September 8, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 8, 2011 |
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Aug. 31
Ryan Dean Hess, 22, a transient,
was booked at 11:49 a.m. for unlaw-
fhl imprisonment and residential
Justin Lee Warf, 21, a transient,
was booked at 2:24 p.m. for VUCSA,
possession of stolen property third de-
gree and traffic stolen property/invest.
Jeremy Lee Harvey, 22, of the
600 block of East Coulter Creek
Road, Belfair, was booked at 9:42
p.m. for assault third degree and
unlawful imprisonment.
Jebediah Lawton Case, 29, of the
100 block of Southeast Sol La Tah
Loop was booked at 9:43 p.m. for
DWLS second degree and operating
a vehicle without ignition interlock.
Sept. 1
Zane Neal Hansen, 38, of the 700
block of East Greenview Lane was
booked at 3:18 a.m. for possession of
a controlled substance and posses-
sion of drug paraphernelia.
Zacarias Tercero Zacarias, 19, of
the 100 block of Northeast Larson
Boulevard, Belfair, was booked at
10:31 p.m. for DWLS third degree.
Sept. 2
Jessica Jamie Dorian, 21, of the
100 block of Carpenter Drive was
booked at 12:33 p.m. for DWI.
Desiree Dawn Forsberg, 20, of
the 600 block of East Road of Tralee
was booked at 7:23 p.m. for hit and
run attended.
Sept. 3
Elliot John William Pridmore,
19, of the 100 block of Rosemary
Street was booked at 2:19 a.m. for
minor operating a vehicle after con-
suming alcohol, MIP, marijuana
possession and possession of drug
Golf tournament to benefit Hood Canal School, the arts
Golfers will tee offSaturc[ay at the Lake
Cushman Golf Course to show their sup-
port for Hood Canal School and the arts.
The second-annual charity golf tour-
nament and auto show sponsored by
the Hood Canal Education Foundation
starts at 11 a.m. with registration and
includes a noon lunch comprising of In-
dian taco salads, fry bread and ice cream
Proceeds for the event will benefit the
school's arts program -- Hood Canal hired
a new art teacher this year in Rob Kamin,
the school's gym teacher and the program
coordinator for last year's after-school
arts program, which was funded in part
by the Foundation.
"The arts program benefits those kids
who a lot of the time really don't like a
lot of the sports that are offered and they
need an outlet for creativity," said Jan
Anderson, program coordinator for the
golf tournament. "It's not just drawing
pictures, it's something they can do that
they can feel good about."
This year's golf tournament will feature
an 18-hole scramble, sponsored by Ferrell
Participants can pay $5 to be consid-
ered for awards like the longest drive, the
closest to the line and closest to the pin
awards and prizes, and mulligans will be
for sale.
First and second place awards will also
be given for the best golf teams. Each
player on the first-place winning team
will receive a propane container, donated
by AmeriGas.
"We have nine teams signed up already
and I'm really looking for more golfers and
more car owners because we're going to be
having a unique auto show," Anderson
Car registration is $5, and awards will
be given for best of show, people's choice
and most unique car.
Day of registration will be available,
$55 per golfer and $5 per car.
"The public is welcome to attend," An-
derson said. "You don't have to be a golf-
er or car owner; we'd love to have people
come up and enjoy the food."
Continued from page A-1
SHS seniors Joe Strand,
Colton Twiddy and Forest
Puterbaugh began work on
the building July 3 and have
each put in hundreds of
hours worth of work as part
of their senior project. The
building was set to house a
concession stand, football
storage room, fastpitch stor-
age room and maintence ga-
rage on the bottom floor and
a locker room, office, closet
and waiting room upstairs.
The boys, and their base-
ball coach Erik Engstrom,
who owns a construction
business and oversaw the
effort, were devastated by
the loss.
"The boys' reaction was
anger, disapointment -- you
can run through the whole
arsenal of feelings that the
boys had," Engstrom said.
"They don't want this to be
the end of the story for their
senior project. They fully
intend to finish the project
that they started and are
very adamant about getting
it fixed quickly."
As of Wednesday,
though, the boys and their
coach were still waiting for
insurance adjustors, inves-
tigators and school district
officials to give them the
green light to get back to
FOR SALE: 2005 Ricon
school bus wheel chair lift.
Contact Bonnie Miller at 360-
877-5463 ext 227 for informa-
tion. Hood Canal School Dis-
trict #404. H9/8-15
urday, September 10, 10
a.m.-4 p.m., 14120 N. U.S.
Hwy. 101, at Protect it Stor-
age units. Still closing out the
store. We have a tent full of
great furniture, tables full of
boxes 'n' boxes of all kinds of
things from art to xzylaphone.
Will try to put pictures on
Craigslist. Thanks for the 32
years of support. J9/8
frigerated is growing. Hiring
experienced and non-experi-
enced Drivers. CDL training
available. Employ today. Aver-
age $40,000-$70,000. 1-877-
369-7894• A9/8-29
HUGE SALE -lots to see.
Glassware, jewelry, tools,
kitchenware, furniture, and
lots more. Off Dickinson St.,
follow signs. Saturday and
Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. B9/8
ing, mfg. S/W. 2 bedroom, 2
bath, W/D. Private, extras.
$700 month, first, last and
deposit. Refences checked.
Available 9/10/11. 360-426-
3178. L9/8-15
house, 1-car garage. $750
monthly, $600 deposit. Hill-
crest by Red Apple, 360-426-
9335. $9/8-15
22' CAMPING trailer. 1995,
in great condition. Clean.
$5,500 OBO. Taking offers.
Let's make a deal. 360-427-
4187. P9/8-15
HUGE GARAGE sale, 140 W.
Olde Bell Rd. Something for
everyone - fishing, camping,
kitchen, tools, tires, wheels
and more. Saturday-Sunday,
8 a.m.-3 p.m. Turn right at
Golden Pheasant, follow
signs. B9/8
SATURDAY, 8 a.m.-?, 801
Euclid, off 7th St. Tools, toys,
furniture, camping, bikes,
men's jeans, lots more. H9/8
70' 2 bedroom on creek near
Matlock fish hatchery. W/D,
woodstove, garage. Good
references required. No cats,
dogs negotiable. $650 month-
ly. Garbage, water included.
MOVING SALE Friday and
Saturday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 200
E. Fir, Oak Park. Quality fur-
niture, desks, hide-a-bed,
bookcase, TVs, vintage ward-
robe, air conditioner, tables,
chairs, paint ball, lots more.
10 only, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 51 W.
Boiling Rd. off Cloquallum Rd.
200 amp panel plus breaker,
tools, fishing gear. 30 juni-
pers. C9/8
p.m. Saturday. Morgan Road
(off Arcadia). Name-brand
clothes, twin bed, Oreck
vacuum, some tools, baby
clothes. J9/8
TWO BEDROOM house with
garageintown. No pets.S725
monthl $800 deposit. 360-
YARD SALER'S yard sale.
402 West "G" Street. Bar-
ber shop contents, too many
items to list. Check Mason- clas-
sifieds for a full list. 9 a.m. to
3 p.m. Friday and Saturday,
September 9 and 10. C9/8
GARAGE SALE: Friday-Sat-
urday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. 1190
E. Shelton Spring Road. Big
sale. $9/8
2-FAMILY YARD sale 10th
and 11th, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 871
E. Crestview Dr., follow signs
off Hwy. 3 to Agate. Riding
mower, tools, furniture, so
much more. P9/8
Skokomish Indian Tribal
Enterprises (S.I.T.E.)
trailer, $550 monthly, no de-
posit. Private 2-acre lot. Move
in October 1. Call for appt.
360-427-6054. B9/8-15
WINDOW AIR conditioner,
5,000 BTU. Large solid oak
computer desk. Light wood
cabin-style TV cabinet. Blue/
teal Ioveseat, recliner on
each end. All like new. 360-
426-2882 or 360-888-3405.
HUGE SALE. Collectibles,
garden table, lawn mower
and more. Friday 10 a•m.-4
p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
529 E. Walnut St. (Capitol
Hill). L9/8
ENCED, detail-oriented adult
wants part-time work. 360-
432-1677. F9/8-29
GARAGE SALE: Saturday-
Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Horse
tack, household furniture,
some antiques. 1583 Dayton
Airport Road next to Omar's
wrecking yard. C9/8
YARD SALE - 2032 Hay St.
Saturday-Sunday, September
10-11, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Chil-
dren's to adults' clothes,
some furniture and miscella-
neous. $9/8
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Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 8, 2011
Cameli00 I Bud a Complete
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