °/° $1,000 minimum, earns • 7.7500 6 to 8 year Certificate" $1,000 mimmum, earns 8.1700 7.5000 4 to 6 year Certificate* $1,000 minimum, earns 79000 6.7500 2+/ t0 4 year Certificate° 708 % $1,000 minimum, earns 6=,.,. year Certificate*  't eL ,.lJ" $1,000 minimum, earns =l..l=,I".. =TJ 9ffday Notice Account  I11% P,.I l 7° $100 minimum, earns J.,./,# , J lljo,, - Prestige Statement Savings j l= eL q[l./-"Plnleearned fromAdCl c °opnoetalnte of withdr'awal "  I / Our sawngs account plans offered are subleCt to change at any time. , There is a substanhal penalty for early wtthdrawal. * Rates effective Sept. 7 thru Sept. 15 ratk to.' :l00e OtSmP " t -Le'LL e oJ orS a w. "1  ;. eet TaLk t°.°. s co+tseti.,.oiag s o that WiLL .Otlb i 30'. tt'" Ob)' select sa+ " help 5 u" 5 °'' lmemwn people with Immetown Iride  ,-_o-,.j OLYMPIA FEDFRAL SAVINGS established savln inlitufle In tlnvesl Wa ] , +---=.--- ,,- DOWNTOWN OLYMPIA • 7M-I00 II .jt .  WEST OLYMPIA • 7ll,ll$Or --_-' ,11!,{1";  BELFAIROFFICE • 275-(111 "dl"d September 7, 1978- Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mar, on County Jou;nat - Page 3