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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 8, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 8, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hood Canal School offers sczreenlng Parents often wonder if their child is developing at a typical rate and won- der whether their child will be ready for kinder- garten when they are 5 years old. Families in the Hood Ca- nal School District can call the school at 877-5463, ext. 112, to make an appoint- ment for a free develop- mental screening for chil- dren up to 5. This screening can take place anytime during the school year, but Sept. 9 and 16 have been set aside for the first screening dates this school year. The screening takes about 45 minutes and in- volves interactive games for the child, observation by early-childhood teach- ers and a developmental checklist for the parents to fill out. Parents will receive information about their child's developmental level in communication, listen- ing skills, large and small muscle skills, learned skills, social interaction and self-help ability. Early intervention ser- vices, speech and lan- guage services, as well as preschool, are available for children who show sig- nificant delays in develop- ment. Parents with concerns about their infant, tod- dler or preschool-aged child can contact pre- school teacher Daphne Patterson at 877-5463, ext. 112, or at dpatter- son@hoodcanal.wednet. edu to schedule a screen- ing appointment. :oodsport 00,:udent aduates [rom Allison Jane Stewart of Hoodsport graduated with a bachelor of arts in Chris- tian Theology from Seattle Pacific University. Founded in 1891, Seattle Pacific University is a pre- mier Christian university that equips people to en- gage the culture and change the world. Known for both their com- petence and character, SPU graduates are bringing about positive change in communi- ties around the globe. Kennedy Creek trail recruiting volunteers The Kennedy Creek salmon trail is now recruiting volunteers to serve as docents for the fall 2011 season. The trail is admin- istered and sponsored by South Puget Sound Salmon Enhance- ment Group (SPSSEG) and Ma- son Conservation District (MCD) and is primarily used as an out- door salmon classroom for local students. Each year, more than 5,000 people visit the trail to learn more about the salmon life- cycle and to observe their spawn- ing and courting behaviors. Since 2000, SPSSEG and Mason' Conservation District along with many other commu- nity partners, have been work- ing to make sure that there is a place for local students and our community to learn more about these iconic and wild northwest salmon. Since the beginning, the trail has grown into a local and regional destination for salmon viewing. Media coverage rang- es from the local Olympia area newspapers and blogs, to region- al magazines such as "Sunset," and national exposure in "Na- tional Geographic Traveler." The word is out about this excellent program and salmon viewing at the Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail. The trail is a community supported and volunteer-based program. Each year more than 40 volunteer docents donate ap- proximately 600 hours specifi- cally to the program. The trail is open to the general public ev- ery weekend day in November as well as Veterans Day and the day after Thanksgiving. During the week, the trail is reserved for school groups and classroom visits. Classes range from pre- school through college. SPSSEG and MCD provide the overall or- ganizational support and coordi- nation necessary to operate the trail safely and efficiently. They are always looking for new volunteers. Interested com- munity members attend a one- day training where they are taught about the salmon life cycle, habitat and tour the trail. This year's training is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on October 22. If" you are interested in learning about chum salmon or have a desire to educate local school groups and/ or community members about this unique trail and salmon run, contact Stephanie Bishop at 427-9436, ext. 22 or stephanie@ For more informa- tion about the Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail, visit www.spsseg. org or Courtesy photo Listed from left are Wayne Martineau, president of the Hood Canal Lions Club, Clint Volk, fire chief of the Mason Coun- ty Fire District 6 and firemen Cody Daggett, Chris DeCapua and Troy Woodard. These firemen all belong to the Hood Canal Lions. Hood Canal Lions Club to remember 9/11 With the 10th anniversary of 9/11 just days away, the Hood Canal Lions Club in Union has found a way to commemorate that tragic event. The club has 'iadopted" Mason County Fire District 6 and plans to take freshly baked do- nuts to the fire district's weekly drill on the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 14. "We felt that was a simple way we could show appreciation to the men and women, most of whom are volunteers, who give their time and efforts to helping protect our com- munity," said Don Minor, Lions Club mem- ber. "Hood Canal Lions Club wants to make this an annual event and call it Emergency Services Appreciation Day keyed around Sep- tember 11 each year," Minor said. "We're call- ing on other civic and fraternal organizations throughout Mason County to follow our lead and adopt their local fire district, police agen- cy or medic organization. "A couple of dozen donuts or a few pizzas will go a long way to showing our emergen- cy service workers that we haven't forgot- ten them and value the work they perform regularly for all of us. If nothing else on this September 11, give your police officers, fire- fighters and medics a thumbs-up when you see them." Locals received Karen Dowling, finance man- ager of Mason County, Cathy Beierle, director of financial services of city of Shelton and Theresia Ehrich, chief finance manager of Mason County, re- Professional Finance Officer award for 2011 ceived the prestigious Profes- sional Finance Officer award for 2011 from the Washington Finance Officers Association (WFOA). This annual award recognizes achievements of professional service and ongoing continuing education and training on the part of each individual and is not automatically awarded. The Washington Finance Offi- cers Association is a professional association of finance officers from towns, cities, countieG the state and other governmental units within the state of Wash- ington. , Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership o Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at www.sheltonathleticclub.corn .Sauna/Steam Room • Personal Training • Weight Training • Swimming • Aerobics Classes • Racquetball. Tanning • Cardio. Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out onthe web at sheltonathleticclub,com Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm o Sat & Sun 7am-3pm SHELTON A00LETIC Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 8 2011 - Page C-5