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Clara Robbins gets a foot on the ball while holding back Lady Blazers during the Lady High-
climbers' season opening game on Tuesday, Sept. 6.
Lady Climbers defeat Blazers 2-o
The Shelton High School
irls' soccer team defeated
the Timberline Blazers 2-0
m their season opener on
Tuesday, Sept. 6.
For the entire first half
and most of the second
half. the teams were tied
at zero. But then. with just
over eight minutes left o
play, Taylor Muenchow
.scored the first goal.
The Lady Blazers were
unable to answer back or
,() prevent the second Lady
Highclimber score.
With just 23 seconds left
in the game, Kenzie Selleg
scored with an assist from
Lynae Brown.
"They played really
well." head coach Mike
Malpass said. "The girls
put pressure on the ball
and didn't allow the other
team time to build, which
is what I asked for."
Malpass said he. his
staff and his team know
there are ram,: expm'ienced
teams in the league so the
eam sLrategy is to com-
pensate with pressure and
hard work.
W e
need Lo
work on
nloYe time
with the
bMl." he
TUESDAY: a d d e d .
Shelton .......... 2 "Because
Timberline .... 0 the girls
were pres-
TODAY: su ring
Shelton at the other
Yelm, 6 p.m.
t h e y
to be in a bit of a rush, so
that's something we can
work on."
The Lady Highclimb-
ers play next at 6 p.m. on
Thursday, Sept. 8 in Yelm.
"We'll discuss what went
well and work on some
Desirae Klokkevold shoves back against a Tim-
berline player during Shelton's season opening
game on Tuesday, Sept. 6,
things to improve on while They played really well as
preparing for Thursday," a team and I'm proud of
Malpass said. "The girls them."
did a great .lob tonichi.
Titans serve loss to Lady Climbers
The Shelton High School
volleyball team lost to Todd
Beamer High School during
its season opening match on
Tuesday, Sept. 6.
The Lady Highclimbers
first lost 25-21, then 25-20
and finally 25-19.
"I wasn't disappointed,"
head coach Steve Beck said.
"I would have liked to win
but we're
N young and
tbr all but
three of
my play-
ers, it was
their first.
TUESDAY: time on
['. Beamer.. 3-0 varsity."
Shelt0n ....... 0-3 B e c k
said Todd
TODAY: B e a m e r
Shelton at has a very
Lincoln, 3:45 respected
p.m. volleyball
.................... program
plays year-round but added
that the Lady Highclimbers
didn't give up.
"The team dynamic was
good," he said. "I thought
we took serve receive really
well. I thought defensively
we made some errors but we
still played pretty scrappy."
Shelton was led by Lolly
Jones, who had seven kills
and eight digs.
"Courtney Hansen and
Jones did well on serve re-
ceive and Yemas Ly did well
setting," Beck said.
The team plays next be-
ginning with the c team at
4:45 p.m. on Thursday, Sept,
8 at Lincoln High School.
"Lincoln might be a little
bit softer than Beamer,"
Beck said. "They're still a
good program but not as
consistent as Beamer. It's a
team we can beat but noth-
ing's easy in this world."
On the junior varsity
team, freshman Nicole Ben-
nington and sophomore
Karli Burbidge were stand-
out players, Beck said.
Prior to their game
against Beamer, the Lady
Highclimbers played at the
Centralia Jamboree where
they defeated Rochester
twice but lost to Centralia
and Onalaska twice each.
In preparation for its
game against Lincoln, Beck
said the team will try to
clean up a few communica-
tion aspects it could have
done better on against
"We need to block better
and we forgot how to posi-
tion on serve receive a few
times," he added.
k;it!!al P!:I by FmJlV !tail5(
Courtney Hansen serves to Todd Beamer High
School during the Lady Highclimbers' season
opening game on Tuesday, Sept, 6.
Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 8, 2011
: .;@;i : ....
A herniated
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Poor hmce never stood a chance
Kicked out of the womb
Several minuxs too soon
Much like a 40 year old's "olnance'
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