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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 8, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 8, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Labor Day a grim reminder for those who are unemployed A growing percenag of Maun t,.ounty residents probably wished they were working on Monday. While many of us with the good fortune to still be employed used the Labor Day holiday as an oppor- tunity to escape the grind, tbr too many of our neighbors and friends Labor Day was just another day without work. It is easy to point to the signs of doom and gloom - nearly 16 percent of Ma- son County lives below the poverty line according to the census, and sales tax incomes ace stagnanL since falling off sharply three years ago. But while the workforce dwindles. Mason County&apos;s pop- ulation grows and that growth is bring- ing new money and can bring new jobs. According to a U.S. Bureau of Econom- ics Analysis report. Mason County was one of only 17 Washington counties to see per capita income growth from 2008 to 2009. During that same time our county had a 1.31 percent upgrade in total per- sonal income, not great, but much better than the decline 15 Washington counties saw. While not evc, j empty storehont tillb up immediately, new businesses have been opening and it seems the spirit of entrepreneurship l, still alive and well. Toss m some public pressure on the Port of Shelton to get its act together and as- sist in economic growth rather than sty- mie it. Mason County may get back on a track of significant economic growth. The Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce is stepping up efforts to revitalize the downtown area and indi- viduals like Forrest Cooper. who is vol- unteering his time to spruce up down- town signage, are making big impacts in little ways. Without being too optimistic, next year more of out' friends and neighbors can be breaking out the work boots on Labor Day ... or even better, relaxing with their families on a paid day off And with a lot of hard work in a couple of years we can look back at the depress- ing statistics from 2011 and shake our heads in disbelief that we ever thought the sky was thlling. Fire District 3 comments invoke response Editor, the Journal Stan Walster's letter to the Editor. the Journal. published July 28, 2011 con- cernin Mason County Fire District 3 incumbent Com- missioner Candidate Start Catron. deserves comment. Mr. Walster's intimation (using his wordJ was that Mr. Catron was tbrgetfhl in tus declining years that the Grapeview Community As- sociauon GCA) had raised the money to remodel and add on to the 'ire Station. and m return tor their lar- gess usng his word con o tracted with the GCA use ol the tacdJty at no charge. FirstLy, it is an abomina- uon that Mr. Walster made such a statement referring to age Secondly, the fact is that the District contracted only t.o put such words into the Use Policy. That was done. The Use Policy is not a contract. The commismon- ers can lawfully, unilater ally right to change the te schedule is specifically st,at- ed in the schedule, whicl is m Appendix 1-201A of the policy. Mr. Walster states that the District changed the Policy "'to include the word 'Rental' charge and began charging the GCA $100 per month calling it a utilities tb.e." It is true the policy was changed to charge the GCA a utilities tbe However. at the time of that change the Policy and appendices already included the words rent or rental a total of 25 times. I WONDER if Mr. Walster was readilg the correct policy Lastly Mr Walster eom- mented that "in another life Mr. Catron was a banker." He then guesses the doesn't wonder if) "that only a banker would presume such an underhanded major charge would only provoke a 'little squabble.'" I don't know if he is refer- ring to his understanding of the so-called addition of the words "rent" or "rental" change to the policy, or the change to charge the GCA a utility fee. in any event, if I were a banker. I certainly would be oftnded by his in- timation referred to above. Bob Shanks. Gravpeview Fire will not destroy their sprit Editor. the Journal To the person or persons responsible for the arson of the new baseball clubhouse at Shelton High School, know that although you have maliciously and sense- lessly destroyed the strut lure. you haven't damaged the spirit, dedication and strength of character that built it. What started out as a senior culminating project became the wsmn of three young men that meant ,co much more that a gradua- tion requirement. Their goal became a gift to this com- munity; a legacy that repre- sents their love of baseball_ their commitment to their coaches and teammates, pride in their school and a benefit to all the athletes that will tbllow in their tbot+ steps+ Colton Twiddy, Joe Strand and Forrest Puter- baugh created this project trom the ground up. Last winter, they began to put their plans to paper Blue- prints were drawn, permits were obtained and con- struction began in June. With the guidance of their head coach and mentor, Erik Engstrom, a gen- eral contractor, they built a 2.400-square-tbot sports complex that would be dedi- cated to the Shelton boys' baseball, football and girls' fastpitch teams. They put in eight-to-12 hour days and worked six and seven days a week all summer long to have the building finished in time tbr this school year. They gained knowledge of construction, a strong work ethic, teamwork and pride in a job well done. When they weren't playing base- ball tbr the Timbers sum- mer team_ they were at that field, building their dream into a reality. As parents of these boys. we could not be more proud of how they have conducted themselves during this hor- rible twist of fate. Although are libelous or scurrilous<in nature. ,Letters should be under 350 words and provide contact and ad- dress nformation for the)ouma/. admittedly sad. hurt and terribly disappointed, they are choosing to stay post- live. stand strong together and rebuild, We have so appreciated the community's support thus far and ask tbr your continued support as they work throughout their se- nior year to follow through on turning this random act of violence into the source of pride tbr this town that their project was intended LO be. The Shelton Timbers teams ahmg with coach Engstrom and the Shelton Highclimbers. apprecia- tively accept any and all do nations of support tbr their endeavors. Please watch tbr upcoming bulletins on how you'll be able to help. We oitb.r our special thanks to Erik Engstrom, fbr his commitment and steadfast leadership and to the Shelton Police and Fire Departments tot their care and kindness shown to our sons at the scene of the fire. Greg and Shannon Twiddy LuAnn Stand, Stace3 Puterbaugh Shelton What do you think about the county imposing a six-month moratorium on collective medical marijuan gardens, which were legalized by the state in July? Billie Swanson "I don't think there should be a morato- rim, aT. all 1 think the state should take cm)tr'ol and the county could run their own gardens." Marc Buchheit "The whole mari- juana issue is a con- troversial gray area that hasn't had de- finitive guidelines ... We need to really have things cleared up and identified. There's contusion and people are tak- ing advantage of it." ..... .... ,° Sheton.Mason County Journal ,s a member of usPs 492 800 Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shetton-Mason SUBSCRIPTION RATES: County Journal, RO. Box 430. Shelton, WA 98584. Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal Inc. at 227 West Cota Street Shelton, Washington Mailing address: RO. Box 430, Shelton. WA 98584 telephone (3601 426-4412 * Periodicals postage paid at Shelton. Washington $37 per year for Mason County addresses, $51 per year in state of Washington but outside Mason County, $6i per year out of state. Owned and published by Shelton-Mason County Joumal. Inc Paoe A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Septernber 8,-2011 James R. Carr "If it wasn't tbr po- litically correct fools in the government. they'd legalize it." Jesse Mullen, general mgr. Newsroom: Kevan Moore, managing editor Aria Shephard. North Mason, environment, reporter Dax Moore "lf the state says it's OK. then who- ever's running the county should let people do what they want. When Cali- fornia started out it was shady people running the busi- nesses, and now it's just normal people. As tmle goes on .. they'll realize it's just like any other business." Advertising: Dave Pierik, advertising manager Harvey Morris. ad representative Front office: Donna Kinnaird. bookkeeper Natalie Johnson, repor[er Margot Bra)rd, circulation Emily Hanson, sports reporter Cricket Carter. mailroom Adam Rudnick. copy editor superwsor Composing room: William Adams. graphics Koleen Wood. classifieds/legals Becky Corr, typing Pressroom: Kelly Riordan. production manager Travis Miller press operator