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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rAGE., ,,'TWO ,, , THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL v-. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 192I. dence I Corn ty Correspon {. SItELTON VALLEY { LAKE CUSHMAN NOTES } } j{" .... .. Mr and Mrs. R. A• Stewart o] ' The Misses Ahna Bennett an;d Machias, Wash., are visiting at the Phyllis Bailey and Dan Bennett home of Mrs. Stewart's parents, Mr, ]spent Saturday evening at Echo and Mrs. P. D. Woodworth• Mrs. Farm• Stewart will be remembered as Miss Pearl Woodworth. Mrs. Albert Barr was a Potlatch shopper Thursday. Mr. Fred Short spent the week end in Shelton. Mrs. R. J. Bernier, Mrs. Gee Van- derpool, Mrs. R. P. Simpson and Miss Margaret Simpson were Shelton shop- pars one day last week. :Mrs. L. Briand returned home from Seattle on Thursday where she has been visiting her sister. Mrs. A. Anderson was a Potlatch caller last We(hesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Voellen and Mrs. Palmer and son Herbert, all of Cen- tral,a, visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bernier. Miss Belmadine Warner of Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKay of Ingersoll Mill called at te L. G. Shelton home Sunday afternoon. Win. Shearer and family of Charleston and Mr. and Mrs. George Beady of Vancouver, B. C., visited at the Shafer home Saturday. Mrs. Beady was formerly Miss Ruth Shearer and visited here before ier nmrriage several times• Mrs. Gardiner Kirkwood returned to Elma Thursday of last week, going over with hit'. and Mrs. Levi Shelton, who attended the Ehna fair on that (lay. George Huntley also went over with them. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Winsor and Dewey Bennett to(*k in the show :in town Saturday night. Ahna Bennett and Phyllis Bailey visited at the home of Miss Margar-'. et Simpson a few dnys last week. "1 Mrs. Clarence Latham returned home from Shelton Sunday evening after spending two weeks at the home of her father, M. Shelton. Mr. A. Anderson spent the week end in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Web, ton and daughter Verenious spent Sunday in Shelton. Mls Margaret Simpson left Tues- day for Ta'coma where she will re- enter Aquinas Academy• • School started here Tuesday morn- ing, thirteen answering to roll call. The Tatler. ' , '°'% DAYTON { I Mrs• Knight and Mrs• Fredson honored the DaytoW Community club by attending the regular meeting last Saturday night. School opened Tuesday with Mrs. Sophia Whiteaker of Central,a, as superintendent, and Miss Mildred Ar- nold of Blaine as primary teacher, Mr. and Mrs. J. Olsen, Mr. G. C. Kirk, Joe Kirk and Jack Liege were 8heltdn visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smulter, Miss Hildur Cronquist and Carl Smulter spent Sund@ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cronquist of Stadium. Mr. Roman and Ir. Anderson of Nebraska are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Roman. Miss Hildur Cronquist, Ethel Bai- ley and Juanita Hiekson are now staying in Shelton. Miss Cronquist is teaching in the high school anti Ethel Bailey and Juanita Hickson are attending high school• Mr. and Mrs. Herman Puhn are happy over the arrival of an eight- round son last Saturday. i i .... S H E L T O N INDEPENDENT : .... i i i t TEMPORARY Daily Schedule Leave, Shelton-- Leave Olympia 8:30 a• m. 11:00 a. m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p. m. Temporary change in schedule and increase made necessary by detour via McCleary. THROUGH FARE $2.00. Leaving Shelton from Ho,l Shelton. Phone 421. Leaving Olympia from Braeger's Place. Phone,9.7 THOMPSON & DUNBAR Owners and Operators visited at the Joe Deer home in Shelton Sunday and monday. Mrs. F• Bennett and E. R. Robinson were visitors at the Winsor home I Sun lay'. Dan Bennett is working for his uncle, Joe Deer. He is running the I Iaunches used in the oyster business. C(me to the grange meeting Sat- urday night. ¢ .:. l PICKERING I Miss Clarice Woodall went to Shel- ton Monday to enter the high school there. She will stay at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Roberts• Mr. and Mrs. Antone Goetsch of Harstine were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Swenson.--H. M. La:t Saturday, the ferry, which has been broken down for some time, was. repaired and is now running agm n. Mrs. H. E. Taylor, who has been in Seattle for some time, spent Sun- (lay and Labor Day with Mr. Taylor. Tuesday Mr. Taylor made a trip to Olympia to arrange for the settle- ment of the industrial insm•anee due him as the result of the severe in- jury he received while working in the woods a year ago.' Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wiss made a trio to town Tuesday.--E. S. Mr. W. W. Whittaker of Agate was a visitor at the Kline home Sun- u day evening.--H. M. Mr. and Mrs. McGuigan spent the week-end ,in Olympia.--H. M. Mrs. Gtaham and family are spend- ing huckleberry season on their ranch here.--H. J. Mr. Clark has sold his chickens and cattle preparatory to moving to Tacoma for the winter. It will be some time before the move will be made and, in the meantime, he corn- Go T()the Fir Drug Store First IF YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTY Phone 631 and everything you require will be sent out promptly from here by the following mail. We can fill your prescriptions--we have been doing so for 38 years. If we don't know you call and let us get acquainted. 'We will be glad to know all from the baby in the cradle to the best friend you have on earth. "The Fir Drug Store Tries to Carry Everything in It's Line" A Registered Pharmacist in Attendance at All Times. VIR DRUG STORE JOHN L. McKENZIE, R. Ph. G. SHELTON, WASHINGTON COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE O;F HEARIIqGr Stat. of Vashinglon, County of lason. ss. In the Matter of the :Pctttlml of 1,'. A. 10IZISEIL et al. Ji'or the Vlcaliou of [t COUlliy l[,Jad knowll as the Xldel'son No. 15t; l{oad. 'ihJ \\;Vhom it May. Concern: N(,tieo is hereby given, That the re- )err aotl nlal) or the Collstruction l!]ngl- nccl' Ill the matter of the vacation of the road above lllell [ioncd, has been filed in the olliee of the loard of County Coinmissioners of said County, s0id road being described in said re- port as follows: " l;'rom Station 103 plus 50 to Station 17€,) plus 81t, the whole distance bring about 1630 feet, and the width thereof being 40 t'ept said road known as the Anderson No. 156 Road. Therefore. it is ordered by the F, oard that the hearing of said report will be hehl by the Board of County Commis- sioners of said County at their oMee at the Court ]-Iouse in Shelton, XVashlng- ton, on the 3rd day of Octo)er, 1921, at the hour of 2:00 p. m. Done this 6th day of September. 1921• WM. E. DANIELS, W. A. I-IINTER, S. vV. ILANTON. County Commissioners. IONE V. DOYLE, Clerk of Board. (SEAL) 9-9-30-4t. No. 329. l County Tax Foreclosure No. 12. / SU1W-NIONS fOR PUBLICATION IN i FOR-C:LOSURE Or TAX IJXENS {in the Superior C,u:rt of the State of / Washington, in and for Zlason Coun- ty. Mason County, Washington, a Munici- pal Corporation, tIld on'o of tile Coun- tlcs of the State of ¢Vashlngton, IHaintlff, %tarsus, I. A. Thomas, George A. Thomas, Hen- ry A. Thomas, l.y E. Thomas, Mrs, }I. L. Smith, Mrs. Sidney It. Grant, and all other persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claim- ing to have an interest in the real estat dcscrivcd in tle complaint herein, ' Defendants. The Stitte Of Washington to It. A. Thomas. George A. Thomas. I-Ienry A. Thomas, Roy E. Thomas. Mrs. H. L. Snith, Mrs. Sidney H. Grant. and all othe persons owning or claiming to own. or having or claiming to have an Interest in the real estate described In the complaint herein and hereinafter described, Defendants. You and each of you are hereby notified that Mason County. Vashington, one of the Coun- ties of the State of Washington is the holder of a certificate of delinquency, Truck and Transfer MOVING TONNAGE GENERAL HAULING PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES JOHNSON & WIVELL PHONE 161, SHELTON Number 12. issued to Mason County, . , i Washington on tte 19th day of July 1918 41 07 48 des ................. = ) ' • ' ....... . .......... . .... crloeo. ate el: pUDIICRUOn OI IlrS: , {1921, by the County Treasurer of said 1919 ........ 58 . 08 66 summons August 12 1921 An v anff, { l l Mason County and filed in the office 1920 •46 ...... 01 ....... 47 -'I -" ....... ' " - " - o t ' I ................... • • • .  ppers or pleaalnga may ne flervecl HARSTINE [ f he Clerk of the Superl(r Court for I the County and State aforesaid and the { Total amount of unpaid taxes $2.67, u ponthe undersigned.or, the underetgn- , r,,,,.. ,..,. * ---•- ,-^-.-,-- - ,- total amount of unnaid interest m0 80 ea 2t.orney lor llalnuli at me as- 'total amo ........ " .... . o.'' dresses hereinafter given • .  ,. . .  Y same day for the amount of delinquent 1 uut uue on mm t,'ac +o .... AD* " "' rs. uscar jacooson mace a snop- taxes and accrued interest thereon upon All of the above described real proper-" -- . "L'" .v..x, ping trip to Olympia last Wednes- the .following described real property t y lying, and beln.g in Mason County, 3UnnY "*%asslrne[toOf Maso., .1.. ' as hereto elow described the same lWasmngton, ana aH o said delinquent . Y, g , uour-- u; ........ being the amounts then due for the {taxes paying interest at the rate of "H " nous. S}!elton , Wash. IVIISS Irene lOSsum leI ior ner years 1915 to 1920 inclusive together fifteen per cent per annum to the 6th ,o =-. x. .,w,S, home on Monday after a delightful hietheoP0nldes, roin:eeSeinand costs tdwaYelvZfp2%entlgl:l: a nndughseubrs%?ueOn{ Att%rmn%Yerf%r,21tigff, S°en£,7¢as8; three weeks vacation spent at the t- H  T-,--- ' P-ea  .... ,assessed to the 6th day o June 1917 Yoqu are 8"12"9223"7t. "' " Wingert home• ah, Ienry A:";r"hom'as, loy°E.'Trho'm., fuxther notified that the plaintiff above The Days That Ar (:a Emil Anderson, Ed. Wilson and Mrs.. H..L..Smith, Mrs. Sidney H. n an}ea will apply to.the Superior Court -a .... .:.m:_:.-,-...V_-':.. , T^ roo o,l o +; ÷,, .hh,,,ni  tirant, claiming an interest therein:lOt the taie ol Washington In and for -,u ,vvu w,,mg u wurK .toe @otr  ,,n .... ;, " ,7"{s:[;v.'. - "1".r.aet Number 2 of Section 4, Town-I said .Mason._ County .for. a. Judgment a month ana your board Uasked Mr, in ne uarlson Dug la auruay. amp 19 North, Range 6 West, the ta hen•against tne prop ery ObOleS. nerelnaDovo ueeloeu an yOU are here # 9, L Rauschert of Stadium was a same being five acres in a square. " Y-s -• .......... Har'stine visitor on Sunday Mr form in the Northwest corner of the vJ summoned to appear within sixty o u ,. yr, repueo me appncanv ...... • , . .• Northwest quarter (NW) of the aays after the publication of this sum- Iora SoD as arm nand. But if auscner is very much meresve in Southwest quarter (S.:W ) of Section mona exclusive of the day of publl- YOU occasionally see me na n i  r the rape industry and while here 4 Township 19 N Range 6 West W cation and defend this action or pay 2 . o • . .. . T ¢" "" '  " the anount due toether ..,it'- ^^+o asK oi manicuring me pigs oDrusn • •  ' ' nn M. lu Mason ounty Washington  ........ ' vmted the Ed Wilson and Su y " " a d in a .... • • ' ' Taxes 'Interest Total and penalties, n e se of your fail- away a tear, think nothing of t. I Slope Ranch vineyards. He considers 195 ........ $0.39 .... '..$0 26 $0 65 so to do judgment wtll be rendered was haid .€10 a day during- the war the nrosnects for" a bumner eron ex- 1916 41 "22 ....... 63 foreclosing the lien for said certificate __. .f _ Y _ ,  , e, .... : - - r ," -  191  ......... - ....... ,- ....... -o of delln-uent taxes -en-ltleo 0nta,,t an¢u 15 wasn ; mHCll OI a clay a; ma hands.plains that time hangs heavy on his cellent. - ....................... . *u aa and costs against the' 'lands hereinabove--B]rmmgham Age-Herald. • Mr. Everett made a business trip , August Carlson met with a paM- to Tacoma Tuesday and returned m accmen¢ mat Tnursaay wnen ne Wednesday on the "Sunset "--E S slipped and fell from the roof of his • ,^,,._..,....-, .... ::^_,^.{ .'-- Woodshed, striking on his side. He M.. DUlletllly D WIIU IJlUll(J(I llllll . .1  •  •  11 . 1 • • . _+ ..^  ls still contlne(l 0 nlS De(1 a; T:ue with an eight-pound baby. , ,,r, • . .... doing well.L-E: S. presen wrmng_ - - -- i Mr Win. Huston and his daughter v2ss riuma jonnson an¢ a. "parw • :o-+ .... . u. l o rienfm ?rom racoma spen un- from Seattle were v,,,,s ,, ................ H,,fnn hi= rnfh r -i'm. a 4,,,, Ao,sldflY On tne Islanq al; T, ne nome ol last week E S {Miss Johnson s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Iohnson Mr. Victor btnielson and his neph-I . " '.." "-- ..... '.  Cr l v, h,,{lct{nc,  l..*v{nce{ Mr. and lvlrs, l;d, WilSOn lavo as .... ' ............ " ..... "" ' "s "s - "" and Mrs house ues nt week mr ,, house, preparatory to entering the ....... chicken business. NORTH DAKOTA BONUS IS DELAYED L. A. Walsh, a World War veter- an, who enlisted from North Dakota, has received a letter from Adj. Gen. Fraser saying that bonus claims wilt be paid as follows: In 1921 up to File No. 5,000; in 1922 up to 9,000; in 1923 np to 13,000; in 1924 p to 17,- 000; in 1925 up to 21,000; in 1926 up to 25,000. "Yhrther correspon- dence is unnecessary," the adjutant general tom Walsh, according to a copy of the letter printed by the Y/lima Republic. 'In Washington more than 40,000 claims have been paid and it is hoped by state officials that all veterans will have received their added compensation by the end of the present year. 1i|ii | .We wish to announce that we have secured the agency for the Buick Motor Car Viclund from the mainland. Mrs. Hans Berffeson and sons Will and Ed. motored to Aberdeen last g, mday. They report a delightful trip. Schoo] hogan 1nat Tuesday with Miss Lizzie M. Hicks in charge. Miss Hicks comes to us highly recom- mended as a teacher and we all look forward to a most successful school year. She will make her home with the TCavmond. Ha(ell family during her stay on the island. The vounf veonle enlovoc] a 1|ft]e Labor Dav dance in the hap honoring the Johnson party from Tacoma. Mrs. Hans Carlson and two ,ons of O]ympla, who have ben vis{tin. the Lee CarLon's. otnrned to their homes last Wednesday. The Arrow made a seclal trip to Olympia Tuesday, Csntain William Goetsch 'oing over after his sister Alma and her husband, Mr. Dolan. Maybe you think Harstine doesn't raise any blackberries. Jacob Win- ge shipped fofir hundred crates last Monday to the cannery in Olympia ust as a sample of the product of his berry patch• LOWI MATLOCK School has reopened here today at District 305 with Mrs. India Sells and Mrs. Dorothy King as teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Warren of Tacoma spent the week end with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Claude Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fletcher and daughter Ruth of Seattle spent the week end at the Bateman and Flet- cher homes. Mr. Wm. Johnston and children, Alice, Gertrude and Warren, Mrs. A, E. King and son Ernest, Mrs. Hattie Bateman and son Aner and Mrs. Elmer Fletcher and (laughter Ruth were callers at the Rediska home Sunday• Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evers and son Gene were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bateman Sunday eve- ni'/r.'" and Mrs: Victor King visited Alvah McKibben Thursday evening." in Mason County A Car You Will Be Proud To Own With the addition of the Buick 4 to the well known lines of sixes the Buick now has a car ffi for every possible requirement. --= - . , _ffi ffi Buick IS Standard _= | Phone, write or call for demonstration of the = ffi u ne mm model, | " Dickinson's Garage i -= Hoodsport, Wash. l S illiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiqi PrinCe A1ber Is sold in toppy red bags, idy red tins, hand. somepound and hal? pound tin humidors cmd in ths pound cryetal glase huml. dot with eponge moistener top. bCOpyrlght 1921 F R. J. HoFnoldi Tobocco Co. Winton-Salem. N. ¢, L'IRST thing you do next l'--go get some makin's papers and some Prince 'Albert tobacco and puff away on a home made cigarette that will hit on all your smoke cylinders [ No use sitting-by and say- Ing maybe you'll cash this hunch tomorrow. Do it while the going's good, for man-o- man, you can't figure out what you're passingby I Such flavor, such coolness, such more-ish-nesswell, the only way to get the words em- phatic enough is to go to it and know yourself I And, besides Prince Albert's delightful flavor, there's its freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented proc- ess I Certainly-- yo u smoke P. A. from sun up till you slip between the slieets with- out a comeback. Prince Albert is tlie tobac- co that revolutionized pipe smoking. If you never could smoke a pipe- forget it! You can--AND YOU WILL ---if you use Prince Albert for packing[ It's a smoke revelation in a jimmy pip.e or a cigarette I 6 'the national ioy smoke .i