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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 8, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 8, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Z'K: Yes, we are! You won't have to climb stairs to get to your spacious apartment, and you'll pay less than you do at the nursing home! For less than the cost of a semi- private room, you can get a 900-square-foot, independent apartment at Alpine Way with 3 chef-prepared meals a day, parking nearby, a kitchenette with a refrigerator, and, of course, 24-hour licensed nursing services available when needed. If single-level living in a beautiful setting appeals to you, come and tour Alpine Way. We'd love to treat you to lunch, show you our lovely apartments, and answer all of your questions. K P ALPI00 WAY RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVlIG AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE Call Kathy Burbidge at (360) 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584 www.encorecommunities.corn McReavy House o pro3ect under way Fresh air, sunshine, pres- sure washing and paint were all part of the ambiance to a group of volunteers on Sept. 3. who spent hours working at the McReavy House Mu- scum of Hood Canal. The purpose of the activity was to prepare the house and surroundings for a massive service projec Saturday, Sept. 17 which will include painting the historic struc- ture, cleaning the interior, landscaping and decorative brickwork. The project is a joint activity by three con- gregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Lions Club; it is open to public participa- tion. The president of the McReavy House Museum Foundation, Mike Fredson, visited the site last Satur- day and observed the vol- unteers scraping old paint, clearing away debris and preparing the exterior for painting. "They got so much done, so fast. I'm totally ex- cited at the opportunity for the house to be painted and landscaped when the large group comes on the 17." Scores of volunteers are expected to descend on the McReavy property where -th6y will be divided into project teams to participate in specific assignments. Fredson previously met with project managers to study historical documents and choose paint colors that are accurate to the original house colors. Courtesy Dnoro The McReavy House stands as it once did. This event is designed for participants ages 8 and up, making it a worthwhile ser- vice project for scout troops, youth groups and civic clubs as well as families and neighbors. The project will begin at 9 a.m. Volunteers of all,ages and abilities will be grouped into specific proj- ect teams. The Lions Club will prepare lunch for the volunteers later in the day. Community members are urged to come and join in the renovation project. Some tools will be available on-site, however, volunteers are welcome to bring their own work gloves or small gardening tools or paint brushes. All youth under the age of 18 will need to have a parent or guardian present to sign a liability waiver. There will be trained first aide and safety staff avail- able throughout the event. Additional information aboutthe service event can be found by contacting Rick Wiley at 426-3904. The McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal is a nonprofit museum soci- ety dedicated to renovating and preserving the house, supporting a museum set- ting and providing a venue for arts and cultural pro- gramming. Built in 1890 by pioneer landowner and territorial legislator John McReavy, the house is likely the oldest existing on Hood Canal. This project is part of a worldwide Day of Service in which The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will link arms with other faiths, civic organizations and government agencies to strengthen local communi- ties with meaningful service projects that will help those in need, beautify communi- ties, and build friendships. The Day of Service is an annual event with this 2011 event also helping to com- memorate the 75th anni- versary of the Church wel- fare program. In the North America Northwest Area, a geographical designation of the Church, many service projects will be held in Sep- tember. More than 200 LDS congregations in Western Washington are involved. The Northwest Church area also includes congregations in Alaska, British Colum- bia, Northern Idaho and Or- egon. Fire District 4 to host Septic Social Help keep Oakland Bay's watershed Not only can a failing septic system cost clean and join Fire District 4 for a Septic thousands of dollars and lower property Social from 7-9 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. values, but the pollution from them seeps 14 at Fire District 4 Headquarters, 2970 into local waterways, closing shellfishing SE Arcadia Road in Shelton. areas and causing swimming beach bans. There will be: People use their septic systems to dump [] refreshments served all sorts of stuff that doesn't belong there. [] free septic system friendly mainte- Septic systems run on a complex and nat- nance items urally tailored assortment of"good bugs." [] handouts and materials And putting the wrong thing down your [] a chance to ask questions about your sink drain or toilet can destroy these good system bugs and lead to a failure of your system. Teri King of Washington Sea Grant Septic Socials help attendees understand will gather guests around the septic tank what these materials are. for an informal talk on the generally un- Septic Socials are not a way for officials known complexities of a septic system, to identify residents or the problems they Participants will get a chance to ask ques- may be having with their system. Rather, -  tions and learn about a residential septic it is an educational program to help keep Parkinson s Disease how to one's routinely monitor Oakland Bay healthy. system, on-site system so that the tank never gets This Septic Social is being funded by the Patient Care "-" -rrogram to a problem stage and how to apply for U.S. Protection Agency under assistance low-interest loans to replace faulty sys- agreement WS-96073501 to the Squaxin Hosted by the Washington Chapter of the tems. Island Tribe and Washington Sea Grant. ,o, .............. ',,,, ........ , .......... ,,× ...... American Parkinson Disease Association Gego W Bell, MD Peggy Shortt, " Incinerator Free Mason County Neurologist Olympia Neurology DBS Program Coordinator request donations for sale Swedish Hospital Incinerator Free Mason provides educational in- of items for the garage County (IFMC) is spon- formation and opportu- sale can be left at 2336 soring a garage sale on nities to Mason County Washington St., Shelton. Sept. 9 and 10 to raise residents on air quality is- For pick-ups call 426- funds for updating its bro- sues. It is a 501(c)3 for IRS 7389 or email at Date: Thursday, September 15th Registration: chures and website. IFMC tax purposes. Donations Time: 9:3oAM--2:ooPM Phone: 8oo.329.8387, ex. 6556 ...... B ebsite: Location: Email: Little Creek Casino Resort Coordinating Council seeks public 9] West State Route ]o8 This program is free to attend. Shelton, WA98584 please register ahead of time. comment on mitigation program Breakfast wilt be provided. The Hood Canal Coordinating Council ferred to the in-lieu fee program spon- (HCCC) is seeking public comment for sor," according to a joint public notice an in-lieu fee program that would allow from the US Army Corps of Engineers /t Printed in ShaRon, I/I/A, USA  organizations permitting projects under and the Washington Department of using US-made ink and US-made @ the Army Corps and Ecology a chance to Ecology. mitigate their environmental impacts by Visit, select newsprint with the highest compensating the council, permits then public notices for more in- percentage of recycled content "An In-lieu Fee (ILF) program sells formation. Comment before Sept. 22 by in the industry. Printed With compensatory mitigation credits to emailing catherine.m.blackwell@usace. permittees whose obligation to provide and include HCCCILF, NWS- Thank you for recycling. SOY INK compensatory mitigation is then trans- 2011-00491 in the subject line. Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 8, 2011