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Bertha Lowenthal Cheney
Bertha Lowenthal Cheney,
90, died Saturday, Sept. 3,
2011 in Tacoma, surrounded
by her family.
She was born January 21,
1921 in Yakima.
Her family shared that she
loved to dance, play bridge
and Scrabble and be with her
She is survived by her
daughters Claudia Cheyne-
Cook (Steven), Susan Schro-
eder (Thomas) and Jenifer
Leavitt; five grandchildren;
five great grandchildren and
brother Carl Lowenthal.
Her husband Joseph Cur-
tis Cheney II preceded her in
At her request, no sewices
will be held. In her memory,
donations can be made to a
worthy charity of your choice.
Tuell-McKee Funeral Home is
handling the arrangements.
Sign the online guest book at
Betty Jean Miller
Betty Jean Miller, 74, died
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011
in Skokomish. She was a
resident of Skokomish for 50
She was born April 6, 1937
in Yreka, Calif. to Erving C.
and Julia ('rims) Goodwin.
She graduated from Chae-
mawa Indian School.
She married Charles "Pix"
Miller in
Reno, Nev.
She had
a previous
to Nick
Wilbur Sr.
that ended
in divorce.
Betty lived in
Miller H a p p y
Camp be-
fore go-
ing to Chaemawa School in
Oregon and then moved to
She was a brush picker,
commercial fishelznan and a
She enjoyed listening to
Don William and Waylon Jen-
nings, playing bingo and slot
machines, collecting frogs,
gardening and baskets. Her
greatest joy was her grand-
children, her family said.
She is survived by her sons
Lloyd Wilbur Sr. (Deborah),
Nick Wilbur (Teresa) and
Lawrence Wilbur (Patti) all
of Skokomish; granddaugh-
ters Augusta Blacketer (Rob-
ert), Louis Bome (Pete) and
Faith Sleeper (Mya) all of
Skokomish; grandsons Buzz
Wilbur, Tony Wilbur (Jen),
Sunnyman Wilbur, Bud Wil-
bur, Lyle Wilbur (Mafisha),
Chuckle Wilbur, Kenny Wil-
bur and Kenneth Thompson
(Deanna) all of Skokomish; 14
great-grandchildren and nu-
merous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death
by her husband Pix Miller;
son Lyle Wilbur; daughter
Louis Wilbur; great-grand-
son Rex Blacketer; sisters
Ruth Conklin, Mary Bennett,
Giverna Goodwin and Maxine
Holber; brothers Ervin Good-
win Jr., Carl, Joe, Doug and
Hoot Goodwin.
A memorial service was
held at the Skokomish Shaker
Church on Sept. 3.
McComb Funeral Home of
Shelton handled the arrmlge-
ments. Online condolences
may be sent to the family at
Diane Marie
Diane Marie Butcher-
Ramirez, 53, died Wednesday,
August 31, 2011 unexpectedly
from an auto accident while
traveling from Florida to
She was born June 14, 1958
to Joyce and Jerry Butcher in
She lived many places in
her life, including Washing-
ton, Idaho, Utah and Florida
for a few years with her hus-
band Joakin Ramirez.
She enjoyed crafts, crochet,
quilting, cooking, garage sales
and second-hand stores and
spending time with her fam-
fly. Her family shared that
she loved her bird Coca an
Umbrella Cockatoo. The fam-
ily said that she was a kind
person that
was always
willing to
help every-
one at any-
time, day or
night, and
she will
be missed
Butcher- She is
Ramirez s u r v i v e d
by her
Joakin Ramirez of Pompano
Beach, Fla.; mother Joyce
Butcher of Elma; broth-
ers Jerry Sinclair (Punkin)
of" Pleasanton, Iowa; Gary
Butcher of Walla Walla;
Kevin Deacon and Richard
Deacon; sisters Ida Howell of
Wrangell, Alaska, Gall Stol-
ley of Bonners Ferry, Idaho,
Darlene Deacon-Chapmen of
Sacramento, Calif. and Carol
Garcia of Aberdeen; children,
Barbie Butcher-Haddock of
Centralia, Keri Ann Stickle,
Shane Lurid of Washington,
Sheena Lnnd of Vancouver
and Kristi Turpin of Ho-
quiam; seven grandchildren
Destiney Pettis of Centralia,
Samantha and Katie Pettis of
Shelton and three from Keri
and one from Sheena.
She was preceded in death
by her father Jerry Butcher of
Elma and her sister Lamoni
Butcher-Garcia of Haltom
City, Texas.
Nancy Ann (Hanks) Sims
NancT Ann (Hanks) Sims,
67, died Friday, Aug. 26, from
cancer in Castle Rock. She
was a resident of Castle Rock
for three years.
She was born February
27, 1944 to Earl and Lavada
(Moulder) Hanks in Oklaho-
ma City, Okla.
She married David L. Sims
on April 4, 1959, in Charles-
ton, Ore. They were married
42 years. The marriage ended
in divorce.
She was a housewife and
mother. Sims was a member
of the Belfair Eagles, enjoyed
as: and crs, mus60rfi-
ing; : 'volunteering at Belfalr
food bank, her grandchildren
and dogs.
She is survived by her
brothers David Hanks (Rose)
of Batavia, Ohio, Keith Sarve-
la (Tina) of Puyallup, George
Sarvela (Becky) of Puyallup;
ex-husband David L. Sims of
Shelton; daughters Sherry
Burley of North Bend, Teresa
Byerly of Castle Rock and Mi-
chelle Sims of Belfair; sons
David L. Sims, Jr. of Castle
Rock and Randolph Y Sims of
Castle Rock; 13 grandchildren
and six great-grandchildren.
A memorial will be held at
a later date.
Warren Harding
Warren Harding Stephens,
88, died Saturday, Aug. 27, at
his home in Shelton. He was
a resident for Agate for more
than 60 years.
He was born Aug. 10, 1923,
in Lincoln, Neb., to Harley
Stephens and Nettle McCart-
He was a World War II sur-
vivor of the sinking of the USS
Yorktown at Midway.
He married Jean O'Dell
Benson on July 17, 1950 and
51 years
before her
He was
at the
Warren mill for a
Stephens tw years
before be-
coming a
rural mail carrier for the post-
al service. His route took him
out Highway 3 to Pickering
Road, on to Harstine Island,
where he rode the ferry until
the bridge was built, then on
to Agate, John's Prairie and
finally Island Lake. His fam-
ily shared that two of his cus-
tomers were elderly, shut-in
ladies that he would pick up a
grocery list and the next day
deliver their groceries with
their mail. He was known as
"Steve the mailman."
He enjoyed music and
started at an early age. His
family said that he was asked
to play with bluegrass great
Bill Monroe on the local radio
He is survived by his chil-
dren Judy Yeck, Gary Ste-
phens, John Stephens and
Irene Goldsby all of Shelton
and mnnerous grandchildren,
great-grandchildren and nine
great-great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death
by his parents, brother Lloyd,
two children Larry and Mary
Jane, wife Jean and great-
grandson, Tanner.
A graveside memorial will
be held at 2 p.m. on, Friday,
Sept. 9, at the Miller onete
in Agate.
Omega Sorority.
She married Fred A Wolga-
mott in 1960.
She worked as a dental re-
ceptionistiassistant until her
husband retired.
was a Cub
Scout as a
den mother
and a mem-
ber of the
ton State
Juditeh She was a
member of
W°lgam°tt i Keawalai'
..... Church in
2Iena, Maul, Hawi. She
Judith Frances enjoyed playing Mahjong with
Wolgamott friends, knitting, gardening
Judith Frances Wolgamott, and playing golf.
73, died Aug'. 22 in the arms of She is survived by her
her husband, husband of 50 years; sons
She was born Dec. 22, Greg, Brad and Roderick;
1937, to Rolland and Rogene daughter Nikki and 10
Scougal in Seattle. grandchildren.
She graduated from Frank- A memorial service was
[in High School and attended held on Aug. 29 at the Al-
the UniversityofWashington. derbrook Country Club in
She was a member of the Chi Union.
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Funeral Mternattves offers a variety
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Direct Cremation
Noon and 5:30
p.m., Alcoholics Anon-
ymous, 125 West Cota
5 p.m., AA, New
Community Church of
Union office, 310 Dalby
Road, Suite 3
5:30 p.m., Overeat-
ers Anonymous, Ma-
son General Hospital,
Washington Room
6:30 p.m., Crystal
Meth Anonymous, The
Right Path, North 80
Tribal Center Road.
7 p.m., AA, Saint
David's Episcopal
Church, Third and Ce-
dar streets
7 p.m., Friends of
Bill W. Chapter at
Hood Canal Commu-
nity Church, 81 Finch
Creek Road, Hood-
8 p.m., Narcotics
Anonymous, Mountain
View Alliance Church,
314 East J Street
11 a.m., NA, Unit-
ed Methodist Church,
1900 King Street
Noon, A1-Anon fam-
ily group, Saint David's
Episcopal Church Call
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30
p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street
6:30 p.m., Cel-
ebrate Recovery, 419
Railroad Avenue.
Childcare provided.
Call 426-8461
7:30 p.m., AA, Hood-
sport Library
8 p.m., NA, Ellinor
Room, Mason General
Hospital, 901 Moun-
tain View Drive
10 a.m., Overeaters
Anonymous, Saint Da-
vid's Church
Noon and 5:30
p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street
7 p.m., Narcotics
Anonymous, Ellinor
Room at Mason Gener-
in Recovery, New Hori-
zons Church, 307 East
F Street
4- 6 p.m., Gateway
to recovery at Gateway
Christian Fellowship,
405 S. 7th Street
4:30 p.m., AA, Hood-
sport Library for wom-
en only
6:30 p.m., Crys-
tal Meth Anony-
mous, Spinners Gone
Straight, St. David's
Episcopal Church, 324
West Cedar Street
Noon and 5:30
p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street
6:30 p.m., Crystal
Meth Anonymous, Bel-
fair's New Hope, Bel-
fair Community Bap-
tist Church
7 p.m., AA, Saint
David's Episcopal
Church, Third and Ce-
dar streets
7 P.m. Narcotics
Anonymous, Mountain
View Alliance Church,
314 East J Street
7 p.m. AA, Fir Lane
Health and Rehabili-
tation Center, 2430
North 13th Street
6:30 p.m., AA open
meeting, Hoodsport Li-
10 a.m., A1-Anon
Step study AFG at
St. David's Episcopal
Church 324 W. Cedar
7:15 p.m., Narcotics
Anonymous, Mountain
View Alliance Church,
314 East J Street
7 p.m., Depressed
Anonymous, at Ma-
son General Hospital,
901 Mountain View
9:30 a.m., A1-Anon
family group, Skokom-
ish Indian Assembly
of God, 1925 Highway
11 a.m., Narcotics
al Hospital, 901 Mourn- Anonymous,
rain View Drive
. 10 p.m., The Point
IS, Easy Does It, 125
West Cota Street
8 a.m., noon, 5:30
and 7:30 p.m., AA, 125
West Cota Street
9:30 a.m., NA, PUD
Hall, Third and Cota
3 - 5 p.m., Freedom
Methodist Church 1900
King Street
6:30 p.m., Crys-
tal Meth Anony-
mous, Spinners Gone
Straight, St. David's
Episcopal Church,
324 West Cedar
7 p.m., NA at Moun-
tain View Alliance
Church, 314 East J
Kenneth Thele
Kenneth Thele, 80, passed away
on Friday, September 2, 2011 at Fir
Lane Health and Rehabilitation
surrounded by his family.
Ken was born Morris
Kenneth Thele on August 6,
1931 to Walborg and Sverre
Christian Thele in Berlin, New
Hampshire. Ken grew up in
New York City living in all four
burrows at one point of time.
Ken joined the army on January
23, 1951 where he was stationed
in Fukuoka Japan during the Korean
War. His honorable discharge date was
December 24, 1953. When he got nut of the
army he moved to Elma, Washington where his parents had moved to.
His father was the Methodist minister for the Elma, McCleary and Satsop
He met his wife of 53 years in Elma. Ken married Marlene Ardell
Pehrsson on September 2t, 1957, They celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary with a big party with family and friends in September of 2007.
At age 16, Ken spent a summer in Norway where he first learned to play
"The Bones". After retirement he played his bones in Karaoke bars and
amazed many. His other hobbies were: string art, sports, photography,
karaoke, playing poker, fishing and golfing. He never missed a little league
game and he was the coach for his daughter's softball teams for many years.
Fishing was a great love of his all his life, starting as a child where he went
fishing with his dad in upstate New York at Loon Lake.
Ken had a great love of Photography and had owned his own photography
studio in Aberdeen (Flower Studio) during the early years of marriage. He
started working at the Washington State Corrections Center in January 1965
when it was first opened, working as a Correctional Officer for 25 years.
He retired from the state of Washington, Washington Corrections Center
in 1988. He was also active in the Nimrod Club, Moose Lodge, Eagles
Lodge and Historical Society. He was preceded in death by his sister Esther
Kendall and her twin sister Gladys who died at birth.
Ken is survived by his wife, Marlene Thele; children, Richard Kenneth
Thele, Cindy Lou Nuxoll and Vikki Sue Gigstead; sister, Shirley Richard;
brother, Sigurd Thete; grandchildren, Thomas Paul Gigstead Jr., Melissa
Marie Gigstead and Cadie Lou Nuxoll; great granddaughter, Rose Marie
Gigstead and one more on the way which will be named after him. There
will be a Celebration of Life at the Satsop Methodist Church on Friday,
September 9, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.
The family request that in lieu of flower memorial donations be sent to
the American Cancer Society. On line condolences may be sent on www. The family is being served by McComb Funeral Home.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - Page B-5